~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING

Oh xD haaha I said we skip :P timeskip to homecoming week

Felicity- *She woke up and got ready and walked to school without a clue about homecoming, what it was, or when it was. While other girls hoped to be asked out and such, Felicia hadn't the slightest clue what was going on. She got to the school on time, because she left early. She goes to her locker, getting her stuff.*

Rosemary- *The idea of a guy asking her out gave her a skip in her heart, she was terrible with this sort of stuff. Rose simply gets ready and drives to school, trying not to think much of it. She was never asked out, or by a guy she deemed suitable. Usually she stayed home and had a girls night with her friends.*

Teddy- *He was in his hectic morning schedule, driving quickly to school after a busy morning. The last thought on his mind was asking a girl out, he barely knew any that weren't just his "bros."*

Greg- *He decided he'd stay home today, not wanting to deal with all the homecoming madness.*
Sola dragged herself out of bed, not as early as she usually would. she was a complete mess. she looked at herself in her bathroom mirror as she got dressed for school. she looked quite pael to say the least. its not that she didnt like homecoming, it was merely that she always went unnoticed, she never got asked to the dance, then her obnoxious brother dragged her alone anyway while he chilled with his friends. she always spent the night hopelessly alone watching everyone have a good time. she grabbed an apple before trudging to school. she walked to her locker and grabbed her things, not bothering to talk to anyone. the hallways were noisy and people were already talking about the game on friday, and the dance on saturday. She sighed, then managed a small smile. maybe if she was positive like her brother someone might ask her.

Kael, as usual, made it to school around 10 minutes after Sola, his walk being very leisurely. just like all the other students, he had homecoming on his mind. most of the time he just went to the dance with a bunch of friends, and brought Sola along, however he was considering asking someone this year. the only reason he had never asked someone in previous years was because he felt bad for his sister, but after last year he was begining to think he would be better off letting Sola stay at home. she never took kindly to his attempts at helping her make friends. who in the world would he ask though? he spotted Teddy in the hall and walked up to him. "morning Ted. happy homecoming madness." he joked, "you got your eye on a girl this year? im thinking about asking someone, i just dont know who yet. i thought that Sola might not want me dragging her along with us again."
Teddy- *He shrugged* I don't really want to go ask any girls, I mean I kinda wanna go with one... But things have been rough since Rosemary and I got together. I mean, she's just so great it's hard to find a girl that is better than her! *He laughed, everyone knew that Theodore had adored Rose for a long time, and she had just never given him much a chance after things didn't work out. She was wonderful, and Ted just thought of her a lot; He didn't want to get back with her though, things were too damaged in that sense. But they remained friends, thank goodness, she was a great person to have in your life and by your side. Even if he would never date her again :P * What about you? Do you wanna ask anyone in particular? :P

