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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

Slender turned to Masky, and looked down slight to his hands. Simply, he nodded. Inwardly, however, he sensed deceit. One Proxy gone, another lying to cover tracks. That meant he was in the market for replacements. Dismissing Masky with a small wave of his hand, he turned to ponder. Where to begin his look...? Perhaps he could pick apart the new hunter party by slowly making one of them into Proxies... he decided more thought was needed.
"Well not exactly, after I escaped with mom's help I came here because I knew I wouldn't feel so alone. Slenderman took me in and took care of me, taught me what I needed to know and trained me" Nightmare says and she shrugs "I can force people to fall asleep and enter dreams if I wish, then mess with them and leave again, but I have a limited time inside a dream, so I normally just do things the easy way" she says "And if I have to believe the research papers my dad was hoping to turn me into a vampire" she adds slightly disgusted "I can also use electricity, I let a lightning bolt hit the lab after getting out, but no I can't turn myself into what people fear the most. I didn't even name myself Nightmare, Eyeless Jack called me that" she says with a slight smile". She then turns to the Overseer "Well I'm thinking about just sticking to making people have nightmare if I ever want to be forgiven, but Ali will understand".

Nightmare puts her empty teacup down and she hears someone walking down the stairs "That was the worst" Alicia says and she sweatdrops seeing the three "Only you" she says plopping down next to Jackson "I probably need time to let all that sink in" she mumbles.

Magadude Magadude Dax Dax
With another head tilt, and what could be assumed to be a smile, the Overseer poured Alicia a cup of tea, as well as refilling Nightmare’s.
He gives a quick glance at Alicia, and then he looks back at the two of the others. "Listen, Slender is not a thing I'm going to let live. You two seem alright, but not Slender." He clinches his fist and then let's a deep breath out. "I can't let something like that live." Stop it Jackson. Calm down. Keep your composer. "Of course, this is talking down the line. As the hunters are now, I don't even think we could take down Mr. Widemouth, let alone Slender." He says chuckling to himself. Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon
“Of course not. Father would tear you guys to pieces.” The Overseer states matter-of-factly. “And just so you know, I have no problem with eliminating Slenderman. After all, he’d dispose of me in the same way should the need arise.” Of course, it seemed that ‘Father’ and ‘Slenderman’ were synonymous to each other.
"Widemouth?" Alicia asks and she looks at the other two skeptical "Let's not forget Pat" she mumbles with a sigh before finally looking Nightmare in the eye "And I hate you for giving me that nightmare" "Well you weren't going to get it otherwise" Nightmare counters and she sighs, it seemed no one liked Slenderman that much "I could help, but without the experiments being finished I won't stand a chance" she says. Alicia looks at her sister and asks "They weren't finished?" "Not yet" Nightmare says.
Grimace walked into the coffee shop. He went to the desk and showed the person there the newspaper. "U-Um...your hiring?" he asked with a tilted head. The woman smiled and nodded, "Yup! Go into the back and to the left, thats the managers office" she said nicely. Grim nodded and followed what she said. He entered the office and after awhile he walked out with a crutch and a uniform. "That was easy....." he purred to himself as he went to the bathroom to look into a mirror. "Im amazed he hired me....I look like complete shit!" he sighed, "and Im lucky he had a crutch....I needed that"he said as he placed the uniform into his bag and left. He went and used the money Masky gave him to get himself fixed up.The new boss said i need shorter hair...but as long as its clean im fine. He forgot all his troubles as he set himself up. Geez Masky gave me a lot. Soon he looked cleaner then ever, clean bag, hair, bandages and clothing (He kept Maskys boots). he was all set up with his hair in a small bun. So soft!!. He smiled when he looked in a mirror again, completely forgetting about creepypastas or anything bad.
Right now, Pat's to much of a liability. "As for the experiment," He says looking at the two sisters "Although I don't think any normal mother would agree to it, your mother is a person who worked on that project. If she refuses, then we don't go with that plan" he says trying to watch his words so two girls weren't going to try and kill him in his own house. Flame Demon Flame Demon Dax Dax
"I have all the files" Nightmare says "But she'd need to get all the equipment they used, she wasn't working on the animal DNA project, but she knows how it works" she adds "I won't let her do anything" Alicia says "You can die" "I won't, I wouldn't be here otherwise" Nightmare counters silencing Alicia "I don't think mom will do it though, unless we give her a very good reason to do it" Alicia mumbles before looking at the Overseer "And since when does Slendy have an heir?" Magadude Magadude Dax Dax
“Do you think we call Slenderman a man for nothing?” came the Overseer’s cheeky response. “My timeline is more jumbled than I care to think about.” She didn’t press the topic much further than that. “There are a lot of things about him that you do not know. If you wish to take him down, you’ll need my expertise. All his weaknesses, small workarounds that save lives... the works. Of course, that’s not to say I can’t help you with others as well... think of me as your informant, if you will. More accurate and reliable than some wiki that may or may not be full of speculation. In return you all will be the muscle.”
Grimace was now in a hotel room. Enough money to have me stay here for...a week!. He seemed very pleased with himself. "Masky is on my side....And maybe getting out of that creepypasta hunter thing may be good..... Though maybe I can help a little....." he did not know what to do now. He decided to try and call Jackson again. "Hopefully he is done with his tea party".
Magadude Magadude
"Hmm. I guess the hunters might not mind being the muscle, as long as they don't know who's the brain." He then takes another sip of his tea. "But themain thing we need to worry about is static," he uses air quotes, "he puts in people's minds. But, I think I've already found a solution" He actually pauses to get make sure everyone is listening. "We need to get in contact with Tim Wright. Also known as, the host of Masky." Before he could continue, his phone rang again. He picked up the phone and answered. "What happened Grimace?" Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon
No you got it and sorry I was a bit out of it when I wrote that Flame Demon Flame Demon )

