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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

Donder172 said:
"I don't know the name of my Universe. But we call where we live it the Galaxy. I am from Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic. The Galaxy is right now in an horrible state of war, devastation and poverty. There are three major powers now: the Galactic Republic, the Sith Empire and the Zakuul Empire. Zakuul controlls the Galaxy with an iron fist." Mizelia says, the last part rather sad, then says "I am a Jedi Knight. I was trained by Jedi Master Marrie Whitestone as a Force healer. Jedi are peace keepers. We get our power by the Force. The Force is a power which connects the Galaxy."
Bill frowned "Hey as long as I don't find your universe you are fine, I am s-surry, I don't say that word much but you know what I mean." He said patting her on the back, trying to cheer her up.


Calder was tending to his djinn and training his psynergy at the top of the Mars Lighthouse. Using a revival spell to try and resurrect saturos, he instead had saturos's body blow up, then a mysterious portal appears as an insult to injury, fueled by determination to help people, he goes through the portal

(Golden Sun)

(My character got accepted)
Calder falls from the ceiling, his djinn cushioning the fall. "That was a soft landing eh?" he realizes he was sitting on his djinn and quickly gets off them. "Sorry little fellas..." Calder gathers his djinn, then he sets off, looking for people to help.
CalderTheApprentices said:
Calder falls from the ceiling, his djinn cushioning the fall. "That was a soft landing eh?" he realizes he was sitting on his djinn and quickly gets off them. "Sorry little fellas..." Calder gathers his djinn, then he sets off, looking for people to help.
(What Universe is he in?)
Barbas said:
Witch King of Angmar
Stumbling backwards after being hit by the Force push, the Witch King quickly regains his footing and casts another spell on Wrath that would make him feel extremely sick and tired.
The Wrath Force jumps over the spell "Enough games!" He then charges at at Witch King , aiming a Force Scream at him
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous ducked under the fireballs, then leapt up and kicked the demon in the face.


As Grievous jumps, Chasriel would hold him by the leg, using his other 5 arms take the other limbs. He would start to tear him apart. When the torso is remaining, he would say: "THE FATE WILL DECIDE YOUR DESTINY" He would then throw him in the lava, gaining no LV or EXP as the Lava killed him.

But then he would fly over his burning torso, recovering it and blowing on it to un-ignite it. He is still alive. He would put the pieces togheter, saying: "
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Asriel Dreemur

Inside Chasriel, the two are standing near, Asriel asks Chara: "I think I scared him enough...should we put him back in the portal before unfusing?"
Gabrygabra97 said:
Asriel Dreemur
Inside Chasriel, the two are standing near, Asriel asks Chara: "I think I scared him enough...should we put him back in the portal before unfusing?"

"Yes... You should do that." Chara said.
Birdsie said:
"Yes... You should do that." Chara said.

He would grab Grievous, going inside the True Lab and putting him in one of the beds. He'd leave a post-it: "There will be a cerimony, you are invited, DO NOT BRING WEAPONS, please. This is supposed to be a happy day."
"Careful Kyoma, there's a high level of dimensional instability."

The collectors were in a tunnel, a large one to be exact. Earlier they were at Mary's lab and were given a quick mission briefing. Apparently New Tesla Energy was going to pay the recovery team a hefty sum of cash if they risked their lives to explore an additional dimension axis that was discovered via dimensional data dig (DDD). So Kyoma and Mira rose to the oppertunity, believing this to be a bluff. But as soon as they hooked up their own DDD gate they knew they were in something much bigger.

"Hey kid. There's a clearing up here you should check out."

Kyoma said, waving his arm. He had a few skewers held out at his side just in case someone or something came out of nowhere and attacked. You can't always be sure with outer dimensions like U. Mira caught up with Kyoma and looked around.

"Wow. It's like a massive number of gates all leading to smaller platforms!" She said in wonder. She wandered over to the closest gate and pointed at it.

"We should go in here first, huh?"
Gabrygabra97 said:
Asriel Dreemurr
"Chara, let's unfuse." He would release slowly the grip from Chara's soul, unfusing.

