Commonwealth [Inactive]

Mark was now angry. He knew Vex was right, but he had pushed away the thoughts of Sarah until now. He couldn't hold it back any longer. "Just get the damn android. I'll explain later."
Vex let out a low growl, heading towards robotics. "Hopefully these things know how to counter J'sarri blood, otherwise you'll start looking like me." he said, motioning for Lilly to follow him. "So, what's your story?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder at her.
Vex sighed, walking into robotics. "Damn fool." he growled, running the startup protocols on the medic droids. He was irritated, not because Mark was in obvious emotional stress, but because of the way he was handling it. Vex honestly wanted to help, but it was obvious that Fuller wasn't going to have anything to do with it.
Lilly nodded, then hesitantly followed Vex into the robotics bay. "So why do you want to hear 'my story' anyway?" she asked him.
Vex was running the diagnostics, making sure the medic droids weren't damaged. "Well, it's obvious you're part of the crew now. What do you expect me to do, never talk to you?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder at her. It was obvious that he was still irritated, but he wasn't trying to take any of that out on her.
Mark walked into the med bay, pulling out a syringe and jamming it into his arm, then he slowly pressed the liquid it contained into his bloodstream. Then he pulled a knife out of his belt and slit open the wounds further. He pushed out some of the blood, then sterilized the wound. Finally, he started wrapping it up.
"I really don't know my story either, my earliest memory is only about a year and a half old. I do have some vague images from before that that could barely be called memories."
"I see... Well, welcome aboard. I'd like to apologize if this little family is a bit too dysfunctional." he said with a light chuckle, getting the medic droids up and running. "Med bay, Captain Fuller. J'sarri blood contamination." he said, watching as the droid nodded and made it's way to the Captain. Vex turned to her, crossing his arms. "So, who did you belong to? Local crime syndicate?"
"Oh yeah they are. Had to work for them for two years." he said. "That was a long time ago, though. Back when I was less metal and more... squishy." he chuckled a bit. "Got a few scars out of that work. Just glad I don't associate with them anymore. You're lucky you got out of there in one piece, you know."
"Not anymore, apparently." he said, walking past her. "C'mon, let's make sure the Captain's alright." he said, heading back towards the medbay.
Captain Fuller came storming into the room. "I didn't ask for a damn med droid Vex!" He pushed the cyborg out of the way and walked up to the wall, typing a code into a terminal on the wall. The wall slid away, revealing an advanced android. She was crafted just as accurately as Lilly. It was the newest version of Rogue. A perfect replica of Sarah. "Rogue? How are you feeling?"

"My active systems are functioning normally. There are multiple breaches in the hull. It will take approximately fourteen and a half days to complete. Suggest increasing the guard. I also detect an anomaly in my systems. As of yet, it is unidentified. How are you Marcus? I'm detecting wounds on your arms. Shall I have them treated?"
"You need medical attention, and asked me to get a droid. What the hell was I supposed to think?" he asked sharply. He wasn't going to be disrespected like this. "I'm trying to help you, you damned fool. Don't think you can treat me like this and I'll just let it happen!" he growled, his eyes flashing red. "You want me on your crew, you treat me with some respect."
"Yeah, so I'm going to assume your ship's AI isn't modeled after her." he said sarcastically, storming off. If you need me, I'll be working on my ship."

((Gotta run, be back soon.))
Mark tossed Vex an angry glare as he exited.

"Mark, I'm detecting multiple life forms throughout the ship. Very few have GC signatures. Shall I terminate them?"

"No, rogue, leave them alone." sighed Mark.
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The same message hummed out of Alexei's tablet: "Mark, I'm detecting multiple life forms throughout the ship. Very few have GC signatures. Shall I terminate them?" He blushed for a moment, Dammit, I should have remembered to turn the sound off. "Uh, sorry about that little mishap," he just barely stammered out.
Vex was pissed off, mainly just because Mark was acting like a child. The Captain wasn't the only one who had lost someone close, and it wasn't an easy ordeal to go through, but foregoing the responsibilities of a Captain because you had emotional baggage? Vex couldn't understand it. He made his way to the hangar, pausing to stare at his ship for a few moments. It wasn't long until a warning popped up on his HUD, from the Rogue. The message wasn't meant for him to see, but he was able to because of the code he had inserted when he was working on it. "Hm. Weird." he said, shrugging it off.
Alexei disappeared into another hallway, trying to lose himself in the ship's innards. The Captain was on the verge of a mental breakdown, at which point he so conveniently betrayed his trust. He fiddled with his fingers, his stomach feeling like wet cement was sloshing around inside of it. Slipping into the hangar a few moments later, he noticed Vex. His jaw tightened and his squirming fingers tightened into fists, his instincts telling him to prepare for a fight when his brain logically told him nothing of the sort would ensue. He was getting defensive.

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