Commonwealth [Inactive]

"I don't want to push you into it, but could you please help? And if Rogue won't take on her consciousness, at least we can set her free."
"It all depends," said Mark, shrugging. "If she's just scattered throughout the synapses, that's no big trick. Most of Rogue's nervous system is fairly safe for an authorized entree, but when you get down to the core, I can't be sure, and who knows what viruses are lurking around. There shouldn't be any, but I just don't want you to be unprepared."
Lilly turned toward the exit and slowly stepped out of the room. She wandered the ship aimlessly for a while until she found the hanger. She saw Vex's ship inside so she walked up to it and shouted "Are you in there, Vex?" she desperately needed someone to talk to, and he was as good as anybody else.
Alexei relieved himself from the terminal after about an hour of work. It seemed all systems were operational, aside from a few pesky bugs here and there. He still had to recover what he was working on before the crash, but that would only take an hour or two at most.
When Lilly left, Captain Fuller stood and looked back to Rogue. She cast him a confused look and started walking away. Then he saw Alexei leaving. "Alexei… I might need your help in an hour or so, alright?"
"Uh, sure. Anything for you, Cap," he replied hesitantly. He rubbed his fingers together ever so slightly with anticipation, before continuing, "What do you need?"
Mark hesitated for a second. "Do you remember that android operation I was funding for a while? Well, either way it doesn't matter. I'm hoping that Lilly will try to interface with Rogue's AI. I might need your help making sure everything is stable. She's just got some work to do in there. Got it?"
"Oh. Is that all? I mean, the Rogue should be totally secure, but I can still check," he replied, "Come to think of it, I haven't done any scans in a while... I should really get on that anyway." Maybe she'll even be grateful enough to take a joke for once, he chided in the safety of his mind.
"Uhh, consciousness? Is there something I should be worried about?" he inquired scrolling on his tablet. Here we go, he thought, starting the analysis.
"Nothing to worry about as long as you don't wipe it. Do you think you can handle that? Or will I have to give you a thorough explanation?
"I would prefer to know what little buggers are running around all systems at all times," he said plainly. "Now, I take it there should only be one then?"
"Little Buggers! That is Sarah you're talking…" Mark cleared his throat, "I-I mean yes, but it is probably scattered through multiple systems."
"Oh?" he blurted out with a grin, clearly pleased with the new level of enlightenment. "So this is Sarah now, is it?" Meanwhile his thoughts were racing through the various systems checks, the status of each server popping into his mind in rapid succession. Server one. Clear. Server two. Clear. Server three. There's our Sarah. Oh, and here on servers four, six, and eight. Others clear.
Mark grimaced, putting a hand up to shield his shame. "Yes. Just be careful, okay?"
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"Please, like I wouldn't be careful," he retorted. "It looks like everything else is clear anyway, aside from a few cookies I had to erase."
"Its nothing to worry about," he reassured the captain, "They were probably planted by Vex, judging by the fact that they're black market grade and their behavior programming is similar to Alice's."
"They were Vex's?!" Mark felt his emotions turn to rock as his anger rose. All the emotions going through him were too much. He thought he had himself under control, but ever since he was confronted by Rogue and Lilly, it sent him in a spiral again. He wouldn't have anyone tampering with the systems as long as Sarah was still in the ship!
"Well, they're probably Vex's. I don't know for sure," Alexei said, trying to stay factual. The edges of his mouth tugged downward with discomfort as he shifted ever so slightly. Perhaps I shouldn't have told him that when I knew Sarah was on the same server setup.
"If anything goes wrong, Vex is going to get it!" Mark was red in the face now. He had been completely exposed to everyone that was willing to stand with him, and he didn't like that. Sarah was all he had cared about, he knew what he had done was silly, but at the time, he didn't care. Now he was stuck with the responsibility and consequences.
Alexei completed his check and closed the program. "It should be fine, I near certain I got rid of all of them. They didn't seem to be messing with anything, just... observing," he said, trying to be reassuring.

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