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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

"O....K?" he seemed confused. "So.....I would love to talk more but...Work" he said, pointing at his starbucks hat with the hand that was not holding the crutch.
Flame Demon Flame Demon

Tim finished his time at the doctors and he started walking around, bored.
"I know" Alicia says with a smirk "But I do expect you to learn my usual order soon" she says before leaving and heading to the gym, she wondered what Nightmare was doing right now, probably scaring the crap out of people like always.
Tim walked into the starbucks and ordered....Something. Grim saw him and sighed. Why can't he always just be Masky? Its better that way. Grim huffed as he tried making coffee, someone teaching him how.
Passed out on the couch, mostly sober, Juliette dreams. Distorted and disjointed, scenes play out of her interacting with ever shifting people, though the shifting from one person into another doesn't seem to be noticed by the dreamer. Through out these inconsistent scenes, she is trying to find the answer to a question, the nature of which is forgotten as the dream progresses, as the answer seems more relevant than the question itself. Each time she goes to meet with an individual who has some information on the answer, they die in a less than horrific way. Bullets, asphyxiation, car "accidents." The victims range from people Juliette has never seen before, to coworkers, family she doesn't talk to anymore, and even Nightmare herself. Juliette becomes more and more frustraited until she eventually wakes up angry, and in a sweat. "Goddamn it! I swear to $@&# I'm gonna mess that creep up." She storms to the window and shouts out, "You hear me?! Get out of my head or I'll $&@* you up, and wipe that smirk off your face!"

A neighbor yells, "Shut the hell up!" before the two exchange a few angry words, after which Juliette slams the window closed and collapses as she heads back to sit down on the couch. She remains out, through her alarm, missing a day of work, especially after the entity drained her so shortly ago.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Jackson, kinda confussed what's going on, ends the call and starts to get a few more things in order. Just got to finish writing today. Set up the camera in my room. And... I think we're good. It's time to go. Also, I wounder what that Dax girl has been up too. I hope she can find it to the Gym. She probably doesn't even know that there's another meeting. But I did give her my number, and she hasn't called me. And what about Pat? I guess we will be talking about this during the meeting. He checks if everything is in order, and then heads to the abandon gym. I almost forgot about this gym. I guess that makes it a perfect headquarters for something like this.
Nightmare has trouble holding in her laugh and she smirks "Trust me little detective, this is just the beginning" she says before disappearing to the roof of the gym, she was going to make it worse and worse "What dreams can't tell you" she mumbles. She should torture people more often like this, it was fun, though she still needes to supply EJ with kidneys "He can go himself" she says while scanning the area.
EllyGloom EllyGloom

Alicia arrives and sees Nightmare with a smirk on her face "I don't wanna know" she says as Nightmare's eyes meet hers, though she wondered how the glowing worked, she waits for anyone else while listening to happy humming coming from the roof "Don't freak the others out" she states simply as her sister keeps humming.
Magadude Magadude Dax Dax
Jason nods his head, listening to The Overseer's words carefully, before replying to her question.

"Well, we definitely have our fair share of creepy stuff... though they aren't as sentient or sapient as the 'Pastas'. Rather, they're creatures from the Void Realm, a place between Heaven and Hell that all spirits go to after death... well... most spirits, at least."

He shrugs his shoulders. "And no, we don't really call the creatures from the Void Realm 'Pastas'. To us, they're 'Voidlings', and we don't really associate them with names, but rather, by Species, since there's more than one of each type. Like Vampires, Werewolves, Changelings, Liches, Wraiths, Demons, Ghouls, Zombies, Skeletons, Phantoms, Poltergeists... hell, even a few Illithids and Eldritch Horrors tend to make their presence known."

Jason then points a thumb to his own chest. "There's folks whose goals are to stop 'em from taking over. Most of the commoners don't even notice their presence, nor do they notice ours, due to some of our... partnerships, so to speak.

"I'm what's known as a Slayer in my world... but rather than hunt the creatures blindly, we actually analyze the creatures' moves, weaken them with weapons that are designed to damage their physical apparitions or bodies, then we get one of our partners... well... our non-human partners, to strike at their Life Orb, which then banishes them back into the Void... which is essentially killing the creature."

He rubs his chin in thought. "However... when I was able to Astral Project within this world, while dealing with the Crooked Man, I found that he didn't really have a Life Orb, which means that there are some differences to this world, even on a Spiritual Level. However, I was able to sense him trying to get into my head... but it looks like my Curse ain't out of the picture, cuz he wasn't able to even enter my mind."

