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Fandom Code Lyoko - Rise of Xana


The Infinite Being
There was an old TV show called "Code Lyoko" where some teens at a boarding school discovered a super computer and learned of a world inside called Lyoko. The teens could enter the computer and fight off monsters sent my Xana, a virus bent on destroying the real world. Instead of describing everything, here is a link for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Lyoko

I don't need very many people, and in fact would prefer a smaller group, but need to know if anyone is interested at all. You do not have needed to have seen the show to join! Just contact me so I can fill in the spaces and answer any questions!
Ebony was sitting on a bench in the court yard. She cracked her watch which read 3:28. Her group was supposed to meet here in two minutes. From there they would go check out the factory for their research project. She wasn't all to thrilled about working with others, as she expected them to bring her grade down, but she had no say in the matter.


Jay was sitting next to a tree on the other side of the court yard working out a math problem. He saw Ebony on the other side of the yard, but didn't want to be the first one to show up and be forced into an awkward conversation. Instead he just watched and waited.

(Don't expect many posts today and please don't 1 on 1 anyone for two long)
Kiara had just left her dorm room at 3:20, knowing that it would take approximately four minutes to get to the courtyard to meet for this group project. She was hoping to get there a bit early so she wouldn't have to awkwardly walk into a group of people. Kiara wasn't too used to working in a group, she enjoyed working with friends that she could trust to do their part from time to time but she wasn't exactly close with anyone in the assigned group. Being held up by her roommate after she left, she got there at 3:30 like they had agreed upon. Walking over to Ebony, she leaned on the bench. "Hey, sorry for not getting here earlier. I meant to but I got caught up talking to my roommate for a few minutes."
Peter sat in his physics class, tapping his pencil on his desk. 3:25 the clock read. "Crap, I'm gonna be late," Peter said to himself, tapping his foot. He had a pet peeve about being late. As soon as the teacher said that they were excused, Peter packed up his stuff and dashed out the door. Checking his phone for the time, he ran towards the meeting place. He arrived at the courtyard just in time, seeing Kiara and Ebony already there. He skid along the courtyard ground, which is how he usually stopped himself from crashing in to something. "Hey guys," he said to the two girls, panting a little.
Joshua was typing away for his Language Arts assignment when he looked at the time. Oh Damn, It's 3:35. I need to be there now. Joshua asked his professor if he could go to the bathroom and was granted permission. He ran to the courtyard ground, getting there just a little late but that was normal for him. "Hey people, I'm here. Sorry for being late... again."
Mika smiled brightly humming cheerfully as he skipped through the halls of the school lazily throwing and catching an apple. He wad supposed to be studying but it was so boring. Who wanted to spend all night dokng work when there were other things to do any way. Not this guy. The ringing of his watch alarted him that it was time to go. Grinning he caught the apple takinng a bite befors throwing it behind him as he ran for the front doors. Time to have some real funs.
Fox showed up to the group a little later than he stated he would. This was somewhat intentional to the fact that he was having an enjoyable walk after a few bouts of fencing. It was relaxing and everything seemed to flow perfectly in his path. Upon his approach he slowed his pace more so than before to look at the group gathered. No familiar faces, except one. He spied Jay under a tree working out something on paper, pretty much what he expected. He would make his introduction with Jay so he at least had a wingman in this project. Fox straightened his tie slightly then loosened it just the slightest bit and made sure his sleeves were rolled just above his elbows. This would be treated just like a good fencing match, a little dance and flourish and it will be over soon enough and he could return to things he would prefer doing in his free time. He skirted around the courtyard just behind Jay and gave him a little prod in the shoulder with the tip of his practice sabre. "Let's get this going, shall we? It seems we're late for our own party." He spoke in his usual smooth lower violin like tone.
Jay had been so engrossed with his problem that he didn't even notice when the others showed up. "Yah, ok." He packed up his supplies in a small backpack and strolled over to the group. "So what's this project on again?"


