~Clover Tea~ ACCEPTING

Chase frowned, "look, i dont care who you think you are, but if you think im so full of myself then you couldve walked through those doors and stopped this conversation a long time ago. this is my first day back in this town and even after saving your a** twice yet you stand here and judge me. I will get over Sola, i dont care if she comes back, as long as she is happy. she has the ability to change, unlike me, and if her cold heart was chamged to smile like that, then who am i to judge who she likes? and as for you, i never once judged you. even though its stupid to fight in school, even though i couldve easily assumed you some sort of hooker for what i saw in that abandoned hallway, i went out of my way to lend you my damn sweater and even ask you of all people to help me find the gym. this is why i dont talk to people. no one cares about anyone elses past, only their own pitiful lives. but you know what? i dont f***ing give up do i? im 17, i live alone, i have a part time job and i still take time of my busy a** schedule to value the free education im given. some day, i swear to God when ive gotten a job that i love, and only have to deal with people i work with, im not going to need anyone else outside of work. im going to live more then comfortably, im going to prove to my b**** of a mother who didnt want me that i dont need her, and to my d*** of an alcoholic father that im not worthless." his eyes had gone completely cold. his mood had shifted into a dark place he hadnt seen in some time, and he almost looked as though the humanity had left him. "no need to force a smile around me either, i mean why would you or anyone care what i thought? because i dont care what anyone thinks of me." his lifeless eyes flashed with pain just before he turned and stalked off down the hall mumbling obscenities.

((im sorry for all the swearing >.< but you dun pissed Chase off......eek.))
Avi listened to Chase, getting annoyed with this sudden outburst. She realized that he could've made those assumptions logically like everyone else but didn't. "We'll it isn't stupid if you're just looking out for your best friend," she rasped, folding her arms. "And you could obviously tell that that sexual act wasn't consensual, so don't try and pull that," she said. Whenever someone brought that up she just cringed. She hated being framed as the slut.

He revealed a great deal to her, and she did understand. She didn't have a dad around, but her mom was the same way. "Wait!" She called out, walking up to him and grabbing his shoulder. "I get it, and I'm sorry," she said, not wanting to reveal a lot about her own family life because then the secret that she's staying with Greg would be out. That would be AWFUL. "Parents kind of suck," she trailed off. That was the best she could do to try and cheer Chase up. At least he had the money to live on his own!
For a split second Chase couldve sworn he heard a cracking noise, she had come after him, she had stopped him, and whats more she had apologized. Chase even thought he felt something. his dark mood faded as thought it were sucked through that single tiny crack that had appeared in the walls he was so eager to keep up. he felt obliged to thank her, but he didn't know what for. "its doesnt matter. it never really did. im free of them now, i should just focus on working to pay my bills and use my free time to study...education is the only thing i get free now so i cant let myself slip." he frowned, his expression appeared more exhausted as he grew tired of fighting his emotions. today had been taxing, and he still had homework to do. he turned to Avi, his expression seeming slightly defeated. "youre strange." he said, not in a mean way, but in a matter of fact type of way. he opened his mouth to say somthing more, but hesitated, before finding something else to say. "dont be late for practice."
She listened to what he had to say, and he probably was just like everyone else. "I'm not fuckin weird," she said, offended. She'd heard it too many times to just shrug it off. "And you're right. I do have practice," she said as she walked away, leaving him in the middle of the hallway. She reached the gym and shouted an enthusiastic 'hey!' to some of her friends before going in and changing.

Chase wasn't by any standards normal, but he was nice. She'd have to talk to him sometime again, maybe help him with that Sola girl. She almost hated to see guys like him never get the girl. He lost his best friend to a perfect, sweet, athletic, popular guy, and why would the Sola girl even think about going back? Well, maybe with a little push she might.
Chase did not flinch when she retaliated. he hadnt meant anything rude when he said she was strange. he thought that maybe he shouldve used the word 'different' instead. he shrugged, readjusting his guitar on his other shoulder and heading out. he walked towards his house, but stopped in a nearby park. the park was old, so no one ever bothered to stop anymore, which made it a good place for him to unwind. he sat below one of the trees, pulling out his guitar. he strummed at it, each note like a needle being pushed into his chest. he couldnt believe how much he had said to Avi today, he didnt even know her. he was glad Sola had found a good guy....he knew they werent dating yet, but who knew, perhaps they would. Chase always felt that even if he did end up with Sola, it wouldn't last. Sola needed someone to shine a bit for her, light up her day. she had once been a bit similar to him, not speaking with others, and if so, in a sarcastic and somewhat cold manner.

Chase continued to play, not feeling his voice. most often he would sing, however something was keeping his voice in. when he sang it was an expression of everything he held in his heart, and today he just didnt want to show the sorrow that seemed to leak the opening in his emotional wall.

((hey harleqiuen do you ever bother to read all of my posts? i had a post for you awhile back when Celia was rage slamming her locker, here it is>>>>>

Cian chuckleed as he spoetted the person he was looking for. she was angrily abusing her locker, which Cian found amusing. he walked up, raising an eyebrow playfully. "yo Celia, i dont think kicking its going to make a difference...organizing it might help." he said with a shrug. "anyway, i was thinking that if you dont have a date to the dance might you let me escort you?" he said taking one of her hands, "a lovely lady such as yourself shouldnt dance alone." he smiled and kissed the back of her hand. he heard a few other girls sigh in disappointment, but ignored it. he may have been flirtatious, but in a more respectful way then most
Avi slipped back into her regular routine and away from her interaction with Chase. It would ultimately distract her, and she needed this practice as a warm up for her college game. So she slipped into her basketball mood and stopped thinking. It was odd, but she always did better when she didn't think. Even besides that Avi valued action over thought.

