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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)

Grim turned over, a whimper as his leg moved.

Masky went into Tims house and hid everything before laying in bed and falling asleep, when the body wakes up it'll be Tim.
  • "Thanks for the offer... I'll think about it." Jason replied to Kage, before heading out the door. Uncertain about where he should be heading, and while lacking a phone that works, he decided to take a right, towards the part of town that looked a lot more isolated than the rest.
Kage walked around at midnight following her prey as the woman in front of her dragged a small child behind her not caring that she was hurting him in the process "I hope none of those damned hunters try to stop me and what I'll do with the kid as he has no other family members then his mother" she muttered to her self
Jason would finally reach the outside area of town, and would notice the woman dragging the child. He would frown at her, and the way how she firmly grips the child, dragging him.

"Excuse me, ma'am... I think you might be hurting your kid, there." he would say to her, before turning and walking in the same direction they're going.

Kage glared at him as the woman glared as well and simply dragged the child into an alley way causing kage to grin widely as she followed and soon screams of pain and horror rang through the air as kage caused the woman to suffer before she killed the woman while the child was unconscious due to kage having given him a quick acting sedative
Having followed them, Jason crosses his arms and leans against the wall, merely observing the scenario playing out. However, he doesn't even appear hostile towards Kage, but rather... amused?

"Well, I guess that's one way of dealing with the evils of this world... so, bullet wound for just a moment, then suddenly you're back to action? Hell, you must be one tough cookie." he would comment, before looking at the unconscious child. "So, what do you plan on doing with that kid, exactly?"
Oh trust me it hurt like hell but I simply ignore it and can do so easily, but honestly I think he will make a good proxy for me partly because of how limber he is almost on par with me actually that or I could give him to an orphanage and like him possible go to an even worse family" she said with a shrug "not really sure but with all this hunter business I don't want him hurt or scared of humans" she said softly as she ran a hand through her hair
"Hmm... well, why not deliver him to a family that will take care of him? Tell them that his mother was just murdered, and that he has no home. They can probably deal with the paperwork, and have him adopted from an Agency without the need to go through the risks." he suggests, shrugging his shoulders. "After all, you and I both know that having a kid like that involved with all this 'Hunter Business' is more than likely gonna get him killed... hell, I ain't even from here, and already I can sense the dangers here in this odd little town."
She grunted at that "got a point I'll look and see if I can't find a family hell if nothing else I'll just ask observer and see if she knows a good family for the kid" she said looking at the kid before picking him up carefully "and I'm surprised you didn't try and stop me may I ask why?"
Again, Jason shrugs, not moving an inch to stop her. "Like I said, I ain't necessarily a Hunter... not one from here, at least. I'm basically just trying to wrap my head around things... that, and figure out why that Fog took me away from my... well, guess you can say World, at this point."
The fog ugh that thing is a Bitch and ahalf" she growled "well don't expect to get back anytime soon if it's the same fog I know of but that aside I'm gonna get the kid to my safe house for the night so I know he won't die on me" she said heading off
"Sounds good... take care." he says, giving a respectful nod while she passes by him, child in tow.

However, he clears his throat to get her attention one last time. "Actually, wait just a sec... you mentioned knowing an 'Observer'... mind if I ask where she might be at the moment?"
From what I can tell she is with nightmare and two others but I can't tell where she's blocking me from speaking to her but I'll let you know if I do know" she said as she left
"Thanks... if she asks why, just tell 'er I'm looking for directions." Jason replies, giving a friendly nod, before continuing on his way towards the town.
Tim woke up and looked around. "Late..." he mumbled as he got up and ready, then started walking to the doctors office.
"Oh really. Now if I only knew where it was." He says very sarcastically and laughs to himself. "So... What now? For you two, we need to wait to see if your mother is willing to complete the experiments , or even his the equipment possible to do so. I need to set up a way to get in contact with Tim Wright, most likely through Grimace. And the Overseer is... going to be are girl on the inside for now?" He says kind of curious about what Overseer's plan was, but still somewhat thinking about what he was going to do after getting the pills. Although those pills help resist the static, it's not 100%. Not to mention it might have some side effects considering everyone who has taken it turned crazy in some way. But it's better than nothing. Flame Demon Flame Demon Dax Dax
"You really shouldn't worry" Nightmare says and she adds "I'll deal with mom, she was against telling Ali the entire truth about me", now she had to find a very good reason "But I should warn you in advance should she do it, I may temporarely become extemely unstable, it's best if no one, besides other creepypasta get near me. Lots of scientists died because they weren't careful enough"

Alicia looks down, why didn't they have another idea, she sort of understood why "Jackson can we go shopping for a new gun tomorrow? I need an extra and some extra bullets too, the one I 'borrowed' from mom is good and all, but it's old, but they didn't want it, saying not many were made due to the factory malfuncioning and blowing up" she says, true that she hadn't seen much like hers, but it was an old model anyway "They joked it'd be good for werewolf hunting" she comments, though they may have had a point, she could use silver bullets.
Magadude Magadude Dax Dax
(Warning;im not that caught up in MH, im at about.....70-75 on the entries,maybe a little more, when school started stopped to focus on work)

Tim yawned as he entered the office, "Dr?" he asked, not seeing anyone.

