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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]

Son of Zeus


Location:The Pavilion //Scenario:Just Because I feel like doing this.//With:No one//Mentions: Balthazar- @Faction Before Blood , Ariella- @crucialstar

Stopping to look back at Ariella, Jethro realized the problem. Selecting a nice apple from a nearby basket, Jethro tossed it at Balthazar. He made sure to hit him in the back so it would not cause as much pain. When Balthazar looked around, Jethro called out to him,

"She is asking to sit down. Balthazar, meet your sister Ariella, Daughter of Poseidon. She can hear you, she just cannot speak to you. I advise pen and paper if you do not know how to read sign."

Turning, Jethro continued walking and sat at his own table.



Seymour Anima

Location : Dining Pavilion | With : Elijah
@Peaceswore , Odette @Bubbly Brandi

Seymour had finished people watching for the moment. The only people that Seymour had taken note of were the girl that came up to...Wave her hands at Balthazar? The teen had absolutely no idea what she was trying to do. Another camper he noticed was the girl talking to Elijah. Anyone would probably notice that though. Elijah was almost always alone. The giant shrugged his massive shoulder and stood up from his table. With nothing better to do Seymour found himself walking towards the forge as usual. Seymour walked over to where his toolbox was and reached for it but only grabbed air. He blinked, thinking he had just underestimated where it would be. Still without looking he grabbed for a toolbox that wasn't there. The builder let out a sigh so loud even the gods would have been able to hear it. It was not hard for the teen to figure out who had touched his stuff. Seymour began walking back towards the pavilion, wondering how he could hurt Elijah.

As he walked the blacksmith was lost in thought. He didn't even care that his stuff had been hidden. Well, he did, but every kid in his cabin knew not to even touch Seymour's things. The last kid that did woke up inside a metal cage that only Seymour had the key to. Seymour made sure to walk in a wide arc around the pavilion so that he could come up behind the boy. The pyrokinetic toyed with the idea of launching a fireball but his eyes fell on the young child with Elijah. Though he would never admit it, Seymour had a soft spot for the younger campers. He didn't want to scare the little girl so fire was out of the question. Elijah may have heard the giant's footsteps behind him but it would have been too late. Seymour attempted to grip the other's shirt and if successful he would lift him from the bench effortlessly. Seymour glared at Elijah and asked him a single question. The boy's answer would determine if he lived or died. Not really. But he didn't know that. "Where?"

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Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Pavilion | Scenario: Flying Apples! Idea! | With: Her brother? @Faction Before Blood and Jethro @ModernRanger

Her face drained of color slightly as she watched her "brother"'s facial expression, forgetting that not most people knew sign language. She listened to him ask her questions as she nodded to him, that it was indeed sign language with all of the gestures she made. Tilting her head, Ariella took a deep breathe, pointing to herself first, then towards her the food she held in her hands. Ariella paused a little, watching his reaction to see what he got out of what she just motioned. Next, she made an eating potion before pointing to the empty seat across from him. Her expression showed curiosity and hope, as she bit her lips, hoping that helped him understand what she wanted to say. However, before the male could answer, she heard a "thud" as an apple fell to the ground. Tilting her head, she looked towards the source of who could do that, only to be greeted by Jethro. Her eyes lit up as she smiled, as she heard Jethro explaining to her so called dearest brother what she meant. However, she didn't expect him to tell her brother right off the bat that she was his sister. She didn't get on the right foot with him already, considering he didn't understand her, and right now, she was scared of how he'd react to knowing he couldn't necessarily verbally communicate with his sister. Nevertheless, she was grateful for Jethro's help, it seemed like the Gods are with her, surprisingly. Opening her messenger back, she took out her notepad and a pen, writing down a note for her brother to understand,
"Hi, I didn't want to meet you this way, but I guess we can't help it, huh? It's nice to meet you!" She finished writing as she placed it in front of her brother to read, proud of her neat and perfect penmanship.

