~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING

Sola nodded, getting up and joining her on her way to the math room. she was curious as to what her brother was doing, as she had a weird feeling. she hoped he had not gotten himself in trouble.

Kael was surprised at Teddys outburst, but followed the two of them as they left. he turned back to Greg a moment, "yo if you ever get bored we could chill sometime. see ya." he gave a wave and then caught up with Ted and Felicity. he gave Felicity a light pat on the back. "atta girl, you got guts saying that to Greg, but you were right. that guy is in serious need of some friends." he ggrinned
Amelia slid into Math class, giving a grin to nobody in particular as she slid into her seat at the back of the class and placing her bright pink binder on her desk and pulling her thick, dusty leather-bound book up onto her lap and began reading.

( sorry, I had no idea what to do for her introduction... ;_; )
Yes, sorry, some stuff came up and I was kind've not feeling very good about it. :P I just couldn't really bring myself to get too happy for a bit xD Then I went caroling with my choir in the city and it was amazing and got me right back into the holiday spirit! Sorry, I've been a bit overwhelmed recently! xD I'll type up my reply now though :)

Theodore- *Nodded, agreeing with him. Felicity sighed and looked at Teddy's watch. It was time for their last few classes. They all went their separate ways. The last few classes went rather quickly, and before he knew it the day was over. The blonde teenage boy calmly left the building with his friends, approaching his neatly parked car in the lot. He got into it, he was dropping Kael off because the other boy didn't want to take the bus. They also planned on just hanging out afterschool at his house. (Idk I need something to happen) He was blasting old rock n'roll music, singing along in his slightly off-key voice.*

Felicity- *She walked home, carrying her bag. It would take a while to get home, considering she would stop at many different places and go other places. Felicia calmly makes her way down the sidewalk, walking for a while before reaching the grocery store. With the money her mother gave her she bought pasta, bread, milk, and a few various other things. She didn't have much money, and keeping two people fed wasn't hard. She carried her bags, walking to the apartment. On the way she saw Gregory, and didn't have any idea that he lived near her. It was odd, but she acts like she doesn't see him and just walks the rest of the way home. Her mother worked late into the night again, and wouldn't be home in time to do anything but sleep. Felicia sighed and did the small amount of homework she had been given today, completing it was ease. She then gets out a book and begins reading*

Rosemary- *She was driving home, as always, and planned to stop by a cafe on her way home. She usually did things like this because she had so much freedom. Rose is on her way out of the parking lot, and ends up stopping at the cafe as she planned and just sitting there getting a hazelnut coffee.*

Greg- *He was trudging home, not in any rush. He didn't have anywhere to actually be anyways. He saw Felicia on her way home with grocery bags, she was so little that he felt the slightest breeze would knock her off her feet.*

Sorry it's not much, I'm soo excited for Christmas! I can't even think straight!
Sola and Kael met up outside the school to walk home together. however, today Kael felt it would be fun to take a walk, or go do something else.Sola let him do as he pleased and they went their separate ways. Sola walked past a nearby park as she always did, and as an occasional routine, decided to stop today. she sat at the base of her favorite tree and pulled out her old antique flute. despite its age, it was in good condition due to her good care. she put it together and held it up to her lips. she began to play, catching the attention of some of the playing children. most of them knew her since she came often, so they smiled and waved. she continued to play memorized pieces, unwinding to the elegance of her instruments sound.

Kael took his walk, and strolled through the busier part of town. there were shops here and there, including a cafe that Kael visited with his sister and Chase on occasion before he moved. he looked in the window and Rosemary sitting at a table alone. Kael entered, got a hot cider and approached her. "hey, Rosemary right? mind if i take a seat?" he asked, but did not wait for an answer and simply sat down across from her. "i heard you had lunch with my sister. i should thank you, she hasnt had any friends since Chase moved away last year." he smiled, sipping at his cider

