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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms


Blood of the Dragon
Clash of Kingdoms

The Old King has fallen, and it is time to begin anew.

4 houses, 4 Lords, 1 throne

Only one can come to power

What are they willing to do to seize it?

The land of Gaen is in mourning. The Old King Robert has died, leaving the eldest of his three daughters to choose from the 4 noble houses ad take a spouse from them. Each house is called to the capital city of Gaen, Roen, to choose a suitor and court the future Queen.

Seems simple enough, but other factors must come into play.

Forbidden loves, bastard children, and hidden agendas all make this race to be king so much more difficult. But then, who said it would be easy?



The Princesses of Gaen.


Going clockwise, each house resides on each Island. The center Island is where Roen is, and where the King lives. The order is: Inden, Garth, Hallows, and Wers.

House Inden


House Inden, home of the lions.

Inden children are taught from a young age that they should be regal, even when their house doesn't reside in Roen. They don't play in the dirt, and they certainly don't play with the servant children.

The Servants are generally treated well, but sometimes the entitled personalities of the Inden household treat them like sub-humans.

In Inden North:

There are forsets and feilds rich for farming.


In Inden South:

There are dry grasslands.


House Garth


House Garth, home of the foxes.

Garths are cunning, smart, and fierce, like the fox. However, they are also polite, and do not think themselves to be higher than any other just because of their bloodline.

Servants here are always treated very well.

All of Garth:

Garth is covered in icy forests.


House Hallows


House Hallows, home of the stag.

Like their patron animal, Hallows are family-first,and are willing to do anything in their power to make their family secure, happy, and healthy.

Northern Hallows:

looks very much like Northern Inden, though only the very tip of the island.

Southern Hallows:

is covered on dry grasslands and prairies.


House Wers


House Wers, home of the Warthogs.

The Wers people are stubborn, and determied to get what they want, may it be money, power, women, or slaves.

Central Wers:

is covered in lush green rainforests.


Outer Wers:

similar to the dry grasses and prairies of Hallows.

King's Land


Farmlands are everywhere that isn't a city here on King's Land.


A large, sprawling city next to a lake.



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giraffesarebetter updated Clash of Kingdoms with a new update entry:

Time to Start!

First post will be up shortly!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Ema sighs and adjusts her dress one more time. It's blue, tight, and uncomfortable, but it is also the fashion, and her mother would be turning in her grave if she ha not worn it to greet the horses.

Today was he day that Lord and Lady Inden were arriving. Lord Garth had ridden in three days prior, and he had made himself quite comfortable in her home. She wanted to complain. So badly did she want to complain. But no. She was Ema Inden, princess, soon to be Queen. She will not complain about the strangers in her home, or the boys she does not know trying for her hand. At least Lord Garth wasn't one of those.

After her handmaidens finish her hair, Ema makes her way down to the castle gates. Already, she could hear the horses drawing closer, bringing Lord and Lady Inden with them on their backs. She was the first of her sisters to make it down, and as she waits, she begins to wonder if she should have woken them herself.


Erza Garth yawns and stretches, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. Amazingly comfy, these castle beds. He should ask what the mattresses are made of and instruct his steward to have one made and sent back home to Garth.

Before doing anything, he checks his face in the mirror. Already, a few grey hairs had been showing themsleves, though Erza was not yet in his third decade. "It's the job," he mutters to himself. Picking up his discarded trouser from the day before, he slips them back on, but finds a clean top from the wardrobe. Greeting the Lord and Lady Inden with the princesses didn't really need new trousers, right?

Finally, he is ready, and after meeting with his Steward to briefly talk about he affairs of his own household, he makes his way down to the gates, mind full of his family's money going in a chamber pot.

@Vaila @Gold Phoenix @whateverwater @dawnfire321 @Ladypilot17
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Lady Inden and her brother sat in the carriage, neither of them talking. They both were both to busy looking outside and admiring Roen's beautiful landscape. Finially, after days of travel, the carriage stoped and the Valet announced her and her brother. "Lord Peter Andrew Inden and Lady Elise Katrina Inden!" He yelled

Peter, the gentleman that he was, got out first and helped his sister out. When they were both out of the carriage they simultaneously bowed and curtsied saying "My Queen." Peter steped up and smiled at Ema "It is a pleasure to see you again your majesty, we're so glad you invited us." Peter said, holding out his hand so that he may kiss Ema's. He'd met her once before, long ago on a vist to see his uncle. He'd be damned if he didn't think she'd grown in beauty.
Ema blushes and offers her hand to Peter. "The pleasure is mine, m'Lord. And please, I am not Queen yet." She smiles at the lord then moves to greet his sister. "Lady Inden, it has been so long." She takes the other woman's hands and holds them, smiling graciously.

