Commonwealth [Inactive]

"Of course. I have access to all the historical data banks that the Commonwealth keeps stored away from the common rabble. I'm not taking it down right now though. It would create a nice blind spot for us to get off world, in any case," he replied. Of course, it would sound of some alarms in the core worlds, he continued in thought.
Rogue turned to Lilly, "I was there at your creation, and aided in your escape. I remember, out of the numerous versions that should have surpassed you in survival, you were one of the few that made it through the initial deactivation. That's why you ended up in the hands of Blackwater."

"No Alexei, we need a low profile exit. Cut all connections to the Commonwealth. I know it will be more work, but I have faith that you can reestablish them when we need it. Is that understood?"
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"I'll come with you, I wouldn't expect him to be so open about it. Let's just say it's personal for him." Rogue walks out the door and waits for Lilly to follow.
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Rogue grabbed Lilly by the shoulder. "Lilly, please don't be angry at me." For some strange reason, Rogue activated her tear ducts. Suddenly, her disposition as the strongest ship of the galaxy faded away. She couldn't understand it, but she felt a connection to Lilly. "Lilly... I can't tell you how long it's been since I've talked to someone like me. Everyone else looks at me as a glorified mascot, someone to look to for solutions to problems. I can solve those problems. But you're as close to a sister as I have. Please don't disconnect from me."
"You can understand why I'm angry, I have no past to remember, and everyone who knows about my past won't tell me!" She angrily slapped the button on the door frame and the door to the bridge slid open.
Rogue reached out as Lilly continued. "I said as much as I dared…" when the door opened and she saw Captain Fuller, she quickly wiped her face and hardened her demeanor again, clearing her throat.

Captain Fuller turned sharply as the door opened. "Lilly? What do you need?"
Captain Fuller stepped toward her, a little on edge. "Answers? Answers to what? You know you're an android now. That's all there is to it."

"Mark… her designation is AE-120. She deserves an explanation."

Captain Fuller stormed out of the room, taking the situation away from Alexei. "I am captain of this ship. I don't need to explain anything to a robot! Restrain yourself Rogue, you weren't designed to be an open book."

When Mark called them robots, Rogue was taken aback. She set her jaw and moved in front of him. "Robots?! What was I designed to be then? A fulfillment of your selfish desires? Then you shouldn't have given me sentience and free will!" Rogue gave him a hard slap on the face.

Following the slap, Mark grabbed Rogue's arms and slammed her against the wall. "I will not be bullied by a set of ones and zeros! What has gotten into you Sarah…" Mark loosened his grip and looked to the floor. "I…"
Mark had lost control twice in one day. Emotions raced through his head. It was all to much. Am I going soft? I'm not really going to open up to them. Am I? Mark collapsed onto the floor, head in his hands. "I… When Sarah was… attacked by the J'sarri, she… didn't die right away. She was unconscious. I was able to fight off the monster and bring her back to the ship. The doctor told me there was nothing he could do. I was too weak to accept it. She was my one weakness. I… downloaded her consciousness… into the Rogue Prudence. After that, I couldn't lose her again, so I did everything to keep my ship safe, thus I became a high ranking officer. With my rank… I funded a secret operation… to develop a new body for Sarah. Your series… Lilly, was the final series. Rogue knows her purpose. Her android shell was developed and updated to be a perfect body for…" Mark stopped, he couldn't speak for a moment.
Lilly was at a loss for words, she just opened and closed her mouth repeatedly like a fish. She wanted to say something, but she was so utterly shocked by the captain's breakdown.
Mark continued, "Under combat and espionage, I was able to hide the true purpose of the operation for a long time. But as it neared completion, my emotions got the better of me. I was too… impatient. Your series had just been developed when the Commonwealth started suspecting me. They sent a squadron to halt the operation and investigate. I couldn't let that happen. In the scramble, I was able to save three Androids from the 120 series as well as Rogue. Yet when I reached the ship, Rogue was the only one still with me. I didn't have time to go back. I'm sorry."

Rogue folded her arms, listening sorrowfully at the story.
Mark sniffled. "Captured, in a scrap heap, in a situation like you were. Who knows. We hadn't put trackers on them yet. There was one male version and another female version. I haven't heard anything on it, but perhaps you remember something."
"Perhaps, once we've taken flight, and have started building a substantial fleet, Alexei can hack GC files on the incident. There might be new information on them. Otherwise, I don't really know what else to do. It was only by chance that we found you. But I'm glad, because we, I need help…"
"It's not that simple Lilly. I… I've lost Sarah's consciousness within the ship's AI. Rogue is synced with the entire ship. She doesn't hold any of Sarah's experiences."
"I… I need someone to go in and find her within the system. She may be scattered throughout, or just hidden away. Rogue can't because she's already connected to the ship. But since you're not connected, you might have a chance of finding her. I can only ask you to do this, because you might get lost as well, although I'm sure Rogue would guide you. Then we need to decide what… to do with… her."
Lilly stared at him silently, weighing the decision in her mind. She wanted to help him, but it sounded dangerous.

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