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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

"Hmm. Yeah. Those are not thing I would like those other ways." He says taking a sip of his tea. "To be honest, those pills are just a safety net if either you are not around and we need to run. I have no purpose of using them that much. Hell, all of those people who took those pills became crazy." He says putting the cup down. Then he gets a call. Who is it now? He answers the phone. "Hello. Who is this?" Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels (Sorry. I literally slept all day yestereday.)
"Hello. Who is this?" comes the familiar voice from the other side of the line.

Jason clears his throat and replies, "The guy from the restaurant... Jason Walker, by the way. I was wondering if you were still looking for people that know their way around these... 'Spooky Spaghetti' things? Or... 'Creepy Pastas'? Hell, I forget what y'all called 'em here."

"You got it right the second time, and yes I am. The more the merrier considering the things we're going against. And possibly are own team mate as well..." He mumbles. "But still. We could always have new people." Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
"Great... so, should we meet somewhere, or what?" he asks, before clearing his throat and tapping on the phone's speaker. Though it would probably be mistaken as static from the untrained, he manages to tap through the line in Morse Code.

~"And do you have a 'Safety Word' I should know about? You never know who could be listening in on this conversation."~

Magadude Magadude
He taps in Morse code as well. "The people in the room right now aren't bringing any harm. Besides, I think one of them could possibly know Morse code as well, considering so far she has shown she knows a lot, so it would be kind of pointless. But just in case, the word is going to be 'Angel Hair'. "We actually have a place to meet up now. I'll talk more about the plan later, considering I think we're still thinking of the plan... kinda?" Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
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"Gotcha... and, uh... where would that place be, exactly?" Jason asks, rubbing his chin in thought.

~"And it ain't necessarily your side I'm worried about... I was thinking more about my end, since I just recently took out some kind of 'Crooked Man'... not sure how much more there might be, but odds are, it might've drawn some attention this way. As such, Morse Code is probably the safer choice of language."~
"Listen Chief, he knew more than he let on. I know it. Something @$#&ed is going on. He couldn't have just vanished from the cell. Just let me back on the case." The police detective slams her hand onto the chief's desk.

"Juliette.. I can't. My hands are tied. You've been reassigned to this new case. We've gotten reports that someone is attempting to organize a militant group of young adults. For what, we don't know.." the chief explains.

"So you're putting me on some bull&#$@ case?" the detective asks.

"It's that or another suspension." the chief replies.

The detective takes her newly returned badge and gun along with the case file from the chief's desk and storms out of the office.
Grimace got to the sidewalk, it took him a moment due to his leg. He started walking over to the starbucks he was going to be working at, it was still closed so he just sat down in front of it, enjoying the fresh, cool air.
Nightmare has trouble holding in her laugh and she slides a box to Alicia "Morse code huh" she mumbles, she wished she could take them to their new hideout, but she doesn't know how to teleport more people.

Alicia takes the box and slowly opens it, her eyes going from Nightmare to the contents of the box and back to Nightmare "You actually bought this?" she asks earning a simple nod.

Nightmare then looks at Jackson and sweatdrops taking the phone and she rolls her eyes tapping to the other person.

-ababdoned gym, also not everyone knows morse code-

She then hands the phone back to Jackson.

Magadude Magadude Dax Dax Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
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"Luckily, while not everyone knows Morse code, quite a few of us do," she hummed, before picking up the call of the person who was trying to contact her. She sighed, and responded with a negative, indicating that no research had been done so far.
With a sigh, Jason rolls his eyes. "Yes, I'm aware. It... it's in the Pizza Oven." As he looks over his shoulder, he could already see a group of people starting to form a line behind the Phone Booth.

~"Again, not my point. Not everyone around here might be Hunters. I'm in a Public Place, which means speaking about your location would only draw unwanted attention. Maybe not from a Creepy Pasta, but perhaps ordinary civilians? Maybe potential criminals? ... Whatever. Anyways, I might need that 'Overseer' to help me out... mind sending her over here? I'll be at the... Starbucks Coffee Shop."~

"Please insert more change to continue." he hears the phone speak. Letting out a groan, he hangs the phone back up and steps out of the booth, before making his way to the Coffee Shop.

Seeing how it's closed, though, he decides to take a seat on the bench across from its other occupant.

Nightmare sighs and she stands up "Once you three are ready I'll see you at the gym, I need to talk to mom" she says and disappears, appearing in the kitchen and handing her mother the file "You're going to keep asking aren't you?" "Yep" Nightmare says "But if you need a reason I can give you one" "No need, just have one of you killer friends guard the door so Alicia won't rush in" "Thanks mom you're the best" Nightmare says before going to the gym and waiting in front of it while putting the hoodie back up.

Alicia facepalm "Why does everyone know morse code except me?" she asks putting the box in her bag after closing it "But Jackson, do you really think the police are gonna allow this?" she asks looking at the male, one more problem was that if Nightmare would be able to show how she was then they'd be even more suspucious since Jade is listed as dead.
Dax Dax Magadude Magadude
Once all attention was off her, the Overseer all but disappeared, taking her tea set with her.