((im thinking of add Chase later as a source of romantic tension if Sola gets involved with anyone, and because he is a favorite character of mine~))
Rosemary- *She smiled joyfully* Hello! *She sips at her coffee drink* Oh, I didn't know that. I just genuinely wanted to get close to her, she seems kindhearted. I also heard her playing flute in one of the band practice rooms when I went to play piano... *She chuckled* I believe a duet between us would be great. *She didn't know why she was telling him this, she got nervous around guys... Especially cute guys.* So, anyways, how was your first day of school... Umm... *She realized she didn't know his name.*

Felicity- *She was at home, putting away her groceries. She kept the house generally clean, but it was naturally cluttered because of all the stuff in the small amount of space. Especially the living room and kitchen, there were too many things in the rooms. In fact, some of Felicity's and her mother's clothing were strung on racks outside the bedroom because they had no space in their rooms. The cupboards were empty sometimes, when they forgot to get food. Shefinished and looked longingly out the window, wishing someone was here beside her. She could go on a walk, but it was dangerous on this part of town and she was one of the smallest, weakest people there was.*
Kael smiled and sipped at his cider, "Kael. and Sola really can be a nice girl, she just isnt the most trusting person." he lowered his voice just in case there were other classmates having an afternoon chat in the cafe, "she also has a bit of a temper, but i did say anything ok? otherwise im the one who will get the rough end of that temper" he chuckled slightly, smiling at Rosemary. "can i just call you Rose?" he said in usual forward friendly manner.
Sorry, delayed reply once more. This one was because my mother brilliantly forgot to pay our internet bills :P Hence, it was off for today until my dad and I realized she'd forgotten xD

Rosemary- *Grinned* Of course you can, I mean why not? *She was a generally lighthearted person like Kael.* And the stuff about Sola? I really don't mind, it's fine! Don't be so worried for her, I don't mean any harm. *She calmly sipped at her coffee, observing him closely. Like herself, he didn't have a single bad intention in his body. She could tell by the warmth in his eyes. It made her feel safe and understood, like they connected. She didn't show it, but her heart thumped harshly in her chest. He was so cheerful and content with life as it was, laid back and calm.* I'm going to the mall after this, because I didn't get assigned any homework. Do you want to join me? *She just asked out of the blue, she didn't know what compelled her to do so it just blurted out of her mouth. Immediately after, she regretted it. He didn't want to go shopping with her, what if he wasn't at such a high-level class like her? She'd had that situation occur before and it just made her feel awkward and bad.*

Felicity- *She calmly sauntered around her house, finished reading a book and putting away food. She sat down after making herself a warm cup of green tea. Scribble accompanied her, curling up beside her on the couch. He wasn't an exceptionally good-looking cat, in fact he was a bit ugly. His black fur was scraggly, giving him a mangy look about him. His eyes were too big for his head, looking like misplaced saucers. But they seemed droopy all the time, and empty and emotionless. His ears were massive with chips in them from catfights on the street, he'd almost lost his eye and a scar cutting a bit too close for comfort was there. His back was hunched, head always low, as if someone had snapped his back; leaving him always creeping around instead of walking normally. His hind leg had also been ruptured in a previous car accident from before Felicia found him on the streets, causing his walk to be uneven and awkward sometimes. Felicity had taken him in and gotten a terrifying tom-cat to adore her. Maybe she'd have the same effect on people. That's when Felicity realized she had forgotten the final ingredient to the meal she was going to prepare tonight. Did she want to risk walking out to the store again? Especially on this side of town? She didn't have any protection, and had no idea how to defend herself. But then again, did anything bad ever happen to her? If she hurried, maybe she could get back by the time it was dark. No matter what, she'd get home before her mother. Felicity pulled on her jacket again and grabbed a little more money from her drawer before venturing out once more, hopefully the last time. She began walking down the sidewalk once she exited the drab little apartment, chills going down her spine. Hopefully nothing bad would happen.*
Sola heard a mew, and snapped out of her music induced trance. she had somehow lost track of time, and saw that it was getting late. she turned towards the source of the mew, and as expected, her beloved cat was there. two icy blue eyes stared at her as she grabbed her things and began waling away from the park. the white cat followed her as she walked, unsure of where to go. she didnt want to go home just yet, because she thought a stroll would be nice. the evening air was cool on her face adn the wind stirred her long brunette hair just slightly.