Grimace woke up a few minutes after Kagekao left, "Im on my own now...by this time masky should be Tim" he said as he yawned and just stayed laying down. Relaxing and enjoying the first bed he has been in sense....About a year, the time he became an ex-proxy.
The Overseer nodded, slowly. "Those pills will only get you so far," she stated. "It'll take a little training around the static for your body to build up a natural resistance to it, as most Proxies already have. Fortunately for you, I can produce static, so getting near Father won't be a concern." She hummed to herself, as if considering a few more options. "There are... other ways of becoming immune, but those are more time-consuming and... risky..."

Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon
Having arrived at a Hotel, Jason steps inside, and takes a seat at a bench in the Main Lobby, casually observing the people that enter and leave... at least, until it's his turn to check in a room.

The process takes a little while, but finally, he's been given a fairly cheap room. Accepting the key with a nod of appreciation, he goes through the worn hallways, until he reaches the door. Upon unlocking it, he steps inside, and could tell that the maintenance team may not be paid too well, due to its slightly poor condition.

Regardless, though, he shrugs his shoulders, and sets his backpack onto the table. Taking a seat at the chair, he begins to go through its contents, pulling out several bullet casings, empty shells, gunpowder, and a variety of fillings, ranging from Silver Pellets and Slugs, to Rock Salt and a strange wooden powder that, to Dark Spirits, would likely leave a slight burn upon contact, similar to the Rock Salt... Acadia Sawdust.

He then takes out a small, makeshift Mold and the rest of the tools, then starts to assemble shells for his shotgun, likely to restock from the few that he used to deal with the Crooked Man mere hours ago.

(Anyone within the Hotel)
Kage yawned as she got to the home she had found for the boy As she watched them she frowned as she tried to contact overseer through the shadows .... "Hey seer have you looked into the family I told you about for the kid yet or are you still having your little tea party?" She asked as she watched the mother scold the eldest son in the family as this caused her to scowl deeply as she looked at the kid who looked back at her fearful of the people in the house when he felt safe around the shadow demon.

"w-why can't I stay with you kage" he mumbled with a soft whimper causing kage to sigh once more "because it's to dangerous for you to be around me with the hunters around but once this all blows over I'll come back for you kid I told you that earlier didn't I" she said with a chuckle as she looked at the house and saw the family leaving
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Nightmare nods at the Overseer "I'm already immune to the static, blame my dad" she says and sighs "But we shouldn't talk about this in a house" she adds, she and the Overseer weren't proxies, but they'd be safer somewhere else none the less "We need to get everyone in shape too" she adds looking at the three.

Alicia nods "I have PE at school, but some extra training wouldn't be bad, but I need to fit it in my already busy schedule" she mumbles, she just wasn't sure what to throw from her schedule "Guess I'll quit tennis" she says with a sigh, this earns her a glare from Nightmare "Or maybe I can quit the art club?" she asks.
Having finished loading his bullets back up, Jason packs his new shells and slugs into his backpack, then heads over to the bed.

He wouldn't be feeling very sleepy at the moment. Upon drawing his flashlight, he applies a "Black Light" lense to its tip, and shines it over the bed... numerous stains would be present.

With a chuckle, he shakes his head. "Not in a million years..." he would comment, before turning the light off.

In all honesty, he wasn't really wanting to sleep in this place... too low-budget, and practically abandoned by its owners. He merely wanted to make preparations for whatever it was this Fog wanted him to do in this new place.

"Hmm... wonder if this place has WiFi?" he asks. He pulls his phone from his pocket, and fiddles with it, tapping the screen until it reaches the signal point.

Thankfully, the place does have internet. However, it would be locked from others to use... but he doesn't let it bother him. With a particular app, he is able to crack into it, allowing him to, Anonymously, connect to the internet. It helps even more that his phone isn't from this world, so a tracker most likely won't work... to them, it's just a bunch of letters and numbers, given Administrator Rights.

He begins going through the popular articles around the town. Things like "Slenderman", "Crooked Man", "Kagekao", "The Fog"... several others. He searches for the "Observer", but is soon met with the phrase, "Did you mean 'Overseer'?" Curious, he clicks it, and is met with a few pictures of a mysterious hooded figure.


"Looks about right." he would say with a confirming nod. He saves the clearest-looking picture, and disconnects his phone from the internet. Its traces would be deleted upon him disconnecting, as an added safety protocol.

After packing all his stuff up, he heads back out of the room, and goes into the Main Lobby. He slips the key back onto the counter, and walks to the door.

"Sir, you were only in here for an hour!" the receptionist calls out in confusion.

Jason raises his hand dismissively. "Keep the change." he replies, before finally leaving the place. He would then make his way over towards the nearest phone booth.

He would slip a few quarters inside it, before dialing the number that the 'Hunter' person gave him.

Grimace woke up nearly two hours later. He got up, forgetting about his leg, and went to stand up but yelled in pain and plopped right back own. "Damn...forgot about that" he mumbled before taking the crutch he got yesterday and carefully tried to walk to the bathroom. When he did get there he got into the shower, sitting on the ground as he cleans himself, and his wings. when he finished he got out and put new clothing on, a flannel hoodie and jeans, wrapped his leg again after disinfecting it, and putting his job uniform in a bag. He brushed and tied his hair up before leaving with the bag.

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