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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

Nightmare appears on another branch, at least her sister was smart to not trust so called hunters that weren't humans and as much as she wanted to tell Alicia who she was she couldn't, she wouldn't get the chance to, her scythe out of sight and her hood back up, she also was debating whether or not kill the campers right now. She wondered how Pat had seen her, last time she checked she didn't have any heat signatures at all, she glances at Slenderman and the Overseer before going back to watching things unfold, knowing her own sister she would shoot if the guy came any closer then he was right now.
Pat saw another apraoch the clearing he decided to see if had absorbed any of the goatmans abilities. A coppery stench filled the air around, like the smell before it rained. A soft gibbering surrounded the woods and the ambient noises of the birds went quite like they knew something wrong was in the vicinity. A few of the campers were showing fear when lightning struck and one of the disappeared. He felt someone come up behind him. He stood up, back turned to Alicia, "If I were you, I would stop pointing a gun at me. What I'm doing here is an expierment." He turned his head over his shoulders. Before feeling something very, very, bad enter the woods. "If you want to live, I suggest we leave right now." His voice had taken on a sense of urgency. "There's nothing we can do for these kids now. The Slender man just entered the woods."

Flame Demon Flame Demon
"I am not listening to a monster!" Alicia yells and she snaps a picture with her phone when she sees his face, just so she can show the others that Pat wasn't the same as he was "And Slenderman" she starts "Can go to hell right now, I want answers" she finished and she eyes the trees, they were being watched, she knew that, but she didn't care at the moment, Slenderman was the least of her worries right now, even the fact that Nightmare was watching didn't scare her as much as usual "You're not doing an experiment Pat, you're becoming one of them" she says "You're becoming what you killed", sure she had never killed a person or monster before, but she knows that it wasn't good, she would deal with Slenderman when she knew that she wasn't going to need her gun anymore to protect her from who she had thought was going to be a creepypaste hunter like her.
Midrick Midrick

Nightmare leans forward slightly and narrows her eyes, her sister was brave and stupid "Using abilities from the Goatman and the Wendigo isn't an experiment" she mumbles, she knew what Pat was becoming, she had gone through that phase as the age of 7, before she knew it she was where she was now, being a cold blooded killer and a monster. She smirks when her sister says Slenderman can go to hell "I like her even more" she whispers to herself and she glances at the faceless man "What are we going to do about the campers and the guy?" she asks quietly, she'd take her sister to safety and maybe tell her the truth, but if she wanted answers then she'd have to get them herself.
Dax Dax
"I am not a monster!." He yelled at her before he lunged with inhuman speed towards Alicia knocking her to the ground. He grabbed the pistol and put it on safe, "Don't ever point a gun at me again!" He yelled before he threw the gun down next to her. "If you could do the same thing, you would. But I have complete control over whatever these powers are." That's a lie. He thought to himself, At this point, these changes only occur when there are other cp's around. But whatever, I can learn to do that later. "Trust me I wouldn't hurt other people, but something drew me out here when I was sleeping, and I have a feeling that whatever it was is not very nice. But I digress, you can either trust me, or you could try and kill me, but if you try and kill me I won't hold back." He really hoped she would trust him, he didn't need to have an innocents blood on his hands. "Just trust me." He said.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Nightmare instantly jumps forward and she stands between the two, her scythe carefully placed at Pat's neck so she could behead him in one movement and she says "Then leave!" she says, her eyes glowing more then normal "And mark my words Pat, it's not an experiment you're doing, you'll end up like the Goatman and Wendigo, you'll become a killer" she says, her voice void of any emotion at this point.

Alicia's eyes grow wide with fear when she hits the group and she grabs her gun again "If you weren't a monster you wouldn't be insulted right now. Also I wouldn't do the same as you" she says, though she's surprised that Nightmare protects her "Why would she protect me, she could have killed me and Pat in an instance, yet she chooses to protect me" she thinks before he eyes fro back to Pat and she says "I'll trust you, if you back away and become normal again, if you don't I'll have to shoot you" she says, it had hurt when she had hit the ground.

Midrick Midrick
Kage grinned and stuck several that had gotten to close with her claws leaving deep bleeding gashes in there neck as she went for the last human near the fire a wide grin on her mask as she cackled loudly in glee her scarf flowing through the trees and branches with ease due to the hairs of a windigo and some of puppeteers shadow even if the manwas a ghost
Nightmare makes lightning hit the fire and disappears with Alicia "Stay out of the forest if you know what's good for you" she says and disappears again, appearing in front of Pat "You know they won't ever trust you again if they find out" she says and she looks at Kage before going back to her previous spot in the tree "I do hope you know that not all of us were born like this" she says looking at Pat "And I went through the same thing you are going through, before you know it you're one of us" she says and she adds "This is your only warning".
Midrick Midrick

