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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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the foundling





water tribe drip




rahan, sangye

The waterbender finds herself surprised by Yuzhe's suggestion to intermingle. Somehow, throughout all of this, it does not occur to Yuka that she will need to speak to the others. Get to know them, build trust, and maybe even foster friendship. In hindsight, it makes sense. They may need to rely on one another during these trials, or beyond if they make it through. Still, she is not usually one for small talk. Yuka watches as some groups form naturally, leaving herself and others awkwardly lingering in the courtyard.

Yuka sighs and shifts her gaze, seeking someone to engage with. Her eyes fall on Rahan. She struggles to recall where he is from, or what element he may bend. Had he not mentioned it? She recognizes the features of a Firebender, but reminds herself that she was born in the Fire Nation without the traits one might expect. Whatever he was or wherever he was from, Yuka decides she may as well start with him.

"Did they blind you and offer next to no information to you as well?"
Yuka asks Rahan and shakes her head.
"Had it not been for my tribe's chief, I would have taken their methods as a threat."
She shrugs.
"My name is Yuka, by the way. There are a lot of us here. You are Rahan, correct?"

She catches notice of someone behind Rahan and hums. A woman with an airbender's tattoo.
"You can join us, if you want,"
Yuka offers her.
"Sorry, though, what was your name again?"
She asks as she crosses her arms.
"Can't remember the last time I met an Airbender. Did they climb all the way up to your temple, or did they send one of your own?"

♡coded by uxie♡

✦ the successor ✦


— the ashes call my name






Some of the aforementioned abilities within the crowd are… questionable, at best. It’d be false to say any of them impress Yujie enough to earn his attention—especially amongst the nonbenders—although he does feel one particular gaze linger upon him for a moment extra. Perhaps a former foe among the recruits, he theorizes, or an individual seeking vengeance for something he’s done in the past. Or a previous acquisition that fell to the Fire Army’s hands?

But when Yujie glances briefly over to meet the gaze, all he finds is mild curiosity from an earthbender he doesn’t recognize. That doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t be a former enemy of his, of course, but there’s no malicious intent Yujie can detect from the long-haired man—not as far as he can tell, at least. (And he’s had a whole lot of experience discerning that.) The regard from the mystery earthbender is curious, but not enough such that Yujie dwells on it for long.

He’ll begin to see who’s worth spending time thinking about after people prove themselves in their trials.

With a soft smile, Yuzhe dismisses the crowd to its own devices, and murmured chatter slowly begins building amongst the groups of people standing near each other. Yujie, for one, gains nothing from small talk, but when someone clad in similar colors bumps into his shoulder unexpectedly, it’s only a given that he casts his gaze slightly down at the other with narrowed eyes.

The face that greets him is not one that’s entirely unfamiliar, nor one that brings any pleasure for him to see again: a former lower-ranked soldier, shameless and idealistic enough to have once challenged Yujie’s authority in the military. The Fire Army was no place for fools to defy the hierarchy and play the dashing hero—and yet, that’s exactly what Ryosuke seemed to think he was when he stepped up in defense of another soldier who’d terribly fumbled an easy task. The harsh punishment Yujie had planned for the idiot was absolutely earned, for how else would other onlookers learn if there was no example for them to fear?

“I see that the White Lotus has grown desperate to fill their numbers, to be letting even the soft and naive to join in on this effort.”
As always, Yujie wastes no time with pleasantries, for they’re not part of his job description. While he speaks, his golden eyes narrow even more into something even more demeaning—almost mocking, if his expression weren't so cold.

“I’d hope that you’ve left your hero complex behind this time, lest you miss the taste of dirt in your mouth that much. Though,”
he adds, his glaring eyes unwavering as they bore into Ryosuke’s,
"it’d be fitting, for a man who has all the idealistic values in the world and none of the means to achieve it.”



the hammer



eager, proud




location here


interactions here


tags here

The old man leading the group telling them to talk like this was some sort of party was laughable. Jianli snorted out a laugh in response, but turned around to face the two people closest to him. The oldest person in their group with a cheerful looking demeanor, and a young woman with a more graceful one. He towered over the both of them, smiling as he heard the sounds of everyone else around them begin to speak.

