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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

Pat caught them looking at him. TheY didn't shoot, that's a good sign. He thought to himself he saw another person walk in and his nostrils flared. They smelled like blood. He decide to let it go for now. He looked at the man sitting across from them. Pat noticed that him and Jackson were tapping on the table. Morse code. Shame I never learned it. He saw Alicia and Jackson get up to leave and walked over he dropped a note he had scribbled while he was sitting. It read "Something is following you, act natural. They smell like blood. I think it's a cp." He walked out of the diner and put his hood up. It had started to drizzle outside.
Flame Demon Flame Demon Magadude Magadude
Jackson picks up the note, and reads it. He looks unfazed by it and just crumbles it up. I've been handling myself for a year, I should be good. He thinks and then looks at Alicia "It's probably going to be a good idea to call your mom while we walk. I don't really have much small talk anyways, so you should be able to talk to your mom uninterrupted by me." Besides, it could be a good indicator if He is anywhere close. Flame Demon Flame Demon
The hooded figure from the forest had reappeared in the diner, sitting a table over from the group, observing as she drank her tea. The kettle and cup on the table didn’t particularly match the diner’s set, indicating she brought her own stuff. The Overseer hummed lowly to herself, not even the bright lights of the diner illuminating under her hood.
Kage looked at observer and nodded to them in greeting as her order was soon taken and she headed to the bathroom to deal with her arm wishing ahead something for the pain but disregarded the thought and went to deal with the problem at hand
Alicia grips her gun when Pat walked over and she sees the note, wondering how the hell he could smell that "Yeah" she says "But something's been bothering me and I'm hoping that you could help me make some sense of it" she adds looking at her phone and she sees her mother had texted her to stay save "Oh seems like she knows I'm out" she says "She's telling me to stay save" she adds "If only she knew this place was anything but save at the moment" she thinks with a sigh.
Magadude Magadude
"Hmm. Sounds like a good mother." He says looking at her. I know I would say the same thing to my- Stop that Jackson. Don't think about her. It's only going to make you mad. "So what's the thing you want to know? Or do you want to ask at my house?" He ask walking to the door. Flame Demon Flame Demon
Kage soon came out and sat down her arm wrapped which helped thankfully as her food came out and she grinned at seeing it
"I'd rather talk at your house" Alicia says looking down "Do you ever had something that was said to you a few years back and you still remember it as clear as if it was said yesterday?" she asks looking at him, thought of her sister bringing tears to her eyes "I'm not an only child, despite what it may seem" she says quietly as she goes back to staring at the ground. Magadude Magadude
"Neither am I" He says not looking at her and going out the door. Damn it! He thinks, somewhat tearing up but he forces himself to keep his composure. Flame Demon Flame Demon
Grimace got off the subway and began to walk. And now Im alone.....Again. He sighed as he walked around, "Hopefully Jackson will text me where he is.....Im sick of being alone" he huffed as he kicked a can with his bare foot. Don't forget that kagekao was after me...Mr.X may be trying to get me and sent her to catch this prey. Grimace shook, getting a unnerving feeling as he looked around. He quickly went to a crowded store and just walked around, looking at people to see if he knows anyone.
Jason would give the Waiter a thankful nod upon receiving his drink and his food. He then reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a small book.

Then he begins whispering with his eyes closed, waving his hand over the water.

To an ordinary person, the water would remain perfectly normal. However, to any surrounding Dark Spirits, Demons, or Poltergeists, the water would begin to give off a foul stench, as he blesses the water. Then he would go through his vest pockets, and start filling a few small vials with it.

With all said and done, he begins to eye the people inside the room, before sliding the book back into his vest. Then, he would silently mutter a single word that would likely draw the attention of any Dark Spirit within the area.

"... Christós."
"Did you lose someone too?" Alicia asks "It's okay to cry you know" she says "At least that's what mom told me", she looks at Jackson and asks "Where do you live? I mean, I know the neighborhood, but I honestly never noticed you around" she says, she had to remember where everyone lived right now so she could go there quickly if needed.
Magadude Magadude
Kage watched Jason only to scowled at the stench that soon filled the air as she tried to ignore it even if she was a demon she only ever went after those that hurt or abused there own kids or someone else never a good or kind person even if she did so from time to time out of boredom
Jason would notice Kage's reaction, and smiles slightly, before gently pushing the pasta towards the center of the table. He then rests his head on the table, and closes his eyes.

As soon as he does, any of the surrounding Spirits would likely notice him standing from the seat... while his sleeping form remains on the seat at the same time!

He then casually approaches Kage, seemingly unfazed by the fact that she is, without a doubt, a Dark Spirit of some sort.

"So... I take it you're not like the others, huh?" he would ask, leaning against the wall near her table.

