~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING

(Poop sorry! I am really tired! xD Been getting no sleep DX)

Rosemary- *She and Sola went to the nearest dress shop, and walked down the aisles. Rose seemed completely taken in by her surroundings, she was quite the shopper too; always FINDING the best deals and items that no one else would know where to find them. She had a natural instinct for it, I presume XDDD Or possibly it was just her experience with malls and shopping in general, she did have a lot of money; and worked a job as well, just earning her more of her own income. Rose picked out a brilliant soft coral gown and observed it, it was short and tighter around the top than the bottom. She observed it closely, biting her lower lip, then looked to Sola* Sorry, Sola! I've been ignoring you a bit, I get into a "shopping-mode" when I am out and about looking for clothing and such *She laughs* Maybe we can hit Sephora for new makeup as well!

Gregory- *He didn't seem to comment on her bruise forming, but you could tell he noticed it; he just didn't want to spark any unnecessary debate and conflict with the girl. He understood where she came from if it was bad home life and bad street life, he'd learned to overcome everything though; never shedding a tear about anything as well. He was cold and unbreakable like a boulder, but there must be something that could crack him; none of which was found yet.* Greg. *He states blandly, blunt and to the point. The tall dark haired teen swirls his tea a bit before sipping at it generously. Someone so harsh and frightening drinking from a small sweet cup of tea was a bit humorous to see. And he enjoyed this tea thoroughly, closing his eyes and sighing into it after the first gulp; having a second of absolute bliss and leisure (much like me, I am a tea-aholic. I swear, and my favorite is Chai tea and Green Tea so far. I prefer those sweeter flavors, especially in this cold weather! In summer I go for herbal berry teas more :P But Chai and Green are my personal favorites, I am never out of them)*
Avielle was confused. He hasn't said a thing or answered her question. She didn't know how to make things seem less awkward. Suddenly she could make out the giggles and chatter. It was all about homecoming. Homecoming, she thought. What a silly, pointless activity. However, it didn't even matter how silly it was. She wanted to go so badly.

Starting to think it through, she realized it would be quite ridiculous. She had no dress and never would. Plus, who would agree to take her as a date? It's not like she had a shining reputation. It would be like Cinderella without the fairy godmother or singing mice. It would just be so silly. Still, she wanted to go and be normal for once.
Gregory- *He wasn't one to speak much, but he was avid at observing people. He knew how they worked, and could deduce how she was feeling. He knew she was listening to the other chatty happy girls at a table across the room. Then he said in that same low grumble* Homecoming, silly event. Where girls have an excuse to buy overpriced dresses and shoes to waltz, or grind, away with their "prince charming," who will not even remember them in a few years. *He had a very negative view on life, never looking at the positives.*
The mystery boy still wasn't talking. This was starting to become quite odd. When she thought nobody was looking, she stuffed packets into her backpack. Maybe they'd be useful later, she thought. However, he turned around and caught her in the act. He must think that she's just a desperate poor girl, she thought. That's probably why he was doing this. He probably felt sorry for her.

Attention was hat she thrived on, but something about this made her feel... Guilty? She was completely broke and had nothing to offer in return. She was failing out of school and was ultimately going nowhere. She was hoping on getting an athletic scholarship. That would be simple, but she needed to graduate high school first. That seemed like an impossibility right now. She was just too damn stupid.

She stirred tea around and looked up at mystery boy. He was tall, dark haired, and quite good looking. Maybe if he spoke more, he'd have everyone all over him, she thought.
Sola gave a small yet bashful smile. "its f-fine." she looked around. she had an idea of the dress she wanted, or at shape and color. when Rosemary mentioned makeup Sola put her hand to her cheek. she had never actually worn make up, so she didnt really know how to apply it. "sure, you would show me how to use it right?" she asked.
Rosemary- *Her entire face lit up* REALLY!? Oh my gooooooodness! *She cheered, so excited by all of this; having naturally high-spirits.* I'll do it for you, and your hair! So what dresses are you thinking of? I kinda like this one *She pulled softly at the hem of a silky red dress*

