~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING

((im assuming it like, wednesday or so right now? homecoming would probably be on a saturday. after everyone who wants a date gets one [minus Kael] then we could time skip. Chase will be going, however he would be the type to ask someone. p.s. i made the new character, go check him out and i shall make a post later~))
(all right. I'll check him/her out and I guess you'll reply to my post when you can xD . It would be nice for Avi to have a date, but I don't mind all that much if she's still single)
((The new guy character is going to be paired with Celia, Avi doesn't have to be totally alone. I could probably find some excuse for Chase to at least chat with her at the dance.))
((I make my tiumphant return after a rather boring shift at work~ woooooo))

Sola sat through classes, not paying much attention. this week had been amazing so far and was about to get even more so. she had reunited with her childhood friend, gotten a date to the dance and spent a fun night dress shopping with her new friend Rose. she was excited for saturday, and realized she had done any planning with Teddy for that night. she flipped through her phone during study hall and found Teddys number. Kael had given it to her the other day. she punched in Theodore. then quickly deleted it. for some reason she couldnt remember what her brother normally called him. she settled on Theo and then punched in the rest of her message. Theo, we havent talked about saturday yet, you busy today? p.s. if you have a preffered nickname i would like to know. :) She hit send and sat there for a minute. had she just asked him to hang out after school?? she fidgeted nervously in her desk.

Kael was going about his day, wishing that school wasnt so boring. he had decided against getting a date. for some reason he wished he would have asked Felicity, even though they had only known each other a short time. he shrugged it off. he would probably find someone to dance with while he was there.

Chase took a few notes here and there but mostly ignored the teacher. he didnt really need to study, his GPA was extremely high and even if it wasnt he was concerned with classes outside of music. as stupid as it would seem for someone as introverted as he was, he wanted to be a music teacher. he liked the idea of elementary schoolers in particular, they were still young, mostly untainted by the hate in the world. at the end of class he got up and approached the girl still wearing his hoodie. "yo stalker target." he said, seeing as he didnt know her name, "keep the sweater for the day, if you tell me where the gym is we can call it equal. im going to the dance saturday even if it means sitting around like a rock." he wanted to make sure Sola was alright, but had the feeling he was going to be doing a lot of sitting instead of interaction.

Cian yawned as he exited the gym. class was over and he had already changed from his gym clothes. he glanced at one of the posters that advertised for homecoming. his mind immediately went to Celia. they had spoken a few times, but they werent necessarily friends. he was a grade ahead of her, and most of his classes werent near her locker. he was thinking of asking her to the dance because he found her interesting. such a small person with such a big personality was definitely different from the many more shallow girls had had met. a few had actually asked him to the dance, he however had declined.
Theodore texted back "Theo! How did I never use that one? ... Yep. Using that from now on." (Thanks, it'll help me distinct my Teddies from one another xD I LOVE THAT NAME!) Theodore smiled, he was in classes; incredibly enthusiastic about the upcoming dance.

Celia was at her locker after class, she was angrily shoving her things in. The locker was so stuffed full of things it was a miracle it'd all stayed in. She grunted in frustration as she went to close it, ending up slamming it shut with such a force that the whole thing rattled. xD (rage)

Felicia was daydreaming, a new thing that she'd been doing due to the homecoming romance. She was completely amazed by how much public school could offer to her, people, friends, love, and so much more! She grinned and dreamily went through the day, humming, smiling, she was in her own little world.
Avielle became frustrated throughout the entire class. The teacher was talking too fast and no matter what she tried she couldn't get notes down. Then, she'd fail the next test again. What bothered her the most was that nobody else had a problem with the way the class was ran, and they all passed their tests.

At the end, she packed her stuff up and was ready to leave until the boy from before came up to her. "Shit, that tonight?" She asked, getting even more frustrated. She thought she'd have at least another day or two to figure out the date situation along with the dress one. Even besides that, she wasn't dance ready. She still had her black eye from the incident yesterday and the swelling wasn't going down. Her face was just jacked up from that. It would seriously take a miricle to get herself to the dance in one piece.
Chase raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. "the dance is Saturday and if today was a saturday i would be pissed. sitting in school on a saturday is a huge waste of my music time. anyway, not that i care much for dances, but my friend will be there." he turned and trudged out, not caring if she doubted him having a friend or not.

