~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING

"Yeah, it seems like I have a pretty big block of time to just do whatever," she said. She honestly didn't know what he would do. She just wasn't used to having this much free time. Shit, she thought. Today was her first day at some department store. She had to work sometime after midnight, she just couldn't remember.

However, she didn't know what to do with herself, not that she normally did. She might go sleep a little, walk, run, loiter, she thought. It might be good for her to study too. She'd have to study forever to pass her history test in a week. However, she'd probably collapse if she didn't get some sleep.

She was kind of a mess right now, so maybe if she went in the bathroom at CVS or something and washed her face, she'd feel better.
Greg- *He then asked quietly* Do you have a home? *He noticed a faint trash-scent on her, from nights she must've slept on the streets. He didn't necessarily think he'd go so far as to take her in, but he'd let her stay at his house a bit; as long as she didn't take it over or put the bill up too high.*
Well that was a very rude question to ask. She did not smell. The family she cleaned for was never there, so she showered every day. She was just messy looking most of the time. Her hair never wanted to stay straight, and ended up curling slightly.

Did she smell right now? She swore she put some knockoff Kim Kardashian perfume on this morning, and it smelled absolutely amazing. Amazing, okay?

"Do you have a home?" she asked spitefully.
Gregory- *He shrugged* Oh, well pardon me. I do happen to have a home, I just heard one of the ladies of the house you clean for complaining about how high her water bills had gotten and how she'd noticed little things missing every now and then. *He eyed her* And I won't make any accusations, but I'm sure you understand what I'm getting at.
"Did I say a thing about any of that?" she said. For a guy who said he didn't like rumors, he seemed to be listening to some of them.

"Fine! I'll admit it! I'm a desperate, homeless teenager. Happy?" she asked, progressively getting angrier with this guy. It wasn't any of his business anyway! In 6 months she'd begin saving for a house, and in 8 months she expected to have one. She didn't mind sleeping outside much at all. She just got weird looks and approached often by weirdos.

She couldn't put the college fund of Avielle Coyne on hold, she had to reach her goal amount and she was getting there. She was becoming very angry with presumptuous people.
Gregory- *He slightly twisted his mouth, pursing his lips. Pondering what to say.* Would you need a temporary home of some sort? *What was he saying? This girl was so obnoxious, he didn't think he could bear what he was about to offer.*
Well she was just very, very confused. She had been nothing but rude to everyone, even this guy. So he was offering her a place to stay now? What was going through his mind?

Perhaps she would accept the offer. If she put saving for school aside, she could save for an apartment in a month at the most. Maybe that would be easier, if he was willing to do it.

She still had that sneaking suspicion though. That this is too good to be true thought that always ruined good things for you. It was the same thing she thought before Matt had helped her out, but look how quickly he turned on her. Whatever, she thought.

"Fine," she said reluctantly. She still had to seem completely blase, because if she didn't, she wouldn't be Avielle would she?
Gregory- *Nodded* It's a bit of a walk, and I don't have a car... So I guess we'll have to do. *He then added* And I have the heat off. I hope you don't mind that we'll be a little chilly for an hour or two while it warms up, I do it to save money. *They began walking to his home, he couldn't believe he was doing this.*
She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. Something inside of her knew it was a mistake, but she was reckless. She never learned. She decided to follow him without saying much.

They'd been walking for quite a bit, but she still didn't feel like trying to talk to him. Something inside of her was kind of nervous to.

So her plans would remain the same. She'd sleep, study, then go to work. By that time, it would be time to get ready for school. She was unhappy with the thought of going again bright and early tomorrow. She didn't like school, and that was no mystery. She tended to hate things she wasn't good at, and school was a shining example.
sola smiled, my eyes are sort of a gold amber color. That unusual yellowish, whatever you want to call it." She smiled, and her eyes sparkled a bit.

Kael had been sitting under a tree in one of the town parks for awhile, nothing to do really. He hummed a quiet tune, his dwarf hamster napping on his shoulder.
Rosemary- *She announced* we could go with a light eyeshadow, red lips, and eyeliner. I have that stuff and can do it for you :)

Gregory- *It was a long, quiet, and silent walk to his apartment. They went up, no one was in sight, and into the freezing little room. Gregory even shuddered slightly when he stepped into his room.* I'll go turn the heat on *He disappeared and then came back* It will be a while, but did you have anything you could bring? Clothing? Etc?
((I added my other character, however I apologize for not having a realistic picture for him!)

