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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

Alicia shakes her head "Nothing at all" she says, suddenly noticing the fox now in front of them "But I think I see her eyes soften when she sees me" she mumbles, she walks ovee to the animal and picks it up "Nightmare can't be my sister right? They're nothing alike" she says. Nightmare ears droop from hearing that and she starts thinking of a way to make it clear, because it's true she was the opposite of what she was, she looks up at Alicia, her eyes now the green that it was. Alicia sighs "And she seemed angry when Pat threatened to kill me" she says petting the fox "Can we please take this cutey with us?" she asks showing Jackson the fox.
Magadude Magadude
"As long as it's not a creepypasta, or tries to kill us, I don't really care. Also, turning into a creepypasta changes a lot about the person. It's not, and I can't believe I'm bringing this guy up in my example, Jeff the Killer was always the way he was. Hell he even had a brother as well, which he killed." he says, kind of disgusted at the fact that he had to bring up that creepypasta again. I'd thought after I killed that guy I would stop thinking about that stupid creepypasta. Wait. Damn it, I could of used Clockwork for that example. He sees his house door and pulls out his keys. "Just, make sure that...." he pauses for a moment "They? I'll just go with they since I'd rather not look to see. Anyways, make sure they don't leave a present on the floor." He says as he puts the keys in the door. Flame Demon Flame Demon
"So you think Nightmare could be my sister?" Alicia asks and Nightmare rolls her eyes, was she seriously going to have to give her sister nightmares about what she went through "Okay... Foxes don't ususlly roll their eyes at you" she mumbles "I asked her if she knew who my sister was but she just froze and walked off without a word". Nightmare resists the urge to facepalm and she wonders why Jackson can't just tell it 'I'd kill him if Ali didn't trust him' she thinks slightly annoyed.
Magadude Magadude
"Uh-huh. Man, I could never think anyone who freezes after such a question could ever be the sister." He says with as much sarcasm as humanly possible. Also, did that fox role there eyes. Hmm. "Listen, don't you think it's kinda weird how your father and mother were doing experiments with giving humans animal DNA, and then when your father takes your sister to the lab and she just suddenly disappears. And then a creepypasta, who seems to like protecting you, kills your father. None of that connects to you?" He says opening up the door and then seeing someone else in his house. Instinctively, he pulls out the gun to the the hooded figure. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house? I don't want to waste my bullets so just... Wait. Tea set. Owl hood. Hold on." He opens up his phone and looks at the Wiki and looks up the Overseer. "You're lucky that you haven't killed anyone yet, or at least there haven't been any stories of you killing anyone." He puts his gun away. "So what are you doing here?" Flame Demon Flame Demon Dax Dax
Kage was starting to grow bored of the conversation and soon got up to leave but stopped and frowned only to shack her head and walked off an odd look in her eyes Flame Demon Flame Demon
Grimace was sitting at a table, trying to text Jackson. "Why did I only give him my number??" he groaned as he rubbed his back. "gotta go stretch" he groaned as he got up and went outside. He walked into an Ally and let his wings appear, stretching them out as many pops came from the sore bones. He sighed and looked up at the polluted air sky, no stars could be seen, only a yucky moon.
You could say I'm not like others I guess but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to kill others I simply do it to those that hurt there own and besides when you hurt what is mine....I would advise you run" she said a cold cruel grin on her face but she sighed "but that's besides the fact what do you want from more so why are you seeking us out to begin with" she said with a warning glare telling him should chose his next words carefully.

((Please don't get this the wrong way, but... I can't really understand about 80% of what you said. Please forgive me if something was lost in translation! I'll just assume your character's asking "Why my character is seeking her out to begin with". :/:))

Jason scratches his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm... well, you could say that the girl from before was right... I ain't really from around here, so to speak."

He then motions towards his resting body, and adds, "And as you can probably tell, judging from the way how we're conversing right now, I ain't really like the other guys... hell, I ain't even one of their Hunters. But even still, I was mostly seeing what all the fuss is about, from both sides."

Kage was starting to grow bored of the conversation and soon got up to leave but stopped and frowned only to shack her head and walked off an odd look in her eyes Flame Demon Flame Demon

"Just remember, I ain't gonna blindly kill an anomaly without a reason... just like you guys don't usually kill people without a reason... at least, according to the articles. That, plus we all have our codes while in the public. Remember that, while you're dealing with those so-called 'Creepypasta Hunters'." he would comment, before slowly walking back to his body.

