~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING

((Oh god she should meet him. I read his bio thingy and they ARE a lot alike!))

She just watched the other blonde walk away. When he turned, she shot him the middle finger. How DARE he say she got herself into the situation. Well, she did. What happened was this, she needed money BAD. She always needed money, ever since her mom gave her the boot. She would occasionally sneak back to see Keira, but she couldn't do that all the time. She just ended up sleeping in the same alley every night. It was relatively safe, so she stayed. However, she had no food. Suddeny, the boy from earlier, Matt Hodges, lent her some money. The reason he got so angry was because she couldn't pay him back. So, yeah, it WAS her fault. However, she'd never admit it.

In her memory, she accidentally bumped into someone very tall. She fell back and hit her head. God, she was just going to get hurt over and over again, she thought. Avielle reached to begin to pick up her stuff, because she once again forgot to zip her damn backback again. From the ground, she looked up at him. "Watch where the **** you're going *****," she said, rubbing the back of her head.
Gregory- *He had been grabbing something in the store, buying himself the week's supply of food. He usually went for takeout, but he needed something at home or his body would deteriorate. He felt something ram into his side, and an angry hiss of cussing. He turned, unamused, and saw a tall blonde girl. A bit over average, but not anywhere near as big as him; but also not as small as Felicity, poor girl was only 4'7. Why did he keep thinking about that one girl? Probably because of what an oddball she was, oh yeah! And the fact that he had to chase off some thugs from her, and that she lived on this side of town. He sighed and gave her a bored expression* I wasn't even moving. That was all you. *He puts it simply, never wanting to argue with women; he respected them as much as he could, since he didn't want to be like his father.*
She was shocked that he would even dare to put the blame on her. On HER. She poked him in the chest. "That was obviously not my fault!" she said in a staccato voice. She absentmindedly tried to put her hair back into place, but it still looked messy. It's not like she had ******* hairbrushes lying around. It's not like she had ANYTHING just lying around. As a result, she looked messy and like she'd just been in a fight. Cheap CVS make up was smeared, and clothes were ripped. However, she was always like that, even when she was able to stay with her mom.

She made a mental note never to let Keira look like this when she grew up. She'd be absolutely flawless, unlike Avielle now. To add to her look, she was absolutely starving. Her stomach kept making dying whale noises, and they were really noticeable. She protectively gripped her stomach and felt the rib bones subconciously. Oh, and the dying whale noises decide to start again. WONDERFUL. Now she'd look like an absolute idiot in front of this kid! she thought. She prepared her lie without even having thought to. It was kind of an instinct to do so. It was a hell of a lot easier to say your mom was dead than to face what she really was, or wasn't in Avielle's case.
Gregory- *He wondered if this girl was smuggling food, he'd seen her wandering aimlessly outside the alleys at night. He had almost went out to ask her to come inside during a storm, but she disappeared before he could. He recognized her all right.* It was clearly your fault. Would you like to argue this or go get a cup of tea with me, I'll pay. *He heard her stomach moan longingly again, and he wondered why he was being so generous today. It wasn't like he had much money or things to offer, but she had less. It clearly took its toll on her too.*
She was shocked by his offer, but it was one she couldn't refuse. "Fine," she said reluctantly. As much as she was grateful, she couldn't actually say that. For whatever reason, she just couldn't bring herself to say please or thank you. It was a sign of weakness and it meant you were a *****.

She followed him to wherever they were going. For the first time, it occured to her that he WAS pretty suspicious.She bumped into him and was mean to him, so he's going to take her for tea? It didn't add up. What would be in it for him? She'd have to keep her guard up with this one for sure. She couldn't be getting into trouble with owing people money anymore. She would've noticed that earlier, but the act of generosity took her by shock. She promised herself she would be more careful next time.
Sola went a little red she was asked about her date. She was awkward about this type of stuff. "Um..Theodore. "she said. She instantly wondered if she was too formal. "Do I speak too formally?" She was accustumed to calling eople by their full name, however she realized that many poeple liked nicknames.