“So, did you two come here willingly or unwilling? Based on how they transported us I thought I was going to prison.”
This wouldn’t have been the first time he was arrested after all. The two moments had felt shockingly similar.
“Though neither of you look much like criminals, looks can be deceiving. I’m still going to guess that you were more willing participants in this little experiment?”
He teased, face still set in an easy smile.

After a beat, he continued.
“Right, I’m Jianli. Earth bender.”
He introduced, chin held high.
“I also came willingly, but the binding was not willingly and I broke out a few times during the journey.”
He explained proudly, ignoring the fact that anyone who had been in charge of transporting him would gladly curse him out for how much harder he’d made their life despite having agreed go to through the process.

“Why did you both join?”
He asked, continuing on unbothered.
“Neither of you really look like the type to join this sort of operation.”
An older man and a beautiful young woman. Clearly both could be doing something else, than joining a group that would inevitably end up fighting.
“I’m sure you’re excellent at whatever you do but….I expected more soldier types.”
Yujie and Ryosuke were in the distance, but he gestured at the two of them, who both looked exactly the part of who Jianli expected to find here.

♡coded by uxie♡
fluticasone fluticasone
  Naran, the destined
As the crowd lost its uniformity at the hands of Yuzhe’s permission to socialize, Naran hesitated slightly before getting a move on himself. Being spoiled for choice, the path forward wasn’t as easy to decide, especially now that a conflicting factor had begun to gnaw at the initial excitement of new beginnings. It seemed ironic, in a way, how his first step towards a future of his own making was met with a certainly unexpected blast from the past, one that left him nostalgic, confused and increasingly overwhelmed. No matter how difficult, he knew he’d have to act.
Truth be told, Naran had entertained many different strategies before landing on the current ‘head-on’ approach. Amongst all of them, avoidance was by far the most alluring competitor. How easy it would’ve been to strike a conversation with any amount of random strangers, all of whom would’ve conveniently kept him occupied and distracted. Unfortunately, inner ethics dubbed it as the wrong thing to do. It didn’t feel right to run away from an inevitability, nor was it logical. Considering they’d be spending a lot of time around one another, as Yuzhe had so kindly underlined, pulling the bandaid seemed like the only right method to go about things. A surprisingly mature choice, certainly, but not one he was executing without clear resistance. History had a way of sticking.
After some inner back-and-forthing, non-tactical feints, and several cycles of muttered self-affirmations, the eternally graceful Swamp representative finally mustered up the confidence to break the ice. And so, he came out of hiding behind a small group and shuffled his way into Hae’s view. He’d come to a stop close to her, but with enough distance for the discomfort to be felt.
“Hae, it’s been a while. I almost didn’t recognize you.” Naran spoke, a careful smile resting on his face as he made the understatement of the year. Her name felt so alien to say aloud. Though his inner world was anything but calm, his voice acted as a potent disguise, maintaining its confident fullness and serene pace to counteract the mix of emotions that was driving them.
“Have you been well?” He’d follow up, keen not to let silence breach his composure.
fluticasone fluticasone
  Ryosuke | the guardian
This band of recruits was atypical. Perhaps because Ryosuke was so used to regimentation, it seemed strange to him. Similar skillsets might have ensured a certain power over foes, but his regiment was lucky his differed, if only slightly. He found he was well-placed when soldiers were hungry and could no longer stomach bland and dubiously aged rations.
Ryosuke rubbed his nose once they were dismissed to socialise, seeing clumps of people start to form and chatter rise around him. He glanced over heads and faces, and honestly, didn’t quite know how to initiate. He was used to others doing that for him, preferring to loom in the background, but such a tactic would not work here.
He moved off from his spot, scanning for any rogue loners he could leech onto, though, did not pay particular attention to the body he clipped with his shoulder.
“Sorry, I—”
The apology just escaped his mouth when he recognised the harsh stare set upon him, and a familiar hot ache twist in his back. He hoped, perhaps naively, that he could have avoided facing Yujie for a little longer.
There was no polite greeting from either of them, though, on Ryosuke’s part, he was conflicted on whether to address him by title or name. He decided neither was what he deserved.
“I’m here as the Fire Nation instructed me to be, nothing more.” Ryosuke responded, his tone flat and his expression hard. It was another order for him to carry out. He was to float through and keep his mind elsewhere as he always had done.
Though, by Jun’s insinuation, perhaps he would not have come here, had he the choice. Not enough of him was stripped away to remove all his autonomy after all.
Ryosuke held his harsh golden gaze. To look away only meant he was ashamed, even if the heat that rose from each scar felt unbearable. “I don’t intend to play any role other than what the White Lotus wishes me to play, should they have me. And if they think my ‘softness’ or supposed idealism is unsuitable, then I will let them be the judge of that. I will not cower from such judgement.”
Ryosuke, like before, would have either been branded a fool for defiance or a coward for not following through on his decision after his defiance. He would choose foolishness over cowardice again.
It did not matter to anything wider. His actions either way strengthened Yujie’s authority and fear used to tighten it, but the weight of cowardice would have been heavier had he not took that soldier’s punishment for him.
“I’m surprised you’re seeing as you think so little of the White Lotus’s recruitment pool. It’s rather humbling to see you standing alongside me rather than above me.”
Socializing. By most definitions, Hae didn’t socialize. Her form was simply to see if anyone around her was hurt, then heal it. She didn’t need any pleasantries: she had a job to do. Water flowed from an open pouch at her waist, coating her hands absentmindedly as she studied the crowd from the back. She paced from one side to the other, looking at the stances and how each person moved. None stood out. She would have to insist on having a thorough check on everyone. A baseline made it easier to heal.

