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Chosen to the rift

Moving quickly but with a moderate amount of stealth, Karen follows the lead of Inu. "If we are to be of some effect against the armies of Chosen out there, we will need to learn more about them, so we can divine some weakness to use against them. We cannot count that every encounter will go in our way so easily. That crossbow bolt could have been much more deadly; we were blessed to have gotten through with it so far."

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light

Level 1: Bless, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon
"Indeed. We can discuss more once we find shelter."

(Knowledge(local) check to find a tavern to hang low in.)
(IC dialog incoming after skill check)


Knowledge: Local check, using Factotum skill for a +1

(Rine, your knowledge of the local area reminds you of three nearby locations you could likely go to. The dragon's tankard is a large pub. Even with the current occupation of the chosen, it still manages to remain lively, probably in large part due to a pair of musicians who live there permanently. It is about 10 minutes from here, and while the innkeeper might ask a few questions, it will have a large crowd to get lost in. The Sticky Wicket is a fairly low-class bar, and often the first place to be suspected with criminal activity. The owner will ask no questions, but it won't be very clean, and it might be interrogated. The Puff Goose is a small establishment, well known for its food more so than anything else. It likely will be safe, but the owner will also probably ask a lot of questions about you three)
Whichever route that the others seem to want to go, Karen will not make any issues with. Unless someone says otherwise, she will take up the rear guard action and keep watch behind them.
"The Dragon's Tankard is a lively enough place where we can get lost. We might have to answer a few questions, but nothing we can't work around."
Karen nods. "Very well. Just so long as there are no more of these Chosen in there, we should be fine."
(After about seven minutes, the group arrives at the dragons tankard. It is a large, three story wooden building, complete with a massive wooden slab over the doorway. This slab proudly sports a large tankard circled by a serpentine dragon. The light inside is warm, and there can be laughter heard from inside.)
Karen takes the lead at this point, and steps through the door into the brightly lit smoky room. She scans the crowd, looking for signs of potential trouble. If no one stands out as a threat, she motions for the others to follow her in as she heads for the bar. "We need a quiet place to talk. Do you have any available rooms that we can use?"
There are several tables set up, with happy patrons all around. In the corner lies a pair of musicians, one on a pair of drums, and the other with a set of pipes. They set a far more upbeat tone than many of the other bars around town. When the trio step in, a couple of men turn their heads at the woman in armor, but go back to their conversation and drinking. Even when Weiss shuffled in the door it only brings a few raised eyebrows. The man at the bar was fairly large, wider than was normal for a man his stature. He greeted Karen's request with a smile

"We certainly have the rooms to spare. Might I ask what brings such an . . . interesting group such as yourself here?"
Karen returns his smile. "Oh, nothing much to worry about here; we are just a average band of adventurers looking for our next quest. We shouldn't be long, but I am quite willing to compensate you for the use of the meeting room, and a tankard of good wine."
The man gave a smile and pulled up a small jug from behind him

"If you can give me 2 gold pieces each for the night and 5 for this jug, the room up the stairs and third on the right is yours."
"Done and done." She reaches into her coinpurse and produces the requested money. "My thanks, sir." She glances over her shoulder at her companions and nods in the direction of the stairs. "Follow me."
Now in the privacy of a room of their own, Karen snags a simple chair from its resting place and lowers herself down into it, keeping an eye on the door. She reaches out to Rine. "Now, while we talk, let me take a closer look at this arm of yours. I don't want to leave you wounded if there is something I can do about it." She pulls her gauntlet off to place her bare hand against the bolt wound, and the other hand grasps the holy symbol that hangs around her neck. "Oh, mighty Lord Heironeous, please grant your strength to this man and heal his wounds so we can continue to chase after the just cause and protect the weak."

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light

Level 1: Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon

Using one of my spells to cast a Cure Light Wounds on Rine.
The room was fairly plain, but warm. There were four beds, with a series of candles lighting the area. Inu sat down at the end of one of the beds, with Weiss curling up at his feet.

"I am sorry for your injuries. I had hoped to avoid direct confrontation so soon."
Karen uses a cloth to wipe away the last remnants of blood from the closed wound. "That comment suggests that you had plans for us to confront these 'chosen', and it is only a matter of time before such a conflict would happen. It would do us all well for you to come clean on what exactly you want from us. Are you planning on taking the fight to the chosen? We are outnumbered thousands to one. Unless you know of some way to stop these arrogant bastards without having to go through all of them? It is time for you to share with us completely. I feel that we have both shown you our willingness to do what is right."
"Unfortunately that would imply my master gave me more information than he did. All he told me was I would find two stars to help me on my quest here, and that this is the town where we would either begin the tides of change or fall to the enemy. My hope was that we could find more information about our enemy and perhaps if any other seers have foretold of such a thing before direct conflict, but they struck first. I am sorry I don't have anything else to tell you."
"As my master would say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. With the bodies we have left behind in the street, I would say we have already started on this path." She tosses her hair back out of her face and lets out a sigh. "At least I can comfort myself with the hope that I am one of the 'two stars' you are searching for. So. We have fought and won a battle against our chosen enemy, but one battle does not make the war. Before we can make any more serious efforts against the chosen, we need to arm ourselves with the knowledge of the nature of our enemy. Do either of you have any ideas on how we should go about that? Some hidden font of knowledge we can go to?"
(Rine, you recognize that any information regarding the Chosen would likely have been destroyed, confiscated, or lie on their own plane of existence. As such, finding a text or similar would likely be impossible at your current strength)

"It would be helpful to find out more about the chosen in this city. Though we would need to be careful about it."
"Any information we find would be wrong at best, or a fabrication at worst." Said Rine. "Instead, if we truly seek to oppose these Chosen, we should work to consolidate our strength, retrieve artifacts of power, or uncover secrets that can be used to augment our own abilities."
"True enough. I imagine it will be best to lay low for a little while. Perhaps the chosen will reveal more about themselves searching for those responsible."
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Karen frowns. "I fear that laying low will be a bad idea for us. In the past, totalitarian governments like this one have responded to any threat to its existence with overwhelming force. I fear that our very presence in this city is going to be an excuse for a massive crackdown on the population. For every man we killed, we may be faced with ten lives lost, and with my oaths, I cannot sit idly by and let that happen. I suggest in the strongest possible way that we move on now, marshal our strength, and come back when we have the knowledge and power to stop the chosen."

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