Kage nodded in thanks as she grabbed something out of her pocket "here if you need me for anything or if something is trying to kill you, just call this number and say "my mask is my claws" I'll know what it means...and thanks for the entertainment" she said with a grin and left heading to an abandoned building to rest for the day before she goes hunting for a woman who abused her own son
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Nightmare drinks her tea and says "And we should find out who else is on our side", sure EJ owed her several favors since she supplied him with food, even though she nearly throws up each time she gets it 'The things I do for that guy' she thinks with a sigh. Alicia looks blankly at Nightmare "Great, my sister already has someone she likes" she eventually says "But how is mom going to get all that? It's expensive and since dad died we haven't exactly had it easy", she couldn't put the blame on Nightmare anymore, she just saved her and her mother from his madness, though she was still pissed off that the truth had been hidden so long.
Magadude Magadude Dax Dax
"H-Hi!! Its Grimace, am i b-bothering you?" grim asked through the phone as he removed his shirt. He placed the phone down and had it on speaker. "U-Um so today kagekao was after my head....I was shot in the leg but me and him are cool now, anddddddd.....Oh! I got a job!!"he said as he stretched his wings out. Masky entered the room at that moment and freaked grim out. "HOLY SHIT!!" Grim screamed, making Masky laugh. "Who you talkin' to?" Masky asked in a tease like voice. "A friend! aren't you supposed to be asleep or something so Tim can do what he needs to??" Grim huffed,forgetting the phone was on. "I got off work early and wanted to check on you....how's that leg doing? It was silver" Masky said as he forced Grim to sit down. Now Grim remembers the phone, "Shit" he mumbled and hung it up after quickly saying bye. Magadude Magadude

"Silver??? This'll take forever to heal now!!"Grim huffed as he let Masky check the wound. "You didn't remove the bullet?" Masky teased. "No!!.....I dont know how...".
Soon Kagekao passed the building masky and grim where in and out of wonder or curiosity she walked in and looked around tilting her head in wonder at all the stuff left to rot in the house as she walked around she hummed a soft tone she tended to sing to put Sally to sleep when she had night mares, she soon stopped hearing voices one she knew was masky but the other she had to listen harder to tell who it was, but soon figured out it was grim but how she had been told masky had killed the little bird, being as she had been looking for masky or Tim so she could get an answer out of him. She sighed and shook her head "I'm losing it"she muttered as she leaned against the wall running a hand through her hair as she listened to there conversation
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As the phone hanged up. "Well, looks like someone has already found Masky. I guess it's just just waiting to when he's Tim." He says drinking more of his tea. "It also seems that Masky is being kind to Grimace as well." It's weird. I wasn't expecting most of the allies I was going to meet today were mostly going to be creepypastas or whatever Pat is. Flame Demon Flame Demon Dax Dax
"OW!!" Grim yelled as he banged his head against the pillows. "I said you have to keep the blanket in your mouth!!" Masky huffed as he continued digging his hand into the wound on grims leg. "Damn this thing is deep!" he grunted before pulling the bullet out. "Jeez, care for your body more Grim!" Masky joked as he sewed up the wound, making grim twitch his leg. Maskys hand was bloody as he cleaned the wound and wrapped it. Grim was asleep when he finished so Masky just shrugged and tucked him in before leaving to get to Tims place.
So you killed him huh yeah I'd rather gut you right now masky one because you lied about the little bird and two because you didn't tell me he was alive so I didn't go on a man hunt for you" she growled as she grabbed masky and pinned him to the wall she had just been leaning on
"Bitch!!" Masky hissed as he hit her stomach with his knee, forcing her to let go before standing back. "Unlike you I have a family to protect...Even if its just Grim" he said, "and slender doesn't seem to mind! Grim wants a normal life, so shut your asian mouth up and go get drunk...and don't hurt this body! it aint mine!" Masky said,looking at kagekao.
She chuckled "first off that's insulting I'm Japanese not Asian and second your not the only one with a family to protect did you never notice who protective I was of grim and Sally or anyone else then again you where probably to focused on gain slenders attention to even notice and third I didn't intend to only if you really did kill grim" she said with a growl as she stood up
"I tried...and couldn't" Masky said as he passed her. "Stay away from him....dont tell anyone anything about him" Masky hissed before disappearing.

Grim groaned in pain as he slept, his leg shaking.
Nightmare sighs "Yeah well, we may be killers, but we're family, most if us anyway" she says "We didn't have anyone else, so you look after each other", she looks down and says "Wish I was Toby, he can't feel pain", if her mother agreed to finish the experiments she'd rather not feel pain, but she wasn't Ticcy Toby so she was out of luck.

"Are you sure you wanna do it?" Alicia asks "I don't wanna hear you scream in pain", she didn't was her sister to go through that again "Besides, there's no way she can get all that stuff. Unless you planned this before you gave me the key" she says looking at the key to the gym "Oh Jackson we have a new meeting place, already cleaned up and everything"
Magadude Magadude Dax Dax
I never said I would stay away from him just that I would protect him even if it means going against slender man himself" she said softly and she went into the room and softly and gently running her hand through his hair "rest up kid your one of the few things that keep me sane I would hate to lose you little bird" she said as she turned and left humming the old tune she had been before

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