Kael yawned as he stood up, placing his hamster back into his shirt pocket. He began to walk around town a bit, having nothing better to do he continued to hum as he walked, feeling a sudden vibration in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and noticed that it wasn't a text, it was an email. When he saw who it was from her forwarded the email in a text to his sister, a cheerful grin on his face as he walked. As he tucked his phone into his pocket, he accidentally walked into someone(Felicity)

Sola was really enjoying her evening with Rosemary. "Thanks a lot for all this help, I owe you big time!"she said. She heard a quiet chime noise and realized it must be her phone. She looked at the sender, and also saw that it was a forwarded email. As she opened it and read what her brother had sent heer face iimmediatly lite up.
Felicity- *People always trampled and ran into her, she just wasn't viewable from a lot of people's eyes; she was shorter than an 8 year old boy she'd seen down the street. Unlike her cousin, Celia, she didn't wear heels all the time; and Coco was only 4'10. She was 4'7, and barely too. Felicia is almost knocked down by the impact, but catches herself quickly. She wore slightly long button down coat, tied in the center, and leggings and boots; she was very cold this day. On her head was a cute hat that would keep her warm, it was knitted (crocheted) with a felt flower on the side.* Hi Kael! *She smiled, ignoring that she almost fell over* How's the weather up there?

Rosemary- *She turned* What is it? :D I can tell it's impooortaaant *she sang the last word, a bit obnoxiously xD *
"Yeah," she said, "I guess I do. I'll be right back," she said. She exited through the door and once she exited the building, she sighed a sigh of relief.

She could just ditch right now. It might turn out to be the smartest choice. However, for some reason she wouldn't do it. She would make a few more turns to arrive at her actual house, that she wasn't welcome in anymore. She'd sneak in and grab the rest of her stuff.

She only took enough to fit in her bag at first, but now she could get some more of her shit. You know what? F**k being subtle. She was going to get her stuff and leave. She walked up the concrete stairs, kicking cigarettes out of her way. Eventually, she met with the shabby screen door and she flung it open. It was a lot lighter than she remembered. She walked inside and was clouded with nostalgia.

She quickly walked to the back of the house to check on Keira, because it didn't seem like anyone was home. Her mom put her on her side. Babies can choke and die if you put them to bed like that! Everyone knew, especially mothers. She shrugged and placed her differently.

She then went upstairs to find her old room. It was completely torn apart, and her bed was broken in half. She probably had one of her f*ck buddies do this, she thought. She wasted no time gathering all of the stuff she couldn't take with her. She grabbed her favorite shoes, her favorite dress, along with shirts and other stuff of that nature. Her blanket was completely soiled, and she didn't even want to think about why. She knew why.

She grabbed her pillow, but opted to wipe it off thoroughly. She surveyed the room, searching for anything else. When she decided she had everything, she set off.

Since her mom wasn't home, she looked through the kitchen maybe a little. She decided to take some crackers, chips, and pretzels with her.
Gregory- *He was a bit anxious, that girl could take care of herself; but he would've liked to escort her just in case. He didn't know about her little sister, but if he did he wouldn't necessarily want a baby in his house; people would already assume stuff with her living with him. But no one would know about that, no one would be told about this living arrangement; as it was not what either of them needed. Kids at school were ruthless, and although Gregory could handle it, he saw these things did affect the strange girl. He sighed and cleaned up what little was left out, the flat was a bit empty; still freezing. He went to the tiny closet and got out some blankets- he didn't have many, none that were incredibly fuzzy, so he wrapped himself in a quilt and sat down on the small couch.*
Avi was close to leaving. She had all of her stuff she couldn't carry in her backpack, and she was in luck. Her mother was still out. However, can someone really be that lucky? She walked up to the door when it opened on her. There was no place for her to go. Her mother, eyes bloodshot and hair a mess walked in to see her.

There was probably nothing that she wanted to see less than Avielle. She was obviously drunk, so her emotions were exaggerated. She started screaming, cursing, and trying to grab Avi. "WHAT THE F*UCK ARE YOU DOIN IN MY HOUSE?" She yelled, pushing her back into a small table. Avielle dropped her stuff out of shock and rubbed the blood off of the part of her back left exposed by her shirt.

