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Chosen to the rift

After about 20 minutes of traveling and following traditional holy signs, the party arrives at the temple of Heironous. For a temple of the god of justice and valor, it is surprisingly small, only boast two stories and not much larger than many of the inns in town. A couple of clergy go in and out of the temple, going about their business. There is also a single chosen guard, standing watch outside the area
Small temple or not, it still feels a bit like coming home when Karen sees it. She steps forward to the temple, giving a friendly greeting to any clergy that she sees outside the building. Moving her hand to the small holy symbol that is hanging around her neck, she flashes a welcoming smile at the first one to look at her. "Greetings, neighbor. I am Karen, sword-sworn of Heironous. I would like to make my devotions to our God in this holy place, then, if possible, I would like to speak with the high priest if he or she is available. Can we come in?"
The first one Karen met was a fairly young woman, probably around the age of 14 or 15, likely having just taken her vows. She had a flaming pile of red hair atop her head, cropped short as such that if she wasn't wearing the gown of the clergy she could have easily been mistaken for a boy. She gave a smile at the three who entered

"By all means, be welcome in the house of valor. The high priest is currently helping another soul, but I will let him know that you have arrived."

She bowed once and walked deeper into the temple, letting the three come through. Inside was an altar that took up a space roughly 15 feet across, dominated by the blade of heironous. There were a few offerings of incense, and a couple of warriors kneeling in prayer to the symbol of the god of valor.

"Please, offer any prayers you would have heard here. I will find the high priest."

The young woman turned around and headed up one of the nearby marble stairwells, leaving the three in peace.
"Thank you." Karen offers up a slight bow before heading into the middle of the temple. She looks over at her companions. "You are welcome to join me; all are welcome in the house of Heironeous. If not, you can wait for the high priest here, and I shall join you momentarily." Heading in, she kneels down at the appropriate spot and begins to murmur her prayers to her God. A wave of good feeling washes over her, a sure sign that her devotionals have been received. Feeling refreshed, Karen rises and moves off to the side to allow another worshiper to take her spot. Rejoining her comrades, she approaches them with a smile. "No matter how grey and miserable the day is, prayer uplifts me above the clouds to once more see the light and feel the warmth of the rays. Let us now wait for our audience with the priest."
Inu offered a polite bow to the place of offering, but did not offer any prayers. He tilted his head quizzically at Karen's statement

"You find joy by speaking to your god?"
Karen nods. "Yes, indeed. I feel . . . so good knowing that I have the love of my god with me as I travel, but being in an actual temple to Him makes it even better. I have dedicated my life to his service, not an easy choice to make, with many sacrifices needed, but it is a choice I am honored to make. Forgive me if I pry, but do you follow the teachings of a particular deity, and if so, which one? If it is a private matter, I am sorry."
Inu shook his head with a smile

"I revere no member of the pantheon in particular. My reference is to the beauty of nature alone. I have offered prayers to Obad-hai and Elhonna on sparse occasions, but otherwise no. Still, it is rude to enter someone's house without showing proper respect."
Karen nods in understanding and says simply, "Thank you for your respect."
Inu simply offers a very shallow bow in Karen's direction in response to the statement. A few minutes later, a few pairs of footsteps could be heard from the same marble staircase the young woman had gone up earlier. The same woman had one arm on the shoulders of a young man, who couldn't be more than a year older than she was. His eyes were swollen, like he had been crying for some time. The two walk by the party, and shortly thereafter, another comes down the stairs. He was a venerable gentleman, with a simple white garb around him. There was a single sash of deep goldenrod over his shoulder, complete with the symbol of Heironous upon it. He gives a smile to Karen and opens his arms

"Greetings, child of Heironous. Aveline told me that you wished to speak? I am the head priest."
Karen kneels down in front of him and kisses his hand. "Greetings, Father. I am Karen Taeger, sword-sworn of Heironous, and these are my companions. This is Rine, and this is Inu. Is there a place where we can speak in private? What we have to discuss is not for everyone to hear."
A questioning look passes the priest's eyes, but he simply nods and makes a motion with his hand towards the stairwell

"Of course child, please come with me to the confessional."

The priest leads the group up the stairwell, to the second floor. The second floor has many more windows, letting the sun of the day cause the marble halls to glow. They pass by a large chamber, where three armored men and a single woman are present. They are making a song to the god of valor, but instead of instruments, the men bang swords on their shields and stomp their feet, while the woman offers praise and glory on the field of battle and the halls of justice. The father then enters a small room, with a few red cushions to sit upon, and curtains for privacy. There is only room for two to sit. He sits down on one end and motions for Karen to sit at the other

"You'll have to forgive the lack of space, we are a small church. Tell me what troubles you child."
Karen takes the seat with a nod of thanks. "Father, what can you tell us about the Chosen? Events seem to be leading us to a confrontation with them, and I wish to know everything I can of them before it is too late."
The priest's face immediately changed from a welcoming smile into a look of despair. The suddenness of it all was jarring to see.

"If you ever are confronted by them child, I advise you to lay down your arms. Nothing good has come of battle with them. Our only saving grace is that we are so far from the rift where they originated. Only the weakest of their number are this far out, and allow us to live in relative peace. The closer you get to the rift . . . I have not seen for myself, but I have heard it is much worse."
Karen frowns. "I fear that I have placed myself on a collision course with these Chosen. My comrades and I are the ones responsible for the deaths of the three guards. So, any details you know that can help me in my quest to stop these monsters disguised as men will be appreciated. What is this Rift, and can it be sealed?"
The head priest sat back and crossed his arms, his expression difficult to read.

"You put me in a difficult position child. To oppose the chosen is nigh-suicidal, I have seen more children of Heironous fall before them than I care to recount. And yet if you have already gone upon the path to face them, I cannot stop such a conflict. I pray that the watcher does not come here . . ."

He put his hand to his chin in thought

"I cannot tell you much of the rift that most do not already know, I have been here since the rift opened. I can, however, point you to someone who might know more. He is a soldier from when the initial battles were fought. Named 'Vralik'. Last I know, he was in the crescent quarter. If you want to find out more, you'll have to find some way to sneak in there. I am sorry I cannot offer more child."

(Everyone make either a knowledge(planes) check or knowledge(history) check to find out how much you already know about the rift and its spawn.)

You know that the rift opened roughly fifty years ago, and it only took about five for the chosen to pour through and subvert the entire continent. The chosen have some manner of advantage man-to-man, though you don't know what it is.


You don't know jack. Apparently you slept through that history lecture :/
Would he know how many of the chosen are there? What their names and methods are?" Asked Rine.
"I cannot say. I only know he returned alive from the war. Truth be told, I know not if anyone has the knowledge you seek."
Karen let out a sigh. "Well, it would seem that our next step is to go see this Vralik. Father, thank you for your time. With any luck and good blessings from our God, we will have good news in our search for information on the Chosen and the Rift."
The priest bowed his head and when it came back up there was a smile once more, though his eyes were pained

"I shall pray for your safety child. May Heironous guide your steps."
I don't have any Knowledge: Local to tap into, but is there a roll I can make to know where this Vralik is? Or do we need to do some hunting?

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