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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

After everyone leaves his house, he goes to the stairs and sees the room down the hall. He gets close to it and is about to open it, but stops himself. I can't go back in there. Not until I kill that bastard! I need to make sure this can't happen to anyone else. He then goes into his room and does some last minute research, and gets ready to go to the abandon gym. In the middle of listening to one of CreepsMcPasta's videos, he puts on a jacket that has two gun holsters that he places two pistols in.
"....Let my death be quick then, I would rather die" Grimace said before turning around to enter the now open starbucks. He was shaking uncontrollably and was surprised he even said any of that. He quickly went to the restroom and put his uniform on before calling Jackson. "H-Hello?".
Dax Dax Magadude Magadude
Jackson, after finishing the video he was watching, gets a call from Grimace. Oh the call I've been waiting for. Let's see what he has to say about the last call. "Hey Grimace. So what going on? If I remember right, you got a job... and met a guy named Tim, or someone who is called Tim sometimes." He says with a smirk. "And you are still alive, so what's going on exactly?" He says as he pulls up a document on his computer that he calls Journal and starts to write down everything that happened today. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"Umm..." Grim was somewhat dumbfounded. "You heard that much....whoops"he sighed and sat on a small bench like chair. "Well after our last call I mostly slept...And what do you want to know about Tim?" He asked before grabbing his crutch and going to the tables in the store.
Magadude Magadude
Jason would wait patiently while the Overseer and the "Escaped Proxy" have their little "heart-to-heart", merely relaxing as he does so. Upon being offered the tea, he would accept it with a grateful nod, before taking a small sip of the liquid.

He continues listening in on their conversation, up until the point where the hooded man enters the building, crutch in one hand, and phone in the other.

Having finished with the tea, he offers the cup back to the Overseer, and gives her another appreciative nod.

"Thanks... anyways, I did do a bit of research while I was here... got a tip from the one called 'Kage'. Anyways, I heard you might know a lot of stuff around here... like these 'Hunters' and 'Creepy Pastas', things like that. I was wanting to learn more about the lay of the land here, like where the Hunters and... Pastas... tend to hang out. I'd also like to know, in your honest opinion, which ones might pose the biggest threats here, that aren't necessarily approved of by either side.

"And of course, I may not be from this world, but I can probably exchange a bit of knowledge from what I've gathered back in my own... from simple things, like "what kinds of wood would it take to hurt a Vampire the most", to "how to manufacture your own weapons and ammo"... though I guess since you don't kill, you won't be too interested in those.

"However... I'm from another world, so you can ask what it is about it that you'd like to know."

Dax Dax
Juliette arrives after a short while, and upon finding him, she lightly slaps the rookie officers face as he lies in front of the old gym, "Adam? Open your damn eyes."

The younger officer stirs a but as his eyes flutter open with a groan.

"What the hell happened?" detective Clairfield asks. "We got a call that you passed out."

"I.. don't remember... I came to check this place out, the rumour that it's haunted caught my interest. I heard there's been some unsavoury types hanging out here. Thought maybe it was a drug deal or something. Next thing I know.. well.. here we are." the officer explains.

"Look, Jim is gonna swing by and take you back to the station to get you checked out. I'm gonna look around a little. You just take care of yourself." Juliette nods and sees the officer off before she casually takes a lap around the block to make it appear as of the area is clear, looping around to check if there's any suspicious activity going on. The woman takes a small metal flask from her jacket and takes a drink, her face twists as the bite of the contents sends a burning sensation through her as she observes the area.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
The Overseer nods, turning back to her intended audience. “This is the first official Creepypasta hunter organization on the face of this eath. Given the last twenty four hours, it stands very little chance of actually accomplishing its goals, both now and in the long run. The biggest threat to the organization, oddly enough, is both myself and Nightmare, another Creepypasta that has allied herself to their cause.” She pauses to refill her own cup. “If we are too active, we will draw the attention of more powerful and malevolent ‘pastas. Like my father. Aside from us, the most potent hunters seem to be the leader, Jackson, and the one who is in the process of turning into one himself. The one you got the picture of.” She takes a sip of her tea. “The most powerful Creepypasta at the moment are my father, the Slenderman, and his arch rival, Zalgo. I have no clue what forces Zalgo commands, but Father has a very well-established and expansive network of Proxies across all continents, and even some in minorly influential seats of power."