Kael nodded, "i figured you wouldnt harm her. im just glad she has found a friend." he chuckled at her sudden silence after the invitation to go to the mall. she was definitely a friendly and cheerful person, and Kael was glad to have someone to hang out with. he talked to Ted a lot at school, and they were friends, but thay didnt really hang out much. perhaps he would present Ted with some sort of challenge tomorrow. they got along well, so why the heck not? he could use a good dude friend. he couldnt help but smile at thought of the word "wing man" yea right. like Ted wants to help me sort through the many quiet girls crushing on me. Kaels friendly outreaching personality always seemed to catch the quiet shy girls attention, though not for long. in all honesty, he though himself to be a boring person over all. he shook his head slightly and took another sip of cider as he realized he was zoning out. he turned his attention back to Rose, "sounds like fun, of course i will go with you.," he said, answering her questiuon.
Rosemary- *She smiles* Do you have a car? Or will you just ride with me? *She glanced down, sipping at her coffee again; she had coffee and tea almost every day. Coffee when she needed to be up, and tea when she wanted to wind down. Her and Theodore had a bit of a fling in the past, it was on and off. But things never worked out, and they couldn't not live with each other out of their lives completely. So a compromise was made to be friends, and nothing more. Rose had the sickening wretched feeling that Ted still liked her more than just that though. He wasn't a bad guy, but Rose wanted to be free and not tied down to one guy. Also, being friends with Teddy was easier than lovers. They'd been together in Middle School, but not for long. There never was too much there as far as romance, but they had become friends over getting to know each other.*
Kael shook his head, "i have a car, but i usually walk to school. its a nice way to wind down after school and helps me wake up when im on the way there in the morning." he finished off his cider with a smile, "i will ride with you though. i have a feeling you would beat me to the mall otherwise." he chuckled, getting up and throwing away he empty paper cup. He walked back to the table, " would you like to go now?"

Rosemary- *She nodded sweetly and they got into her car, she finished her coffee and tossed it out; but bought another latte for the road. She was a bit wild on these things, they kept her going and made her feel very comfortable wherever she was. They drove to the mall, having smalltalk along the way. The ride wasn't too long, and they stopped for gasoline once. Once there, Rose strolled around with Kael. There wasn't much to do here, it was boring without a shopping spree; which Rose doubted she needed now, she'd just gone back-to-school shopping. They stayed there until it was late at night, when Rosemary was driving Kael home.*

Felicity- *She was wandering a bit aimlessly, since it was dark already. She'd gotten to the store and bought what she needed, tucking it into her purse. Felicia nervously gulped, shifting her massive blue eyes a few times. She felt a shiver go down her spine as she walked down the sidewalk, repeating the directions home in her mind. However, in this darkness it was hard to see where she was meant to be going. Isn't this how most horror murder stories start off? She thought nervously to herself, not reassured by her housing location. She was in a run-down filthy hood, not a nice clean suburb like the more fortunate kids had. Felicity never found herself loathing her home until now, now when she was out alone in the dark in the bad side of town... Oh, and lost. So busy in her own thoughts she hadn't realized she'd taken a wrong turn and walked to far. Where was she? The puny young lady fumbled with her purse uncomfortably, wondering if anyone was out who she could ask for directions. No! Her conscience yelled to her. It screamed that she'd be kidnapped in a heartbeat. Felicia whimpered and began to silently trudge onward, hoping to find somewhere she could safely go for now, but she was just traveling farther and farther from home; and not even realizing she'd long missed her turn. ((Anyone wanna roleplay something that could happen??))*

Gregory- *He was out for an evening jog, as he always did at night, in his black sweatpants and black hoodie. His running was rhythmic and controlled, just like his steady breaths. Greg was a bit overobsessed with staying in top physical condition. He ran the city without a care, he could take on anyone who challenged him. Also, he carried his lighter and a handgun in his pocket. Only when he was out at night like this, in a dangerous city, in a dangerous side of town.*
((who is Gabriel?))