She nods, taking into account what Jason said. "There are some parallels, though. I'm familiar with the concept of the creatures you've stated, though none are known to exist in this world outside of Creepypastas. BEN could be considered a poltergeist. Slenderman and Zalgo technically both qualify as an Eldritch Horror. I've recently heard news of a wendigo killed. But we don't have werewolves or vampires. In fact, many of the Creepypastas in this world stared off human. Jeff the Killer, who recently passed, was a human with absurd strength and stealth. Though a bit disfigured and perhaps more than a little off his rocker, he was still only human. BEN was a human, possibly, until he died. Masky, Hoodie, and a majority of the other Proxies are humans under Slenderman's influence. I can't speak for certain of the others."

She takes a moment to sip her tea again. "The 'Life Orb' you speak of sounds akin to a soul, though since you've used the word 'spirit', I assume that the concept of a soul is also something that is present in your world. Souls don't have a confirmed existence here, nor does places like Heaven or Hell, though they're also both present as concepts. The Void Realm isn't a thing that I've heard of, either."

Humming to herself, the tilts her head. "What is this curse you said you have?"
She nods, taking into account what Jason said. "There are some parallels, though. I'm familiar with the concept of the creatures you've stated, though none are known to exist in this world outside of Creepypastas. BEN could be considered a poltergeist. Slenderman and Zalgo technically both qualify as an Eldritch Horror. I've recently heard news of a wendigo killed. But we don't have werewolves or vampires. In fact, many of the Creepypastas in this world stared off human. Jeff the Killer, who recently passed, was a human with absurd strength and stealth. Though a bit disfigured and perhaps more than a little off his rocker, he was still only human. BEN was a human, possibly, until he died. Masky, Hoodie, and a majority of the other Proxies are humans under Slenderman's influence. I can't speak for certain of the others."

She takes a moment to sip her tea again. "The 'Life Orb' you speak of sounds akin to a soul, though since you've used the word 'spirit', I assume that the concept of a soul is also something that is present in your world. Souls don't have a confirmed existence here, nor does places like Heaven or Hell, though they're also both present as concepts. The Void Realm isn't a thing that I've heard of, either."

Humming to herself, the tilts her head. "What is this curse you said you have?"

Jason leans more comfortably on the bench and sighs. "The 'Nox Eternus'... translated as 'Eternal Death'... basically, I'm stuck in the Mortal Realm, and my Body and Soul are bound to it... though it does have its perks.

"For starters, my body and soul are unable to be influenced by outside forces, at least in a spiritual sense, to my knowledge. Sure, I can still get hurt physically, but... well, I've lost count at how many times a Demon or Spirit tried to possess my body while I was Astral Projecting. My body would just reject them, since it's my soul's key vessel.

"However, comes the darker side of it. I can't age beyond this point, and I'm still, technically, able to die. When I do, however, my body is drawn to a random point in the world, healed physically, and my spirit is sent back into it... but I still feel the sting of death when I wake up, and my memories of the last few moments wind up a bit fuzzy.

"Eternal Life, but at the cost of Endless Death. And that's just the basics... then there's knowing that everyone I see around me will grow old and die at some point. I'd see a kid grow into an elder... and I'd remain the same as I am now.

"It ain't easy to deal with... sure, I've used this to my advantage a good bit, now, but even still... Death hurts, y'know? Even when you aren't the one that's dying." he concludes with another sigh, before looking over towards the Coffee Shop.

"And as they say, that's the gist of it. There's more details about it, but hell, even I'm trying to wrap my head around it. Odds are, it might even have a few key differences in this world."
With a nod, the Overseer continued. "The meeting place for the hunters is an abandoned gym near the local high school. If you felt like investing your time and energy into them."

With the meeting more or less over between them, or at least, with all the information the Overseer felt she needed at the moment, the veil of ambiguity lifted. In the blink of an eye, the hooded figure and her tea set was gone from the bench.
Grimace expected nothing as he worked, no one has told him about the meeting. Hmmm...What coffee would Masky like? or Jayden?....Maybe I can make everyone coffee at the next meeting!...Whenever that is.
Juliette's eyes slowly flutter open, her face against the floor, having passed out the evening before. Her cat licks her face and she grumbles to herself about the cryptid who messed with her sleep. She lifts herself up from the floor and goes about her routine. She carries on, "A punk kid with supernatural powers. As if the gangsters weren't enough.. for @$&*'s sake... She needs taken down a peg or two. She's got one more chance before I make the call... Goddamn Slenderfans, and their narrow-minded beliefs. Makes me wanna puke." She quietly carries on as she tops off her morning coffee with whiskey. "Ugh.. I feel like &$*#..."

