Commonwealth [Inactive]

"Just make sure my Sarah is safe! I can't handle loosing her again." Mark let his head drop. "I need a rest. Wake me when you're ready to start the procedure. I'm really sorry about this Alexei. I-she was my one weakness."
Thomas strode casually through the door to the bridge "did I miss something? The girl is wandering the halls, looking like she's seen a ghost. And you seem more on edge than ever."

(( sorry for the long absence, I had midterms))
Alexei continued typing away in silence, the emotional tension making him severely uncomfortable. He tried to scrap together some kind of consolation in his head, but nothing came. The best he could do for him was get the systems running properly, but his hands were trembling from a concoction of stress, nervousness, and discomfort. "All systems are go," Alexei stuttered out, trying to recollect his usual stoicism.
Alexei, after a few moments, managed to regain his composure, his previously shaking fingers stiffening like an expert marksman's as he plopped himself in front of a terminal. "You have nothing to worry about, captain. I'll monitor the whole thing and make sure nothing goes wrong," he said, the previously erratic patterns in his speech smoothing out into a gentle flow of words.
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