Ariella waited for her brother's response, however, seeing Jethro walking towards the emtpy table, Ariella had a thought that may get her into trouble or get Jethro angry even, but still, she couldn't leave him alone, especially after he helped her. She wasn't pitying him, but rather, she wanted to bring him in, it wasn't like she was breaking a rule that could be bad right? He didn't seem to have anyone at his table or anyone he needed to talk to over there. . ,so placing her food down on the table in front of her "brother". Ariella gave him a sheepish smile and gestured to him "one minute" by pointing her index finger up at him. Quickly, avoiding tripping over someone, Ariella made her way towards Jethro, overhearing some conversations from different tables. Once she got to him, Ariella was doing so well, not tripping until well . . she ended up jinxing herself and almost falling on him since she tripped over her shoes. She looked up to him, waving sheeplishly before grinning widely,
"I know we have assigned places to sit, but since it's the first day. . and you don't seem to have anyone you need to talk to. Why not sit with us? You can do what you need to do there and I promise I won't bother with whatever you need to do." She signed, quickly. Ariella didn't wait for a response, being as pushy as she is sometimes, she took his arm, grabbing him along the way in the direction of where her brother was sitting.

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Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; Whoa, wait hold on. What? With; Elijah Lansen @Peaceswore Seymour Anima @Lurker Mentions; @Anyone else


Odette, eagerly awaiting Elijah's answer, didn't notice the large man behind him until a split second too late. Elijah was in the air and Odette felt a chill move through her as she panicked, trying to figure out what was going on. The new guy, Muscle Man as she quickly decided to refer to him as, was clearly angry though she wasn't sure why. Then he'd asked 'where?' so maybe Elijah had something of his. Though she wasn't sure what he could have, because what would Elijah need from Muscle Man so bad as to take it from him if he knew this was going to be the response he would get.

Finally pulling herself out of total panic mode Odette stood up quickly, "Um excuse me! I don't know, I mean..." She took a deep breath, and gently reached forward to grab the hem of Muscle Man's shirt, "Could you please put Mr. Elijah down? I'm sure whatever you have he can get for you without this um..." She tried quickly to think of the right word to diffuse the situation, "This violence. I mean we don't need to hurt anyone right? Elijah is my friend, and if you put him down, then maybe we can be friends too." She added quickly with an anxious smile up at the incredibly tall man in front of her.
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Balthazar watched his sister trying to communicate through charades until an apple hit his back. He spun around in his seat looking for who did it ready to... well do nothing. He'd never win a fight on land. Catching Jethro's words rather then the sight of him he nodded his understanding muttering a half hearted "table for two" and motioning for the girl to sit. When she handed him the paper with the note on it, it took him a second to read the two sentences. Neat hand writing aside, Balthazar, like most Demigods, were dyslexic with any writing that wasn't Greek. finally he said "nice to meet you too." he was glad Ariella had come prepared because he usually didn't come to lunch with pen and paper. He didn't say much else after that, not that he wanted too... or knew what to say. Thankfully he was spared the awkward moment when his sister held up a finger and wandered off eventually tripping right into Jethro. Yep, for better or worse, that was definitely his sister. How she had made it so long without training, Balthazar didn't know, nor really care at the moment. He was too busy being jealous.

Balthazar watched, cringing inwardly and with eyebrow raised, as Ariella dragged Jethro over to the table. Not knowing what to say Balthazar reverted to his usual offering of candy, holding up the pixie stick that Seymour had stolen from him... than gave back. "Ca-" he started but was quickly distracted by Seymour being violent with someone else for once.

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Son of Zeus


Location:The Pavilion//Scenario:An example to set//With:Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions: Aj- @munchkincora

Alas, I wish that I could Ariella. However, as I mentioned earlier. I am seen as the leader of the camp. It is my duty more so than everyone else's to set the example by following the rules to the letter. Otherwise, people will start bending other rules. The last thing I need is Aj over there thinking he can be alone with any other camper. Don't worry, we will have time to talk later for now, bond with your brother a bit.

Stepping over to where Balthazar sat, Jethro leaned down next to him and whispered in his ear,

"She seems to be a very nice and good person, take some time to get to know her. If you need lessons in sign language, you are free to come to me or if you are feeling brave you can ask her. She has never known what it means to have a sibling and she is new to this world. I ask that you look after her when I am not around. I'd like her to get some combat lessons before tomorrow's game. If you could help her figure out what type of weapon is perfect for her than you'll make my job easier. I am willing to train her. Just make sure she gets settled in."