Chara lets go of Asriel's soul, unfusing. She returns to her normal body and so does Asriel.
Birdsie said:
Chara lets go of Asriel's soul, unfusing. She returns to her normal body and so does Asriel.
Asriel Dreemurr

"I shouldn't be looking at you before the cerimony but...I can't move my eyes away. They're stuck." He would smile.
Gabrygabra97 said:
Asriel Dreemurr
"I shouldn't be looking at you before the cerimony but...I can't move my eyes away. They're stuck." He would smile.

"That's alright, Asriel." She said and looked at him.
Birdsie said:
"That's alright, Asriel." She said and looked at him.
Asriel Dreemurr

"So...alright. I'll...return to prepare."

Mettaton EX

He would turn back to his EX Form, returning to make up the dress.

Albert Cole

Red Dead Universe

Albert had been looking around the town for about and hour but he was still thirsty his throat was about as dry as the desert he had been in just two hours ago he really wished he had asked that guy on the horse for some water but he already thought that Albert was crazy due to the look he had given him.

"What I wouldn't give to have a drink right about now." He thought but then the sound of water splashing on the floor broje him out of thought he looked to the direction of the noise to see a well and Albert full on sprinted to it.
"What is this place...?"

The gate the two collectors just came through opened into a dustbowl-era western setting. Kyoma checked his phone to see the dimensional disturbance was so much the device didn't even display the time. Kyoma promptly cursed and tucked it away. Mira started doing a full-scan on the surrounding area to try to pinpoint their locale.




SCP-049 stumbled out of a thicket of bushes and steadied his swirling head. Something was wrong. Maybe it was another form of SCP-106's pocket dimension trickery. He didn't think so because he saw a landscape laid before him. Something was definitely off. Maybe SCP-001 did lead him to the path of reconciliation.
Grievous was pissed. and that was the understatement of... forever. He had been defeated once again! A hate ignited deep in his heart bright enough to rival that of his feelings towards the Jedi! He... he never thought he could hate something else with such a passion. It filled him with power just thinking of it! However, these people seemingly had no capability to fix him, unless they were to make him like... that thing. He cast an uneasy glance towards Mettaton. He had been a fool. He hadn't used his full power! Grievous swore to himself he would NEVER make such a mistake again! Grievous needed a miracle!

Little did he know, there was a miracle on it's way. Chaos had watched Grievous's fight, as he had watched his many fights in his own universe throughout his life. He grinned, and, with a flick of his wrist, drew the Kaleesh into the Realm of Chaos. "General." He greeted "I have wished to make your acquaintance for quite a long time."

"Who... who are you? What is this place."

"I am the Lord of Chaos. One of the two great gods of the Multiverse. For now, that is..."

"Why do you want me."

"Because you're one of the best fighters in the multiverse!"

"The Multiverse"

"The Galaxy you know and live in is part of a universe known as the Star Wars universe. Beyond that, there are many other."

"So the place I ended up in was a different universe."

"Yes, that of Undertale. Curse it, my rival Order has taken root there and somehow swayed the followers of Chaos to my side, in time, I will tempt them to follow." He grinned "some of them, anyways, let's get down to business." He looked to Grievous "in return for your service to me in the coming war with Order, I will not only give you all the power you could DREAM of in your universe and any others you wish, but I will give you a new body, FAR more powerful then this one!" He stared into the broken Kaleesh's eyes. "Enough to even match that demon!"

Grievous smiled. "I accept your terms." well... this worked out pretty well LAST time I did it. The Kaleesh cyborg reassured himself.
Gabrygabra97 said:
Asriel Dreemurr
"So...Ch-Chara...do you want to do something? Like...a honey-moon?" He blushes and laughs.

Chara looked away and ran off from the lab. She ran towards the Ruins as fast as she could.
[QUOTE="Knight Artorias]

Albert Cole

Red Dead Universe

Albert had been looking around the town for about and hour but he was still thirsty his throat was about as dry as the desert he had been in just two hours ago he really wished he had asked that guy on the horse for some water but he already thought that Albert was crazy due to the look he had given him.

"What I wouldn't give to have a drink right about now." He thought but then the sound of water splashing on the floor broje him out of thought he looked to the direction of the noise to see a well and Albert full on sprinted to it.

((it's not that hard to find the bar xD

It's litterly in the middle of the town


at the poker icon))
Gabrygabra97 said:
Asriel Dreemurr
"Uh...Chara?" He would run after her, as fast as he could.

By the time he ran after her she was already in the boat with Riverperson, going towards Snowdin.

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