In fact, she was making her way around the crowd to Yuzhe, when the one person she’d been avoiding--the one she told herself was fine: she could trust the healers of the foggy swamp to have taken care of--he stepped out from behind a group. She froze unnaturally, like a rabbit, hoping to be unseen. Even her lungs refused to expand. Her hand jerked as he neared, prepared to summon an ice wall to keep them separate. (She normally would merely spray the incoming person in the face, but to attack Naran, even as gentle as that was unthinkable.) Oh spirits, what if he wanted a hug?

She didn’t know what to do. She’d promised herself to keep her vow: she would not interact with the Tribe. But to have him this close, to smell the earthy musk that was home, hurt. Thankfully he stopped a distance away. It hurt that he wouldn’t get near her.

He spoke. She did not move. If she blinked he might, he might. She did not know. He almost did not recognize her. Had she changed so much? Or did he not think of her, like she thought of the Tribe, the Swamp, every single day? His face was clear, calm. She longed to know why he was here. His voice sounded the same: sure and comforting, like he knew the plan the spirits held. She didn’t dare to relax to it. It was not hers to savor.

Then everything was clear. Why he would speak to the Outcast. He inquired about her health. He wanted to know if the leprosy was still there. Licking her lips, she swallowed once, as if to clear her throat from her heart lodged within it. “My curse remains, but is contained. As long as none touch me, everyone will be safe. It has not spread.” She bowed her head deeply, her hat masking her body, as she accepted the truth. She was still Outcast. He only deigned to speak with her for the protection of others. She let herself breathe out, then savor the smell of home before straightening again. Waiting for him to leave.

Danidify Danidify poi poi

Dorje's jade eyes watched as natural groups began to form. She was used to social interaction, of course. It was a part of her job as a bringer of peace and luck to villages, but it was something she opted out of nearly every chance she got. Today was no exception. She kept to the back, watching as the more extroverted Lotus members interacted with each other. Some even seemed to recognize each other. As an Air Nomad, Dorje knew that the feeling of familiarity would not come to her.