Sola had been walking for awhile and found herself on the less savory side of town. she looked around, knowing it probably wasn't safe, and that she should probably turn back, but she knew there was a convenience store nearby and her family needed some bread and a box of cereal. she went to the store and on her way out she spotted a shady looking figure nearby. after a few minutes of walking, when she was away from the more brightly lit streets, the figure acted. a heavy hand was laid on her shoulder and she screamed. as the shady man went to cover her mouth she smirked, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it till it hurt. she pulled a pocket knife on him, holding it to his neck with a relatively calm expression "maybe you should try preying on someone who hasnt taken self defense classes."

Kael enjoyed a long walk around the mall, despite how boring it was. he picked up some notecard for vocab for his science class, and they headed back out to her car. "hey that was fun. who knew walking around the mall could be so enriching. its been nice talking to you. could you give me a ride home, perhaps?" he asked, feeling in a good mood. he didnt spend much time actually getting to know people, he spent most of his time just talking to whoever was around at social gatherings.

((i mmiiissseeddd yyyooooouuuuuu))
I meant Gregory! xD Whoops!!!

Rosemary- *Smiled* Of course! Where do you live? *They piled into the car and she began driving, a small box of orange chicken from Panda Express in one of the cup holders and a soda in the other. It was their shared "dinner." There were two black plastic forks stabbed into the half-empty container, Rose usually ate what she wanted because she didn't always feel like cooking dinner if she had a lot of work. Her grandparents weren't the ones who made the food for everyone either, only occasionally. She usually liked to do it instead, because it gave them more time to rest; she really appreciated them for taking her in when her parents left for their many trips around the world.*

Felicia- *She anxiously trembled, taking slow, cautious steps forwards. She then heard a loud crash behind her, causing her to jump and run like a skittish cat. Felicity ran furiously, not even looking where she was going anymore. The sudden sound had actually come from an alley dog tipping a metal trashcan in search of scraps. She sprinted until she was heaving, and felt her legs quiver. Felicity was terrified, horrified, it'd gotten so dark, and the tall apartment buildings blocked the moon's light. Her shadow was cast along the pavement, and she stepped over a puddle from when it last rained. The 4'7 girl turned her head behind her, to make sure no one was following her. Her brown ringlets of curls bobbed as she did so, bouncing when she moved. She hugged herself gently, her mother worked a late shift; being a nurse for one of her jobs made it so she would stay all night if she had to. A patient needed her for the night, on this side of town the hospitals were usually packed. It always scared her, the thought of being attacked. Felicia then heard a rustle, getting easily spooked, you could tell she didn't belong out in these alleyways. They were like a maze, and it didn't help that it was dark. A few figures in the distance were approaching and she jumped, not knowing what to do. So she stood there like a deer in the headlights, fearfully just waiting to be attacked. She didn't have more than 15 dollars on her, and nothing valuable that anyone could want. Felicity stepped back, her small foot landing right in a puddle. They approached, there were only 3 of them. All of them towered over her. "Well what do we have here?" One of them chuckled, obviously seeing that little Felicity wasn't meant to be here. The girl turned swiftly and began to run, she'd never been too fast because her legs were short in comparison to other peoples; but she was so light on her feet that she could jump very high and run like the wind sometimes. But not now, she was blinded by the alleys darkness, and the males behind her were much more athletic. One pounced on her when the other cut her off, she landed harshly on the pavement; scraping up her chin and knees. Her beautiful clothes were stained with filth, and the side of her cheek had a smudge of dirt on it.* LET ME GO! AHHHHH! *She screamed immediately as loud as she could, only to have a grimy hand slap her and cover her mouth. She frantically fought, but to no avail; she was one of the weakest people there was.*