Suddenly, a new boyfriend had arrived. She was lucky she didn't walk in on them or something. However, he didn't look especially happy to see her. She inwardly wondered whether he knew about her or if he thought she broke in.

"What the f*ck you doing in this house slut?" He said, inching closer to her. She backed away slowly, growing more nervous. He punched her right eye. Hard. She covered it with her hand, but she was knocked to the ground suddenly. It all made sense. Her mother lied about her to get with somebody. This guy thought she broke in.

"I-I live here!" She yelled, trying to get up. Her mother threw the toaster at her head, but she blocked it with her arm. Then, something really scary happened. The man with her who also looked wasted grabbed a knife from the drawer. He backed into her slowly until she hit the wall. He cut her thigh sloppily, and she grabbed it. He slapped her and pushed her to the ground again.

She ran as fast as she could to grab her bag and leave. While she did that, things were being thrown and everyone was yelling and swearing. She ran out the door, and the knife thrown missed her narrowly. She ran out, and kept running for a few blocks. Blood was drying on her arms and thigh. Her eye was swollen and her back had a huge spike of wood from the table. She yanked it out and dropped it. The wound opened up again, but she kept going.

Soon enough, she went back to the apartment. Wondrously, she remembered where it was. She walked in the front door, obviously a mess from what just happened. She dropped her bags and realized she was spilling blood on the floor. "I swear I'm so sorry...," she said, wiping it with her short sleeve.
Gregory- *His eyes widened only slightly, but other than that he was calm. Only because it was so random for that to happen, people didn't go around attacking other people in daylight.* ..... *He'd seen and dealt with far worse, but still it was unusual.* I assume you want to be taken to the hospital?
"N-n-no I'm fine," she said, trying to look okay. The last place she wanted to go was the hospital. She never trusted it, and it's not like she could pay for it or anything.

"My mom was at the house when I got some of my stuff," she explained. It wasn't the full truth, but did he really need to know everything? She pulled out a shirt she wore as pajamas and wiped the blood off of herself. A lot of it smeared on her skin, but at least she wasn't bleeding all over his floor. It WAS cold in here, she thought, shivering. It wasn't as bad as outside though.
She assumed he was referring to the cut on her leg. It FELT deep, and she limped the whole way here. She wouldn't have done that if she could've helped it. Limping was a complete sign of weakness.

"I don't know," she said, not really knowing what to say. It's not like she stuck her hand in it to see how deep it was on the way there.
(( O.o oh my....))

Kael was a bit shocked, "oh im sorry Felicity are you ok...?" he looked at her, deciding by her energetic question that she seemed all right. he smiled, "well the weather is just grand, thanks for asking" he chuckled. there was a tiny squeek from his pocket and he looked down. "oh, i suppose you havent met Eddy yet" he grinned pointing to the hamster in his shirt pocket. "this is Eddy, and he thinks that nice young ladies like yourself shouldnt be walking home alone. mmind if i go with you...?" he asked politely.

Sola smiled with just the lightest blush, "my friend Chase is coming home! he moved away a year or two ago and i havent seen him since!" she was getting excited, he was her long time and only friend before Rosemary. "we went to middle school together but we havent seen each other for some time now"
Greg- *He was second-guessing allowing her to live with him, but it was too late to kick her out now; he wasn't too fond of tough girls like her sometimes. Especially when they seemed to magnetize trouble to them and have it constantly on their radar. He sighed and looked away, rubbing the bridge of his nose while he thought. He then brought his hands into a slight praying position under his chin; not that he was praying. Gregory sighed and said, eyes still closed* The nearest hospital is less than a mile away, I'm sure you could get a cab over in no problem and free of charge because of your sustained injury.
"I don't need a god damn hospital!" She said. It's not like this would happen again, that is, as long as she didn't go back home again. Or maybe her mom would find some really mellow poet boyfriend who wouldn't throw knives at her.

Maybe she was better off being kicked out. If she was in the house, she'd probably be buried in the back yard with Keira. Avi wasn't stupid. Her mother was trying to suffocate the baby and make it look like an accident. She'd just get pregnant again with that guy's child and the cycle would start over again, she thought.

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