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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

With a roll of her eyes, Dax entered the numbers into her phone and left the warehouse, passing the note to whoever was left, or crumpling it up into her pocket if no one else was there. Her phone screen flickered for a second, and she narrowed her eyes. Dax doubted a crowded mall would deter the more human-like 'pastas, but she followed the advice and headed to a shopping center anyways.
Pat walked passing two people as calmly as possible. On the inside he was having a meltdown What the actual hell just happened. While he was walking he bumped into a person with a hoodie on, he thought for a moment he could see red eyes, but Pat assumed his mind was freaking out and thought nothing of it. "Sorry." He said in his most level voice. He finally got back to his car, a beat up 1997 Jeep Cherokee sport, and got in. He buried his head in his hands and let out a soft groan. He pulled down the sun visor and looked into the mirror, there was nothing to indicate that he had changed in any way. He pounded the dash three times and sat back. He thought about what he had seen in the store window. Maybe what I was seeing was a warning. he thought to himself. He pulled up his SBR and started breaking it down to check for abnormalities and damaged parts. Maybe I'm the one that's damaged. He let out a short laugh at the thought. He pulled into a motel and parked, he paid for a room and checked it throughly, it wasn't all that bad. He checked all the locks on the windows and the door. He knew it wouldn't make a difference, They always find a way in. In a sick sense of humor he almost wanted a proxy of a greater monster to try it's luck. If what had happened back in the warehouse happened again, he had a feeling he wouldn't need a gun or knife.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
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If Pat cared to look out the windows, he might notice a figure siting on a branch in the tree outside. The cloaked figured, accompanied by a single owl and a tall tea kettle, held only a saucer and teacup in hand, everything except their arms and legs covered in a dark grey cloak that in and of itself resembled an owl. Despite the hood covering the figure's face in shadow, it was clearly obvious that they were looking in Pat's direction, their gaze never leaving him even as the teacup was raised into the darkness, to be sipped from and returned to the saucer moments later.

Midrick Midrick
Jackson arrives at the shopping strip, and entered a restaurant to get something to eat. The restaurant is having a good night. Only half of the people in this place are drunk. This restaurant, according to Jackson, takes the "You've had enough" line and completely ignores it. Because of that, most hardcore drinkers come here to have a good time. Jackson get's a table and orders some food. While he waits for his food, he goes on his phone to study some other creepypastas and also looking around, except behind himself because of obvious reasons, to see if there's any shady people. Man, when all of the creepypastas are dead, someone really needs to clean this town up.
Grimace was barley asleep when the subway stopped in the middle of a tunnel, he hazly looks around with red sleepy eyes as some people freak out. The subways speakers were turned on to give the usual warnings and such, telling others to calm down as they fixed the issue. Grimace yawned and laid his head down again, though it was annoyingly hurting his neck that he gave up sleeping. At least I got some. He took his phone out to see the texts, he yawned and put it away as his vision got somewhat blurry. He shook his head, "awww come on! not again" he groaned tiredly as he opened his sleepy red eyes.Im on a subway...and I forgot about pink eye?? Im such an idiot. He groaned as he decided to call Jackson, he needed to hear someones voice right now. "H-H-Hell-lo?" he asked into the phone tiredly, shaking as his body wasn't feeling good, making him stutter.
Magadude Magadude
As Jackson continues to wait, he gets a call from the person at the meeting. He answers the call, but still careful of the people around him. "Hey. Um... I'm sorry. I don't think I got your name. But I don't think that matters right now. So, why are you calling?" He asked keeping his voice down. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
" I-I just n-need t-o talk to s-s-s-someo-o-one" grim stuttered as he answered. "My n-name is G-Grimace Zangi"he said as the noise on the subway seemed to get louder. "I c-cant sleep b-but now I-I feel u-uncomfortable but I c-cant leave t-this subway" he added as he curled up into his seat. "I-I need s-someone t-to talk t-to".
Magadude Magadude
Kage soon sat beside grim "how long you plan on running kid after all slender is furious with you hell if you go buck now I doubt he'll do much to you in the way of punishment" she said in her human form
"E-excuse me for a moment" Grim said to jackson as he put him on hold, Grimace stood up and yelled "S STRANGER DANGER!!!! S SHE IS TRYING TO H-HURT ME" and he ran off down the subway. The people believed him sense he was small and seemed hurt. Anyone who heard him got in kagekaos way so she wont get near him. He got about seven carts away from kage before he sat down and started talking to jackson again, "y-you there?".
Magadude Magadude raven flame raven flame
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Nightmare jumps on a roof with ease and she smirks, she was wearing her civilian attire, black hoodie, dark blue jeans and black low heeled boots. The only thing that didn't help were her eyes, she'd ask Slenderman for an idea, or she'd use color contacts "I'll just ask when I get back" she mumbles.

Alicia looks at the key before walking to the old gym "How would she know though?" she asks opening the door, she thought she'd had some cleaning to do, but it already was cleaned up. So she leaves, locking the door and heading to the mall where most would be right now "Let's see if I can find them" she mumbles.
Kage growled in rage as she ran after him only to lose him soon after and cursed to herself as she looked for him changing her appearance easily due to the shadows help
"Grimace? What's happening?" Jackson asks concern. Then he realizes what might be happening. "Hey Grimace, are you a fan of creepypasta?" Please get what I'm saying. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Alicia rolls her eyes and she sighs before heading home "Hey mom?" she asks only to be met with complete silence "Mom?" she asks, still nothing. She slowly heads upstairs and sees the unused bedroom door open "Ali you scared me, do you know where the old key is?" her mother asks, but Alicia shakes her head, the room window was facing the forest, which is why no one wanted it with all the rumors "I'm an idiot, I didn't get any of their numbers" she says once she's in her room and she lets herself fall on her bed.