It didn't take long for the large group of individuals to disperse, leaving the Air-Bender with what seemed to be a young Earth-Bender, and... the other supposed Air-Bender. Dark brows furrowed gently once her gaze hit the other woman's, already suspicious of her. An air-bender who was not attuned with their craft often translated to them not being connected to the Spiritual Realm.

"My airbending is also very unstable..."

Too connected to Earthly Materials. It is no good for the mind and soul. It made Dorje wonder what the woman had to hide. This became clearer since the closer this mystery Air-Bender got, the clearer it was that she was, in fact, hungover.

Dorje took a deep, quiet, breath. Remembering that this was a chance to help others, not dismiss them.

The brunette instead took this moment to observe the Earth-Bender. She held herself with confidence, and Dorje noted her painted nails, and her calloused fingers. She trained plenty, but what in, she wondered?

"I do not think I gathered your name, but, you are an Earth-Bender, correct? My name is Dorje." Her calm voice clashed entirely with the stern look in her face, while her hands remained dutifully at her side. Normally, they'd be behind her back, but her air glider hung over her flowing robes. So, on their sides they stayed.

the adamant


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
fluticasone fluticasone
  Sangye | the pillar
Letter by dove and scrawled ink brought Sangye to where she stood. A request, one rather blunt, to meet and talk. An odd way to seek her assistance indeed, but who was she to deny help to the needy? Although who waited for her had not been who she expected, their stern, almost grave faces not unlike others who’d sought her out, but their attire was peculiar, adorned in flowers. The White Lotus, she soon learnt. She had heard whispers of the name in the wind, from the little birds in her ears and their twitterings. Their proposition interested her, idealistic, but Sangye never denied herself hope.
The low grumble of her bison stole her attention. Sangye fluttered to her friends’ side, a calming hand placed in between the bison’s eyes, “Fret not my friend, we won’t be parted long.” Another grumbling complaint met her ears, though soft and quickly soothed. Sangye smiled woefully at her friend, bringing their heads together one last time before she parted.
Handed a blindfold, she hummed in consideration. Should she tell the White Lotus members that covering her eyes would do no good? If she truly wanted to, she could bypass the limitations of this physical form's senses. No, she decided, that would only plant the seeds of distrust, and she didn’t particularly desire being knocked out when she had no intentions of actually doing this stray thought. Sangye raised the blindfold herself, welcoming the peace of darkness.
It didn’t take long for her to reach her destination, it was almost like she’d been spirited away by how quickly everything was moving. Introductions were shared alongside strengths, weaknesses and allegiances, Sangye watched with a kind smile at the ongoings. Interesting folk indeed. She knew she should have spoke herself, but learning about others was far more riveting than anything she had to share. At the suggestion to chat, Sangye swished her sleeves around, taking note of those nearby her. People were already talking and she didn’t want to eavesdrop nor impede. She was saved from the latter, soon being invited to join a duo, but not before being guilty of the former.
“My name is Sangye,” she introduced herself when the handsome water bender asked, bringing her hands together and bowing slightly at Yuka and the seemingly confident Rahan. The corners of her lips curled upwards at the thought of someone attempting the climb to the Eastern Air Temple. Impossible? No. Stupid? Yes. “Of those, neither. I received an invitation to meet with them on my travels, and so now I’m here.” Sangye answered politely, the beginnings of curiosity stirring. How exactly had this secretive organisation gone about recruiting such a diverse group of people? ”By the sounds of it, your initial meetings were likely less… pleasant.”

— R E I K O




WL compound


jianli | bao

As Yuzhe finished speaking, Reiko relaxed. The tight ball in her chest untangled slowly, allowing her to breathe properly. It wasn’t new, having to play a part, but this felt like uncharted territory. Those around her seemed far more fit for something such as the White Lotus than herself. It was one thing to mime the actions of a fierce warrior to villagers who knew only about farming. To sit and pretend she was equal to the others was a challenge she wasn’t sure she could beat. Even the greatest performers needed to practice, and they had sprung this entire event upon her so quickly that she hadn’t even known which crafted mask to wear.

