Commonwealth [Inactive]

"It was."

As Vex tried to find more files he saw that most of the files on her history had been thoroughly erased before her deactivation. In fact, her specifications, academic knowledge, skills programming, and Dr Wright's log were the only files left from before her deactivation.
"At least you're safe now." he said quietly, finally giving up the search. "I can't find much else. I'm sorry." he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. He removed the cable and stood, sighing. "I wish I could be more help."
"You've already been a great help. It's a huge confidence boost knowing I'm mil-spec" she said with a smile as she sat up on the table.
He looked at her for a moment, before reaching over to hand over her clothes. "Still, you've got an entire history that's been erased. It just bothers me..." he said, shrugging. "Look, if you ever need anything, just ask. I'll always be willing to help."
"Thank you" she said as she started to get dressed again. "But it couldn't have been much of a history, the log says the project was scrapped after about six months."
"A history is a history. It doesn't matter how old someone is, there's always a story to tell." he said, shrugging a bit.
"If you want, I can try to look for them. Finding them won't be easy, but it wouldn't hurt to try, right?" he asked, sitting down again. He let out a long sigh and leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. She may have been thankful for his help, but he really didn't feel like he had helped at all.
"It would be nice to finally have some sort of family" she said as she pulled on her shirt. She stood up from the table, now fully clothed.
Vex went oddly quiet when she said that. When he finally spoke, an odd melancholy tinged his voice. "Yeah... It really would."
He looked over at her, and would have smiled if he could. "Lots of things." he said, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Just be glad that you have a clean slate to work off of. Memories can be a major hassle sometimes." he said, chuckling a bit.
Lilly wasn't quite sure what to make of that, she stared at the floor for a while. "Sounds like there's a story behind that advice."
He nodded, pulling another chair around for her to take a seat. "Regret is a terrible thing. I mean, you saw how the Captain was earlier." he said, leaning back in his chair. "About ten years ago, I had just started work as a bounty hunter. I was happily married, my wife was pregnant, and I foolishly thought I could juggle being a bounty hunter and a husband without any problems..." he said, pausing for a moment.

"I was hunting down a serial killer, and somehow he got wind that I was on his trail. When I found him, he had taken my wife hostage. Before I knew what was going on, he pulled the trigger on her. She died instantly." he said, sighing deeply. "I still hear her screaming, begging me to help her. I couldn't." He was silent for a long while, staring at the floor. "There was nothing I could do to stop it. All because of a stupid mistake, the family I could have had is gone."
Lilly sat down on the chair, "I'm sorry to hear that" was all she could manage to say. She was still terrible with social interaction and had no idea what she should say.
He just shrugged. "It's not like you could have done anything to stop it. At that point, you were just a brilliant idea in your designer's mind." he joked, forcing a chuckle. "That's all in the past now. Though, I see the Captain about to make similar mistakes to the ones I did, and I'm afraid that nothing I'm going to tell him will change his mind."
"He's about to let his lust for revenge against the J'sarri put all of us at risk. I've had to fight those monsters, and it's not as simple as just going up and blasting them with a flamethrower. They regenerate from their wounds very quickly, and they are extremely intelligent. He's going to let revenge blind his basic common sense, and I have a terrible feeling that a lot of us are going to die for it."
He thought for a moment. "Well, they normally stand between eight to ten feet tall, and have a black carapace that's closer to armor than skin." he said, pausing. "They are extremely fast, and it's almost impossible to fight them hand to hand. They usually carry improvised blades that they cut themselves with, coating the blades in a highly toxic blood." He glanced over at her for a moment. "They also never sleep, and never need rest. They feed off of the life-force of sentient creatures, and can go months without a feeding. Most of the time they kill just because they enjoy it."
"More than likely. These things don't show up on any known scans, so it's impossible for anyone to know if the GC really killed them all off. Of course, they put out a bulletin saying they were all destroyed, just to calm the public down." He shook his head, sighing. "If you guys ran into one of those things, and it recognized Mark as a previous member of the GC, that could be a major problem. It would be able to follow him back here. The Captain's not the only one who would be out for revenge..."
Vex glanced over his shoulder at the droid. "No, just having a little chat with Lilly." he explained, turning to face Rogue. "Figured I'd be able to borrow the robotics lab to run the diagnostics I needed."
Rogue cast him a sarcastically unsurprised look. "Just remember kids, you're sitting inside of me, so don't do anything you won't want me to know about." She grabbed a tool off the wall, then winked at Lilly, "Nice to see you again sis. Oh, and Vex, don't think I didn't notice that little program you tried to install into me. Ever pull a stunt like that again, and you'll be doing more than a diagnostics test."

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