Cian chuckleed as he spoetted the person he was looking for. she was angrily abusing her locker, which Cian found amusing. he walked up, raising an eyebrow playfully. "yo Celia, i dont think kicking its going to make a difference...organizing it might help." he said with a shrug. "anyway, i was thinking that if you dont have a date to the dance might you let me escort you?" he said taking one of her hands, "a lovely lady such as yourself shouldnt dance alone." he smiled and kissed the back of her hand. he heard a few other girls sigh in disappointment, but ignored it. he may have been flirtatious, but in a more respectful way then most.

Sola smiled at the text she received. she punched up another message. ok, enough with the nicknames, you busy today or not? she hit send, hoping he might actually answer her question this time.

(youre welcome. ive always kinda liked the name Theo)
"Oh. I thought I lost track of time again," she said. She often did silly things like that, and she blamed it on her stupidity. Why would the dance be on a weekday? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Why did he need her to point the gym out for her? Was he new? Perhaps he was of he didn't know about the abandoned hallway. I mean, EVERYONE knew about that even if you weren't into that type of thing. She refocused though, remembering that she had basketball tonight. It was for the team here and her college team, but that was a secret. If anyone found out she wasn't 21, she'd be in some deep shit. Plus, the team would collapse without her.

In her reverie, she forgot to show the blonde to the gym. She opted to walk him there, because the actual directions would be too complicated. "About the gym thing, follow me," she said,

exiting the classroom.
Chase gave a curt nod, and followed her out of the classroom. he already had all the things he needed from his locker, so he wouldnt need to make a stop. he whistled a melancholy tune as they walked. he never sang in front of people, but on occasion would whistle. he hated singing in front of people because he sang straight from the heart, and for the past few years that had meant melancholy and depressing tunes. he had once beenn able to sing in such a way that people could feel every last bit of his heart, but since his parents abandoned him and his first friend from primary school died he had long since shut off pointless things like happiness, it only led him to vulnerability.
The blonde kid was strange. She was leading him to the gym and now he was whistling. It was really awkward, but she'd try and be nice for once since he kind of saved her butt twice today. She kept taking down the surprisingly vacant hallway. Normally it would be packed with people at the end of the day.

She remembered again that she had high school basketball after school, so this guy couldn't really even be in the gym. "You know that there basketball in the gym in like 20 minutes, right? Trust me, the other girls don't like anyone else there," she said remembering the last time someone wandered in. She felt like warning him was best. He probably wouldn't care, and she would admit that she didn't really want anyone in there for the practice. Whatever, she thought. High school basketball wasn't that serious, and her main focus was keeping her identity secret.
Chase followed until they arrived at the gym. when the girl mentioned the girls basketball team he shrugged. "dont really care...why would i watch a bunch of people i dont know?" he said with a bored expression.

"Chase! there you are!" sola said running up to him.

"Sola? you havent left yet?" Chase his expression went flat, however noticably gentler.

"i texted Teddy to see if we could discuss our plans for the dance but he hasnt responded so i thought i might see if you are still here. if you needed to find the gym i couldve helped you...are you actually going to the dance?" she asked curiously.

stab. Chase gave a slightly pained expression, barely detectable. "yeah im going...just so Kael doesnt freak out." Chase lied. im going to make sure youre ok, but its not going to matter. how could Chase think he completely threw out all of his emotions when Sola was standing right there. he hated that he was a coward all those years ago, and now he had to pay the price. even if hat Kael had said was true and Sola used to have feelings for him, she had obviously gotten over it.

