~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING

Gregory- *Raised his eyebrows* Well then what do you plan on doing? The landlord isn't very tolerant of blood stains, and it wouldn't help the rumors. Also, if you get sick or that gets infected then we'll really be in trouble. You know that, right?
She didn't know. She never really bothered to know. "I'm cleaning the stain up, and it won't get infected. If knife cuts got infected, I'd be finished by now," she said, resuming wiping up the blood stains.

"Believe me, they won't talk about me getting cut. They'll probably say something like I heard one of Avielle's clients didn't pay and she's in terrible shape!" She mimicked. "They'd say that even if I had a paper cut. If its you're reputation you're worried about, well, we were keeping this absolutely top secret anyway. Believe me, you don't want to get caught in any stories about me unless you're the one who punches me in the face. That person's always the hero," she said.
Greg- *He rolled his eyes* Continuing to act hostile will get you nowhere, I simply stated that I don't need the police showing up here because I have a wounded girl in my flat; you know that they have their eyes on me? But I'm sick of hearing your sob stories, so shut up and save your breath. Tell it to someone who cares *He had a slightly biting snap to his tone, but you could tell he just wanted to avoid speaking of past abuse; as if there was something he kept hidden. Then again, he was a mysterious person. Gregory didn't get up, too stiff from the cold to move.* The shower's over there *he gestured his head in the direction of the bathroom* If you refuse to go to the hospital then at least clean and stitch or bandage that thing up, I also realize it isn't as bad as it looks with this bad lighting and the blood. *He turned on the small tv, a crappy little thing.* The water should be warm, it's usually the first thing to warm up.
Avi was angered by what he said, but she really wasn't in a position to argue with him. She walked over to the shower which was where he said it would be. She stripped down and took a mildly hot shower. She didn't want to use all of his hot water. She washed the dried blood off of where she got hurt,

especially her thigh.

The cut wasn't too bad. She'd just have to wear pants for a while. She had a welt on her arm where she blocked the metal toaster, but she could just say she fell down some stairs or some shit like that. It would be believable enough. He probably thought she'd attract trouble. The only trouble she got into was with kids at school, but they didn't know where she had been living. After her mom answered the door and saw them, they probably didn't want to come back ever again. They made a wrong assumption: that she was at her house living there.

She thought about how desperate her mother was now. She thought she'd have to kill her baby in order to keep that guy. Her mother was a real piece of work, but she at least deserved better than someone who would leave her again. She washed her hair, which was looking like a bad dye job after the accident.
(I think I missed it! D:)

Greg- *He was just on the couch in a thick quilt watching tv, the house was beginning to warm up; and Avi would probably be cold when she came out of the steamy shower rooms. He glanced to the bathroom door*
Avi finished up in the shower, and opted to change even though she was wet. She was way off schedule, and she'd miss around an hour of sleep. She wrung her hair out over the sink a few times, but it was still pretty damp.

Luckily she took her bag in with her, so she changed into some sweatpants and regular shirt. Then she walked out, reluctant to have another awkward moment.
Gregory- *Glanced over at her* Feel any better? There's medicine in the cabinet, it'll help ease any pain you have; numb your senses. *He then said, half-joking* Or you could get drugs or something.
"I guess," she said reluctantly. She didn't want any medicine. She was way behind schedule and she needed to get in some sleep before work. "Thanks but no thanks. I should probably get to sleep actually," she said. It was really cold in the room. She was probably colder because her hair was still somewhat damp.

((I'm back and will be for a few hours. I had to help my brother with a school project and it was a real pain xD ))
((Haha xD Ok! I have to go to dance at about 6:20, so I'll go then :P ))

Gregory- *Shrugged* Suit yourself.. Blankets are in the closet by the way, in case you wanted one.
Avi grabbed a blanket from the closet and threw it on the couch. Then she grabbed her kitchen timer and set it for three hours. She threw herself onto the couch and pulled the blankets on her, trying to conserve heat. She placed the timer close to her ear so that she wouldn't miss it and oversleep.