Felicity- *Right as they spoke she approached them* Goodmorning guys! *She was smiling despite what'd happened a little while ago with her and Greg and the thugs in the alleyway. She nervously fumbled with her hands, her confidence dying down a bit when she thought back to it. She shuddered involuntarily, then laughed it off* Is it just me, or is it a weee bit chilly today? *Felicia grinned, half-falsely. Not that anyone could tell anyways.*
Kael took a moment to think, "i dont really know. italk to a lot of girls around school, but i guess none have stood out to me yet." he looked around and saw Felecity coming. she greeted them pretty enthusiastically, however he saw her confidence drop immensely after that. "hey,Felecity, since youre new here, you probably dont know much about this week right? its homecoming week!" he said enthusiastically, "i think this would be a great opportunity for you to break that little shell of yours." Sola came over now too, a small smile on her face. "Kael, i overheard you saying you were going to ask someone to the dance?" she asked. Kael nodded, "yea, i thought you might not want to be dragged around." he replied. she smiled a little bigger, " so maybe i should get a date?" she said without thinking. she blushed a bit, "er i mean it would be nice to have a long book for that evening at home...." she said as a failed contradiction. Kael chuckled, "come on Soul, dont try to hide it. even you cant hate the dance." he gave her a pat on the shoulder.
Felicia- *Smiled nervously* Haha I think I'll be staying home, I'm not much for dances. In the dark I'm usually trampled and knocked over so many times I lose count, especially if I don't wear six inch heels! *She joked, but you could see that she was just awkward with relationships; completely inexperienced. Ted playfully pats her on the back "C'mon, Felicia, just go with someone! You could meet up with friends or something if you have to, but do try to get a date." The girl giggled, her cheeks pink at the thought of a date. She was so sweet and darling.* Well I'll be going! I want to grab some tea in the cafeteria before it's too late! *She then rushed away, running down to the cafeteria and making herself tea to take to class (I do this in my school if I don't bring it from home xD I'm a tea-aholic.) While down there the small girl was stopped by a rugged, beefy, and intimidating male.* Sorry s- *she looked up at him, her big blue eyes shimmering in the dim crappy light.* I-... Hello. *He smiled, arrogantly, and knew this was the new girl he was looking for. She was quite attractive, and he wondered if that sweet facade was really true, it was the seemingly most innocent girls who ended up the easiest for him. He said real smoothly, the words coming off his tongue like velvet "No I'm sorry-.. What's your name? You're very pretty." She gasped slightly and began to fumble with her skirt* I-I'm Felicity *She squeaked, her throat feeling constricted from how nervous she was getting. "I assume that such a beautiful girl like you already has a date to homecoming.." He then casually chuckled. She shook her head weakly; Did the room just get hotter? They really needed to turn down the heat!* N-no... I don't... *He then looked surprised, a bit falsely. "What?! ... Well, in that case... Would you like to go with me?" She felt her heart soar, she didn't even know this boy. But, oh wasn't he handsome! A tall muscular jock, a bit out of her style and taste of short nerdy guys. But who knew that one of the most popular guys in school would ask HER, Felicity, to the homecoming dance!* Sure! *She yelped, smiling, her face red. She handed him a little paper with her number on it, hearing the bell go off* Call me? *He winked "As soon as school's out." She smiled and left the area, shaking all over. She felt lightheaded, a bit woozy, hopeful. Was she in love? No, not possible. The entire day she ambled through the halls and daydreamed in class, you could tell she was struck by something. Thinking deeply, and the way she just zoned out and smiled you could tell it was happy thoughts that plagued her so greatly. (This boy is a drama llama btw)*

Teddy- *He spoke softly with Kael as they walked away* Do you think Sola will find someone to go with? *He asks in a hushed tone so no one else could hear*
((Kael might have a prblem with the drama llama. he doesnt like anyone who shows disrespect to girls. :P ))

Kael shook his head, whispering back. "thats what im worried about. she isnt exactly the most social." he glanced back, his sister giving him a questioning glance. She was already on her way to her own class as the two spoke. once she was out of earshot, Kael raised an eyebrow at Teddy. "unless...." he gave a cheeky smile at his friend, elbowing him a bit. "any particular reason you asked Ted?" he glanced over his shouldnt to make sure Sola wasnt around.

Sola was long gone, on her way to class. she would definitely question her brother later, no way he would make such a face is he wasnt talking about her. she shrugged it off and once again put on a small smile. she played through a faceless character asking her to the dance. while she was normally very focused, her book-wormish nature often let her mind drift to story like places. she sighed, flipping open the book she was currently reading. she usually read scifi, however, she had begun to take an interest in romance.
((This is why the drama llama will be beautifully played out ;D It's the same with Teddy too))

Teddy- *Laughs heartily, then ponders it* Hmm... I mean, I don't really know her.. But I do feel bad leaving her at home dateless, and it would just be a fun night. It's not like I have anyone else to ask..
Kaelk grinned, "hey thanks, if you did i know she would be really happy. you know, the poor girl doesnt smile much, accept when she is reading." he patted Teddy on the back as they made their way to class. "plus i know youre a good guy so i wouldnt have to worry about her." he looked to the side, "anyway, looks like this is my stop. see you later!" he walked into class and sat down, already wishing the bell would ring.