She stirs the coffee and takes a sip, "And yeah, I hope you're listening to me right now, so I don't have to say it again. Because I will. To your face."

She takes a long drink, "&$#@ I'm pissed. I should just make the call now, but I won't. I felt a little good in her."

She continues out loud, assuming the creature has nothing better to do than to harass a stranger, "You? I've given you nothing but respect, and you try my patience. I've found things in the bottom of my fridge scarier than you." She growls and smashes her fist against the counter, the cat does not react, used to the woman's outbursts at this point.
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Alicia looks at Nightmare who is still humming happily and probably thinking about what nightmare to give someone next "What made you change your mind?" she asks "And why are you so happy, the glowing is creeping me out a little".

Nightmare smirks at her little sister "Someone said it was better to torture someone for the rest of their life, I'm testing that right now" she says and disappears again, appearing back on the roof "What to do next" she mumbles and she chuckles "Guess how I came to be" she whispers, putting the nightmare or rather her own memories ready for the next time the detective falls asleep, the only difference between this one and the one Alicia had was that Juliette would see if from her father's point and not like a ghost in the room. When she finishes she heads back to the gym "When are the others gonna arrive?" she asks.
EllyGloom EllyGloom
As Juliette's fist rumbles the counter, a set of tea cups rumbled. A set that hadn't been there before.

"My my, such anger, over a trivial inconvenience," the set's owner mused in a coy manner. With a small, light-hearted chuckle, the Overseer raised a teacup to her lips, obscured by the shadow of her hood. "Nightmares... while unnerving initially, yes, it's amusing to think someone thought them scary enough to bring physical harm to someone." A dark tendril curled up from the tea kettle that was now present on the stove, being kept warm from the burner underneath. The shadowy shape curled around the handle of the kettle and poured more tea into the Overseer's cup. She would have poured some tea for Juliette, but the woman already had coffee. "That being said, it's understandable that a lack of sleep is extremely harmful to the human body. But there are ways around dreams, supernatural or otherwise."

EllyGloom EllyGloom
Jackson arrives at the gym and sees Alicia and Nightmare. Nightmare looked like she just got there. "Hello you two. So I'm guessing no one else arrived yet. Hmm, I guess I should call Grimace and tell him, but he seems so happy with that job he got. Might as well text him." He opens his phone and text Grimace 'Hey, we're having a meeting in a abandoned gym. If you don't want to come that's fine.' He then closes his phone and waits for other hunters to show up. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Flame Demon Flame Demon
Nightmare sighs "Just us two" she says and she adds "And don't forget Dax, I should try to contact the Overseer", she then tries contacting the Overseer to tell her Jackson arrived to and that she can come if she wants to.

Alicia opens the door and says "The gym had been abandon since a few years back, something was haunting it, they gave mom the key for safekeeping", she goes in and turns on the lights "Did you replace everything?" she asks, the question obviously meant for Nightmare who's on the roof texting someone.

Eyeless Jack walks over and spots the 'red eyed demon' on the roof "Can I borrow her?" he asks pointing to Nightmare while looking at Jackson, sure he would have killed them if it hadn't been for his supply that Nightmare got him.
Magadude Magadude Dax Dax
Grim looked at the phone after it made a buzz. "Great! Around the mid-close time" he said, knowing the shop closed at noon sense it was a morning only shop. He took his uniform off and left his bag in his new locker in the back before leaving. He would run there but his leg made it so he can't, instead he took a taxi.
Once the taxi dropped him off, Grim entered the abandoned gym. "Hello?".
"Umm.... Do I know you?" He says with a eyebrow raised. "You know what, I guess it doesn't matter. If you were a creepypasta, or at least hostile one, you'd kill me by now. So sure, I don't think she busy. Well not yet anyways." He says going into his thoughts. How is this going to go anyways. Is it going to be a surgery, or just a injection? Hmm. I probably don't want to know. Flame Demon Flame Demon

He then hears Grimace's voice in the gym. So he did decide to show up. Jackson enters and greets him. "Hey Grimace. So I think it's time we had a talk." Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Nightmare sees EJ and she waves at him "He's a friend" she says and she sighs "You got the news huh?" she asks, already knowing where this is going, she was gonna get a speech about all this and he stupidity.