She really didn't want to use the pillow, and the couch was soft already. She just snuggled into the blankets and fell asleep quickly. She was really tired, cozy, and not so cold anymore. This was the fastest she'd gotten to sleep in a long time, and even at home she was uneasy about sleeping.
Gregory- *He watched the tv for a while, then noticed the girl had fallen asleep. He slightly smiled, half smiling, and turned back to the tv* It's about time, and she's all tuckered out... I'm not surprised. *He murmured to himself*
She was really glad to be asleep, until the timer went off loudly. She hopped up in shock, and just realized it was the timer. She got up and rubbed her eyes profusely. She got up and walked crookedly to the bathroom to go get changed.

She brushed her hair and made it look decent. Then she grabbed the bag of pretzels from before before walking to the door. If there were no delays, she'd be on time, she thought. She kept rubbing her eyes, and reached for the door knob.
"Sorry about the timer. I tend to oversleep," she explained. She could tell he was surprised by it. "Work," she said. She was still really sleepy and a little cranky from waking up.
Gregory- *He shook his head and shut the door* You can skip out ONE night, you have a leg wound and you aren't walking or taking a cab to your job like that. It's just not happening *He blocked the door, and anyone with half a brain cell would know getting past Greg was as hopeless as running through a 3 foot thick stone wall*
((You didn't even go back to look at my post? I can't post anything if you don't answer mine. It should be on page 15))
"Oh come on. You're not serious" she said jokingly. Once she realized that he was, in fact, very serious, she slumped. She had bags under her eyes and she was really annoyed. "I said it wasn't even that bad," she said.

Once she tried pushing him out of the way, she realized that he wasn't going to budge. She was a little bit happy she had an excuse to get a full night of sleep, but she felt awful for skipping. She'd get into a lot of trouble, and she wouldn't be able to keep her 4th job because of this kid. She'd have to beg tomorrow.

However, he wasn't going to compromise. She crawled back on the couch and tried to go back to sleep.
I AM SO SORRY!!!! I JUST SAW THAT! I don't know how I missed it! O_O I was looking on the wrong pages xDDD

Felicity- *She giggled and pet the little hamster, she'd always been an animal-lover; never particularly hamsters, but this one didn't seem nippy and mean. Felicia smiled* I don't think that'll be necessary, I don't need to be walked home. *She tried to politely decline, not wanting Kael to see what side of town she lived on, but she also felt a pit of anxiety at the thought of scary men returning to get her; and not having Greg be there to save her.*

Gregory- *He triumphantly locked the door and went to make dinner, feeling obligated to do so now that he had a guest; he'd also use the treadmill (a cheap old thing) instead of running the streets tonight.Greg felt as though this newfound roommate of his would get herself into more trouble, she seemed to have a knack for getting herself into bad situations. He sighed, there wasn't much in the fridge; he usually had takeout. Gregory ends up microwaving tomato soup and making grilled cheese sandwiches. He brings it into the cramped living room, as this was a tiny apartment.* Dinner, I guess. *He set it down on the crappy side table, and went to watch the tv again; wrapped up in blankets.* So where do you plan on sleeping? It could be on the couch or my room, I really don't care which; I usually sleep on the couch anyways, there isn't anything in my room...
Avielle was going to lose a job for sure. She really didn't want to lose her job at that trendy clothes store. She got free clothes. Nope, that was just too good of a deal to miss.

She woke up again when he asked her a question. "I guess wherever you don't want to sleep," she said groggily.

Her phone went off again, and she reluctantly picked it up. She scrolled through the things she didn't want to see. She saw that her best friend wanted to do something tonight after she got off work. Ugh, she thought. Maybe tomorrow since it would be Friday.
"Whatever's more convenient I suppose," she said, propping her head up with her hand. Her eyes had bags, well her good eye did.
Gregory- *He said once more, clearly not wanting to choose; as he had no real opinion.* I said, it's your choice. Where do you plan on sleeping?
"I said wherever you don't want to sleep," she said, reiterating her point. Suddenly, her phone started ringing again. She picked up, not happy to be talking to the other girl. "I TOLD you I can't go out tonight! I don't care if this is your only chance to hook up with him! Go by yourself or wait for tomorrow!" She said.
Gregory- *sat down on the couch, giving her an expression that just tells her "What was that about?" He doesn't even have to use words, his face says it all. He then glances to the tv, if she wanted to tell him she would.*

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