Gregory- *He saw that the girl was a bit uncomfortable* You don't have to be uncomfortable, I told you before; you owe me nothing for this, think of it as a kind gesture from one screw-up to the next. *He stated coldly, bringing them both down confidence-wise*
Sola smiled a bit wider at Rosemarys enthusiasm. "red, i like red." she said when she pointed out the dress. "i want one thats knee length with all the folds at the bottom." she stood and thought for a moment, "and a black sash around the waist with a rose." she smiled brightly. she blushed and looked down, realizing she may have been too specific. "er...i suppose if they have one like that..."
She looked at him again blankly. "Did I say I was a screw up?" She said, trying to strike a conversation up. Well, everyone in school knew how screwed up she was, but she couldn't admit that. There was still one thing she could do, and that was basketball. She got the 1,000 points scored award as a freshman, and she practiced diligently. That was the single thing she didn't suck at.

"Okay, fine. I'm not an honor student or Megan Fox," she said. She looked back at him, smiling at what she just said. She waited to see what he would say next. She had heard about him, but he mostly kept to himself. There were weird rumors about everyone, but he was someone everyone liked to make stories about. She heard once that he smokes pot in science class, or that one time he killed a man. They were all pretty ridiculous. After all, she didn't even want to think about what people said about her. Girls likes to pick at her. Probably because she wasn't wearing brand name clothes, and her parents didn't have their Phd.
Gregory- *He shook his head* I don't go by the rumors, I can just tell. Bruise on your cheek, the way you carry yourself. It's obvious. *He was very straightforward about this, and he was correct as well. He didn't open up about his own harsh past life, because that was private to himself; no one even knew about it. Ridiculous rumors like "Oh I heard he killed his parents and is on the run so he lives alone." spread around, and he finds himself smirking at them. It only gave him more of a fear-factor, and more mystery. No one really knew him or who he was. Now this girl? She was both an open and closed book, as he saw there was a whole other side that he didn't know and wouldn't know by just hearing or talking to her. But he knew she was unfortunate, and that was all he really needed to figure out a majority of how she was. Because he understood those feelings very well.*

Rosemary- *She smiled and went scavenging through the sea of dresses, Sola must've thought she'd gotten lost in the maze. Then all of a sudden after a couple minutes she popped up out of nowhere, in a bit of a comical fashion, right behind Sola* What about this one? *It was just like Sola described, silky and red, sexy but not skanky. Classy, beautiful, with a black sash on the waist.* I like THIS one *she lifted an attractive hip hugging, form showing magenta dress.* I'm sure it'll fit nicely *It was clear that the dress would show off Rose's body wonderfully, but not reveal much.*

** I'm going to bed at 12 a.m., I need to get more sleep. I mean I was sooo tired today, and I swear it's been like having insomnia recently xD I don't think I have this, and if I do it is a VERY mild case. But I need to be awake xD Ugh, sorry about my constant tiredness I have school stuff that just DRAINS ME. I have chorus (which we are going to NYC for a BIG COMPETITION really soon so it's actually kinda stressful) Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and One-Act Play (another crack-down theatre event where you must complete a play really soon and have it ready for another competition that you get back from at 12 a.m.) on Thursdays and Fridays (and occasionally Mondays, like today) :P Haha RANT!**
"We'll if you listened to everyone else then you'd think that I was a prostitute who had a baby," she said, reciting one of the most common rumors about her. It seemed quite ridiculous, but people actually believed it. People had mistaken her little sister Keira for her child and things escalated from there.

Everyone did talk, so people were constantly under the impression that she was a prostitute, or a drug dealer, or whatever scandalous thing people could think of. She was an easy target, both for physical harassment and for rumors. She was short and not very strong. It was easy to take advantage of her that way, hence her incident earlier.

