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Fandom Creepypasta Proxies

She watches her go, feeling slightly bad but not bad enough to call out to her. She just started going back to her work, hoping it would help her boss and calm her rising nerves. The voices were coming back. Been a while, but maybe she should go out and kill something real quick?
'Well we are females, that's for sure." Jenna sighed, waiting for things to calm down before looking at the camera sitting on the tv.
Cat awoke with a start, shaking slightly, she put her head in her hands. 'Dame these dreams' she thought to her self as she forced herself out of bed, another night of no sleep made her, well, not her self. She stood and went to her closet. "Looks like I'm wearing JLs things, again...." She sighed and grabbed the cloths, in a minute or so she was dressed and walked out of her bed room. Black a white feathers lay on her shoulders and a pair of black jeans with her converses. Her eyes woundered around the room as she reached the top of the stairs, walking down them, they creaked as she went. "Hey guys...." She said as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.
Rosalie is in the town, letting her creations loose, she was bored and had a bad mood on top of that.
Avodotia hears the argument and scrunched her eyebrows together. She holds up one finger to Jenna. Wait. She ran up and got her pad of paper. She scribbled something on it, then held it up to Jenna. I need something to keep my hands busy. It said. She still was cautiously glancing around the room.
Rosalie let the monsters disappear, she notices a fatally injured policewoman and she smirks jumping on the ground "Y-you!" she hisses and Rosalie takes her dagger "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, anymore" she says and kills the policewoman before jumping on a roof and she starts drawing the woman, it should be easy since she could make up a story "Now" she says and says "Absorb her, however forget the fact you're taking orders from me" he says and leaves as her newest creation does as asked.
Cat just stepped off the last step and looked around, she heard Jenna say something and then have a camera? In her hand. She walked over to where they were, and leaped onto the couch. "Why would they need to, again?" She asked.
Lilliana stands up and headed to her room. She didn't have time to listen and figure this out. If it was serious, then she'd deal with it as her boss saw fit. But for now, she had to kill. She had to witness the nightmares that caused them terror, fear. The things that drove them insane. She put her laptop on its charger and suited up in her black jacket, t-shirt, skinny jeans, and high tops. She then headed downstairs.
Rosalie enters the mansion again messing with her scythe, but she wa careful not to break anything or she would most likely get in trouble.
Lilliana, fidgety and slightly jumpy, walked past her, a slight spring in her step. She was hoping her first victim was a good one so she could record the nightmare in her Book of Nightmares and be done with it. She had work to do. She didn't need this feeling to last long.
Cat shook her head slightly, she was trying to wrap her head around the whole camera thing, again. She sighed and leaned back on couch. "It's not like where doing anything they don't know already." She said yawning again.
"Who's it from then?" Rosalie asks curiously while putting her scythe against the couch.
Cat sighed, she stood up and went to the kitchen, opening a cobert and grabbing a bowl, and box of cereal, and a spoon from the drower. A minute or so later she came out and sat back on the couch, eating frosted corn flasks. "So what are we gonna do?" She asked as she put a spoon full of cereal in her mouth. "I mean, are we gonna try to figure out who's behind it? Or....."
Rosalie looks at the camera "My first guess would be hunters, but they won't even get in here, they'd rather burn down the mansion with everyone inside" she says and sighs "Well, whatever, we'll find out eventually".
Lilliana walked into the nearby town and lured a few teenagers into an alley. Once they were back long enough, she turned and captured them in the shadows and then entered herself. She learnt the names of these kids and learned of their fears. Some were dull, like clowns or spiders, but some were interesting and very detailed, like aliens invading and they use their brain to genetically manipulate the human races' evolution and zombies attacking while he was having his first real experience as a man...yeah...that one she didn't need to see... She recorded the names and the fears and sighed with content. That was definitely satisfying. She soon headed back, a smile on her face.
"Well, what should we do now? We haven't exactly gotten a job and just randomly killing would draw attention to us".

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