Gregory- *He continued his nightly run, wondering why Harle called him "Gabriel," when that was clearly not his name. JK! xD He heard a girl's high pitched scream, and pitied whoever it was. It was awfully close, and he pondered whether he should go be the knight in shining armor for whoever this was. He wondered who it could be, and it was mainly his curiosity that made him take the turn and stroll down the alley in which it came from. He saw a little girl, she was so short; must only be in elementary school. That. Wasn't. Fair. These young men were over half the size of her, and she was hopelessly trying to fight them off. Her attempts were futile, useless, and just made the others laugh sadistically. He found his mind shutting out logic and common sense as he stormed over, no one should harass such young girls. Little did he know, she was about his age, and in his school, and that he knew her. Anyways, she probably didn't know what these guys liked to do to pretty girls they found lost and alone in the alleys where no one who cared could hear their agonized screams. These low, filthy, perverts would destroy her. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was Felicity; not that he knew her name. How was this girl out here? She seemed to be like she lived in a more middle-class family, why in the world would she be out here? He punched one guy harshly in the jaw.* Get off of her! *Felicia was shoved against a brick wall, pushed out of the way, hitting her head unbelievably roughly. Their power caused her to get incredibly dizzy and sink low to the ground, her skirt slipping up to show a portion of her thigh. Her top was ruffled, the side hanging low off her shoulders. Her hair was now unkept, a bit frazzled with one side dripping in water. They had been trying to take advantage of her, but she had struggled as best she could. If it weren't for Gregory, she'd have been forever changed. Greg fought them off, grabbing the girl's wrist before they could come back. She started to bawl horrendously, Gregory couldn't stand when girls cried. She thought he was one of them, and that she was being dragged away. The girl struggled weakly, dizzy and delirious. He harshly growled* Quit it, let's go before they get back. *He scooped her up and began to run, she weighed nothing- maybe 90 pounds at most. Or maybe Greg just worked out too much.*
Kael smiled gratefully, "thanks! i live on the north side of town. Maple Drive. our house number is 714." he, after previously promising not to make a mess of Roses car, picked up the Panda Express box and took another bite. "you know, i never get tired of chinese, never- oh turn here" he said and shortly after she turned, he pointed out his house. "hey, thanks for the ride, we should do this again sometime." he suggested as he picked up anything he had dropped on the floor of her car. he gave her a quick wave and went up and into his house.

Sola let the mugger go and he ran off. she flipped her pocket knife shut and scoffed before walking away. she sighed, no one saw her more edgy side. she didnt like people to know about it. she loved her proper image, formal and polite. but when things like this happened she just couldnt help it. she trudged along with a frown set firmly on her face, until she heard a scream. she stopped a moment, rying to pick out where it had come from, then she ran. she ran till she saw some guys who looked like they had taken a beating. they looked at her with malice. they obviously didnt like the beating they had received and one of them grabbed her by the arms while another took her legs. she screamed out, and just like before, on of them went to cover her mouth. in that single moment of distraction, she threw her head back, smashing the nose of the man who held her arms. she landed on her back with a sharp thud as the other man still had her legs she struggle, then twisted her body to forcefully roll onto her stomach throwing the already injured attcker off balance and tossing him to the side, although with little force. she managed to get up and land a sharp kick you-know-where on the third man who had finally gotten to his feet. one man with a broken nose, one on his knees, and as the man who previously had her legs gained his balance, she planted her feet and to her strongest swing, landing her fist right in his stomach.at this point it had been long enough for someone to come help, but even if they did they wouldve just saw an average looking 130 pound((part is unseen muscle xD )) girl with three men on the ground.

((haha she is my only character who has these types of abilities so i had to take advantage of the situation~))

Greg- *He carried Felicia to the nearby park, setting her down on the bench gently, a surprising tenderness that no one would've thought he had.* Are you okay? *Felicia was still crying, her makeup running down her cheeks and her face flushed red.* What did they do to you? *The girl trembled and finally answered in a choked whisper "They.. They tried t-to.." She then burst into tears again, terrified with what might've happened. Then she gazed into the eyes of her savior, the darkness and tears blurred and distorted the handsome face a bit; but there was no doubt about who it was. Gregory.* Are you hurt? *She shook her head, lying blatantly. She was mentally traumatized, but other than a few scrapes and bruises she was fine. He observed her overall appearance, it was sad to see. The usually happy bubbly little girl had her clothing disheveled and out of place. Her baggy top hung low off her shoulder, almost revealing her underwear. Her knees and hands were marred with filth of the alley floor. That face was in tears, she was shaking, her hands running through her thoroughly ruffled hair. He gently patted her, not sure what to do.* Do you want me to take you home? Where do you live?

