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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

" What friend?" grim pretended to not know. "jackson, so far your the..Only..." grim looked outside, a mirror reflecting the hidden EJ, but though he was hidden Grim could tell it was him by feel, rememboring how slender would let EJ dig into hs skin and flesh whenever grim needed punishment. Your gut yould tell you when that guy was around.
"Um.....W-what just..." Grim was confused and terrified, "W-why was... here a-and who...." he was shaking as he took a step back, "...D-don't let t-them t-t-take me" he begged silently as he slowly went to the floor, "I d-don't want to go b-b-back" he seemed to be in some type of shock, covering his face as his eyes got red and watery.
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Feeling kinda sorry for Grimace he says "I have no attention of letting, I'm going to guess Slender, take you. I, frankly, just want to talk." He says putting a hand on Grim's shoulder. "And I might be able to help you, if you can give me some answers to my questions. Okay?" He says, showing sympathy. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Grim nodded, "O- Ok.." he said, still shaking on the floor. He was still terrified, and to make everything worse Jackson placed his hand on Grims operator mark, he could feel the scar.
Magadude Magadude
"It seems that Nightmare just got scolded, that was fun to see especially since she actually cares it just happened" Alicia comments leaning against the wall "We can train here, have meetings and if needed we can use the lab, when it's not occupied" she says and she looks at Dax "So, is this a better hideout? I mean it's technically Nightmares place to stay so we're better protected then in a warehouse"
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Jackson feels the scar and seems unfazed by it. "I need to know more about Tim Wright." He says to Grim still with the same tone. "To be honest I kind of already expected from that call when I heard, I'm assuming Masky considering what I heard, that you were a creepypasta. I don't really care. You could of killed me in that warehouse and ended the hunters right then and there, but you didn't. So, although I can't say I necessarily trust you. I can't really trust most of you, consider I just met you all today. But back on topic, I can at least say you have no attention to kill me or the fellow hunters. I just want to know what you know about the other creepypasta." Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Kage yawned and looked at the kid laying on her couch and shrugged as she woke him up "hey kiddo let's go get some breakfast" she said as she chuckled watching him stumble and trip as he got ready.

"Where are we going kage oh c-can we go to IHOP please?" He asked her "I was already planing to as I have business across the street from there" she replied as the two headed off to the shop.

Once they got there they headed in and took there orders as kage saw several others around the place.

(This thing goes not like to update me)
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".....Hes like...A brother" Grim said, looking up at Jackson, "He has...Always watched my back...But he still works for Slender"Grimace got up, having some trouble but he did. "When Slender told him to kill me...He didn't, instead he did this for some reason" he pointed at his leg. "Silver too, it will take ages to heal now".
Magadude Magadude
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Alicia is walking around and she finds a hidden ladder and she goes up "Jackson, Grim, come see this" she says, not only was everything replaced, but it had a small kitchen as well as well as a meeting area and some beds.
Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"So he shot you." He says just looking at the leg. "Also, are you sure you are talking about Tim, or Masky? Because it feels like you're talking about Masky here, and I know mostly everything about Masky. I need to know where I can find his host." As he says that Alicia to go up the hidden ladder. He sees a small kitchen and beds. "This is weird for a gym to have. I can understand if someone put a cot here, but a kitchen? What why would a gym need a kitchen? Also, why did it take a hidden ladder to get here? What were they preparing for? Hmm..." Flame Demon Flame Demon Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"...I promised never to tell anyone where Tim is" Grim said, sighing somewhat. " I'm...Not so close to him anyway".
Grim looked at the room/hidden house. "Whaaa....This place is huge!...." He looked around at it, seeing the kitchen and the beds. "These beds are softer then the hotels!!".
Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon

  • "Son of a b*tch!" Jason slams the doors shut, before pumping his shotgun once more. The survivors around him continue boarding up the windows to the gym, and panicking while the moans and hisses continue to echo from outside.

    "Alright, then... so tell me what the hell you did with that book." Jason says, glaring at the leader of the survivors.

    The curly-haired man would be shivering, and lying down in a fetal position, having lost most of his sense... this doesn't sit well with Jason.

    "John! Tell me where the hell you put that book, so that I can fix all this!" Jason shouts out, punching the table firmly.

    The man, John, jumps up at Jason's loud voice. He then lifts a shaky finger towards the basement. When Jason begins to approach it, loud crashing could be heard from the main entrance.

    "THEY'VE BROKEN IN!" one of the survivors shout out, followed by screaming and shouting, as numerous Undead begin to fill the house.