"Have you ever noticed that house that has wooden boards instead of windows. That house." He says kind of chuckling to himself, while ignoring her other comment. I don't have the right to cry. Not until I kill Him. He continues to walk to his house, making sure to keep pace with her so he doesn't have to look behind him to look at her. Flame Demon Flame Demon
The Overseer appeared, sitting across from Jason’s slumped form at the same table. Her attention fixed briefly on his spirit form, before turning back to his physical body. Reaching out gently, she slid the pasta towards her, nimble and dainty fingers slowly taking the fork, and lifting the pasta to her mouth, hidden under her hood. The meal was gone in record time, as if the girl had been ravenous.

Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
"Kage, once you're done we have to go" Nightmare says looking at her fellow killer, she, unlike most wasn't a demon, she was somewhere between a demon and a human, her eyes still void of any of it's usual glow and emotions, though she was slightly impatient "We're being expected" she says, her gaze also going to the Overseer.

Alicia sweatdrops "I thought that house was abandoned" she says and she asks "If your parents were hiding something from you, would they wait until the time is right with telling you or never tell you at all?" she asks.

Dax Dax
raven flame raven flame
Magadude Magadude
Jason would shrug his shoulders at the Overseer's antics, seemingly unconcerned of her close proximity towards his physical body... not like they'd be able to possess him, what with a certain Curse he has. "Eh, wasn't really that hungry..."

He then looks towards Nightmare, and rubs his chin in thought. "So, I take it you're the ones that have these 'Hunters' on edge, then... mind if I ask what the motive is?"

"Depends on what the secret is. Sometimes, the people hiding the secret even lie to themselves and just try to act like it never happened in the first place to keep the facade up and forget what happened." He said thinking to the things he researched before all of the creepypasta things started happening. "At least that's what I remember about how some people lie. Sorry for going onto a tangent like that. It probably has nothing to do to your thing." Flame Demon Flame Demon
You could say I'm not like others I guess but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to kill others I simply do it to those that hurt there own and besides when you hurt what is mine....I would advise you run" she said a cold cruel grin on her face but she sighed "but that's besides the fact what do you want from more so why are you seeking us out to begin with" she said with a warning glare telling him should chose his next words carefully " and sure but might I ask why nightmare?"
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"Well I had a sister, one year younger then I was. One day dad took her to the lab to give her a tour, but she didn't come back home with him" Alicia says "He said she had gotten lost", she pauses and tries to remember after that "I looked everywhere for her, one day mom went to the lab and came back with a sad expression, she slapped my father asking how he could do such a thing. His lab burned down that same night. My parents were scientists doing illegal experiments, mom stopped after my sister was born, but dad didn't" she pauses to wipe away the tears that are falling down "We moved here shortly after the lab had burned down and my dad was killed when I was 14, Nightmare killed him, but spared me. Mom told me what they did a year later, she wasn't proud of it, so I tried to cheer her up by saying I'd get rid of all the monsters for her, but he reaction was weird. She looked sad and answered with 'I wish it hadn't been your sister', I still don't understand what she meant by that", she stops talking and looks down "I wanna know, but she never tells me, she avoids the topic completely now"

Magadude Magadude
"What did they do?" He asked while also trying to think of reasons why a creepypasta would spare someone. A deal with the father? Then what was the 'I wish it hadn't been your sister' comment about? And who's Nightmare? I might need to do some more research when I get home. He scratches the bottom of his chin and continues to think. Flame Demon Flame Demon
"My dad was experimenting on humans with animal DNA I think, most died" Alicia says "Nightmare warned me to stay out of the forest before I passed out" she adds "And when Pat had knocked me down in the forest she was in between us in seconds, ready to kill Pat, I could've shot her, but I was honestly too surprised". She looks up Nightmare's story and hands her phone to Jackson "Here it's her story, she wrote it herself" she says.

Nightmare is stalking the two as a black fox, she had left out details of her family in the story so no one could link her to any family still alive, but maybe they could figure it out and she could show herself, she didn't like lieing to Alicia, she couldn't even call her Ali or she'd know, the problem was that there was no way Jackson was going to trust her.

Magadude Magadude
Jackson's eyes widen a bit from the realization after reading the story, and then he starts to rub his temples. Oh my god, I'm a idiot. Should... I just tell her? Nah, I'll give her some hints and let her figure it out herself. I think it's better for her to figure it out herself, even if it's just from hints. "So, did you recognize anything about Nightmare? Anything at all?" he says still rubbing his temples. Flame Demon Flame Demon
Fishing the plate, the Overseer wipes her mouth and pushes the now empty plate forwards. She sits in the booth for a moment, contemplating what to do now, before disappearing without a trace.

She lighted down again in Jackson’s house, sitting calmly on an armchair. A tea set placed itself on the coffee table before her, the kettle magically boiling, the milk and sugar filling themselves, and two cups situated where Jackson and Alicia could potentially sit.

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