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Chosen to the rift


Game master
It happened 50 years ago. The rift appeared at the edge of the world, upon the farthest continent. And with it, came those that call themselves "The chosen". In appearance, most of them look like they come from our world, but they are significantly more powerful. Even the most experienced warriors could only slow the advance of their kind across our world. In only a few years, they had conquered every known nation and continent, clamping down on the activities of those who deigned to act upon "freedom" or "justice". Their leaders, each an undisputed master at their chosen field, and taking on an otherworldly appearance, now prepare the world for what they simply call "The coming". None know what this is, but those with keen ears believe that it will allow the chosen to move on once it is finished . . . there will be no more to look after on this plane of existence when they are finished. And yet, those who studied the rift, and the voices of the gods have spoken. Four have been born, molded and strengthened by the energies of the rift. They will learn to utilize their powers, and push back the chosen. They must succeed, or this plane will fall.
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"Master? Your are certain?"

"The time has come for you to face your destiny my child. Your powers are in their infancy, as are the others who must join you. Find them, join them, and find your purpose."

"Yes master."


Darkness had fallen over the city of Clementine, though the streets were nearly empty even before that. The gasping dragon was still open for business, though business was a term used very loosely nowadays. The barman looked up from where he had been working and felt despair in his heart. He had been here for 10 years, and in the last 3 he had seen what the chosen could do to a city. What had once been a bustling hive of adventurers and men ready to join in revelry had changed into a somber silence of men drinking away their sorrows. There was no bard in the corner to offer music, no knights in armor or curious travelers who sought fame and riches. Just a dozen men at the end of their workday, with a soft murmur making up the conversation.

(Here is where the characters will meet, go ahead and make up a reason for your character to be there.)
Karen comes walking into the Gasping Dragon, ignoring the stares that she gets from being a stranger in town and a woman in armor and carrying a sword. As she turns about to take in the layout of the bar, the holy symbol dangling between her breasts is clearly visible, marking her a devotee to the god Heironeous in some fashion. After deciding that there was no immediate threat posed by anyone in here, she picks out a empty table and sets down with a sigh. When the barmaid comes over, Karen opens her coinpurse and sets down a few coins. "Give me one of the local brew and whatever is hot on the spit."

She wonders what has brought her here, but she has learned not to question the will of her God. He will show me the way if I just listen to His word.

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light

Level 1: Bless, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon
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Rine signed as he drank from his mug. So far, all his efforts to crack the code his grandfather had left him had been for nothing. The old Archmage had mysteriously vanished, left Ride a note with some cryptic nonsense telling him to come here saying "It'll be a good life experience for you", along with a string of letters and numbers that seemed to be gibberish.

He strongly suspected that he was being used in another one of his grandfather's plots to do... something, but damned if Rine could figure it out. Perils of having an Archmage as a family member. They felt it practically gave them the right to pull the "mysterious old wizard" schtick.

Rine looked up out of curiosity when the newcomer came in to the bar. A woman with a sword, not an uncommon sight around these parts, what with those Chosen running around. Still, at least she didn't seem intent on causing problems like the last one. That had been a pain.
Karen is used to being the focus of attention, but it doesn't hurt to take a look around at those paying special interest in her. She spots one man, dressed as some sort of mage, eyeing her. Karen meets his gaze and gives him a pleasant nod before turning her attention to the plate of food that is placed in front of her. Bowing her head, she mutters a brief prayer of blessing on the food, thanking Heironeous for the bounty before her.
Karen was handed a plate with what appeared to be a slab of chicken on it, along with a few small sides. While the chosen had not directly interfered with the town's harvests, they had removed several who used to work the farms. As a result, harvests and livestock had decreased, making food less bountiful than before. The waitress bowed her head slightly before the armored woman before handing her a wooden mug of the local ale and walking off. The barkeeper kept his eyes on the armored woman for a while before turning his head back down. Clerics still passed through the area, not that unusual of a sight, though they usually were not so well armored.