She ran through the drills as a mindless drone, and it was over before she knew it. Avi gathered her things and was on her way to her game, her jersey in its place at the bottom of the bag. She always kept it there to keep the secret. If the star player of the best women's college basketball team in the country turned out to be a desperate 16 year old, there might be a problem. We'd be out of the championship. We weren't there yet, but to be honest everyone knew we'd be there soon enough.

Avi looked around before exiting the school building, making sure she wasn't being followed. She was sick and tired of keeping secrets, but this one was actually important. It also affected other people. It wasn't just her. She pushed lone strands of blonde hair off of her face while walking down the street. She shivered a bit inside of Chase's hoodie before reaching her destination. The university wasn't that far from school, but it was a fairly far walk from her house. She snuck in, and slipped in with the rest of the team.

The game ended almost as quickly as it began. It was average, and nothing terribly remarkable happened. The team won of course, but that was to be expected. Avi was disappointed by the lack of excitement. Now she had nothing to think about at work, and the hours would drag on forever.

Work did drag on, and all she could think about was the dance. It seemed so cliche; a troubled poor girl dreaming about prom while she works odd hours into the night. However, it was something to pass the time, and her thoughts were her own. Nobody could tell her her thoughts were uncool unless she told anyone, and she didn't plan on it. She left work tired and out of it. Avi racked her brain for Greg's address and remembered the general area. One of her friends lived there when she was younger. It wasn't far from where Avi's mother was living, so she often walked there.

She was curious just to drop by her old home, but quickly decided not to. She headed toward the apartment and eventually reached it. She figured it would be locked, so she gave the door a gentle knock. Crap, she thought. I've got that thing tonight. She was even less in the mood for pervy pseudo boyfriends than she was earlier. That was saying something.
Chase was glad he didnt have to work today, his encounter with Avi had messed up his thought process and theres no way he wouldve been able to auto pilot his way through work like he usually did. as it grew late, Chase packed up his things. his music, his guitar, and his backpack. he put an ear-bud in his ear and walked as music played through his head. he let himself relax and unwind during the chilly walk. he had forgotten how cold it was and since he had givin Avi his sweater. though he only wore a t-shirt he could tolerate it.

As he came upon his apartment building he saw a light on in the window of his own room. he scowled and headed into the building. as he turned a corner he spotted Avi outside one of his neighbors doors and cursed under his breath. he slipped into the hallway, unlocked his door and quickly entered his apartment, hoping Avi hadnt seen.

As he had seen from outside, the kitchen light was on. there were bottles scattered around the kitchen, and a man sat at the table, barely able to hold the bottle he was currently drinking from.

"Didnt i tell you to stay out? im not working my a** off so you have a free place to live." Chase scowled, yanking the bottle from his hands.

"Im yer father, you dun shpeak that way te me..." he slurred, obviously intoxicated.

"Get out!" Chase yelled, "you never took care of me, why should i have to take care of you!?"

His father stood up, picked up an empty bottle. he threw it and it hit the wall near Chases head. a shard of glass ricocheted off the way, cutting Chases face. The man left a small fold of money on the table, "fer rent. im shleepin" he muttered before heading to the spare room. Chase picked up the cash, and counted enough money there to pay at least 1/3 of his monthly rent. he jammed it in his pocket, deciding not to quarrel any further. they were already loud enough to wake the neighbors, so there was no need for anymore of that. Chase went over and got a damp cloth from near the sink, dabbing at the blood running down his cheek.
​Avi watched as a presumably drunk man stumbled out of an apartment. She didn't feel like making that any of her business, and just waited by the door for a few more minutes. She decided to give opening it another shot, and found that it wasn't locked. She hadn't actually checked, but she figured he'd at least lock it. Avi always locked her BEDROOM DOOR let alone the outside one. Perhaps it was just her being paranoid, but she'd get a tad worried if the door wasn't locked and she was asleep.

She opened the door slowly so that it didn't creak as much and slowly walked in. After she was inside the small apartment, she shut the door and locked it. She instantly felt a lot safer. Avi remembered her "date" and quickly grabbed the only dress she had brought along. It was a tight white lace dress that might've been a little too short. Whatever, she thought.

Trying not to wake Greg, she slipped into the bathroom and changed quickly. She didn't have much time, so she rushed with the makeup. Avi brushed her hair out and left it down. By the time she was finished, Avi concluded that she did in fact look pretty good. She was just about to walk out the door before tripping over the wire to her straightener and falling. Loud.

Crap, she thought, picking herself up. She wasn't injured or anything, but the sound would probably wake Greg up if he was asleep.
((sorry, i nearly forgot about this RP...))

Chase taped a thin strip of gauze to his cheek and headed back to the kitchen. after preparing and eating a small meal, he headed off to his room, pulling his guitar from his case. he played a few songs before turning in for the night, exhausted from a long and emotional day.
You know what?Avi decided to skip out on the lame date. She'd skip a night of unpleasantries and abuse to get a full night of sleep. She wasn't sure where Greg was, but she relaxed on the couch with her history textbook to study useless dates and events. "D-day... June 6, 1945...," she muttered to herself quietly. She paged through the textbook, obviously bored. Her mind began to wander... And then fly far away from D-day and what she should've been studying. She twirled her golden hair around her finger. Her hands were written on and the reminders scarred her arm. Scrawls like "Spanish test Tuesday!" and "game @ 6:30!" compensated for her poor memory.

Avielle was still sprawled on the couch, waiting for Greg to return from God knows where. She eventually got tired of studying and tried to refocus herself. She kept reading about the liberation of France and other things that she deemed utterly irrelevant to today's world, let alone tomorrow's.

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