She stood amongst two others, only regarding them with a few odd glances. It was unlike her to be this quiet, often enjoying the stares and attention of others. Yet, she didn’t know these people, or what words would get them on her side.

The man beside her spoke, and she cursed herself for not paying better attention during everyone’s introductions. She was grateful when he gave his name. It was better than admitting she didn’t notice him earlier.

Her hand shot out, poised to shake his. “You may call me Reiko. I came willingly, though unfortunately, I am not as mighty, so my bindings stayed firmly placed.” She said with a slight laugh.

Jianli’s question gave her pause. Why did she join? The answer was still a mystery, even to herself. She wanted to prove herself, that much she knew, but this wasn’t the only route, and certainly not the easiest. Still, she found herself unwilling simply to reject the prospect. Reiko only hummed with a shrug, as if the answer was some higher calling rather than her inability to know herself.

“Don’t get me wrong, I am happy for such an opportunity, but I share your sentiments. I am just a performer she said,” her face flushing as if the fact embarrassed her. “Regardless, whatever the White Lotus needs of me, I will be sure to meet their expectations.”

She looked at the older man, who had yet to speak. “Do forgive me, but I seemed to have missed your name during the earlier commotion.”

♡coded by uxie♡

✦ the successor ✦


— the ashes call my name






Ryosuke, despite what few interactions they’ve truly shared together, is just as unwavering as Yujie remembers. And although that’s normally a quality he’d find praise-worthy among soldiers, it’s unfortunate that Ryosuke always happens to straighten his back against the wrong thing amidst playing hero: namely, Yujie himself.

But, fine; the guy does make a fair point. For even if Yujie does view him as naive and rather wet behind the ears despite his age, the one thing he cannot call Ryosuke is a coward. It takes equal parts stupidity and bravery to stand against the face of the Fire Army’s hierarchy, and as much as it is irritating, Yujie acknowledges that the fool, at the very least, does have a backbone.

Perhaps he should have tried harder to break it during their previous altercation. His father wouldn’t have minded.

"The White Lotus’ recruitment pool aside, it seems that sentiments from within are already tarnished by inane idealism.”
Briefly, Yujie’s eyes leave Ryosuke’s to send a sidelong glance in the direction where Yuzhe stood prior.
"It’s precisely because of such ludicrous mindsets—questioning one's allegiances—that the White Lotus hasn’t seen success in their hunt yet. And that’s why,”
he continues, his gaze returning to Ryosuke’s,
"it won’t be people like you nor Yuzhe who rise to the occasion and quell the opposition, but me.”

Although there’s a steady stream of chatter around them, none of the conversations seem even a fraction as hostile as theirs. That’s not something that’s ever kept Yujie from exercising dominance where he saw fit, however, and nor will it be now.

Ryosuke’s last words draw no immediate reaction from him, but after a still second of silence, Yujie allows himself a humorless scoff.
“Make no mistake,”
he murmurs, making sure he’s still audible to the other despite his tone lowering a level.
“Regardless of where I stand, you,”
his index finger jabs lightly into Ryosuke’s chest,
“and I, are not the same. After all, what exactly is it that you can offer to the cause other than running your mouth and taking a beating…”
A pause, and Yujie lifts a single eyebrow discreetly, disparagingly.