His spirit imitates his sleeping form, before his eyes open once again. Sitting back up, he raises back up to his feet, leaves $20 with a note saying for them to keep the change, and then heads towards the front door... however, upon reaching the exit, he'd hold the door open for Kage, motioning towards the outside.

"Ladies first." he would say, with a slight smile.
Alicia shakes her head "I mean, parents wouldn't do that right?" she asks, so Night jumps on the ground and puts her sister to sleep catching her after turning back "I swear, she just doesn't want to believe it" she says looking at Jackson "And please don't shoot me" she adds "So... Can I put her somewhere, she's gonna wake up in about half an hour fron the worst nightmare of her life". She then sees the Oversees "Hello to you too" she says. There hadn't been any stories because no one to tell them "Guess I should properly introduce myself. My name is Jade, Ali's younger sister"

Magadude Magadude Dax Dax
He doesn't even bother taking out his gun a second time. "And you're also Nightmare. But since you haven't tried to kill me yet, I'm guessing you want to talk." Then he looks at the Overseer and the cups she placed down. "And so do you, huh? Geez, start a the Creepypasta Hunters and on the first day I'm talking to two of them." He sighs and sits down to where one of the cups is. "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Flame Demon Flame Demon Dax Dax
Nightmare sighs and says "I'm going to put Ali in one of the rooms upstairs" she says heading upstairs and she comes downstairs again "And I mostly kill to protect mom and Ali, or when I'm bored out of my mind" she says, like with the campers, she only killed one of them. "I think she knew it was me somewhere in her mind, but didn't want to believe I became a 'monster', a killer like the rest of them. My dad made me like this, mom saved me from the lab, so I didn't have a reason to kill her, she hugged me when I first showed myself after they moved here and then dragged me off to take a shower since I was full of blood" she says with a sad smile "We were planning to tell Ali, but we never found the right time", she takes a place on the other seat and adds "And it was a smart idea to replace the windows with wooden boards" Dax Dax Magadude Magadude
"I'm sorry that happened to you, but it still doesn't give you the right to kill for your entertainment." He says looking at her. "That's the thing I don't get about creepypastas, or maybe I do get in a way? In nature, and I guess you could probably say the same about people, animals kill either to protect or to feed themselves to live. But creepypastas, most of them can survive without killing innocent people, but they still do because it amuses them. Now of course, this is not about all creepypastas since I've already read some story were some of them aren't bad, some where they actually do kill but not for satisfaction." He stops himself, and takes in a deep breath. "Sorry. I was about to go into a preaching session there, but thankfully I cought myself before I went any further." He sighs. It's not like it's going to matter. They probably gave up empathy for other people a long time ago. "So was all of the tracking us down and showing yourself just to tell me your life story, or was there anything you wanted to ask me?" Then he looks at the Overseer. "Oh, I'm sorry. I should probably hear what you have to say, since you've been quite. Although, apparently according to the Wiki, that's nothing new." Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon
"I just came to see if you would figure out who I am and to give you a warning" Nightmare says "And there are worse things then us creepypastas in the world" she says in a cold tone "And yeah she's always quiet" she says mentioning to the Overseer, now she just had to wait until Alicia woke up and probably be either hugged or punched, she kinda did deserve the last one after everything she did "And I don't kill only for my amusement" she says, she really needed to find the people who deserved it, but that was the hardest part. Dax Dax Magadude Magadude
The Overseer tilted her head, as if curious what the 'wiki' had to say about her. The two feathers atop her hood swayed gently with the motion, in an uncannily cute fashion. She set down her teacup and reached out a hand, as if to ask for the phone. Once the device was in her hand, she'd gesture to the two settings, as if asking both the other 'pasta and the hunter to have a seat with her. A third setting appeared, anticipating Alicia returning to the conversation in the near future.

Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Uh-huh. Sure. I'll totally think there are worst things than the Rake or Slenderman." He says looking at her with a sarcastic look on his face, and kind of laughing to himself. "And you did say you do kill when your bored, so you do get a little bit of amusement from it. But you don't need to explain yourself to me. But since you were so nice to give me a warning, I might as well give you your own. If you or your creepypasta friends, or not I don't really know if all of you are friends or not, are bored and try killing someone innocent I will try to stop you. I won't like creepypastas go on killing random people for no reason." He then looks up stairs. "Then again, you probably didn't just come here for that." He sighs and says "I won't tell anyone about her relation to you, so don't worry about that. One, you know where I live. And two, it seems that one of my recruits seems to be," He pauses "changing. And I'd rather not have the possibility of him going berserk over something like this. Hell, I still need to deal with that as it already is." He then sees the Overseer motioning to his phone. "Here. Just give it back alright. And don't look through my photos, please." He then looks at the cup to see if there is any tea in it. Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon
A tendril of shadow licks up from beneath the very kettle itself, coiling around its handle and pouring tea into a cup for Jackson. Under her hood, hidden from view, she smiled to herself. Changing? Hm, interesting... I'll have to prod more.

Scrolling through the wiki article, she looked over what others have said of her. There wasn't much information, aside from the fact that she watches her supposed targets, but never makes any violent action towards them. They also talk about how she seems to bring minor bad luck, but nothing life-threatening. Another wide smile stretched across her face. Ah, so this is what was documented of her experiments. Minor bad luck... she liked the sound of that. It let her lay low. They also speculated her ties to Slenderman... but it seemed to be shot down by other wiki members, labeled as mere speculation.

Side-eyeing the phone owner, she debated attempting to wipe his phone, or sneak a glance into his photos, but instead decided against both ideas. She set the phone by the filling teacup, locking it and turning the screen face down onto the table. Yet another indicator that she wished for the two individuals to join her for tea. The shadow tentacle sets the kettle down and retracts into the darkness.

Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Most of the time it's not out of boredom" Nightmare says and she looks at Overseer "And it's rare for you to invite humans for tea" she points out, but sits down near her fellow cp none the less, she wondered what was said about her "Wonder what the wiki says about me" she mumbles, she didn't exactly look it up since she didn't want to shoot people down on the ideas they had on her, Slender had been so nice to make a site where all of them could add their stories about how they became like that "I saw your 'friend', said he had full control over whatever powers he has, but well I've been where he is now and if you don't stop him it'll be too late for him" she explains "Only I didn't have friends to help me stop, I had scientists encouraging me to use the abilities I was given, but they couldn't finish completely". She then looks at the Overseer and says "Alicia will come down when she wakes up again, if she keeps denying it after this someone is gonna have to talk some sense into her. Just not sure if she'd want tea". Dax Dax Magadude Magadude
With a shrug, the tendril reappears and pours a cup for Nightmare, as the Overseer raises her own cup into the shadow of her hood. If there were a few habits she could have possibly picked up over the years, the most important one was remaining silent. After all, knowledge is power. There was a point, however, when even the most silent needed to speak up, and the Overseer felt her time was drawing near. She took another sip of the tea for good measure. How long had it been since she'd last spoken? Six months? A year? Ten years? No doubt her voice would be hoarse at best... But there was always her shadow speak... Hm, yes, perhaps that would do for now.
"I'm just glad you put her in my room. There's another room here, but I don't want anyone going into that room."he says looking at the ground seriously. He shakes out of it and picks up the cup and takes a sip out of it. "So, since you have similar powers and everything, what's your relationship with Slenderman. Master and Pupil. Master and Pet. Either way, I guess he's still your boss." he says in a less serious tone. Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon
Nightmare takes a sip of her tea and says "Not even we know that and I figured", she wondered if she would ever be forgiven, she'd worry about that later, having said that, she really needed a new way to kill her victims too, beheading became boring, she needed a silent way to kill, or she could try to refrain from killing and just give people nightmare at night, she's deep in thought as she takes another sip of her tea. "So Jackson, what does the wiki says about me?" she asks curiously, she just didn't feel like reading it herself or she'd probably really change everything there was. Dax Dax Magadude Magadude
As Grimace was looking up someone grabbed him from behind, or more of grabbed and tugged his wings. "H-Hey! what are you-" he looked back and saw a mask, Masky. Grim gulped, "H-Hey Masky.....Nice night tonight" he laughed nervously. "Traitor" was all Masky said before holding a gun to Grimaces head. "W-Whaaaa! we might need to slow d-down u-um" Grimace spoke, getting shaky again as he had his hands up. "P-Please put that down" he begged, Masky sighed and looked away before pointing the gun at Grimaces leg and shot. Grim fell to the ground with a yelp, he held his bleeding leg as Masky spoke, "You left and you think no one would be mad? I have to kill you! You were a younger sibling to me!! And what about Toby? You just ditched your partner?? How did you even pass slender?" he yelled down at Grimace, "We were family!! Slender raised you and now you join a group to kill him?" he added. "W-Whipping me for e-eating a piece of c-candy is not r-raising me!"Grim yelled, grunting from his leg. "Nor i-is not having m-me talk to a-anyone, forcing m-me to kill, and g-giving me bloody d-dreams of dead j-jewish people!!" he added. Masky sighed, sitting next to grim but keeping the mask on. "So life wasn't glorious...but look at you! The Flying Nazi is starving on the streets with no shoes, no family, and slender sickness that cant be cured.....this is not a life, so whats wrong with ending a few to make yours better?" Masky said calmly. "E-Everything i-is wrong w-with it" Grim started to sob. Masky shook his head and sighed, "I cant kill you....ex-proxy or not I cant without ending mine...." he stood up. "I'll tell Boss your dead....so pretend to be at the least. Forget that dumb club and call me if you need help" Masky said as he removed his own boots and handed Grim some medical supplies. "Stay warm..."he finished as he handed Grimace money. Then Masky disappeared, leaving Grim with the boots, money and medical supplies. Grim was left dumbfounded for a minute before calling jackson and putting the phone on speaker, he placed the phone down and started wrapping his wound. Magadude Magadude
The Overseer tilted her head the other way, the feathers on top of the hood almost ironically flopping to the side again. The shadows around her all but vibrated, and a voice that was neither female nor male sounded. In fact, the voice sounded downright inhuman. "I am his heir," she states simply, using the shadows as a voice rather than her own.

Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon
He awaited the return of Masky. Deep within the woods, the faceless one waited for his Proxy to return with news of success... or anticipation of punishment for failure. The world around him seemed darker somehow. It always did, but right now it was especially dark. The air all but pulsated with static. Slenderman had been livid for a while - from that stolen kill of the kids at the campfire, to the escape of a Proxy - a Proxy, of all things to escape! - this month had been by far his least productive this year. Perhaps this century.

Failure was no longer an option.

Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"Good question. I have really checked your Wiki page yet. I check Overseer because she seem related to Slenderman, but you are a new one by the sounds of it. I never really heard of you until today to be honest. I might need to do more research once this little tea party is over with." He says kind of disappointed. "But what I can gather, you seem to be able to make people have nightmares. And by the fact that you turned into a fox, I guessing you can also turn into those nightmares. I also know you killed your own father, which, to be honest, that bastard deserved it." Then he hears the Overseer speak, except it didn't sound like what he expected. "And she finally speaks. So are you going to do the exact same things he does, because I will kill you if you do." Then he mumbles under his breath "I can't let that happen to anyone else..." Then he raises the cup again and takes another sip of the tea. Before he could place down his cup, Grimace called. Jackson sets down the cup, and picks the phone up and texts 'In a tea party, can't really talk right now.' And then he places the phone face down where it was. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon
The Overseer tilts her head, almost as if insulted by the very notion. "Father has taught me much of how the world really works. But to assume there is only one way to seek what we need... it is foolish. And those who wish to follow in our footsteps heedlessly without knowing the true reason behind the actions, or those who accuse us of pettier reasons, are both also foolish." She takes a moment to take another drink from the cup, setting the now empty teacup down for a dark tendril to refill. "So while I may be set to inherit my father's empire, should the day ever happen, do not think for a second that I would run it in any manner similar to him. No, I will not kill." And in this, she was wholly and fully truthful.

Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon
Masky got to Slender. He used all his might to lie simply. "sir, Grimace is dead.... I would have brought his body to you, but the cannibals got him once i entered the area" he said, looking up at Slender with his hand behind his back.

Grimace looked at the text. "Damn....At the time i really need to speak to him" he sighed as he tightened the wrap before putting the boot on. This'll hurt. He took a step and grunted, then another with a whimper. He placed his phone in his pocket and the medkit in his backpack. He took the money and sighed, "i suppose i do need a job....". As if on Qu a newspaper from a day ago passed him, an article saying 'Now hiring! Starbucks Employees needed!' on it. Grim grabbed the paper and read the whole thing....or at least the words he could sound out. "No degree needed....Yup,good enough!" he said before walking to the direction the paper stated.

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