With a pause, she considers what she wants to ask her conversation partner. "I'd like you to tell me about your world. Are there Creepypasta there? Or do they go by another name? More importantly, what sent you here?"

Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels
Nightmare is watching the duo in her fox form, tilting her head at Juliette, good thing the guy didn't remember anything about her being there she follows the detective around, the gym was her territorium after all, so she had to keep an eye on things, her Jade green eyes inspecting the person before sitting down after using her tail to sweep away some twigs, making her presence knows to the police detective.
EllyGloom EllyGloom

Alicia enters the Starbucks and isn't even surprised to see Grim there "Uh the usual?" she asks and a worker hands her her drink after Alicia pays "Hey Grim, what a surprise to see you here" she says looking at the male "How's the leg? Looks painful"
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Juliette instinctively reaches into her jacket as she hears the sound, revealing a Smith and Wesson 29-2, her favoured weapon over her standard issue that she also carries. Just the handle shows as she notices the sound coming from a small animal. She inspects the small animal and notices it doesn't seem to appear rabid. Being used to talking to her cat, she casually speaks in a soft, quiet tone, "What's a little guy like you doing here? Girl? Should get out of here. The city's no place for you. Idiot kids and people too busy texting to watch where they're drivin'." She relaxes a bit as she glances around with intent, observing her surroundings, before returning her attention to the small animal.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Nightmare tilts her head, at least she wasn't shot by the person, she also wondered how the detective didn't find it weird to see a black fox with jade green eyes, she'd ponder about that later, she walks to the gym and sits near the wall, wanting to show Juliette that she's staying there. "Still need to be more careful" she thinks as she looks at the handle of the gun "At least she's paranoid, which is good in this town I suppose" she thinks.
EllyGloom EllyGloom
Coming down from her initial response to the situation, she notices the strange colouration of the animal.. and then it's odd behavior and display of understanding, without taking her eyes off of the fox, she talks audiably as a car pulls up, "Hey Jim, get Adam back to the station. I'm gonna look around a bit. Gonna walk back home."

The officer does so, and the woman is left there alone with the strange fox. She takes her hand off of the gun and holds both up casually, showing she's not hostile. She speaks to the fox again, this time her voice isn't that of one you'd use toward a pet. "I'm gonna assume you're a cryptid, and you're gonna assume that you're not gonna drop me without regretting it long after I'm gone." She lowers her hands in a non-threatening manner. "Now, what the hell are you, and what did you do to my man?"

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Nightmare changes back to normal, scythe not in sight at the moment "Well I have no clue what a cryptid is" she says casually taking the hood down as she leans against the wall, hands in her pockets "As for what I did, he pointed his gun at me, told me to take the hood off which I understand and then I put him to sleep after he saw me" she explains tilting her head slightly at the woman, she was interesting "And no I have intentions of killing you" she adds "Otherwise I would have done so already"
EllyGloom EllyGloom
She chuckles, "I'm sure you would have tried." she gives a smirk and shakes her head. "Cryptids.." she pauses before continuing with the definition, "creatures whose existence can't be entirely proven or disproven by science."

She paces confidently as she speaks, looking over the creature.

"Furthermore, I'm not a reckless crusader. I don't really know what you things are, or what you want, but a lot of you are just tryin' to survive in this city. You're only upperhand is not havin' to pay taxes for the potholes that never get filled."

Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Because most of us stay with Slenderman" Nightmare says and she adds "And that's such a boring term to call us and my existence can be proven by science, it's interesting to read since I was a normal girl at one point". This girl had no idea that if she had tried she'd have succeeded "Sadly enough I don't kill victims in the open" she says with a smirk.