fluticasone fluticasone
  Naran, the destined
The swampbender watched curiously as Hae acclimated to his presence. It was clear the distance felt after their farewell had not been healed by time. On the contrary, it appeared to have grown colder, now no longer contested by the bittersweet remembrances of a friendship recently forgone. Naran could still recall the visceral hurt that bled from those moments: all the anger, sorrow and grief–it hadn’t been easy to let go. And yet, as the world continued to move, so did he. Those wounds healed long ago, or so he thought. Looking at Hae, he couldn’t help but feel disconnected, as though his heart tread carefully to avoid another tear, and to keep the pain from what once was far in the past.
Cautioned by the freeze response he appeared to have triggered, Naran’s mind intuitively grasped for an apology, ready to excuse himself for the sudden intrusion and acknowledge the likely mutual sense of awkwardness. Just as the words prepared to take leave, however, Hae’s answer came, and an answer it sure was. A question meant to be a simple conversation starter was taken much more seriously than ever intended or expected. Had he construed it so wrongly for her to think that's what he was asking about, or was he perhaps naive to believe that reconciliation was something Hae even desired or deemed possible? Naran felt taken aback and confused, unsure how to tread further. Whatever attempt made to maintain outer composure loosened at the grip of dissonance, allowing his discomfort to seep through as restless motions and a glimmer of worry in his expression.
“Oh, I see.” His words stalled, dejected. What was he supposed to say; that it was good news? It certainly didn’t feel as such. That he felt sorry? Well, how would that be interpreted? All the signs pointed towards this interaction being a false start, but Naran couldn’t muster a solution. Maybe now was just not the time, and maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing.
The robed swamp child shuffled his feet, breaking eye contact to briefly seek the company of the earth below as social support. “Actually, I would like to ask you something.”
Back up they went, aiming for Hae’s eyes (or hat, whatever option was available). “I know we don’t share the easiest past, but I think it might be good if we took some time somewhere in the future to talk more openly about, well, everything. We’re going to be spending quite some time together, it seems, so I feel it would only help us both. No pressure, of course. Only if you are willing, too.”
Heartbeats echoed in her ears as she stared. No longer serene, ripples spread through Naran, as if her answer were a rock disturbing a tranquil pond. What had caused it? Her failure? Yes, that must be it. She’d been a prodigy then. And it had been 10 years. Surely she should have managed to find a cure by now. A longing filled Hae like pain, shooting down her arms and legs. Her shoulders curled inward against it. She wished to explain that she had tried! She’d taken her body apart, trying to find what caused the lesions, what caused the curse. But there was no excuse for her failure. It was obvious the Spirits had found her lacking.

When he mentioned a question, she dared to look into his eyes: the muted green held her, caught in the trap as she waited for him to speak. She tried to catch the hope that sprung up. He had not just left her. He had not yet shunned her again. Maybe… the Spirits had forgiven her?

Still, Hae was unprepared for his suggestion to talk. Her eyes widened, a mixture of shock and horror filling them. “Talk? But I’m…No, are you…?” Outcast? This could not be real. It had to be a dream. Her secret desire to not be alone twisted to harm those she held dear. Those she’d lost. She needed to prove to herself that this wasn’t real. Pain was so prevalent in her life, that it followed her into sleep, but her strength never did.

Turned away from this Naran, she scanned the nameless people around her. Healing. No matter what she tried, she could never heal in her dreams. Thousands had come to her, and she’d have to watch them die, unable to help. All she had to do was prove this was a dream and wake up. She would not dishonor her beloveds with this farce.

There. Blood seeping through the clothes of someone. Either it was a miniscule wound, or it was wrapped, as best as non-benders could do. Regardless, the blood was fresh.

Leaving the cruel image of her friend, she walked over to the black haired body. Hae flowed through the crowd to where the idle man stood, not disturbing those around her. It was not strange that each group she passed was talking, for her dreams had always been vivid, but that each voice was different, was understood. One spoke of initial meetings, another asked for a name. All mundane and expected. She ignored it, stopping instead in front of the man.

She stood there for a moment, surprised by the two colored irises. Then spoke, “You are bleeding. I will heal you.” Not waiting for consent, as this was not real anyway, she raised her hands in front of her. To her surprise, liquid flowed from her waterskien, up to her hands, then to the man. Seeping through the clothes and wrappings, she directed the water like a conductor, over the wound. As soon as the warm water touched skin, it began to glow, healing the small wound with ease.