Without waiting for Balthazar's response, Jethro stood up, smiled and nodded at Ariella, before walking back to his table and taking a seat.



Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Pavilion | Scenario: Sibling Bonding! | With: Her brother @Faction Before Blood | Mentions: Jethro @ModernRanger , Odette @Bubbly Brandi , Seymour @Lurker , Elijah @Peaceswore , Aj @munchkincora

As Ariella found her brother again, she was about to ask her brother if Jethro could sit with them as well, however, Jethro stopped her from doing so as he signed. He explained that he had to set an example as he's seen as the leader of the camp. Ariella understood what he meant, wanting to set a good example for the others. She definitely wouldn't want chaos to ensue in the camp just because she tried to coerce Jethro to break the rules and sit anywhere than the assigned arrangements. At the same time, she signed to him,
"Sort of like, monkey see, monkey do, right?" But still wondered who Aj was that Jethro had mentioned. Sighing, Ariella backed down, reluctantly agreeing that it should be that way, since it must have been placed for a reason. "Of course! We'll have plenty of other times to talk again." She smiled, remembering she's spending her summer her at Camp Half Blood, that's enough time. Soon, her disappointment faded away quickly, as Ariella found her energy renewing when she knew she wanted to bond with her brother, especially since she practically didn't know him for sixteen years of her life. However, before Jethro left, Ariella was confused by his actions when he whispered something into her brother's ears. Curiosity was eating her alive, wondering what they were talking about, but, she couldn't just barge into a conversation she isn't suppose to hear. Don't they know curiosity killed the cat and only satisfactions can bring it back? But, soon, Jethro finished as he smiled at her and Ariella responded with a smile back. He nodded and soon went on his way again once more.

Walking to her seat across her brother, Ariella scooted over in the table, placing her food in front of her. When her brother took notice of her, she watched as he took out a pixie stick handling it to her. Ariella laughed soundlessly as she was beginning to read it, however, her brother's attention was whipped away from her and onto something else. Confused, Ariella followed her brother's eyes, staring at a bulky and dark-haired male, gripping another male's shirt, as an adorable young girl tried to diffuse the situation. Ariella bit her lip, writing down on her paper again,
"What's going on? Who's that? Should we do something?" She finished as she reached over to tap her brother's hand, to get his attention, facing the paper up, towards his eyes making it easy for him to read it a bit quicker and better. Ariella was worried and it looked to her that her brother knew them too. Were they friends?

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Son of Zeus


Location:The Pavilion//Scenario:Damn it Seymour//With:Basically everyone//Mentions:Seymour @Lurker and Elijah @Peaceswore

Over at the Zeus table, Jethro didn't even look up from his food as he called out to Seymour,

"Seymour, while I'd welcome the peace and quiet that your dismemberment of Elijah would bring about, his death would bring about quite a bit of paperwork on my part. Also, I really would rather not have blood on the pavilion floor. So, please set the young son of Hades down. Elijah whatever prank you pulled or item you stole please apologize for doing so and if it is the latter please return the item. Your life could very well depend on it."


Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah let out a sigh as he was about to explain the capture the flag to Odette, but just as he opened his mouth he stopped. Even with all the chatter he heard the footsteps and soon felt a looming presence over him. '........ Damn it.' He thought moments before he was grabbed by the shirt and lifted off the bench. Now averagely this may choke a person, but he had quickly raised his hand between the collar and his neck to avoid that from happening. At first he simply hanged there, a smirk crossing his face. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he saw that Odette was trying to...... Help? He blinked at this honestly a bit astonished by this, that was without a doubt not the response he honestly expected. He didn't say anything as he simply looked at her for a time his hand still up to protect himself from being hanged. After a small bit however he was snapped back into attention when Jethro spoke to Seymour.

