Commonwealth [Inactive]

Vex folded his arms across his chest, glancing over at Thomas. He was a bit offended that his offer of help was just thrown right back into his face like that.
The two combat personal Mark had located showed up, along with a medic and cook that had found their way back to the ship. He went to greet the two returning personnel. Then a few of Captain Rose's men wandered in, along with another Rogue android that had stayed active -- yet this one was not designed with the human image.

"Alright, Rogue, give me ship wide. I'll start and the rest can listen on their way here. First off, I'd like to apologize for my little breakdown earlier. The trouble we had run into was known as a J'sarri. They were a vicious race that spread from deep space like an infection, bringing only death. They were thought to be extinct… until now. When I was first given command of the Rogue Prudence, I was sent on one of the last missions to kill them off. The reason for my breakdown was the death of my first mate at the hands of them. She had been my friend all through the academy. We were going to get married after that mission and settle down… when she died…" Mark paused for a second… keeping his composure, "I had to burry it, because there was a crew that needed me, and if it got out that there was a relationship within GC command, who knows what kind of court marshall they'd give me. With all of the added stress, I cracked. I apologize." Mark paused for a moment to breath again.
Vex listened, watching the man. He could understand the ordeal the man was going through, and at least Mark seemed to be over it and willing to command the ship again. He didn't say anything, because he didn't need to. He just listened, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall.


The J'sarri had been motionless in his dark little corner of the ship, watching through the spiders he had released. "They're talking about me. How flattering." he thought, chuckling grotesquely to himself. He had heard the ship tell Mark that it would be about 14 days before they would be able to leave. That was a bit of a problem, but there wasn't anything Nullisar could do about it. He settled in, he had 14 days to come up with a plan.
Thomas remained silent, while he was glad that the captain was getting his act together, he didn't have much interest in Mark's personal life. He tilted his head back and gave the ceiling a disinterested gaze.
After the pause, Captain Fuller straightened. Then he began. "Alright. In order to infiltrate the GC, we'll need a fleet. A large one, an invisible one. From battle cruisers to small attack vessels. We'll scatter across the galaxy at strategic points. Then, when the time is right, we'll strike quick and rendezvous to the galactic capitol. From there, we will lead a full assault and overrun the planet. We'll need representatives of every race in our fleet. Yet, for this to happen, we will need to take flight. Vex, I'd like you to find ways to speed up the repairs. Thomas, I'll need your help to find the remaining crew members and try to recruit any other help. Alexei, help Rogue in identifying the glitches in her software. And Lilly… could you clean up some of the mess?
Lilly stood up, knocking over the chair she was sitting on, "What!? I'm thousands of times more intelligent than most humans, I could lift a small spaceship over my head or catch a bullet in mid air and you've made me the cleaning woman!" her face had turned bright red and she was giving Fuller an intense glare.
Vex chuckled a bit at Lilly's reaction, giving the Captain a half-hearted salute as he headed towards a nearby terminal. He slid open a panel on his side and pulled out a thin cable, that he plugged into the terminal. "Lilly, everyone's going to have different jobs on this ship until we can find enough bodies to fill the ranks. You're not going to be stuck on cleaning duty forever." he said, glancing over at her. "Of course, I could always reprogram you to enjoy it, if you wanted."
"Then quit complaining and get to it. Alexei's not the only slicer around here, you know." he said, running a quick diagnostic on the ship's repair systems. There was a ton of jumbled code just slowing everything down, so Vex got to work on organizing it to optimize the system's processes.
"You know, I don't even have to stay with you, know that I'm free of that crime lord I can do what a want" she said defiantly.
Vex just shook his head. "Well, if you want to go ahead and turn your back on the people that helped you out of a really bad place... I mean, if you could live with that guilt." he said, shrugging.
Lilly groaned in frustration, "Fine, I'll help, but at least make me repair something, or is there anyone you need me to beat up? Just don't make me clean."
"Eh, I can have my men do that, I think I'd best stay here and work on training some of the new recruits and non combat personnel, we need all the soldiers we can get."
"Not my department, ask the Captain." he said, trying his hardest not to laugh. He found all of this way funnier than he should have. He finished with the ship's diagnostics and started running an optimization program before disconnecting from the terminal. "Look, the Captain wouldn't just keep you around because you're a pretty face. I can guarantee he won't keep you on cleaning duty forever."
"Fine, but I'm only agreeing with you because you keep calling me pretty" with that she looked around the room, the ship was a mess, cleaning duty would take forever.
Thomas smiled, "He's not lying, missy" he said as he stood up and tapped the button on his comm unit.

"In addition to patrols we'd better start looking for the rest of the Rogue Prudence's crew, send out search parties."
"What can I say? I'm a lady's man." he joked, glancing over at her. "Well, I used to be at least. Still know what to say to make the ladies happy at least." he added, shrugging a bit.
Vex couldn't help but laugh at that. "I try." he said, turning back to check the progress on the terminal. The ship was already working quicker to repair itself, and the time they would need to wait before leaving was nearly cut in half and still dropping. He turned to her, tilting his head a bit. "The computer can take it from here, so I'm pretty much done here. Need an extra set of hands?"
"Sure" she said as she lifted a large piece of broken metal, bent it in half, and dropped it down the waste recycling chute.
He watched her for a moment, before picking up some scrap metal himself. "So, what chassis are you? You must have one hell of a pneumatic system to be able to do that." he said, dumping it in the recycling chute.
"Well, now that I actually know I'm an android, I can access things that I previously could not. If you want I could access my specifications?"

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