    Jason quickly fires his shotgun and shouts, "EVERYONE TO THE BASEMENT! NOW!" before rushing with the crowd, providing cover fire.

    When they enter the basement, Jason finds the book he was looking for, sitting on a lone desk... a red book with a pentagram on its cover.

    He sighs, before placing his face into his palm. "A Necronomicon? YOU READ A F**KIN' NECRONOMICON DURING HALLOWEEN?! Have you lost your damn mind?!" Jason would angrily ask John, who flinches at his tone.

    "I-it seemed h-harmless enough, though... I t-thought it was a p-prank!" John would stutter out.

    The zombies begin to break through the hallway, while Jason rolls his eyes and approaches the cursed book.

    "Well, there's only one way to end this." he would say, before lifting his shotgun up, pointing it at the book.

    He then fires Rock Salt at it, weakening the book's Demonic Powers, before firing his second shot... Acacia Dust.

    With the book now covered in two spiritually-powerful substances, he lights a match and tosses it into the book. Upon making contact, the landscape begins to shake around the warehouse, while the zombies quickly fall to the ground, both new and old, and screech loudly. In mere moments, silence fills the entire area.

    The survivors look around, but can no longer find any zombies... almost like everything didn't even happen.

    John, having finally mustered up the ability to speak again, looks towards Jason in disbelief.

    "Before you ask, none of this happened... got it?" Jason asks him, back turned towards the survivors.

    "G-got it... but... who are you, though?!" he asks.

    Jason smiles, before starting to load his shotgun again.

    "Heh... that's for me to know, and you to not question."

    John is about to speak again, when he pales at a sudden realization... the red stain on Jason's shoulder.

    "Y-you've... you've been bitten by one of them?!"

    Jason nods his head and replies, "Yep... and though the Necronomicon ain't around anymore, that don't mean the effects aren't there... but don't worry. Better me than you guys, anyways."

    "My God... w-what are you going to do now, then?!" John asks.

    Jason turns to face him, with his shotgun's barrel held directly under his chin. "What do you think?"

    Before anyone else could speak, Jason had already pulled the trigger.

    Everything turns to darkness, before light encases his vision. He groans, before gripping onto his head, while sitting up from, what would appear to be, a grassy field.

    "Ugh... f**kin' Headshots... always leads to a headache... oww..." he complains, before reaching up at his arm, and patting on the, now bite-free, area.

    "Not that it would've taken over my mind, anyways... but better than infecting everyone around me with that damn plague..." he would say, before sitting back up, and pulling his phone out of his pocket. When he opens up the map, it reveals that he woke up somewhere in Texas, as opposed to Louisiana, where he was previously in.

    "Lovely... well, guess I'm gonna have to walk a good bit, then." he says, before placing his phone back into his pocket, and switching out with a bright red journal.

    Flipping the book open, he pulls a pen from its built-in Holsters, and marks a check on the task he was assigned to investigate.

    "Done, and done..."
"The worst case scenario" Alicia's mother says coming from the lab downstairs "If one of the experiments were to fail we'd have a save house" she adds "Then it was reverted into a gym for the school, then Nightmare began haunting it and they gave me the key" she says. Alicia sweatdrops "How many buildings like this are there?" she asks looking at her mother before noticing the ladder continuing to the roof "A roof garden..." she mumbles "To answer your question Ali, quite a lot around the world" the older woman says "Of course your father made several experiments fail after we got here on purpose. Nightmare killed them all though, she's resting by the way", Alicia nods "Well now I know why you traveled around so much before Jade was born, to get these ready".
Magadude Magadude Dax Dax Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
Grim looked around more, "Masky would be so jealous!!" he mumbled. "Even the proxy cabins were trash considered to this!!" he said before sitting on a bed. "SOOO FLUFFY!!" he cooed from the blanket. He.....Has some ADD, forgetting his conversation with Jackson as he laid on the bed. ".....Maybe he could bring Barry!! I cant believe i forgot him....." Grim said to himself as he took his phone out.....Texting Masky.....Grim is not the smartest.
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Alicia takes the phone and says "This is our hideout, don't invite them here" she didn't want to add that Nightmare disliked most proxies "Also, you still have that hotel you're staying at" she adds. She thinks for a while and asks "Grim, what's your age?", he needed to learn how the world worked, quickly. "I'm only allowing people here who won't attract unwanted attention, proxies will, we don't need Slenderman to visit" Nightmare says after appearing on one of the beds "And I don't exactly trust much proxies besides you Grim" she says.