"well, i hope you have fun... i know how you are and with me and Kael off doing other things you will be-"

"im fine Sola, really." he cut her off. he didnt care if he was alone, he always had been. even though he considered Sola and Kael friends, he kept his distance. everything good that came his way was also followed by something bad, so he had built thick walls around himself. "you can go Sola, i think i will walk alone today."
Avielle could tell what was going on. This girl had some type of attachment to the blonde, and her name was Sola. Avi got a good look at her, and she was pretty, but a different type of pretty. She was cute and innocent looking, and that's exactly what Avi wished she looked like. Her own features were attractive, but in a way that attracted all the wrong people no matter what she did. Her face was more mature looking as was the rest of her, while Sola looked bubbly and a tad childish. She watched as the blonde boy talked to her, and she mentioned her date.

At that moment, Avi could feel him just take an emotional bullet to the brain. However, she stayed quiet for now, mellowed by the day's events. She just wasn't in the mood for a conversation because she was still nervous about facing him tonight. It would only get worse, she thought.

Avielle knew what he was feeling, she'd been through that sentimental crush junk before thousands of times before someone returned the feeling. In fact, lots of people claimed to return the feeling. She'd dated kids her own age as well as college students, but she still chased after the one she couldn't have. It was a complex she had; she wanted anything not allowed to her.

Sola mentioned the dance and her heart sank when she found out she had a date and presumably a dress. Some people just had all the luck, she thought. She grew jealous picturing the girl's house and family, her heart sinking with every picture in her head. Avielle felt genuinely awful about having to rely of Greg when he probably hated her. She just wanted her mom to take her back under ANY circumstances. She didn't like being a burden at all, and looking at this girl reminded her of every single one of her shortcomings. She'd heard of her before as well, and she was also wicked smart. That was something Avi always wanted. She hated being dumb and failing out of classes! In an effort to comfort herself, she remembered that this girl couldn't be 1% of the athlete she was, but it still pained her to look at someone so gifted.

When she left, she looked back to the boy. "I'm just saying that you won't want to go in there," she said. "Besides, what the hell was that? That's not how you talk to a girl you're madly in love with," she said, her voice starting to regain its playful tone once again.
Sola gave an understanding nod, "alright Chase...i hope you wont forget that now youve come back to this town you're not alone." she turned to leave, but turned back for second, "oh, and those self defense lessons we took together payed off... i fought off a mugger about a week ago... and i still have the pocket knife you gave me, however its at home." with that she turned and ran off, checking her phone. when she saw Teddys message she replied with a question. sounds good, where should we meet?

Chase sighed, "i hope she kept her temper under control." he muttered under his breath.

the girl you're madly in love with. he heard the girl from behind him say this, and he went pale as a sheet. he turned on her, his own temper flaring up. his expression was dark and his blue eyes as cold as ice. "love? who even cares. i dont need petty emotions. you know where things like love get you? stabbed in the back, abandoned and betrayed.it doesnt matter, the day i moved i sealed my own fate. i never said anything, and now shes over me, and i dont even care anymore." his icy expression held firm, but inside he felt like someone had stabbed him and twisted the knife around in his chest. right now all he could think about was getting his guitar. he would find somewhere quiet and play, play until his fingers ached, sing until his lungs burned and let out everything that pained him, then tomorrow he would come back with the same flat expression, and the same 'i dont care' attitude just as he had so many times in the past. its not like anyone ever noticed anyway.

(Q.Q oh Chase....you have so many issues.)
As the girl left, the blonde started to get visibly more angry. She would be lying if it wasn't a bit scary. She heard him begin to speak again and rolled we eyes at his attitude. "You act like you're the only person to get rejected! It happens to EVERYONE! You think you're the only one with problems!" She almost yelled, knowing nobody would hear her in the vacant hall.

"Other people have issues too," she muttered. She looked at this kid and knew he was smart, and judging by the way he looked he wouldn't have too much trouble finding someone else. It also appeared that he was picky, because he seemed to only have eyes for that Sola girl. He also seemed too self absorbed to actually pursue a relationship.

"Wait, she's dating THE Theodore? I hate to say it, but you're kind of screwed," she said, laughing a bit. He was popular and notoriously good looking. He was also kind and athletic. There was honestly no way a girl like that would leave Theodore for a guy like him. Those things just never happened! The same way no nice guys ever chased her around. They knew she was trouble, and consequently backed away when they started to get to know her. Her family situation scared everyone off. After all, it was easier just to not be involved.