"We are called Creepypasta's, most of us are proxies under Slenderman's orders, but well, there are some who do as they wish" she explains "Like me" she adds "Though I am thinking to stop killing, unless really needed". She then looks at Juliette "However I'll have to ask you to keep the fact I'm here quiet and I have to ask you that you'll stay away from now on" she says narrowing her eyes.
EllyGloom EllyGloom
The fox woman doesn't know that the detective would possibly consider killing her a favour on some days, and probably has never encountered the danger of a woman with nothing to lose. Fearlessly, she replies, "You choose to refer to yourself with the name given to the stories that represent you? Hmm.. weird." She pauses thoughtfully. "You know.. the lore must be wrong. I thought proxies we're humans under the influence of the Slenderman.. and from my encounters, not many cryptids are affiliated with him. Rake, green eyed angels, the Holders... And doesn't the term 'creepypasta' cover rituals and lost episodes too?"

Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Yep, like Eyeless Jack" Nightmare says "All of them" she adds "And actually no, I was given the name Nightmare by EJ because of my powers to give people nightmares" she explains "My story was put on the internet later then that". She inspects the detective "Most of us put our own stories on the internet, humans can speculate what they want, but yes you information on proxies is correct" she says "Just so you know though, not all of us would let you live longer then a minute" she says "Ever been page hunting?" she asks with a grin, the glow in her eyes seemingly brighter "And you should read up on us, decide who's existence can be explained by science, though most scientists would, oh I don't know, vomit at the idea of how I came to be" she says summoning her scythe "Now leave and don't come back" she says in a cold voice as she the glow in her eyes disappears, her eyes now void of any signs of emotions and life.
EllyGloom EllyGloom
The Overseer nods, turning back to her intended audience. “This is the first official Creepypasta hunter organization on the face of this eath. Given the last twenty four hours, it stands very little chance of actually accomplishing its goals, both now and in the long run. The biggest threat to the organization, oddly enough, is both myself and Nightmare, another Creepypasta that has allied herself to their cause.” She pauses to refill her own cup. “If we are too active, we will draw the attention of more powerful and malevolent ‘pastas. Like my father. Aside from us, the most potent hunters seem to be the leader, Jackson, and the one who is in the process of turning into one himself. The one you got the picture of.” She takes a sip of her tea. “The most powerful Creepypasta at the moment are my father, the Slenderman, and his arch rival, Zalgo. I have no clue what forces Zalgo commands, but Father has a very well-established and expansive network of Proxies across all continents, and even some in minorly influential seats of power."

With a pause, she considers what she wants to ask her conversation partner. "I'd like you to tell me about your world. Are there Creepypasta there? Or do they go by another name? More importantly, what sent you here?"

Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels

Jason nods his head, listening to The Overseer's words carefully, before replying to her question.

"Well, we definitely have our fair share of creepy stuff... though they aren't as sentient or sapient as the 'Pastas'. Rather, they're creatures from the Void Realm, a place between Heaven and Hell that all spirits go to after death... well... most spirits, at least."

He shrugs his shoulders. "And no, we don't really call the creatures from the Void Realm 'Pastas'. To us, they're 'Voidlings', and we don't really associate them with names, but rather, by Species, since there's more than one of each type. Like Vampires, Werewolves, Changelings, Liches, Wraiths, Demons, Ghouls, Zombies, Skeletons, Phantoms, Poltergeists... hell, even a few Illithids and Eldritch Horrors tend to make their presence known."

Jason then points a thumb to his own chest. "There's folks whose goals are to stop 'em from taking over. Most of the commoners don't even notice their presence, nor do they notice ours, due to some of our... partnerships, so to speak.

"I'm what's known as a Slayer in my world... but rather than hunt the creatures blindly, we actually analyze the creatures' moves, weaken them with weapons that are designed to damage their physical apparitions or bodies, then we get one of our partners... well... our non-human partners, to strike at their Life Orb, which then banishes them back into the Void... which is essentially killing the creature."

He rubs his chin in thought. "However... when I was able to Astral Project within this world, while dealing with the Crooked Man, I found that he didn't really have a Life Orb, which means that there are some differences to this world, even on a Spiritual Level. However, I was able to sense him trying to get into my head... but it looks like my Curse ain't out of the picture, cuz he wasn't able to even enter my mind."
"Oh come on, Nightmare.." she let's out a sigh as she shakes her head, looking disappointed, reholstering her weapon that she had quickly drawn. You're greener than the guy you K.O.'d." She lowers her hand that was resting on her revolver, not even bothering to ready herself for a fight anymore. "It's written all over your face, you don't know a damn thing.." She turns to walk away, looking back and continuing, "Here I thought I was gonna find a big player down here tonight, but instead I found a 'Slenderfan.'"