Outside the moonlight was strong, outlining all who traveled through town. Then the door to the Gasping dragon opened again, and the barkeepers head went up to view the new entry, and stopped. The couple of the other patrons looked up and also had to have a double-take at who entered. The man was young, easily early twenties at best, with eyes colored a deep emerald. He was garbed in a vest, pants, and cloak, all made primarily from fur. He was barefoot, and carried only a well-hewn quarterstaff at his side. The most unusual feature about him though, was his hair. A combination of blonde and crimson red flowed together, and it flowed down past his neck in an elaborate braid wound upon itself. It did not look like the man had cut his hair once in his entire life. Also, visible beneath his cloak, one could catch glimpses of a book bound in simple leather. The title was unreadable to most, but many would immediately recognize the rune-covered spine as that of an arcane spell book. He gazed around those in the tavern before his eyes lay upon the woman in armor. Unapologetically, he walked up to her table and sat down.

"I have come in search of two traveling stars."
Karen eyes the man across the table from her. "Is this your idea of a pick-up line? If so, it needs work." She continues to dig into her meal and says, "So, you are in search of two traveling stars. What does that have to do with me? I am just a humble servant."
"One who travels by the will of lightning, and one who seeks to answer an unanswerable question. You follow the will of lightning do you not fair lady?"
Karen takes a sip from her mug before replying. "I follow the will of my God; but He does encourage independent thought of His followers. You are obviously looking for something from me. Why not stop being evasive, and just let me know what that is?"
The young man knelt halfway across the table, keeping his voice down

"A darkness has spread across the land, and it squeezes the lifeblood of all living creatures. If left unchecked, there will be nothing left to squeeze. You know of what I speak."

(DC 18 listen check to hear. Automatic success for Karen)
The young Paladin looks tense. "Let us say that I don't. Exactly what do you want from me? To go off and die fighting an army of darkness on my own? I am hardly a master with the blade, having just taken my oaths."
Rine continued to drink his beverage, idly listening in on the conversation out of curiosity.

"And I am hardly the greatest acolyte nature has to offer. For now. It is not the current strength that matters, it is the capacity for growth. No man, woman, or other creature asofar has been able to offer any meaningful resistance. Through trials, three stars will rise above their peers."

The man's ears twitched slightly

"I know I'm asking a lot. You have no idea who I am nor do you have any reason to trust me. I can only offer my word and tell you that I am serious. If you would take this task, come to the clock tower tonight when the moon is highest in the sky."

Without another word, the young man stood up from the table and headed to the bartender, starting to exchange a few brief words.
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Karen takes another bite of her dinner as she ponders the conversation. Well, I have been looking for some sign from Above; perhaps this is it? The divine work in ways that make mortals get headaches. Perhaps I will be at the clock tower tonight.
After some exchanged sentences with the bartender, the young man walked over to the table where another young man was sitting.

"Excuse me, the bartender tells me you are a practitioner of the arcane."
Rine looked up from his drink at the stranger, mildly curious as to why he needed a mage. "This is true, can I help you?" He asked to be polite.
"If I am not too forward, what is the most difficult question you have had posed to you?"

The young man sat down across from Rine, his hands folded over each other
"'What is the truth of the world?'" Rine quoted. "It's the eternal question that drives all who study the mysteries of the universe. No one has answered it yet, but that's not for a lack of trying. Why do you ask?" He questioned in turn, raising an eyebrow at the man quizzically.
Without trying to be too obvious, Karen keeps watch on the fellow, seeing who he talks to and what he does.
"Do you believe you will ever arrive at an answer to such a question? Or does something else drive you?"
"The question is not if we well arrive at the answer to the question, but when. All the secrets of the world can eventually be puzzled out in time." Said Rine, taking a sip from his drink. "Why do you ask such questions? What do you seek, stranger?"
The young man gave a smile and stood up from where he had been sitting

"If you seek an answer to that question, come to the clock tower when the moon is at its highest in the sky. I will reveal all there."

Without another word, he walked away from the table and outside the inn.
Rine watched the stranger depart with no small amount of confusion. What an odd man. He thought to himself. But what the hell, meeting a total stranger in the middle of the night under a creepy clock tower isn't the stupidest thing I've done recently.

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