So much ease that Hae didn’t know what to do. She returned the water to the skien by habit only, leaving his sleeve stain free and dry. She turned back to face Naran, like she’d turned to the Swamp so many times, looking for guidance.

Danidify Danidify poi poi


Being "ordered" to socialize amuses Bao; well, most meaningful conversation should come about naturally rather than being directed, yes? Ah, well. He isn't necessarily opposed. Bao considers it one of his better traits that his good humor allows him to have a decent exchange with just about anybody, anywhere.

He is approached by a rather tall man who engages with him and a woman nearby; Jianli, and the other Reiko, if he remembers correctly. "Willingly! Indeed, I am no criminal- unless brewing the best tea in Omashu becomes a crime," he chuckles, "I'm here to hopefully help put the conflict to rest," he answers. Bao is skeptical as to whether the White Lotus will be the true path towards peace, but they thus far stand the best chance- he'll take that advantage, if nothing else.

Bao tilts his head- where Jianli is confused, Bao believes it makes perfect sense. "Soldiers? Soldiers are good for fighting a conflict, but ending one effectively requires far more than just soldiers. Besides- looks are deceiving, yes? Who knows-" he says, and gestures to Reiko with a grin- "maybe a performance will end up being the key! I've seen stranger."

Right- his name. "I am Bao. Pleasure to speak to you both face-to-face!"

buckybaernes buckybaernes ven ven
the prodigy

unknown ( white lotus? )

dorje and sachi.
Kaiya was displeased by the White Lotus' theatrics, with their clandestine meetings tied off not with a bow, but with blindfolds. Then came Yuzhe guiding introductions, everyone sharing their allegiances, strengths, weaknesses. For what was an esteemed organisation interested in peace, it was awfully juvenile. Though like the heavy scent of rain settled on morning air, the varied skills and raw talent in the room was seemingly palpable. The experience in the room excited her, and hardened her resolve—there was much to possibly glean, and to continue to solidify her own status.

However, she sensed that everyone was guarded to some extent, hoarding their skills and knowledge like bartering chips. Though, she supposed they likely viewed her the same, even though chances were some of those from the Earth Kingdom may have known her, or heard of her. Kaiya had no qualms that her reputation often preceded her—there was no use in dwelling on an inevitability. She was certain she would live up to any expectations when it came to her bending, anyway.

The groups naturally started to form, and Kaiya, out of no actions or choice of her own, found herself between two air-benders. One, she vaguely recognised... but she wondered from where. Before she could navigate her messy web of memories, the other (Dorje, she would be told) spoke a moment after a steadying breath. She seemed to be a masterclass in contrasts: a hard face and softer voice, stern demeanour but otherwise cordial.

"Yes. I am Kaiya, from Omashu." A pause. Lavabender. She did not correct. "And which air temple are you from? I have not been to any but I hear they can be quite distinctive despite sharing the same culture." Her travels were diverse but mostly constrained geographically to the Earth Kingdom. She had visited the Fire Nation twice, but never either of the Water Tribes, nor an Air Temple.