Nightmare hums as she waits for people to fall asleep, to say she was bored was an understatement and she didn't like being bored. She lays on her back and sighs "Would Slender kill me if I made some kids think there's treasure in his forest?" she asks herself, though she was pretty sure he wouldn't do that, since she wasn't a proxy and could do what she wanted.
Grimace seemed confused. "...W-What? No! I hate t-them!" he said into the phone, not getting what Jackson was saying. "B-But where are y-you at?.....O-Once this s-subway starts m-moving again i-it may be a g-good idea to s-stay by friends"Grimace said as he rubbed his eyes. "....I have p-pink eye t-though....So i-if you dont w-want me t-to go by y-you its ok".
Magadude Magadude
Kage growled in annoyance as she searched for her prey knowing slender would not be happy that she lost him
Nightmare grins seeing a group of kids enter the forest and she follows them quietly, summoning her scythe once she's out of sight of hopefully everyone and she jumps into one of the trees to spy on the group, maybe some others would want to have some fun, but too bad, she saw them first. She jumps down once the group is setting up a campsite and she hides in the shadows after putting her hood down "Interesting" she says, she really could have her fun right now with no hunters around and if her memory was working fine then none of the group was with the wannabe hunters.
Pat was restless. The room felt to small and he wanted to escape it. He unlocked the door and felt himself drift aimlessly for awhile, he then decided he wanted to go to the woods, he felt like he might find some peace there. He began walking towards the edges not caring if someone or something was watching him he felt the same feeling he did in the warehouse when he began to expierence the oddities that transpired. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and he felt he could see very well, so we'll in fact he could see faint traces of heat. It didn't bother him, he didn't even realize it was different until he saw a campfire and it was extremely bright Why fight these changes? he thought to himself Maybe there happening for a reason. His senses were hightend again he could see the foot prints and different tracks with ease. He began to accept it, to him it was a dream and he believed he was still in a motel room sound asleep. He began to think of legends he read about the goatman and wendigo. How the goatman could change shapes, alter it's voice and send someone into madness by looking at them. About how the wendigo was an evil spirit of the wind and winter and sometimes if you listend hard enough you could hear it's malicious whispers. He came to a clearing and saw some kids he thought about what he could do with these abilities he had inherited from the evil beings he had slaughtered. Maybe it will help me end these things once and for all. He was pensive at that time and crouched down. Then he saw a girl clear as day crouched in the shadows. "I see you" He whispered to himself and a slight breeze blew in, one of the campers exclaimed he could hear something talking in the wind. Another of them told him to quit being such a baby. Pat assumed at this point his eyes had taken a blazing yellow easily seen in the dark... The kind he had seen before he believed in ghosts.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu "No, that's not what I mean." he sighs. "Man I would hate to be chased by one of those creatures. Wouldn't you?" If he doesn't catch this, I'm going to officially think that he's a idiot. As he ask this question, he looks around to make sure no one is listening in. I don't think anyone is listening to my conversation, but it's still good to make sure.
Kage growled and left soon heading to the woods only to see some campers and grinned to herself "wonder if slender knows there here then again maybe not, might as well have some fun with them kekekeke" she said softly starting to make her way to them and courched down waiting for one to get near or make the mistake of going alone...only to see one of the hunters and whom she believed to be nightmare not that she knew the girl well anyways
The being perched in the tree branches simply observed Pat, watching curiously as he crouched in the shadows and whispered into the wind. Hmm, interesting... he gave in to the powers. The Overseer let her feet swing slightly, stilling them only to pour herself another cup. So she watched, and waited, to see what Pat would do from here. Like uncanny clockwork, another showed up, known as Kage. Ooh, this was going to get interesting.

Midrick Midrick raven flame raven flame
"Y-Yeah....B-But she did j-just leave" Grim did not get the question. Instead he decided to tell jackson what happened and that he actually got chased. "I c-can tell you about it!". Don't forget that grim is somewhat gullible when it comes to some things.
Magadude Magadude
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"Yes. Please do. I would love to hear about that creepypasta." He says with a bit of annoyance, but continues to keep his cool. "What has the name of the creepypasta? I might give it a read while I'm eating my food." Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"K-Kagekao......She is very mean and bloody, protective even. She gets angry easily" Grim said as the subway started to move. "Subway i-is moving!" he cheered tiredly.
Magadude Magadude
Nightmare ignores the whisper and she twirls her scythe around "I'm going to check" a girl says hearing leaves rustling, but a lightning strike hits near Nightmare blinding the humans and when the light it normal she is gone along with the girl, only a scream loud enough to attract some more creepypasta's "Hopefully Slender will come by soon, not that there'll be much left" she says before walking back to the campsite while keeping her eyes peeled.

Alicia hears the scream as she lives close to the forest and she shoots up grabbing her gun "Sorry mom" she says quietly before leaving, in the forest she sees campers and resists the urge to call them idiots, but that is forgotten when she sees Pat, she thinks "Who are you?" she asks pointing her gun at him while making her way to the campers "You're not the same guy I met earlier" she says, she wouldn't hesitate to schoot him, he wasn't human at all. "So who are you?" she asks narrowing her eyes, she was well aware that there were probably bigger threats then Pat around, but to her right now he was just the same as the monsters living inside the forest.
The Overseer chuckled to herself, watching all this go down. The girl hunter had turned on one of her own, and her sister had stolen a camper. She hummed to herself as a familiar form materialized next to her, her attention briefly shifting from the seen before her to her new company.

Given that the Overseer was sitting in the tree, it put her right at face level with Slenderman, just his head and the collar of his shirt visible in the darkness. The Operator turned his faceless face towards the Overseer in a brief moment of recognition. The two then turned to simply watch, more or less obscured from the other groups by the trees.

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