Alicia blinks and she gets up before running of to find anyone else in the group, she passes a restaurant and sees Jackson, so she goes in "Jackson, we might have a problem" she says and she stops to catch her breath, she could handle quite a lot, but right now she was plainly terrified "I need to talk to you" she says "It's about Pat" she adds.
Magadude Magadude
"Grimace, I'll call you later." He hangs up the phone and looks at Alicia. "What is it? Did something happen?" Jackson ask, worried that something bad happened. Flame Demon Flame Demon
Kage soon disappeared from the area as she headed to a place to rest for the night and tend to her wounds she had gotten from a hunters bullets not that the man knew what was after him in the end as she left she sent a look to night mare to meet her at the place she was set up for the night
Alicia shows the picture of Pat she took "He's inhuman, I was scared so I pointed my gun at him" she says "He knocked me down and told me to either trust him or he'd kill me" she says, tears in her eyes "He looked like a monster, he said he was doing an experiment with some powers, I think he has the Wendigo and Goatman's powers" she says, she was so hard trying not to break down right there and then "I can't trust someone like that Jackson" she says "I can't... tell you all details right now, but I can't put mom in danger, can I stay at your place tonight?" Magadude Magadude

  • JasonWalker.png
    "Y'know, you should probably consider speaking in a more 'secluded' place about that... you never know who could be listening." comes a strange, new whisper from a nearby table. Should the group turn their heads towards the source of said voice, they would find an unknown man sitting on a chair, who originally had his head down upon Jackson's entry to the place... a brown-haired Caucasian male wearing a black hat, black vest, black jeans, and black leather boots. Below his vest is a light blue button-up shirt. His hair would be long, and tied into a ponytail, while his dark bluish green eyes would show a stern, yet nonthreatening expression, which would be scanning the area around them, examining the patrons and customers carefully within the establishment.

    Holstered over his back would be a shotgun with two barrels, modified to carry four shots (six, if overloaded), which would be chambered by a pump system installed on it. Over his waist would be a pipe wrench with the tip made out of pure silver. Over his shoulders would be a dark brown hiking bag, with numerous supplies within it.

    He wouldn't be looking at them in a threatening manner, but rather, of urgency. His eyes would drift towards the side briefly, as if hinting towards them, and the eyes of the patrons that now glance towards the group of "Hunters"... or more specifically, at the girl that burst through the door, trying to catch her breath.

Alicia glances at the guy and she rolls her eyes "Well sorry mister if we are disturbing your meal" she mumbles loud enough "Everyone in this town knows the rumors about the forest, you must be new" she says, her hand resting on the gun inside her pocket and a waiter walks over "Young lady, would you like a glass of water, you seem quite stressed" "That'd be nice" Alicia says, of course she wasn't going to share everything that happened in a public area, most people just think of it as a wild imagination anyway, which wasn't unusual for kids her age and especially not surrounding the rumors in this town, why her father moved here was beyond her.
Magadude Magadude Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels

Nightmare heads off as well towards Alicia's house and she enters the unused room, she often just sat there, in front of the window, watching the forest "She needs to know the truth one day" she says not looking towards the person who just entered "The entire truth about what dad did to all those people" she adds, her eyes void of any glow an emotions "I know" is the only response she gets "But we have to wait I know" Nightmare says and she tilts her head "Maybe she can see there are worse things out there then just us" she mumbles, there wasn't anything worse then Slenderman, she knew, but he had taken her in when she needed a home, when she needed help and guidance, he gave her that.
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Soon kage got to the abandoned house near the cafe she was using as a place to stay and rest and heal for the night before moving on to slenders place to get her wound looked over and maybe get some info on these hunters
In response to her comment, Jason would motion towards his empty table, and ask, "What meal, exactly? I just came here to rest my head for a bit... though now that you mention it, I guess I could place an order." He would then lift the menu up. However, he wouldn't really be observing the menu, and instead, would be using it as a way to conceal the poster he took from the wall.

Then he would silently pray that at least one of these people would understand Morse Code, and taps his finger on the table, in distinct patterns.

~So I take it you guys are involved in this 'Creepy Pasta Hunting' thing?~ he would sign, not taking his eyes off the menu.
Jackson taps in Morse Code as well while looking at Alicia.

And what if we were?

"Anyways, I wouldn't mind I guess if you stayed by my house for tonight. But there are a few rules. 1. Don't go into the room down the hall. 2. Don't question why there are no mirrors in the house. You have no idea how annoying it gets to keep on explaining it. 3. Do not touch my things unless you hear something." He says looking very serious. Then he relaxes a bit. "So, while we're here, I would get something to eat considering I have pretty much nothing in the terms of food at my place. I'll pay if you want." He says still waiting to hear the response of the man at the table. Flame Demon Flame Demon Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
Alicia sweatdrops "Noted, I think I know why there are no mirrors and finally I was raised by my mother, not my father, I'm well behaved" she states and adds "And I have money so you don't have to pay" "Which I was planning to use to buy myself a pair of dual guns and more bullets, but oh well" she thinks and looks at the menu "And how come you don't have any food in your house, do you always eat in restaurants?" she asks. She glances at the man and tilts her head, she knew a little morse code, but she was better with sign language, she had a friend at school who happened to be deaf, so she learned it.
Magadude Magadude Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
Jason would tap on the menu, towards a random food choice... Shrimp over Creamy Spaghetti.