Rosemary- *Smiled and waved* 'Night Kael! *Then she drove off, going home. She was a bit late, but she didn't really have curfew anyways. Rose got home, showered, and crawled under her covers; falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.*
Sola frowned at the muddy water that had splashed on her outfit. she let out a defeated sigh, then covered her pitiful expression with a more confident one, running in the direction of a single set of muddy footsteps. she came to a park and saw Greg and Felecity, the new girl from earlier. she approached them carefully, as not to startle the tiny female or cause Greg to lash out. "excuse me....Felicity right? where you the one i heard scream earlier?" she asked quite plainly, "i wouldnt been around sooner, but three guys picked a fight back there." she motioned to the muddy trim on her dress. "i assume you helped her Gregory?" she asked her her usual formal tone.
Greg- *He glared the "death glare" at Sola, it struck the slightest tremble of discomfort to people with stone-hearts. Such hatred from one person makes anybody even slightly uneasy. Felicity nodded, only furthermore humiliated by this girl's arrival.* It'd be best if you left. *He said in a harsh, low murmur; his voice coming out roughly. Felicia's sobbing had lost some intensity, she now quietly whimpered and just was incredibly grateful nothing had happened. She got up on her shaky legs. "I wanna go home." Gregory nodded.* I'll walk you home, just in case. *He then asked where she lived, and she told him.* You are way off from there, I don't think we'll make it there anytime soon; especially without running into trouble... *He sighed and began walking in the direction they needed to go- it was such a long ways away.*
Sola was slightly unsettled by Gregs anger, but it quickly turned to annoyance. "fine. i was going to help, but im not a sprinter like you apparently are." she said with a slightly edgy tone. "well, im leaving. i live on the other side of town and took a wrong turn so i cant sit and chat with you cheerful two." she checked her watch in the dim glow of a street light. "shoot. im going to be home by 11 if im lucky." she mumbled, walking in the opposite direction of the other two. as she walked, her tough exterior cracked just the slightest bit. she shivered in the cold of the night, having not brought a jacket. her expression was distant, an expression her brother always questioned.
Greg- *He sighed, both girls lived far off. He had to escort Felicity though, she couldn't fend for herself to save her life. Also, Sola seemed pretty well off- he could see the knife outlined in her pocket. She'd do fine. Gregory takes Felicia's wrist and leads her away, he towered over her like a skyscraper. The girl tried to question him a bit, but to no avail did he answer much. Gregory remained distant and vague about who he was. He got her home and led her up to her apartment building. Felicity sighed, letting him come in. The small apartment was very cozy, although a bit unkept and messy. He was surprised at how cluttered it was, because Felicia was always so clean. She was making them both green tea, busying herself; not realizing that Gregory hadn't even sat down yet. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.* I really should go-... *He then had a teacup shoved into his hands. "It's-" He'd already taken a sip* Green tea. *Felicia nodded and giggled sweetly "Exactly!" He half-smiled, she really was too kind for her own good.*
((haha, Sola has her own issues so dont worry too much. just part of her character.))

Sola finally got home and left her shoes in the front closet, being sure to lock the door. she was soaked and muddy from the reain that had just started, and in a very ill tempered mood. Kael saw her and walked over, "hey you shouldve called i wouldve..." he saw a bruise on her arm where one of the men had held her. "oh my god Soul, what happened? did you get attacked again?" he took her arm to look at it. "im fine!" she yelled, tearing away from him. "im going to my room so leave me alone." she snarled. Kael backed off, but watched with concern as she trudged up the stairs. she took a hot showered and checked her email, seeing something from Chase. she frowned. she really didnt want to talk to anyone at the moment, so she shutdown her laptop and went to bed.
uh. next school day first off. some sort of announcement? skip to homecoming week? if we want it to last generations it has to be event by event and not trying to fit every school day in individually
Ok :) And a lot of new people said they'd join, go check up on them (I gotta get offline) :T I wanna know if they're joining! For this to actually work we need a lot of people. But let's skip to homecoming week

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