"And sure, not all cryptids would let us last longer than a minute...the mindless beasts and the psychopaths..." she pauses for a moment, "No... the most wicked ensure that you stay alive for a long time, long enough to suffer. Even if that means the rest of your life..." With the last part of her statement, her eyes betray her for just a moment and show a profound sadness."

Quickly and almost undetectibly, she regains her composure, "And for the record, I was referring to the term, 'creepypasta,' not your real name, but thanks for that, it's more useful than you'd know, but I guess your 'boss' never explained that to you, did he?"

"As far as I know, this is public property. I'll stay away unless you give me a reason, Nightmare," she says with intent, emphasizing the name, reaffirming that she now knows it." She smirks. "And you'd do well to 'stop killing unless really needed,' and choose your victims carefully. It's simple; don't give me a reason to come here, and I won't."

Juliette walks away from the armed cryptid, paying no mind to the scythe.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
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"You want a reason" Nightmare says with a smirk "This isn't public grounds, if belongs to the one with the key to the building" she says, she had seen the sadness "But I don't have a boss, no one is my boss" she says, her eyes glowing brightly for a moment at the thought of her father and in a second she's in front of Juliette "And if you think it's more useful then I know you're wrong because finding me if a real task" she says and she smirks slightly "Also, I'm not a cryptid, wanna know why I know science can explain my existence?" she asks "I can show you" she adds, it wouldn't be hard to remake the things that happened to her "You should be focusing on criminals your fellow officers believe in, not things only seen in stories. Also for the record, I want Slenderman dead and if you must call me something, call me a demon" she says and the disappears from her spot after ensuring Juliette would get the worst nightmares she can get "Sweet dreams detective" she says before she's gone completely, she would have fun with that one, dreams sometimes reveal things you want no one to know, she also knew more then she lets on, but where's the fun in all showing everyone want you know.
EllyGloom EllyGloom

"A friend huh?" Alicia asks drinking her drink and she sighs "Tell you what Grim, if you wanna blend in completely, take a fake name" she says looking at the male "I do hope you already have on" she says "People can't keep calling you Grim you know" she says and she asks "Do you have a place to stay? And I don't mean a hotel".
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"Because then it'll be harder to track you down, I mean, if we call you Grim and someone who knows you walks by you'll be in trouble" Alicia points out "You seriously thought you could stay unnoticed without changing your name?" she asks tilting her head, this guys seriously needed help. "So how long can you stay at the hotel?" she asks taking another sip of her drink.
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Juliette heads home to her apartment, tossing her jacket onto the coatrack, "Damn kid, completely missing the mark. She sighs and takes a beer from her fridge. She sits down and watches some telly for a bit, eying the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table. "Can't have a nightmare if I'm plastered.." she says to herself, but she stops, thinking, "...though I should to get a better insight on what she does."

Just then her cat begins to miss and takes off into the other room, hiding below the bed. Juliette looks up and sees a reflection in the telly, two vivid, green eyes, peering at her from behind. The detective looks up calmly, almost as if expecting the visitor, "I've.. missed you." the voice comes from the figure behind her.

"Yeah.. I bet you have." Juliette replies. "Let's just get it over with, okay, I'm not in the mood for pleasantries tonight."

"Is this about what she said? I can't tell you more than she has already has, but you will see..." the figure says.

"See what?" the detective asks.

"You said no pleasantries tonight..." the figure states a few moments before she grabs the woman and the scene goes to black as the detective passes out, soon thereafter."

The entity carefully takes what's needed and fades away after. Without the aid of the whiskey, Juliette finds herself in the dreamscape...
"Exactly my point!" Alicia says "I mean a normal name" she adds with a facepalm "After those two weeks I am giving you a place to stay" she says, making it clear she's not taking no for an answer.
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu

Nightmare humans while sitting on the roof of the house and she smirks "Starting with the worst" she says, she was gonna save her own past for another time so she was gonna settle for the worst thing Juliette went through "Not gonna peek" she mumbles, though it could be something she could use against the detective.
EllyGloom EllyGloom

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