Both siblings had grown up since she'd last seen them. Elise from a small, brown haired child into a gorgeous, noble lady. Peter from a scrawny, peckish boy into a strong, handsome young man. And handsome he was. She doesn't remember much about his personality, though she was sure it had changed even so, but if she were basing this solely on visual appeal, Lord Inden may have already won.


Erza jogs down the road to the gates, where Lord and Lady Inden were already being greeted by Princess Ema. The other 3 were no where to be seen. Quickly, he fixes his face into one of delight. "Peter! How long has it been?" Both men had become Lords around the same time, though Peter, being at a younger age, surely had more trouble keeping his House under control. At least, he assumes this to be true. He shakes Lord Inden's hand, and bows deeply to his sister. "Lady Inden. Pleasure to see you, as always."

Lady Inden smiled kindly to Ema and relplied with "too long your majesty. We will have to get reacquainted." Lady Inden was rather pleased at the reception she received from Ema, but Lord Ezra being late was... unsatisfying.

Peter, on the other hand, was ecstatic to see Lord Ezra. "It feels like a decade old friend, while we are both here we MUST go on a hunting trip."

Elisa said to Lord Ezra, "you musn't bow so low to me my Lord." While she was a little unhappy about when he recived her, she couldn't be happier about how he recived her. She'd almost forgoten what Ezra looked like. She thought his face was beautiful, like her brothers, only with the added distinction of the grey hairs. Which she thought, made him look all the more handsome.

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Ema smiles at Ezra, glad he had a friend in Lord Inden. He was a good man, he deserved some time off. Stepping aside, she allows him to great Elise, and she turns to the coachmen. "Please bring their things to the servant's entrance, I'll have someone bring them to their chambers."

The men immediately begin, and she starts to walk up to the palace, motioning for the others to follow. "How have you been, my Lord?" She asks of Peter.


"We must," Erza agrees, with a smile. He turns his attentions back to Lady Elise. "But, my Lady, the deeper the bow, the higher the respect. You should see my bow for Lady Ema, here." He says, cracking a small smile. When the others begin walking back up, Erza offers Elise his arm.
Bolton stared at the carriage out in front of his home. It used to be well maintained, but now the poverty and laziness of his family has made it weather worn. 'It might hold up for the trip' he thought as he turned away from the window. His room, that was always tidy, was now blanketed with his clothes. Bolton solemnly began sorting the strewn clothing into piles. After 30 minutes of staring at and moving clothes, the pile for the stay at the castle and the clothes left behind were now complete. He then transferred all his clothing for the trip into the crates in the carriage.

"I'm done with the preparations" Bolton informed his father while staring into his cold and vacant eyes. The Lord sighed "good", then without a second of hesitation ordered his son to leave right away. Without a sound or hint of affirmation of the order, he boarded the carriage and sat opposite the knight-for-hire. The old man was barely armored, but his scarred body showed he was a veteran. 'I wonder if he ever was an adventurer' he thought staring at the battle-worn sword. The crack of a whip was shortly followed by the jerk of the old carriage and the journey to the castle began. This was the first time Bolton had left his home since he was 8. As the carriage passed the ruins of his house, he gazed out of the cracked window and said his silent goodbyes to his previous life.
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Elise laughs politely at

Ezra . Even though she was expecting to walk with her brother, she gladly took Ezra's arm. Elise gave peter a look that only he would notice, a look of exitment.

Peter began walking as well, smiling cheeky like at his sister. He tuned to Ema when she asked the question. "I have been very well, thank you for asking. Ruling something, caring for your people is satisfying work. Which you must have some idea of now." Peter chuckled, "How do you find ruling to be your majesty?" Peter didn't actually know her that well, so he was anxious about the words he chose. He was always taught that every word he spoke must be perfect.
Ema thinks on the question. "Ruling is... difficult. But it is also wonderful. I especially enjoy meeting the people. They all seem to look up to me." She smiles slightly and places a hand on his upper arm. "I must ask; is your sister alright? I heard about her husband and son, but I didn't want to upset her by bringing it up with her."