Alicia hears the other guy and she climbs down "Oh, Jackson's exploring the gym right now" she says "And you have an interesting timing to be honest" she adds.
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
Nightmare chuckles, being too tired to actually start laughing "Then you Grim, are going to school" a voice from below says so Nightmare starts laughing "Oh laughing hurts" she says. Alicia looks at her mothed as if she had gone crazy "I guess it would benefit him" she says and she adds "Told you you'd need a fake name Grim", a proxy going to school, with her no less, this was gonna be weird "He should read up on things first" she says and she yawns.
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"But...I have a job, no time to learn" Grim said as he stood up, "Im sorry....i best be going now if your mad" he said as he reached his hand out, "May i have my phone back? It was expensive..." he asked, laying his weight on his crutch as he stood up.
Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Lots of students with a job to the side only have 3 days instead of 5" Nightmare says and she adds "But think about, you don't know much of the human world, you'll have to learn eventually".

Alicia nods "And the Starbucks would approve too, I worked there for a year" she says with a smile "It's a popular place to work for high school students", she hands his phone back and asks "But if you're hiding from Slenderman you shouldn't text one of his proxies"
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"But....I can trust Masky" Grim said, "He has been with me for....ever sense I can remember.....not all proxies are bad just......I'm the only one that got out of the spell" he sighed and sat down. "I'm to dumb to go to a school....it's to late for me"he said,"I can only read...that's it".
Flame Demon Flame Demon
Alicia takes the phone and says "This is our hideout, don't invite them here" she didn't want to add that Nightmare disliked most proxies "Also, you still have that hotel you're staying at" she adds. She thinks for a while and asks "Grim, what's your age?", he needed to learn how the world worked, quickly. "I'm only allowing people here who won't attract unwanted attention, proxies will, we don't need Slenderman to visit" Nightmare says after appearing on one of the beds "And I don't exactly trust much proxies besides you Grim" she says.

Alicia hears the other guy and she climbs down "Oh, Jackson's exploring the gym right now" she says "And you have an interesting timing to be honest" she adds.
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
Jason looks up at the girl who climbs down, and shrugs his shoulders. "Guess it's just a force of habit... nice gun, by the way. You make it yourself?" he would add, motioning towards her holstered firearm.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Alicia sighs "No, borrowed my dad's, it's old but the store doesn't want it" she says "He says only several were made where I used to live" she says with a shrug. "But this is our hideout" she adds "If you don't have a place to stay you can stay here as well".
Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels

Her mother however looks less then happy "Drag him to our house after his work" she says before leaving the gym.

Nightmare grins looking at Grim "Well you're stuck learning anyway, she's not letting you out of it, but if you wanna pass of a normal an education is needed.
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Grim groaned, "this... Is what I get..... For joining this crew" he mumbled as he got a call.
"Masky!!!! Come on let Tim sleep!!" he said through to phone as he got up and started to get up.
"No! I'm not there all the time!! I have a life outside of work....... Hey! Not true!!-" he continued to talk on the phone, sitting outside of the gym. "Sorry....They don't want me to tell you but.....They want more info on Tim.."

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Alicia was about to leave as well to head home "Uh Grim, you really shouldn't discus that outside this building" she says "See ya tomorrow morning" she adds before running off as well towards her mother's car.
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu

Nightmare teleports from the bed and is inspecting Jason sitting on the ground since her legs refuse to work along, a temprarely side effect of what her mother did "You gonna introduce yourself?" she asks tilting her head slightly at the male, she wondered how the detective was doing though.
Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
"Um.. ok bye!" he said to Alicia before standing up. "I'm coming now! chill....Yes i have taxi money wh-" Grims face showed fear. "....Your sure........I dont have that much to buy a new hotel room or....Um..." he nodded after a moment. "Ok......just...please clean the carpet, its not natural red and....um....do something, I was never good with....." he paused before sitting again. "...Did you get my doll? I haven't been sleeping well without it" he whispered into the phone. One could hear laughing from the other side of the phone. "...Fine..Ill meet you there in a bit, best to take your mask off and put on a new outfit, bye" he hung up before walking away, heading for an alley by the mall. Masky said he will meet me here with the doll..... Then hopefully walk me back to my non-blood-stained room.....At least it better not be. Who brings a fucking corpse to a hotel room? A Proxy....Oh god this wont be fun. He sat on the ground in the alley, waiting with a knife in hand for protection. Broken leg....Weak muscles...And pony tail...What any thug would look for in a 16 year old, no less in a dark alley.

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