Commonwealth [Inactive]

"Sure. I'd offer to run the diagnostic myself, but I'm not entirely sure we know each other -that- well yet." he teased, picking up another chunk of metal.
"According the schematics, I have no pneumatic system, Instead I have simulated human muscles composed of carbon fibre nano tubes that can be expanded and contraced using pressurised fluid."
Vex nodded. "Technically they're pneumatic, but in a much more efficient way. Interesting." he said, thinking for a moment. "I'd like to take a closer look at you later, if that's alright." he said, his curiosity overriding his sense of wording.
Vex was surprised. The last time he had asked a female android that, he had to fix some extensive damage to his leg. "O-okay. Let's get this crap cleaned up, and then we'll head to robotics."
He nodded, picking up the last of the scrap metal. Once they were in the chute he checked the terminal one more time, making sure the repair systems were optimized. They were, so he turned back to her. "Shall we?" he asked, making his way towards the hall.
He headed out into the hallway, making his way towards robotics. "So, any idea on your manufacturing date? Original owner?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder at her.
"Well... Unless they spent a very, very long time to do so, there will always be some traces left over. We might be able to answer some of these questions." he said, making his way into robotics. He waited for her to step inside before closing the door behind them. "Alright, go ahead and strip down and lay on that table over there." he said, looking in a nearby cabinet for surgical gloves.
He glanced over at her for a moment. "Yeah. How am I supposed to run a proper diagnostic if you're clothed?" he asked, looking over at the door. "Don't worry, nobody's gonna walk in and see. There's no need to be shy."
She nodded and began to strip down. Even beneath the clothing she was a perfect replica of a human female. When she finished she laid herself back on the exam table.
Vex soon realized that he was staring, and quickly pulled a set of gloves on. "I've never seen anything like you before. It should be interesting to see where you come from, exactly." he said, pulling a diagnostic tool from the side of the table. He ran the tool across her stomach, causing a small hatch to open. He opened a panel on his own side, pulling a thin cable out. "Alright, this might feel a little weird. Just don't struggle, and don't panic." he said, plugging the cable in. He went quiet, as his diagnostic systems started going through her memory files and technical capabilities.
Vex received a warning message as the diagnostic began, "Warning, if you are reading this, you have reactivated an AE-120 series android. These units were deactivated by order of the Galactic Commonwealth military."
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Vex paused, tilting his head a bit. "Odd." he mumbled, delving deeper into the code to try and figure out why the Commonwealth would want to decommission the androids.
Vex looked over at her, wishing he could offer at least a smile. "You doing alright?" he asked her, running a decryption program on the text file. "I found something. If I can manage to decrypt it, it might help explain what's going on."
She nodded, trying to remain calm despite how invasive the diagnostic felt to her.

The decryption program completed and the file opened, revealing the head scientist's logs for the project.

"Day 1

We've finished all part fabrication and assembly, and we've successfully activated the first few units. The AE-120 series is the first to be built with the new system we've devised. It's muscular and skeletal structures have been made to more accurately resemble human form and movement, but our crowning achievement is the brain. We attempted to replicate human neuroplasticity by creating a brain that imitated the human brain, only using nano simulated synapses in place of neurons. This would allow the androids to retain the advanced intelligence and reflexes while having the capacity to feel emotions and develop personality and independence."

the log file cut off, resuming with,

"Day 185

Several troubling developments have occurred, the unit's are exhibiting unpredictability, some even outright defiance. As a cybernetic scientist, I am fascinated, but as the project director for the GC military, I am horrified. AE-121 asked me yesterday if he could leave the project and live on his own. The whole purpose behind using androids as combat and espionage units is their controllability and obedience. While it pains me to do this, I am recommending the cancellation of this project. There is just too great a chance of these units going rogue in the field, that, coupled with the fact that they can pass for human better than any previous model, presents too high a risk.

Dr. Allen Wright

End log"
Vex read the log, letting out a small sigh. "Okay, so..." he said, glancing over at her. "I was able to open the text file. It's a log from Dr. Allen Wright, does that name ring any bells?" he asked her, before sending her the decrypted document. "You might want to read this."
"The name sounds vaguely familiar" she read the document Vex sent her. By the time she responded she had read it twice over. "That explains a lot" she said, somewhat bewildered.
"Yeah. At least you're not stuck working for the GC..." he said, running another diagnostic on her capabilities and memory banks. She fascinated him. "If you start getting uncomfortable, let me know and we can stop." he said softly, his mind on his work. She was a pinnacle of engineering, and he was determined to find out as much as he could about her.
She simply laid back and closed her eyes. Although she was far from comfortable, she liked Vex and wanted to let him indulge his curiosity.
As he worked to find more files about her he pulled a chair over and took a seat. "You know, the last time I offered to do this for someone, she kicked me so hard I had to replace my leg." he said, chuckling a bit. He could tell she was uncomfortable, and reached over to take her hand. "So, you were with Blackwater, huh? Must have been rough."

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