Sola sat with her nose in a book. she was reading Romeo and Juliet. she found it hard making the switch to romance books, so she had stuck herself with the Shakespearean tragic romance. she knew it wouldnt do her any good, but she couldnt resist the allure of a good classic.
"hhmmm....?" Sola looked up, a slightly dreamy look in her amber eyes, as was usual when she read. her mind snapped back to reality and she blinked a few times. "oh hello Theodore, looking for my brother perhaps?" she asked in her usual formal tone. it had always been a habit of hers to call people by their full names.
Ted- *Usually he didn't like being called by his first name, but it was okay; He barely noticed. His heart was thudding, he swore he could hear it vibrating in his ears and crawling up his throat. "Ugh... gruesome." His conscience gagged at the thought of organs doing such xDDD He then told himself to get back on focus, so he stood there awkwardly with a blank expression while he mentally sorted everything out; possibly giving her an uncomfortable feel. He snapped out of it and laughed* Well do you have a date to the dance yet?
Sola watched as Teddys expression changed. First she was curious as to why he looked so nervous, then even more curious when his face went blank. She wondered what he was thinking and waited patiently for him to speak. When he asked her if she had a date to the dance she tilted her head slightly, "well no...but why....?" After a moment it hit her that most guys wouldn't ask out of sheer curiiousity. She turned a little red as she waited for him to respond.
Ted- *He shuffled his feet slightly and fumbled with his hands* Well... I... Would you like to go with me? *He held his breath as he awaited her answer*
Solas face went even redder when he asked. "well...i um..." she stuttered. it wasnt something she was used to. she barely even hung out with other girls. "s-sure, i would love to, thank you." she gave a small, shy smile. any anxiety she had left her, and she felt elated. it was weird, but she didnt mind, she was happy, even if he was only her brothers friend.
Teddy- *He nearly leapt for joy* Okay! Thank you! I mean- Err umm... I'll t-talk to you about arrangements and rides and so forth and so forth. *He laughed awkwardly, nervously. Why was he so anxious? He then spun around and ran off* I'll talk to you about it LATTERRRRRRRRRRRR!
((sorry for the delayed response))

Sola giggled, face red as a beet when he ran off. she had a date! it was a first and she was excited. she would have to get a dress. she pulled out her phone, remembering how Rosemary had hung out with her last week. her hands where a bit shaky as she sent a text. "want to dress shop for homecoming?" she was also a bit curious why Teddy had been so nervous when he asked, she was Kaels sister after, its not like they didnt know each other.

Kael fell asleep during his math class, his head on one of his arms.he woke up when the lunch bell rang, a small mark left on his face from a fold in his clothes. he headed down to the cafeteria to find Sola fidgeting at their lunch table. she was usually composed, so Kael guessed that Teddy had already asked about the dance. he, on the other hand still had no idea who to ask.
Rosemary- *She texted back, a cheesy massive grin on her face "You got a date!? :D That's wonderful! Of course, we'll take my car and go afterschool!" She smiled, happy for the socially awkward Sola xD *

Teddy- *He smiled and daydreamed through classes, unusual for him*
Snap, click, scuffle. Went her bag as she looked through it, searching for her MP3 player. She never really liked talking to people, as a matter of fact, she rarely interacted at all. Minako zipped up the pouch after retrieving the player and plugged the dark colored headphones in and blared the loud 'dubstep' in her ears. Walking to the lunch room, the teen let out a sigh as she was not used to such American food yet.

Minako walked into the cafeteria, pulling out her lunch— Sushi with a side of Japanese treats known as 'onigri' and or rice balls. The female set her lunch beside a male ([MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION]) who was lost in the distance of thought. The Japanese student did not want to interupt his musings, nor talk to begin with. Scrolling down her MP3's music list, she turned on a song and ate her high-classed meal rather normally, while boys and girls passing oogled her delectable meal. There were perks to being from the Kirijiro Group, right?

Avielle B. Coyne woke up freezing again. She rubbed her arms frantically trying to warm up because she had to get herself together. She had school today, so she couldn't look like this. She tried to put her mass of beautiful, long blonde hair into place, but it wouldn't cooperate. She still looked beautiful, but it bothered her that she couldn't help but be bothered by her lack of expensive make up or designer clothes. She looked down to see her worn out used skinny jeans and her fraying belly shirt. It revealed her flat stomach, but she was so cold she couldn't move.

She looked back at the brick wall she'd been sleeping on and picked at the cement with a long fingernail. It would keep her mind off the cold. She slowly got up, feeling the cold in her long legs. She rubbed them to get her blood circulating. When she felt warm enough, she grabbed her bag and started walking out of the alley. She looked both ways before making a left. Her old and dirty high tops banged against the uneven pavement.Every once in a while her foot, numb from the cold, bumped on a raised bit of pavement.

Her walk went normally. She was only approached by moving cars and asked what she charged twice. Yeah it was offensive and demeaning, but she was used to it. She kept walking until she came to the entrance of the public high school. She hated this place so much and couldn't wait to just drop out. She walked in the main door and was met by a familiar face. He pushed her roughly into the wall and she panicked. "W-what do you want?" she asked frantically, getting back up from the ground only to be punched in the cheek and pushed back down.