She reappeared on a bench across from the aforementioned Starbucks, just as the newcomer sat down. She made note that this was also the man she had stolen pasta from earlier. Pouring herself yet another cup, she handed off the kettle to a dark tendril of shadow that had crept up from under the bench to pour Jason a cup as well, setting the kettle down while a second tendril formed under the cup and curled upwards, offering it to him. Despite how obviously supernatural the whole scene looked, oddly enough, no one seemed to notice. It was as if the two were enshrouded in a sort of curtain of privacy. Only those who were specifically looking for them could find them. The general populace or an aimless hunter or 'pasta would pass them by without a second thought.

"That was very bold of you, asking for me by name," she started, the shadows vibrating with her voice. "I assume you only knew it from some research you might have done while I was establishing connections elsewhere... and I suspect you come seeking more information." She pauses, taking a sip of her tea. It was almost as if she never ran out of tea, and never was satisfied with one or two cups. Perhaps she simply was never satisfied. "I'd be willing to exchange information, if what you have to offer is of value to me."

Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
Grimace saw the tendril and he got up quickly in fear. He once again forgot his leg was wounded and he fell, panicking as he stared at the back tandril. "l- Leave me alone!!" he yelled out, shaking in fear. When he fell the clothing on his shoulder moved a little, showing the operator symbol on his neck-shoulder. "l -eave me alone..." he whimpered as his face became red,eyes getting watery.

Dax Dax Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
The Overseer turned her gaze to Grimace. "Ah, well, if it isn't the little proxy that got away," she cooed. From Grimace's own shadow, a tendril snuck up and wrapped around his chest, picking the boy up and drawing him closer. The Overseer moved over on the bench to make room for him to sit down. "Quiet, or you'll cause a scene. I won't hurt you, promise. Sit and talk for a while, won't you?"

Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Grim was still shaking, he looked at her. "S-sure...p-please dont bring me back i cant kill anymore!" he begged.
"Hmm... No, I suppose I won't bring you back," she states evenly. "But perhaps instead you could work for me. It'd be a small price to pay for your freedom. I won't have you kill anyone. I just want to be able to acquire information from you... at the end of the day, I'd like to sift through your memories of the day for any useful pieces of information. All you'd have to do is let me." Humming, she took another sip of her tea. "In exchange, I'll not only keep your existence under wraps, I'll remove any metaphorical tracks you've left behind. Like I said, a small price to pay for freedom. Oddly enough, freedom is rarely free."

Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"I dont know..." he shook his head, " You are related to him.....You are them....I don't know if i should trust you...And even then there are pros and cons and its just....." he looked down. "Just kill me already....I don't care anymore" he mumbled. Tears now leaving his eyes as he said nothing.
"I do NOT kill," the Overseer stated, appalled at the idea. "If you refuse to help me, I will simply return you to Father." Despite herself, the tendril uncoiled from his chest, and helped him to a standing position. "You have twenty four hours. Then I will start seeking." She helped him collect his things. "I suggest you run, if you can."
Kage scowl deepened at this "thanks anyways keep me updated if you do find a good family for the kid" she said in reply as she grabbed the child and left heading to her hideout for the night so the kid could rest and she could look at her wounds.

Dax Dax
Alicia heads off and wonders where her sister got the money to buy that, though she felt like she didn't want to know. She really needed something to drink, so she heads to the Starbucks, the nightmare she got still fresh in her mind "I'm surprised she's not insane yet" she mumbles with a sigh.

"Where are the other? I know Ali is probably getting her usual drink right now" Nightmare mumbles as she stretches and she freezes in her movements hearing a gun "This place is haunted" a police officer says, probably a newbie since he's shaking "May I ask what's haunting the place?" Nightmare asks "A red eyed demon" the officer says making the girl aweatdrop, she had been going there rather often when she needed to be alone "That's interesting" she says, she had to be more careful "Put the hood down" the officer says so Nightmare puts the hood down in a swift movement before grabbing his wrist "You're a demon" he says when he sees her eyes "Sweet dreams" Nightmare says putting him to sleep and she calls the police department "Yeah, one of your guys is passed out near the old gym, I was jogging when I found him" she says and she smirks slightly "That'd be great" she says "Barely anyone comes here, but I can't stay here" she adds "Yep" she says and ends the call "The things I do" she mumbles putting the hood back up and her phone away and she walks off.
EllyGloom EllyGloom
"...No" Grim shakily said, "I have a job...The store will open in an hour or so and I don't want to be late, especially on my first day" he said. "If you want a proxy so badly, beg your father for one, but I'm done with that life! I just want to live normally" he explained, surprisingly not stuttering. "Im sorry.....But i don't want to get into that again, I'm finally happy after years of abuse from....Nearly every pasta" he stepped back, "Please....Just leave me alone".
Dax Dax

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