"Have you met any of the other suitors, Lady Inden?" Erza asks, making conversation. "I hear that Lord Wers' son should be arriving soon."
Peter nodded when she mentioned meeting people. When he placed her arm on his he gently put his hand on top of hers. "She is doing better than she was a year ago, when it happened. She still mentions them from time to time." Peter said in a hushed tone. "But do not fear of upseting her, my sister is very resilant."

Elise shook her head. "I have not had the pleasure. I hear young bolton is quite dashing, however. And you, Lord Garth, have you met any of the men we will meet later?" She said, quite relaxed.
Ema nods understandingly. "That is good. I don't think I could bear what she's gone though." Her tone is hushed and sad, full of empathy for the woman.


"I attended Bolton's initial naming ceremony, when I was a boy. I've not had the pleasure of meeting him since. Only the gods know what kind of man he's become. And of course, I have met my own house's suitor. He should arrive within a fortnight. You will meet him then." Erza says, thinking back on his one and only visit to Wers when he was 12.
"Well we all look up to Elise, a strong and intelligent woman." Peter noted. He decided he better change the subject the ema herself. "Your majesty, I have been wondering, what do you plan to dl about taxes? Your father was known for his low taxes." Peter almost kicked himself. Taxes? Taxes arn't romantic. Besides, she doesnt seem too intersted in politics.

Elise smiled
"I look foreward to it." Elise had been paying attention to her brothers and the princess's conversation. She was disappointed in him, but sure he could remedy the boring topic,
Ema looks a bit surprised by his question. "I wasn't planning on changing them.The royal treasury knows no starvation, and neither do my people. I see no reason to raise taxes." She doesn't need to think about this question, her advisers had asked it before. They all, of course, think she should double them and build the treasury. "The only thing that could possibly cause the taxes to raise would be a war."


Erza nods and smiles. "Tell me, m'Lady. Do you plan on remarrying?"
"Lets pray your reign is as peaceful as your demeanor princess" Peter said rather smoothly.

Elise blushed a little bit, thinking Ezra might know what she is there for. She smiled kindly,
"I had, In fact. And what of you my Lord? Do you plan on marrying?"
Ema blushes softly, smiling. "I hope it will. Though soon enough, I won't have to deal with it, I suppose." They reach the doors and the princess leads them inside. "Let me show each of you to your chambers." She leads the group up the stone stairway.


"My advisers advise it. And I do wish to settle down, produce some heirs. But it seems that I am far to busy too be courting girls at the moment." He smiles at his small play on words, and begins up the steps after Ema and Peter.
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Peter hoped he had left a good impression on her as he went inside.

Elise smiles at his comment, but is rather worried about it. She looks back at Ema "that is very kind of you my grace. Pray tell, when will we meet your sisters?"
Ema blushes deeply at the mention of her sisters. "They were actually supposed to be greeting you at the gates, as Lord Garth and I did. I apologize on their behalf for their rudeness."


Erza smiles. "If you will excuse me, I must attend to some bussiness. Lady Elise. Your Grace." He bows to each woman in turn, the disappears down the corridor.
"Forgive me your grace I did not mean to imply anything." When Ezra said he was leaving peter bowed to him.

Elise curtises for Lord Ezra and quietly says "My Lord." As he leaves. She then locks arms with her brother.
The monotonous sound of the horses' hooves striking the ground sounded strangely soothing to Bolton. Even as the carriage hit bumps on the path, he felt relaxed and at ease. 'It's nice to just idle' he thought looking around the carriage. "We're almost there" comes from the old warrior. Bolton scans the horizon through the window on his right and catches a glimpse of a tower on the horizon. "How did you know?" He asked the man, interested in his method. "I can see what's behind us and I have been on this trail many times" he revealed as he kept his eyes on the landscape outside. Bolton replied with a polite tone "That makes sense." After thanking his guard for informing him, he moved closer to the window and watched as the castle in the distance grew.
"You implied nothing," She says, after curtsying to Ezra. My sisters have simply forgotten themselves, I'm sure. They'll be around by the end of the day." She smiles sweetly and adjusts her skirts. "You two will be in these two rooms here, across from each other." She says, walking a few paces down the hallway and motioning toward two doors opposite each other. Both rooms contain a large, four post, Queen sized bed, a desk and a chamber pot.
Elise curtsied. "If you will excuse me your grace, I think i will go settle in now." Elise smiled and disappeared into her room. She opened her trunks that had been delivered to her room and pulled out a dress that she would wear for dinner.

Peter took a quick look inside of his room and cam back out.
"Your majesty, would you mind indulging me with your presence a little while longer or are you as busy as I assume you are?"

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