Anyway, things like that just didn't happen. All that nothing is impossible shit was a lie. It was a system, and it went by unchallenged rules. The troublesome bad girl never ended up happy. The bad boy got his happy ending, but the bad girl always ends up in jail instead of finding love. The boy with baggage was "interesting" while the girl with it was just ignored. A sweet and perfect girl was ideal, and she was far from that. It wasn't all her mom's fault, but Avi did what she needed to do. "By the way I never got your name," she said, her tone a lot more gentle than before. He probably knew who she was; everyone did. Whether it was from sports or from rumors was a mystery.
Chase calmed himself a bit, however still upset. "i know im screwed, but she and Teddy are not dating. he asked her to the dance." the ice in his blue eyes settle back to a flat emotionless expression. "not to say that they wont end up together, but thats not of my concern. and you say im screwed like Teddy is everything. if Sola looked at guys for that reason, i would've been dating her a long time ago." Chases looks could definately rival Teddys, but he used his attitude to keep people away. "if i wanted to popular i could've just played my guitar in the cafeteria instead of looking for somewhere quiet. in fact, in middle school when i did play and sing for people i couldnt keep the girls away. all those shallow ditzy girls." he gave a slight scowl, "but Sola is different. she isnt so shallow she only sees the surface. and until just recently we were similar. the difference is that she opened up." Chase said, not caring that a few harmless tidbits of his past were spoken. "you dont have to tell me that im not the only one who's been hurt. i will get over Sola, however there are certain things one can never forget." a flicker of sorrow crossed his face before he pushed it away. "anyway...my name is Chase, i just moved back to this town after spending 2 years away. and your name?" he asked, not particularly caring.
"A little ******* full of ourselves, aren't we?" She said, getting a tad frustrated herself. He had calmed down and given her the confidence to get a but angry herself. She HATED her situation and she just wanted to kill somebody. There were people who were on her kill list, but any random person would do. More than anything, she wanted control over what happened to her for once in her life! She was beyond sick of people making personal decisions for her! She hated being forced into things! That's exactly what almost happened today and would most likely happen tonight.

She pushed some of her dark blonde hair back and let out a quiet sigh. "I don't want to have to tell you this, but she's not coming back to you. That kid is more than just looks. I don't have a thing for him or anything, don't get that idea, but he's kind of the whole package. It sucks, I know," she said. She was being completely honest for once, and she wasn't quite certain as to why. Normally she'd fabricate something, but she felt bad for him. He'd obviously been friend zoned hard. It probably wasn't as bad as her pseudo boyfriend situation, but it still seemed like a lot.

In the back of avi's mind, she remembered the pseudo date and cringed a little. "He's popular and athletic, but in a nice way. I mean, Zach is beyond desirable but he's obsessive to the point of insanity," she said, stating the obvious. He had accidentally caught Greg's voice in the background of Ed phone call and went berserk. It would've been way worse if they weren't in school. Correction: it would get way worse tonight.

"Oh, I'm Avielle Coyne," she said, more enthusiastically than before. She almost even smiled to give a better impression. This was mainly because she knew what she looked like. She had that massive black eye and cuts from her run in with her mom yesterday, and he caught her almost getting raped. She probably looked like a total mess, but she almost wanted to prove to this kid that she was somewhat normal. She didn't want this boy to go home thinking she was a complete loser.

"Oh, and you should've walked her home. Girls like that," she said, her voice still upbeat. Her mind started to wander, and she tried to figure out how she would get her shirt back. It was one of her favorites, so she wouldn't let Zach get away with stealing it. Also, she couldn't let him figure out she was wearing some other guy's sweatshirt. That wouldn't go over well at all. Plus, she didn't want to drag Chase into all of this bullshit anyway. It was her problem and she'd have to solve it herself. Zach already thought she was with someone because of last night, so there was no way she'd make anything worse. She thanked god silently that he hasn't asked about Zach. She didn't want to talk about it to anyone ever.

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