Kael was left alone when his sister was wisked off to the mall with Rosemary. He decided to take a walk, heading home beefore he did. He left his home and headed for the park, his hamster Eddy peeking out from his shirt pocket.

(You left me way behind! Oh well :P ))
(([MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] I mentioned Kael (sorry if I didn't make it clear!) The lunch bell rang, so I assumed he went to the caféteria?))

I thought Teddy was just leaving school

Greg was going out for tea with A- I forgot her name xD How to spell it :P BLEH

Rosemary and Sola were gonna go dress shopping at the mall

and Felicity was just chillin, gonna go walk home

I ksdhgkjshgkjshdgkshdgksahgkh What's happening!?
[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] i was on my phone which is retarded so i didnt get the mention, plus i saw it had time skipped to after school. you can bump into Kael at the park if you want?
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] Alrght! I'm typing that up right now!

Ah, she was tired of being indoors all day. Actually, in all honesty, she was not tired at all. Being indoors was better than having to socialize with these freaks. Minako walked around, oblivious to her steps. The music in her headphones were blasted, and she was too busy playing a new release of 'OU-TAK-U' on her PSP to notice the male in front of her. Bumping into him, she said "Sorry." in a loud tone, due to her plugged in situation.
Kael turned to the girl. "oh no, not at all pardon me. i didnt leave much space on the sidewalk." he smiled, "hey, dont we go to the same school? im Kael, may i ask your name?" he felt she was familiar but couldnt put his finger on it. he heard a squeak and smiled at the furry bundle riding in his pocket. "oh, and this is my dwarf hamster Eddy" he introduced.

(by the way, even if she cusses at him Kael is too much a a gentleman to get angry :P ))
Felicity- *She began her walk home from school, clutching her bag nervously because of what turn of events happened last time. She tried to calm herself down, she'd be fine. Surely she would!*
Avielle: She was shocked by his offer, but it was one she couldn't refuse. "Fine," she said reluctantly. As much as she was grateful, she couldn't actually say that. For whatever reason, she just couldn't bring herself to say please or thank you. It was a sign of weakness and it meant you were a *****.

She followed him to wherever they were going. For the first time, it occured to her that he WAS pretty suspicious.She bumped into him and was mean to him, so he's going to take her for tea? It didn't add up. What would be in it for him? She'd have to keep her guard up with this one for sure. She couldn't be getting into trouble with owing people money anymore. She would've noticed that earlier, but the act of generosity took her by shock. She promised herself she would be more careful next time.

((Where did everyone go?))
((i only reply one or twice day, and not usually around this time. usually later. By the way what about Rosemary and Sola? Sola told her who she was going with Harlequien.))
((What's been going on? The only thing that's happened is Avi is being a beotch. LOL Are we doing a prom or dance? I thought I read something like that on this thread))

((Btw, if you like this, maybe join my other rp, Winterwood High))
((Okay. Oh god I have to get my sweetie pie Avielle ready and a date >_____<. Since you're here, want to do an rp now?))
Sorry about not replying guys! I was out the entire day, and because I was up so late last night I slept in too. Thank goodness, I finished my homework and so forth or I'd really be miserable xD

Greg- *They went into the tea shop, a small business kept alive by folks like him going in every now and then. They go to order, and you can tell Gregory plans on paying.* I'll have the vanilla green tea *He chose one of the sweetest teas they had, strange because he seemed so bitter about everything else. He never had a taste for sugary things, except with tea. He looked down at Avi* What do you want? I'll pay, you don't have to do anything in return for me either.. *He reassured her*
Avielle quickly ordered an earl gray. "I never asked your name," she said, calmed down. "Avielle Coyne " she said, introducing herself.

She took a seat, still nervous. She covered her cheek with her hand because it was beginning to turn a dark blue. Maybe if she rested her head on her hand, the bruise could be overlooked. She looked around the place, observing everyone. There were girls that were probably from their school giggling along with everyone.

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