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Chosen to the rift

After a short rest in her room, Karen wakes and breaks out her armor once more. If she is to be out late at night, it would be the height of foolishness to go to this meeting unprepared for a potential fight. If not from her mysterious host, there is always the random acts of late night robbers.

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light

Level 1: Bless, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon
The night was partially cloudy, with the thick scent of moisture in the air. If it was any cooler, there likely would be a layer of fog over the town. The clock tower stood in the southern quadrant of the new Quarter, past the red lantern district and several homes. The moon's rays shone through the clouds with a silver glow, revealing much of the square. Laden with brick, and surrounded by a dozen lanterns, the square was roughly 50 feet across on either side. The clock tower stood in the center, standing roughly 30 feet tall, and with a pair of immaculately carved golden prongs to tell the time. At the base of this tower was the same young man from before, sitting on the hard ground with a wooden staff leaning against his shoulder. At his side was a wolf laden with pure-white fur, who's ears swiveled two and fro, as if expecting something to come at any minute.

The young mage and paladin made their way to the clock tower without incident, though they ran into each other a few streets before arriving at the square proper
Karen looks back and forth between the stranger that initially talked to her and the mage that has shown up with a raised eyebrow. "Well, we have arrived as you have requested. I must confess that I am somewhat puzzled as to the purpose of this meeting. You only hinted at some greater destiny before, but if I am to be a part of some effort, I require some details."

I seem to have forgotten to do this before, so I will make up for it now. Detect Evil on the man, his wolf, and the mage.

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light

Level 1: Bless, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon
(As your eyes scan over all three Karen, none of them register as evil. I'm going to go ahead and give you this particular information, since you can cast detect evil at will. Known chosen have come up as both evil and non-evil)

The young man turned his head at Karen's voice, standing up and brushing off his pant legs momentarily afterward.

"This world is being pushed ever faster towards its twilight. Those who think they have conquered this world will leave only when they are finished. And by that point there will be nothing left. I have been sent forth from my home to stop this threat, before we lose everything. I cannot do it alone however."
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"And what is the nature of this threat? Or your home, for that matter? You seem to want our cooperation, but trust is a two way street." Said Rine.


Doing a quick Detect Magic ping.
"My home is a forest, 10 days journey from here by walking."

He was silent for a minute before continuing

"I know not the true nature of the threat. My master did not tell me, when I asked he said that 'I must find it for myself' or it would not have the same meaning."

(Rine: Detect magic reveals no particularly strong magical auras present on either the wolf or the young man.)
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Rine suddenly felt a lot more sympathetic to the young man. "Yeah, masters can be cryptic jerks like that, can't they?"
Karen looks back and forth with a little laugh. "It seems that masters around the world all operate under the same rules. I have often heard similar from my teachers. So, let us get to know one another a bit better. I am Karen Taeger, but I feel that you already know that. Why don't you tell us your name and what you would like of us?"
The young man gave a small smile

"I have nothing but respect for my master, yet I do wish he would simply tell me what he's thinking from time to time. I rarely go by any 'name' Miss Taeger, as the forest has little need for things. Persons in the past have called me 'Inu', it is as good a title as any."

The white was standing politely next to Inu, ears still twitching as she listened to the surrounding area

"This is Weiss, my companion for the last decade. It would do you well to get acquainted with her as well."
Karen salutes in the manner of her militant order; a fist pressed against the heart. "Well met, Inu and Weiss." She offers a hand out to the wolf to sniff, moving slowly as not to spook the animal. There is something about the creature that suggests to her that Weiss is more than a simple wild animal. We shall see soon enough. "Were you looking to talk to us here, or is there a safer place that you would rather go to? Somehow, standing out in the middle of the square is not the most wise place to be, with all the troublemakers out there."
"I had not . . . but you are correct Miss Taeger. I imagine we could find an establishment out of the open somewhere nearby."

No sooner had Inu spoken then a gruff voice came from behind the three


At the entrance to the square were three men. Two dressed in leather with crossbows and longswords, while the one in front of them was dressed in scale mail and had a broad-bladed falchion upon his back. The emblems upon their chests and the manner in which they carried themselves immediately marked them as chosen

"It is late this night natives. What brings cause for a wild man, a whore in armor, and an apprentice to be out at this time?"

His tone was curt, rough, and had absolutely no nonsense to it. He was going to get answers, or he was going to get blood, and nothing else was acceptable.
Karen raises an eyebrow. "A whore in armor. A whore in armor. Perhaps you had best rephrase yourselves, neighbor. I am a sworn swordmain of Heironeous, not one to be so casually dismissed in such a vulgar manner. I will be out when and where I choose, and I will not be second guessed by some slug that would think himself a man."
"I will say what I see youngling. As inheritors of this world, we--"

The conversation was cut short as Inu spoke in an alien tongue, along with a blessing in common to the primal flames of the world. A fistful of flame appeared in his hand, which was immediately thrown at the man in scale mail

(Cast: Produce flame)

At the same time, Weiss charged right past the armored one and lunged at the man to everyone's left.