EJ looks at Jackson "Not yet?" he asks curiously, if he was referring to what Nightmare was gonna do then she would be pretty busy yeah.

Alicia loos at Grim and then at Jackson "She's been busy to get this ready for use" she says "Well I can't give you the key Jackson, sorry about that, but it was given to my mother, I can't just give it to someone else".
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Magadude Magadude
"I understand." He says looking at her. "But I really do need to talk to Grimace for a moment about his little friend." He says look back at Grimace. I can understand important family things. I just need to make sure we have a safety net just in case we run into Slender and Overseer isn't there. Flame Demon Flame Demon Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Alicia looks at Jackson and then at Grim before saying "Sure" and she leaves the gym where EJ is giving Nightmare a speech about doing stupid things, which seems pointless at the moment "Uh... Mom's heading over" she says so the two look to see she's right.

Nightmare rolls her eyes at the boring speech "Well no turning back since I already made up my mind" she says jumping down from the roof "So you staying or not?" she asks and she leans against the wall waiting for an answer.

EJ sweatdrops "No, I'm sure Ben and Dark Link have stopped arguing about now, tell those two guys to stay out of the forest for now though, Slenderman found a poster" he says "But if I hear you nearly died I will kill you myself" he threatens even knowing he won't be able to do it, with that he walks off again.
Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Dax arrives at the meeting place just in time to see some strange guy as he’s leaving. She also notices Noghtmare and frowns to herself, as if confused, before shaking her head. “Aren’t we supposed to be hunting CP’s?” She asks Jackson. “Why is one just here without consequence?”
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Jackson looks at Dax and then looks at Nightmare, then back at Dax. That's right, I have to deal with giving a explanation for her, and Overseer if she gets here as well. And I can't say that she's the sister to Alicia, because if I do I'm going to be worrying about possible even more nightmares than I already have. "She seems to have a similar interest in killing, at least one, creepypasta. So, we're allies." He says with a shrug. Dax Dax
"And I intend to stay under the radar for a short while" Nightmare says taking the file "So that's gonna be scrapped from things to add" she mumbles "Let's get this over with then" she says "The lab downstairs is entirely sound proof, no sound get in and no sound gets out" she adds looking at the others before disappearing from her spot.

Alicia sighs as she looks at Dax "If she shows any signs of hostility towards us then we are outnumbering her anyway" she explains, glad Jackson is keeping quiet "And we kinda have her to thank for this place, this ia where she normally stays" she adds.
Dax Dax Magadude Magadude
With a frown and a nod, Dax decides she'd trust them... for now. While not terribly fond of the idea of partnering up with a Creepypasta, she wasn't going to turn away extra help. Especially when their group was already so small.
As Juliette's fist rumbles the counter, a set of tea cups rumbled. A set that hadn't been there before.

"My my, such anger, over a trivial inconvenience," the set's owner mused in a coy manner. With a small, light-hearted chuckle, the Overseer raised a teacup to her lips, obscured by the shadow of her hood. "Nightmares... while unnerving initially, yes, it's amusing to think someone thought them scary enough to bring physical harm to someone." A dark tendril curled up from the tea kettle that was now present on the stove, being kept warm from the burner underneath. The shadowy shape curled around the handle of the kettle and poured more tea into the Overseer's cup. She would have poured some tea for Juliette, but the woman already had coffee. "That being said, it's understandable that a lack of sleep is extremely harmful to the human body. But there are ways around dreams, supernatural or otherwise."

EllyGloom EllyGloom
Juliette sets her standard issue weapon on the island counter the two are sitting at with a thud, followed by the thud of her whiskey bottle, "Yeah, two of 'em right here." she says without even lifting up her head from the hand that she's leaning on, not at all surprised by the presence in her home at this point. The gesture isn't threatening, and it's uncertain if she meant she'd use the gun on Nightmare, or herself. At this, she picks up the bottle and lightly shakes it side to side, the amber liquid sloshing around inside as if offering it to the uninvited guest to add it to her tea.

"It's not terrifying, it's disrespectful and annoying. The little brat asks me to keep away from her 'turf,' yet she does something like that? I'm assuming she doesn't know there are pleanty of ways to deal with people like her. And to $&#* with someone who considers you people is a bad choice. I'm a better Ally than an enemy, but she can have it her way..."
Dax Dax
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