Commonwealth [Inactive]

Vex cursed under his breath, standing. "Well, you two girls have your fun. I still have work to do." he said, making his way back out into the hall. That program should have been impossible to find, it was disguised as a routine process. He shook his head and sighed. Either he had made a mistake with his programming, which wasn't possible, or the ship's A.I. had godlike abilities far beyond anything the GC could create.
As Vex started to the exit, Rogue grabbed his arm and looked directly into his visual sensors. "Don't underestimate my abilities cyborg. I know what species you were. The captain says it's nothing, but he was charged with treason for a reason. I'm that reason. Off you go." her demeanor returned to normal as she walked over to Lilly.
"Don't underestimate mine." he said, a sickly sweetness to his voice. The only time his voice took on that tone was when he was mad. He made his way back to his ship, arms crossed over his chest.

((Got some errands to run, be back in a while.))
Here we go again, off on some crusade against the evils of the galaxy, Alexei mused, making his way back to the bridge. J'sarri were definitely something he wanted nothing to do with, but the Captain had always been at his side, so now it was his turn. He entered the empty chamber and checked the security feed on his tablet. Robotics. He trekked down to robotics and slipped into the doorway. "Did I miss anything?" he inquired loudly.
"Deactivated ten units of the 120 series? My dear, they deactivated the entire AE series. I'm AE-00. They used to call me Blanca back in the day, but I've outgrown that name."
"Why would they do that? I saw a log file explaining why the 120 series was deactivated, but the other units seemed fine."
"Honey, I was the prototype of the operation. I was given all of the latest updates. It's true that some of the other versions were fairly harmless, but they didn't want to take chances. The entire operation was designed for combat and espionage, but there was an underlying purpose."
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"We were created to replicate human life. To turn an android into a human, or rather a dying human into an android. Yet the GC was not aware of this motive. Someone from within was funding our creation." 
Captain Fuller approached Thomas and asked, "Does your ship have a geographical scanner? Or will we have to take out one of the Rogue's search vehicles?"
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Captain Fuller: "Good, good, I knew it's be smart to keep a man like you around."

Rogue: "Well, the project was individually funded by a high ranking official in the GC space fleet. I'm not at liberty to release any more information though. If you wish to find out the true reason you were built, Captain Fuller knows."
Captain Fuller massaged his temples. Things were actually shaping up and coming into focus. "Alright, I'll need you to check the Rogue's databanks. Make sure that we are still blocking GC signals. Just make sure that none of the firewalls or such things were corrupted during the crash. Rogue said she found a virus of some sort before, see if you can help her out with that."
"Right," replied Alexei plainly. He climbed into a chair, and started typing into a terminal. GC data bases. No signal. Can't be accessed remotely. Hmm, isn't that charming? The power supply can. He typed a string of code and hit enter. There's a nice on/off switch for a good chunk of their sensors planet-wide.
"I will say this," continued Rogue, "The private funder of the operation was Captain Fuller himself. That is why I must direct you to him. It is a very personal matter."

Captain Fuller laughed to himself. "No Alexei, we just need to make sure GC doesn't have a connection to us in any way. We don't want to alarm them so early in the game. Have you ever heard of the ninjas of midancient earth?"


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