"If you want, I can pay for your meals... heard you guys were gonna go on a Hunting Trip, but Ammo ain't cheap these days... 'least I can do's help a few fellow hunters out. Especially this close to 'Open Season', right?" he would reply casually, while tapping out his response.

~Figured you guys might need an extra hand. I've dealt with a few uglies in the past, myself.~
Pat knew he was in the sauce. He was undecided and walked deeper into the forrest to try and clear his head. It felt good, no, great the power that he had. But with great power comes great responsibility. Alicia will bring it up with Jackson, that's for sure. He would probably need to apologize to her. He kept thinking about what that other girl, if you could even call it that, had said to him. I'll get you. he thought Don't think for a second you've seen the last of me. He had one of two choices, go back to Jackson and try to explain, or go off on his own and be considered a cp. Pat was still thinking when he came out of the forrest and saw a diner. Well time to see if these powers can help me take a few bullets if this doesn't work. He started towards the diner and saw Alicia and Jackson. He walked in and found a seat two tables down.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Magadude Magadude
Jason would glance his eyes from the menu, towards Pat. Thoughtfully, he folds the Poster, and slips it into his pocket, before clearing his throat, catching the attention of a Waiter.

"Excuse me, Sir... I'd like to order the Shrimp Pasta, please." he would tell the Waiter.

"Of course, Sir. Would you like anything to drink?" the Waiter asks.

"Hmm... maybe just some water, if that's okay?"

"Coming right up." the Waiter concludes, before making his way back to the counter. At this point, most of the attention gathered from the people has diminished, though Jason can't help but feel tension building up in the air... more specifically, from the new person that just entered the building, who seems to have his attention on the two people sitting at the table next to his own.

He would then continue tapping and scratching out in Morse Code.

~Speaking of 'Extra Hands'... I think someone's here to see you.~

Alicia shakes her head at Jason "No need, I just have to do with what I have" she says and orders something light, she sees Pat enter the place and she tenses up, her hand automatically resting on her gun, she did not need to see him right now, the imagine from the forest still so clear in her head "Jackson" she says quietly "Pat's here" she whispers "I don't wanna be near him, he threatened to kill me in the forest" she adds quietly so only Jackson can hear her and maybe possibly Jason, but he probably knew what she was talking about "What do you think?" she asks tossing her phone on Jason's table with the picture on the screen of Pat with his powers activated. Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels Magadude Magadude Midrick Midrick
Kage groaned in pain as her arm started to flar from the bullet which she was currently trying to dig out once she did she throw it away from her and bandaged her wound up as best she could then decided to get something to eat as she hadn't eaten since two days ago when she killed the mugger that was trying to kill a elderly woman who was kind enough to give her some food seeing how skinny she was.

Once she left she headed to the dinner she had seen near the house she was in and walked in mask and scarf gone as she looked human without them on and soon saw pat and the hunters "so there here huh hope they don't recognize me that would be rather bad not that I care it could be fun to play with them" she thought as she sat down and looked at the menu to see what was to drink and eat "by zalgos horns my arm hurts like Shit" she muttered as she held her arm to try and lessen the pain
Jackson writes to checks. One he leaves on the table to settle with the meal, he never got, and the other that said 'Let's go, I can order something at the house.' to Alicia, while looking unfazed. He taps his number in Morse code. If you want more information, there's my number. Then he just waits for Alicia's response, while also giving quick glances at Pat. Flame Demon Flame Demon Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
"Sure" Alicia mumbles getting up and she looks at Pat from the corner of her eyes, if he wanted to apologize then he'd have to do that some other time, she looks at Jason and picks up her phone again "My mom is probably worried though" she says "I should give her a call when I get the chance", she knew her mother didn't want her outside very long and she had just suddenly left without saying anything.
Magadude Magadude Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
Out of instinct, Jason catches the phone, and eyes the picture. However, his demeanor doesn't change, as he looks up at Pat, as if comparing the picture to the figure sitting at the other table.

Sure enough, the two seem to match as far as appearance goes. If anything, though, he only gives a shrug before tossing the phone back her way.

"Personally, I'd say that looks like a 'good one'." he would subtly reply. He would then tap in Morse.

~Honestly, if he hasn't killed you yet, then I'd say it's more of a Defensive thing. If you have your weapon drawn, then he probably took it as a threat, and acted accordingly. If you think he wants you dead, then he'd have killed you before you could even take that picture.~

He then turns towards Kage, or more specifically, her motions, and rubs his chin in thought.

"Hmm... wounded... likely a gunshot wound, too. Perhaps another one of these strange people?" he would think to himself, before setting his backpack down, and pulling a roll of Medical Tape and Alcohol Wipes. Then he looks towards her, and clears his throat.

"Psst... here." he whispers, before rolling the medical tape her way, with the alcohol wipes wedged in the center.

She looked his way then at the tape and nodded in thanks as she grabbed it and placed in her pocket to do when she took her order so they knew she didn't just up and leave as she was hungry and wanted her food but didn't want to show her wound in the dinner as it wasn't a pretty sight to say the least of anything it looking like she got into a fight with a bear

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