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Fandom Creepypasta Proxies

"I didn't know it was still recording! It was late, I was tired and I still have a huge cut from last night I need to take care of. So I'm sorry." Sam picked the chair up off himself and went back to cleaning the blood of his arms.
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"Fair enough. But I'm the kind of stalker that kills people I'm told too. Not the kind who watches girls 24/7. And I wouldn't waste my camera battery and memory on that stuff. I need it for hoody's little experiment on slender sickness. We're testing it on this guy named Alex kraile. Wanna see?" Sam pulled out his laptop and a tape with 'test entries #1-5' written on it.
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Rosalie sighs and she heads upstairs, hoping she can get a job, she knocks on the door Jeff is in "What?" he asks and Rosaly goes in "I was actually wondering if you had a job for me" she says, but barely dodges a knife, she glares at him and walks over ignoring his warning and she punches him "I wish I had a better boss the you, I won't listen to you ever again, better said, I might as well leave this place for good" she hisses, she was mad right now, she drops him and leaves the room, heading downstairs "I'm leaving, so I might not see you guys again" she says and takes her cloak putting it on "That stupid jerk could have killed me with that knife".
"That's Jeff in a nutshell. Slender at least gives you so thing to do even when there's nobody he wants dead or brought to him."
"Jeff does everything himself" Rosalie says and she sighs "Well bye" she mumbles and leaves. She can feel Jeff watching her, but she ignores him, he wasn't worth her energy.
"I got sooooo much shiny stuff!!" A young albino shouted as he ran to the manor. He was covered in blood and he had a case dangling by his side while his arms were filled with a bunch of random items. The only thing these item's had that were in common was that every single one of them of very shiny and pristine. The albino hummed happily as he kept running to the manor. Upon arriving he opened the door and ran right inside only to crash head first right into the proxie that was leaving.

"Ahhh!! My shinies!" He shouted in dismay as they started to scatter all over the floor. He completely ignored Rosalie (who he crashed into). Getting up he started to go around collecting them in a rush though that often ended up in him dropping a few. "My shines! Stop running! I'm not going to kill you! hehehe Cease I can't~ But really I won't!" He exclaimed as he picked up some tin foil along with a diamond necklace.

@Flame Demon @everyone at the front entrance.
"Yeah" she says and walks past the happy guy, kicking some things away "The least you can do is say sorry" she says lightly hitting the boy before walking on "You shouldn't run with stuff in your hand", with a quick motion she takes the necklace "Later and sure, I've been way to bored".
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Rosalie sighs "Do you think Jeff cares enough to look for me if I were to disappear?" she asks still annoyed.
Lilliana sighed in satisfaction. She had just emailed the list of victims to Eyeless Jack and he seemed grateful. He told her, though, to take the rest of the day off. She frowned at this but did as she was told. She walked downstairs just in time to see Rosalie take a necklace from Crow who was picking up his latest catch of shiny things. She sighed and used her shadows to get it from her and, while she was at it, she picked up the rest of his stuff and handed it to him on a mass of shadow that just kinda...hung there. "Rosalie, you know better than to take what you didn't steal yourself." She said with a glare toward the girl.

@Flame Demon @Peaceswore
Alexander didn't feel the hit and was too focused on collecting his shiny things that he didn't care. However when Roxie had snatched the really shiny necklace Alexander almost out right attacked her. He let out a low growl in warning as he glared at her, luckily Lilliana had used her shadows and retrieved the necklace as well as all his other shinies before he actually attacked. With a big smile he grabbed the shadow that contained his shinies and looked at her. "Thanks~ Hehehe Oh oh! I remembered something!" He exclaimed as he handed her the case that had been dangling from his hip. "Ej asked me to get him some since I was hungry~ There are five livers in here! All sorts of variety! But they are all bloody in the end!" He said grinning happily.
She smiled and took the case. "Thanks, I'll make sure I get them to him. Thanks for going out of your way." She said before walking off to Eyeless Jack's room. She lightly knocked, only entering when she was permitted.

"Oh, Lilliana, did you need something?" He asked, looking up from whatever it was he was doing on his desk.

"Crow said you asked him to get these. There are five kidneys in total." She said, holding the case out in front of her.

"Oh, thank you Lilliana. Tell Crow I thank him too." He said. She could hear the smile creep into his voice even if she didn't see it.

She bowed then left, knowing better than to disturb him any longer when he was busy. She walked back down to the entrance and smiled again at Crow. "He said thank you."

Stratos was walking through the woods with his mentor the bloody painter the slenders mansion or also called the creepy pasta mansion, he then walked up to the doors and opened them walking through silently with his hair breezing from the wind of the door opening and closing "hmmm...I'm back." He said calmly and sat down in the living room.
Rosalie rolls her eyes and us off, heading to town she finds an abandoned factory, but it would have to do. She heads to the bank and creates a few monsters so she can cause a distraction.
Alexander smiled happily and nodded before he ran off. He headed to his room (which was the attic). Upon arriving he took all of his shiny things and stuffed them into his chest (which was overflowing with other items). When he was done with this he quickly grabbed some clothes and ran to the bathroom. Here he washed off all the blood he was caked in before he and got dressed once more.

When he was done he headed back to the main room, his head soaking wet as he didn't feel like drying it. Upon entering he looked around and snickered to himself as he walked to a random part of the floor and sat there. When he did this he summoned a crow and started to play with it as he hummed/giggled to himself.
Rosalie sees some journalists and she has one monster get all the gold before callinng it back, she smirks satisfied, her powers really were useful, she heads back to the factory and draws a chest, it was the safests place for her stuff after all "Put it in there" she orders the monster which puts the money in the chest. She had to find a saver place to go, underground was the best option for her.
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Stratos crossed his arms since nobody came to welcome him back, he then just walked back out and made his way towards the mid forest silently "soooo boooored." He said groaning in boredom and just sat on a dark tree which had his name carved on it with darkness.

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