"We are supposed to do research on the abandoned factory" Ebony said. "I figured it would be beneficial to check it out in person. Now that everyone is here, shall we go?" He sensed a general consensus from the group (sorry, not waiting for everyone to respond) and headed out.
Kiara patted Peter on the back, "Looks like you got your exercise in for today." She said jokingly before looking at the rushed Joshua with a smile, "No worries, at least you're here." So many people and she only knew their names from class. Hopefully the abandoned factory was cool enough for them all to have some sort of common liking of it or else the research would be horrid. She then waited for Ebony to lead off and then followed behind. "I'm pretty excited. I've always wondered why it's abandoned."
"It's supposed to be an old car factory from what I hear." Fox shrugged with his bag and sabre over his shoulder. He walked somewhat beside Kiara but made sure to keep Jay along with him. "Urban legend is that it was a front business for some mafia thing in the 80's. Bodies hidden in the machine type stuff. Others say it's haunted and it was shut down because of the 'mechanical hazards' to the workers." He grinned a little and adjusted his sword again. His tone was as if he was cheerfully describing a sunny weather outlook for the week. "On a serious note, it's probably one of the factories built to rebuild the economy after the World Wars or prepare for the worst in the Cold War."
Kiara turned her head to talk as she kept walking. His answers just made her more excited and she couldn't hold back a smile. "That would be awesome. Definitely hoping that it is a factory that was preparing for the Cold War but I wouldn't be disappointed if it was a front for the mafia." She took a breath to try and contain her excitement a bit. "Just imagine the cool things that we might be able to find in there! You're looking forward to it too, that's obvious." She poked at his fencing sword. "If there are any dead bodies you can poke them with that."
"This is only for the living." He tilted his head toward his sword shoulder. "We'll just find a pipe in there to poke it with." He smiled and continued walking. The chances of finding a body were very slim by this point but it was still a fun little thought. Maybe this project wouldn't be too bad after all. At least one person other than Jay was some fun to converse with. The others though, they would still need some prodding before he decided on them.
"The bodies would be decomposed and only skeletons would be left" Ebonly said. She knew they were mostly joking, but she wasn't good with jokes. Computers, however, she was an exper with. "Anyway, I'm sure they would have been cleared out by now." The factory was not to far away now.
"Think they would let us use the skeleton as an aid for the project?" Fox laughed a bit and eyed up the factory. It was fairly old and run down like any abandoned building. The island it stood on had to be man made, or at least shaped by heavy equipment. It wasn't a bad looking building, just something you would pass by and glance at only to keep walking. Unimportant and non-obstructive just aging away somewhat gracefully.
"True, the bodies would be gone by now unless someone else has been there but I doubt it." She shrugged, at least it was cool to think about the possibilities. They were getting along better than she had imagined and she somewhat regretted that they hadn't met before. Stopping at the entrance of the factory, Kiara took a look around. The building did not give her a haunted vibe, which only made the other possibilities more viable to her. Continuing the joke and giggling a bit she asked, "Are you going to carry the bones? They won't be connected and easy to carry." Then on a more serious note, "Who wants the honors?"
Jay walked forward and took the first step inside and looked around. It was quite roomy and he saw a lot of spare parts. There was some rope hanging in front of him and he pulled on his gloves. "What are you waiting for? Come on" he said before grabbing the nearest rope and sliding down to ground level. The temperature seemed to be a bit cooler down here, but he didn't really mind. He took a small look around and noticed the cables for an elevator. Not really expecting anything to happen, he pressed the button. He jumped back a little when the elevator started rising out of the ground! "Hey guys? You're going to want to see this."
Hearing Jay's call, her curiosity was peaked. She turned to Fox and smirked a bit then she teased "Race you there!" She bolted to the rope that Jay had slid down and jumped onto it. Sliding down with ease and landing with a thud, Kiara turned to the elevator revealing itself. She moved away from the landing area and just whispered, "So much cooler than a dead body." The cold didn't affect her too much since she just ran. Competition was always fun.
Fox slid down the rope easily holding on with his sword hand. He let go as his feet touched bottom and dusted off his hand on his pants. A few steps forward and he realized what was in front of him. "This thing still works? Why is there still power to this building?"
"No idea, but wana follow?" Jay asked with a small smile. This was actually a little exciting. He saw Ebony ride the rope down, though a bit more hesitantly. Jay stepped into the elevator and waited for everyone else.
"Who knows? Maybe they for got to turn the power off and nobody remembered," Peter said, looking around. He shrugged his shoulders, sliding down the rope then entering the elevator with the group. He then noticed that there was something odd about the elevator. "Hey guys, check out the design of this thing. It's different from the building. It looks way to futuristic for its time."
"Right behind you." She stepped into the elevator after watching Ebony come down the rope. She felt bad that Ebony didn't seem as excited or confident about being here. "We're going to be fine, I doubt there's anything dangerous here." Peter did have a point. Why is this sleek elevator in a run down abandoned factory? "Then we should continue our research and see where it goes."
Fox made sure to get in last and fastened his sabre to his belt. Just in case. Kiara's reassurances wouldn't help much if this did turn into mess. An elevator with power in this old place? And the shaft was in fact different than the rest of the building. Why? Was the building built over something else? Or was this built under the factory. "Yep, just another adventure, right?" However a scene from Peter Pan kept playing in his head 'To die would be but another great adventure.'
Jay punched the button and the door closed. There was a small jolt as the elevator moved down. It was a relatively short trip to the first of three levels (computer on top, scanners below, and power on the bottom). The door opened to what appeared to be a fairly bleak room. There was a chair in and a fancy computer monitor. There looked like something should be in the middle, but nothing was there.


Ebony was instantly fascinated with the computer and walked over to it. "That's odd" she said. "There does not appear to be a power button. Or the actual computer, for that matter. Maybe it's on a lower floor?"
"There is a chair, though. And a keyboard," Peter said, walking into the room. He then noticed the large machine in the middle with what seemed to be a lens in the center of the machine. "Maybe it's some sort of hologram system," he said, feeling the cold metal of the contraption. He then checked the chair and keyboard. "Huh, I wonder what this button does," Peter mumbled, pressing a random button on the keyboard. Suddenly, a huge hologram of what seemed to be a map appeared from the lens in the contraption. "Whoa."
"I take back what I said about the car factory." Fox poked around the room a bit more and moved back into the elevator again. "Hey, this thing still goes down. What could possibly be under this contraption?"

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