The flame flew right past the armored one's shoulder, singing a few hairs on his beard, while the other man had barely enough time to bring up his leather bracer to block Weiss.

"To arms men!"

(Apparently I roll like shit on here. Everyone roll initiative, shit be getting real and the surprise round is over)

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Well, that went faster than I had expected, but hardly an undesirable outcome. "Let us teach these dogs a lesson in manners!"

Do you want an initiative roll, or should I declare an attack as a part of a surprise round?

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light

Level 1: Bless, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon
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"No, of course we can't discuss this like gentleman, that would be too easy." Rine grumbled to himself, readying himself for battle.


Deciding that the best chance for success was to remove the big guy from play for a little while, Rine focused the spell he had prepared earlier and cast it, centered on the armored figure.


casting grease, Spell Save DC = 15 + 1 for being a conjuration spell
The armored man grit his teeth and took one step forward, while the others prepared to move

(10 foot emanation catches everyone in that thing. Not just the armored dude since none of them have moved yet)

(Dice roll pending)




As the words of power leave Rine's lips, a slick sheen appears over the cobblestone street directly underneath the three assailants. With a bit of a yelp, all three topple over themselves and start struggling to their feet.


(Inu is next in initiative line)

"Well thought."

Inu muttered briefly to Rine before putting his finger out before him and aiming at the guard that Weiss was currently adjacent to

"Mother of frost, lend thy hand!"

(Cast: Ray of frost)


The guard yelps in agony as a ray of winter's chill hits him in the shoulder, spreading across his skin.


After seeing this, Weiss lets out a loud bark before gnashing at the foe


There is a sickening crunching sound, followed by a gargling of the guard as his life spills out through a river of blood. Weiss's jaws had clamped shut hard around his neck, ending his life.


(Guards act next in initiative order)

Both guards shakily try to force themselves to their feet, the lighter one immediately dashing outside of the puddle as he does so. He aims his crossbow and fires at Rine, the one responsible for this grievous embarrassment. The armored one draws his falchion and sneers, holding his ground.


The crossbow bolt lodges itself in the wizard, making its unwelcome presence very known


(Rine, you take 4 damage, and Tager, you are next in the initiative order)
With a sudden jerk, Karen pulls her sword free and charges the man in the heavier armor. It is her intent on running him through with the blade.

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light

Level 1: Bless, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon



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As Karen charges with her sword, the Guardsman starts to push aside her blade with the falchion--only to slip on the grease below his foot. His eyes go wide with terror as the blade is now headed straight for his throat. With a small *shink*, Karen's blade dives right though his throat and spine, killing him in a single blow

(Rine acts next in initiative order)
Hissing at the blow from the crossbow, Rine pointed his hands at the crossbowmen and let out a spray of lights and color.


Color Spray, DC 15
(Roll pending)


A cascade of colors flies over the guard's face, momentarily causing his eyes to vibrate before falling to the ground unconscious.


(Inu and Weiss go next in initiative order)

Weiss dashes around the grease puddle and up to the guard, clenching his throat between her jaws

(Cou'de'grace. Normally requires a full-round action but he's unconscious for 5 rounds anyway)

Inu lest out a slow breath and walked over to Rine, placing his hands on the wounded arm

"Mother of the earth, lend your blessings upon your children."

(Cast: Cure light wounds)


(Well shit. Rine, you heal 2 points of damage)

"We should leave, such a clamor will not have gone unnoticed
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"Agreed. For future reference, we should come up with a way to signal each other that combat is about to begin. That way, someone is not caught out of the loop. You are both spellcasters, then? I will have to make sure to keep a good watch on you to keep you alive." She gives Inu a playful hit on the shoulder and a grin. "Sir, if your wound is still troubling you, I can try my hand at healing it, too. But if it can wait, let us get somewhere else, far away from here."
"Shelter would be nice, yes. As well as an explanation. Most guards are not nearly so aggressive." Said Rine.
Karen cleans her blade off and quickly sheaths it once more. "The followers of Heironeous have taken to worship in a old barn that is not too far from here; it is quiet and safe, and we can continue our discussion there." She looks at the still oozing wound from the crossbow bolt. "May I check your wound for poison? Our enemy does not strike me as the type to fight in an honorable manner." If she gets no objection, she briefly murmurs a prayer to her God and passes her hand over the injury.

Using my Cantrip of Detect Poison; not that I expect to find any, but it is still good to check.

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light

Level 1: Bless, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon
(There is no poison present on the wound)

"Let us make haste. I do not expect we shall be alone for long."

Inu knelt down briefly beside Weiss as she sniffed the air before taking off down another entrance of the square

"This leads away from the guards it seems."

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