She touched her cheek protectively as he brought it up. If she explained what happened, she'd just seem like more of a loser. She slumped down in get seat, knowing he was right. He probably knew how stupid she was too. Everyone did.
Gregory- *He chuckled, barely though. Just at the ill-temper she had, and the ridiculous rumors people came up with* People think I killed my parents, just because I moved out. *He shrugged, seeing that she had sunk down and defensively held her cheek. He sighed, acting less and less cruel; realizing she really did think low of herself.* Don't stress about it, I don't need to know the story. *He sipped at his tea, not really pressuring her into anything. He was just calm.*
She looked at him, realizing the similarities between the rumors about them. "No way. People think I was either pregnant or I killed my mother because I got kicked out," she said, realizing what she said and covering her mouth.

"Sometimes the worst ones are the ones that are actually true," she said. There were some things about her mother floating around that we're actually true, but they were just terrible. She couldn't even bring herself to say it.

"Someone also said my dad left because my mother had aids, and I contracted it," she said. That rumor was born in eighth grade. It was one huge reason for people to stay away from her because of something they heard that wasn't even true. Maybe they just had that in common.

She'd heard actual fact about him though. Star student and former football star. At least he could do things right and keep himself composed while she was falling apart. He just seemed to have all his shit together perfectly, and she was jealous.
Aye :P reply on Imprisonment, I actually really like tha storeh and how it's getting alone (although we could've drawn out the shower thing a bit more xDDD)

Gregory- *He saw she was a bit envious, just from her tone and overall bite in her voice.* Hey, I know I was "star-football" and captain of the team, but things are rough all over. I mean I could easily bore you to death with a sob-story but I've learned that it doesn't matter. I don't really give a damn about life anymore, and what happens happens. *He did have a weakness for the few people he cared about though, like the people he naturally felt compelled to protect. Like Felicity, she was just so vulnerable. So small. He wasn't attracted to her romantically, imagine the conflicts with dating someone up to his belly-button (a little bit exaggerated. But then again she's 4'8 and he's 6'4.)He felt a little compelled to this girl, but it was more of a common interest.*
Sola couldnt help but smile brightly upon seeing the dress. she took it and looked over it, "its perfect! i love it, im glad you found it!" she held it up to herself, "would it look nice? perhaps with my hair up in a curly style, and a little bit of...let say, pink make up?" she found herself wondering what Teddy would think, and blushed. he had just asked her because he was her brothers friend? she tried not to let herself think too far ahead.
Rosemary- *grinned from ear to ear* Okay let's go buy them, I think maybe a green color would really bring out your eyes. Or dare we go for a smoky gray ranging from white to black? :D AH THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS! *She runs to the cashier and they pay for their dresses, then go off to hunt for shoes and makeup*
"But what? You have talent. I hear you're smart too. That's something to be thankful for, because you could always have the IQ of tree bark. Believe me, that isn't the way you'd like to spend your life. You're good looking and tall. If you were more outgoing, everyone would worship you," she said, admitting the truth.

"You have a lot going for you, so don't try to make me feel better about myself by belittling your talents," she said. She was happy he'd even try to make her feel better, but it wouldn't work. Something made her feel better though. Maybe it was the fact that someone even cared to try.
Greg- *Shook his head* Talent? I never had a talent for it, I was tall and strong but everyone hated me after a while. When things started to turn bad. *He wanted her to understand he wasn't that great* I'm smart because I've always been a logical person, but it shuts out other emotion and sentiment that other people feel. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to feel more about things, instead of factual information and acceptance that life is terrible. You have a lot of potential, but you just aren't working hard enough. I have nothing TO DO but workout and study, so I can survive in this world. Where I live, I have to be strong or things could turn bad very fast. To get out of this godforsaken town I have to be smart and get into a college of some sort, I refuse to stay here for the rest of my life; this is like hell on earth sometimes.
Sola once again got caught up in Rosenarys energy, enthusiastically going along to get the shoes and makeup. "i will take you word for what looks good then" she smiled, "and thanks for shopping with me, ive never really had friends to do this with before." she gave a thankful smile.
She agreed. Avi didn't want to spend forever in this town either, but she was taking a different path. He was still smart, no matter how much he denied it, and he still had talent. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.