With the suddenness of a lightning flash, Kaiya recalled where she knew the other woman from, now that she was certain it was no temple. It was unsurprising it had taken so long, when Kaiya had known Sachi by another name: Xiaoran. They had both been much younger, and yet Kaiya thought neither of them seemed to be all that different at first glance. Maybe Sachi was more honest now, considering she had said she was known by many names. And Kaiya taller, she supposed. "I knew you by another face and name, once, if you remember me. I might have been all of fourteen years. Where have your travels taken you, since?" Kaiya then gestured to the two other women, "Do you know of each other?"
Last edited:
fluticasone fluticasone
  Ryosuke | the guardian
Ryosuke watched Yujie’s gaze move to where Yuzhe stood and addressed him, though, did not focus on that spot for long. The man’s beliefs stood rigid, unsurprising, but it was so much so that he refused to allow any new or divergent ideas to stand alongside him. That sounded right, given their home and its culture.
“And neither have we,” Ryosuke mumbled, before he cringed slightly at the delivery. He had not intended for the words to leave his mouth. It was fact, however, that no one had been able to track down Shoko. They all shared the same incompetence when it came to searching for one woman. Not that Yujie would ever agree. The Fire Nation was always a step ahead, always prepared, but Ryosuke had yet to see any innovation in their search.
Maybe Yujie would be the one to show it.
He was quiet as Yujie felt the need to remind him of their differences, to boast that he would rise above all and get the job done. Ryosuke didn’t doubt it. He was more than capable, equally impressive on the battlefield and off it.
Ryosuke was no firebender. He did not need reminded, as most insisted so. But he carried fire in his chest, and it rose in him at Yujie’s touch. It took much in him not to escalate things. In most stories, heroes stood up to corrupt assholes and saved the day, but it would not happen here. Life didn’t exactly work like that.
“You’re right,” Ryosuke’s nose crinkled, “we aren’t the same, and perhaps I am at a disadvantage for being born a nonbender. That just means I’ve had to get creative with how I use all the tools us nonbenders have to put up with. Maybe I’ll get to show you.”
He brushed Yujie’s finger away from his chest and he met his eyes with another intense gaze. “We might be here on behalf of the Fire Nation, but your position won’t hold weight with people here. Remember that when you actually have to work with them.”
the icon
??? ― ???
??? ― ???
hae, naran
While the instructions to mingle would’ve normally left Yixia eager to socialize, they weren’t able to reach him in a way that mattered. His half-lidded eyes were trained both somewhere and nowhere, and a familiar something began to swirl around in the pit of his stomach. There were questions. Questions about whether or not he’d be able to face these trials; questions about if he was supposed to be there, among the rest of these individuals who all seemed like they just knew. Questions about what even drove him to accept the White Lotus’ invitation in the first place—it was rather unlike him, all things considered. For a moment, his eyes closed with a small exasperation.

It didn’t take long for the others to disperse into smaller groups, some clumping together as though it were second nature. Frankly, Yixia wasn’t all too sure he wanted to join in right after that earlier blunder with his words, so he opted to idly watch instead… which ended with his thoughts traveling outside of the stratosphere. Aside from a few vague observations of certain group dynamics, he didn’t wind up learning that much.

At least, not until one of the waterbenders—Hae, if he remembered right?—walked over and told him that he was bleeding. He was bleeding? Really? His brows lightly furrowed in confusion, and a bead of sweat rolled down his temple. If he had to be honest, he didn’t feel like he was in pain, but his gaze trailed after the flow of water until it made contact with—


He was bleeding. Right on his arm, vibrant crimson seeped through bandages he forgot he had.

It was the result of an uncommon mishap in his training the day prior to his departure, though he remembered it stopped bleeding at some point, so he didn’t pay it much mind—but jumping forward to now, he wasn’t entirely certain why it was bleeding again. The only guess he had was that it was because of the rather… less-than-pleasant journey he’d just experienced, it being one full of unrelenting bumps in the road and subsequently, him ungracefully being thrown around because of it.

As the water glowed an ethereal glow, Yixia couldn’t help but stare in wonder. It wasn’t often he encountered waterbenders, nevermind those who could heal; never once was he on the receiving end of something like that. The feeling was soft and calming, and the bleeding noticeably came to a halt.

Sleepily, he let a laugh escape his form. “… Sorry, I didn’t notice I was bleeding… but thank you, um…”

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips while the healer maneuvered the water back into her possession. These people really were kind of incredible, weren’t they? Although the healer was now turned towards the person who called himself ‘Naran’, Yixia didn’t really think twice about if he was supposed to continue talking or not.

“Hae, right? That was really cool…! Healing water looks pretty.” He wasn’t exactly high-energy, but the enthusiasm still shined clearly in two-toned hues. “I’m Yixia… but I think I said that already.”

― ✦

coded by natasha.

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