Sorry again, but I have a question. How do I initiate a roleplay with someone? I've rp'ed for a while, but I'm new to the format of this website.
*Just socialize with characters who aren't doing anything :P You can RP with one of mine! The ones I have open are Felicity, Theodore, and Gregory. Rosemary is going to the mall with Sola to shop for homecoming dresses*BTW GUYS! Go check out my new RP "Imprisonment" in the other category ;)

Rosemary- *Afterschool she picked up Sola and they drove to the mall, stopping at starbucks for coffee and then going on their way. Rose smiles* So who are you going with to the dance, Sola? I haven't gotten a date yet, but I am still going xD

((Umm I'd love to rp! Let's see... eeny meeny miny THEODORE. ))

Avielle B. Coyne woke up freezing again. She rubbed her arms frantically trying to warm up because she had to get herself together. She had school today, so she couldn't look like this. She tried to put her mass of beautiful, long blonde hair into place, but it wouldn't cooperate. She still looked beautiful, but it bothered her that she couldn't help but be bothered by her lack of expensive make up or designer clothes. She looked down to see her worn out used skinny jeans and her fraying belly shirt. It revealed her flat stomach, but she was so cold she couldn't move.

She looked back at the brick wall she'd been sleeping on and picked at the cement with a long fingernail. It would keep her mind off the cold. She slowly got up, feeling the cold in her long legs. She rubbed them to get her blood circulating. When she felt warm enough, she grabbed her bag and started walking out of the alley. She looked both ways before making a left. Her old and dirty high tops banged against the uneven pavement.Every once in a while her foot, numb from the cold, bumped on a raised bit of pavement.

Her walk went normally. She was only approached by moving cars and asked what she charged twice. Yeah it was offensive and demeaning, but she was used to it. She kept walking until she came to the entrance of the public high school. She hated this place so much and couldn't wait to just drop out. She walked in the main door and was met by a familiar face. He pushed her roughly into the wall and she panicked. "W-what do you want?" she asked frantically, getting back up from the ground only to be punched in the cheek and pushed back down.
Hehe :P I love the name Theodore SO MUCH! I use it for different RPing charries xD For instance, the Theodore in this RP is an athletic stupid happy-go-lucky jokester. The Theodore in another RP is short, has PTSD, anxious, and unfit xD Haha :P I just LOVE that name!!! LOOOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

Teddy- *He was just leaving school to go to his truck, seeing a girl being harassed by some other guy. He hated guys who did this stuff, especially to women. That was unfair and downright disrespectful. He approaches the two with the most serious mean face he could put on, as usually he was always smiling and running around like an overly hyper retriever.* Leave her alone. *He said in a grunt, his mind still clogged with various thoughts. About how his night at homecoming with Sola would go, about what happened with that Gregory kid (Felicia had admitted that she was a bit jumpy because Gregory saved her from thugs in the alleyway) from his anxiety to get home and his burning passion to go running. The guy was taken aback, Ted was very popular and people knew he could take on a lot of people. Also he had followers who'd stick up for him and stand by him. The guy makes a disgusted expression, glances to the girl, and then stalks off sheepishly. Theodore smiled and then asked* Are you okay?
Avielle slowly got up, irritated. He probably wouldn't see the mood change coming, but then again, who can? She suddenly got very angry. Angry that she couldn't do anything. Angry that this guy could. "I didn't need your help, and YEAH I am ******* okay," she snapped. She probably looked absolutely ridiculous right now, a ragged looking blonde girl wearing salvation army jeans and cheap eyeshadow smudged and smeared.

She just gave him a nasty look and tried to walk away. Realizing she'd forgotten her bag, she walked back to pick it up. It'd been left unzippered and its contents spilled out. She frantically tried to pick everything up and mentally cursed herself for being so awkward and clumsy.

"I know you're trying to be nice and shit," she said curtly, "but it isn't your place so I'd suggest staying away," she said rudely. After, she regretted being so awful just a bit. She knew she'd seen him around school before. Oh well, she thought. I'm outta this place as soon as possible, she thought, trying to think if she would quit tomorrow.
Ted- *He raised an eyebrow and his mouthline tightened, he said harshly* A "Thank-You" would've been enough, and nicer than what you said. *He then shrugged it off, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and began to saunter away. She was so odd, not even slightly pleased that he'd gotten her out of trouble, that attitude probably got her into it in the first place.*

Gregory- *He was up in his apartment staring blankly out the window.*

**Avielle reminds me of Greg as a chick xDDD

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