"We'll I want to get out of here too, but for different reasons. Maybe someday I can look back and say hey, I did something right. Here's the thing. I don't have a place to live, so I'm really hoping I can strike it rich as a basketball player and have it perfect. Then my mother will be the one begging me for once and I can turn her down!" She said, surprised at how much information she was revealing to this near stranger.

"I just need to finish up my shit here and play in college. I want this so bad," she said, "but my stupidity is starting to get in the way. I have to graduate," she said.
Rosemary- *Smiled and laughed, she really was easy to get along with* No problem! Most of my friends had already gotten their stuff, so soon too. :P I was just kind've waiting for someone to go with, and there you were! *They found shoes that matched their dresses, Rose picked out silky red heels with black flowers on the tips for Sola and similar magenta ones for her. Then at the makeup store they had fun testing makeup, Rose ended up going with a smoky gray look- which she just needed new pink lipstick, since she already had the eyeshadow she needed at home. She turned to Sola* What color scheme will you do with that? Obviously red lips, but what about eyes? Wait, what color are your eyes? *She leaned in to see the other girl's eye color*

Gregory- *He pondered everything she'd said, absorbing it and seeing what made her uncomfortable. Mentally he noted on topics to avoid: Home life, little sister, and mother. Tops that are okay, but a little touchy: Hatred, rumors, financial problems, and school. He then spoke, dully as always; as if he was always bored.* Then you need to get your scores up so colleges even notice you, and get involved with the teams. No offense, you won't be discovered if you don't. And they'll kick you out of sports if your grades aren't high. What do you struggle in?
"Everything," she said, slumping in her seat. There were some areas worse than others, but it was pretty even. Well,

all except math. That was probably what the devil would make her do in hell. It was beyond difficult, she could probably speak Russian better than she could understand an equation. Hint: Avielle doesn't speak Russian.

It was true that she got worse as she was kicked out, but it's not like she was ever good at it to begin with. She couldn't and wouldn't use that as an excuse.

She inwardly wondered why she told this kid so much. She couldn't put her finger on it, but he seemed different beyond any reasonable doubt. All the people she knew blurred together into one stereotype. This kid didn't fit it.
e was a little surprised by his blunt choice in words. It was a bit of a turning point. She could say something like hey, at least I'm not failing english! but she would just seem stupid again. She was expected to pass all of her subjects and not just one.

"Yeah," she said, "I guess you're right," she trailed off. She tapped her fingernails on the table.
Gregory- *He finished his cup of tea and then watched as she finished hers* So where are you off to now? Anywhere to be in particular? *He was very casual about asking, not having much to do himself. It was a bit frigid that day, but the heat was off at his apartment; to save money. Sure, he'd be freezing when he got back, but he should survive; it wouldn't be THAT cold, right? He planned on maybe going for a run, he really didn't know what he was going to do*
She honestly didn't know where she was headed. She was off from her first job (at a convenience store) today for some obscure holiday. Her boss, as she recalled, was pretty superstitious about working on certain saint's feast days. It just meant a paid day off for her, so she didn't mind at all.

She was taking a later shift at her second job (waitressing at a restaurant) because she thought she'd be neck deep in homework. After that, she had to go to her third and final job. That was as a maid. Yeah, it was pretty pathetic. One would think that if you did this much, how would you not have a house? Well, she wasn't at her goal amount for college tuition yet, so she couldn't even think of getting somewhere to stay for around 6 months.

However, explaining all of that would probably make her seem even more pathetic, if that was even possible. She shortened it a bit. "Well I have a considerable chunk of time from now and when I have to work. I don't know what I'll do," she said. A lot of normal kids their age have jobs, she reasoned.

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