'There's what I expect....' He thought with a sigh as he rolled his eyes. 'Zappy doesn't think I'm actually planning to listen to him, right?' He thought before letting out a sigh and smirking as he hanged there. "Don't worry Odette. This is just a friend of mine~" He hummed out not feeling really scared at the moment. "He's just letting me get a better view of everyone...must say I didn't know there were so many kids here till now. Thanks for that revelation beef man." He said with his smirk as he looked at Seymour before looking back at Odette. "Right now before anything let me finish my earlier convo. Capture the flag... Is a game were we get teams and snatch the flag of the opposite team. Later you and I should talk about teams at our cabin." He said with a grin before adjusting his hand a bit to breath better. "Oh Beefman Odette, Odette Beefman." He introduced. 'Let's see that's everything...I believe.' He then looked over his shoulder and smirked once more. "Hey beefman my buddy, think you could put me down softly? You're scarying Odette who isn't use to our loveable ways~"

@Lurker @Bubbly Brandi

Mentions: @ModernRanger


Rèy Matèo Balestràde


Location: Cabin 11/Hermes Cabin --> Mess Hall/The Pavilion

Scenario: A.J just proposed.

With: Hermes Son's and Daughter's// Ajax, Son of Aphrodite @munchkincora

Mentions: N//A


Rèy chuckled lightly at his comment about being a big girl. But she did hope that he didn't mind too much. The run's were nice, no doubt, so to leave him on his own she felt bad, naturally. "Well I'm proud you are," she commented with a small smile.

She listened intently as he explained the morning breifly and it brought a grin to her lips to hear about the chaos. Sure, chaos meant despair, but not all the time, and never once when it came to camp tricks, just like Elijah's.

She raised her eyebrow's as he gave the news that he had "diffused the tension", and gave off an impressed attitude once he had explained. "
Wow. Cutie with a Booty huh? First off nice try at a rhyme. Second, I think someone's off his head." She smiled cheekily and gave a wink, wiggling her eyebrow's suggestively about Elijah and she calmed it down a couple seconds later, to take a sip of her water, and quickly put a hot chip in her mouth.

She was distracted by the sister next to her whispering something in her ear, unaware as to A.J's thoughtful face looking across the Hermes table. The words whispered to her got her into a small fit, almost causing her to choke on her half way down chip They were by far innapropriate and it made it even worse. She hit her sister playfully, the girls and guys across from them having already heard it gave Rèy knowing looks.

She calmed herself down and when A.J spoke again she came back to her senses, aware he still honoured them with his presence. Straight away she was left in slight confusion, eyebrows furrowing as she watched A.J move to his knee. As if proposing. What on earth was he so eager to ask her?! She was not about to get married. Though, with A.J ot wouldn't be so dissapointing..... Focus!

Her mouth went agape slightly and his words pleading tone made it even more comical.

Say yes Matèo!!", a couple siblings called down from the table. They had immediately noticed the act, as a Hermes kid did, and all the Hermes kids were grinning from ear to ear at the scene, even processing it in their own minds, though none seemed so eager to say no for her so far. "Say I dooooo!!," a sister across from her sang, quoting an ABBA musical they'd been watching too often lately, she was joined by a brother.

She processed the question quickly and her eyes looked everywhere as she though before she brought her hand to her mouth to hold back her now uncontrolable laughs and with vigorous nods she agreed. "
Yes Ajax. I will join your team for Capture The Flag Tommorrow." She stood up, back straight and arms lowering to stay at her side as if saying ode. Acting almost emotional, she finished with an honouring look, as if tears were just beginning to well up. "It would be my utmost pleasure."

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Seymour Anima

Location : Dining Pavilion | With : Elijah
@Peaceswore , Odette @Bubbly Brandi | Mentions : @BeamMeUpScotty , @Faction Before Blood , @ModernRanger , @crucialstar

Seymour sighed once more when Odette pulled on his shirt. He glared down at her, still not realizing what a mess he was. Grease was smudged on his face and the right sleeve of his shirt was completely burnt off. Some kids from the Hephaestus cabin actually thought Seymour might hurt the girl for a moment. Violence? I haven't even started that yet. I was planning on throttling him until his mind turned into a milkshake or he told me what I needed to know. Around the same time Jethro called out to him to let Elijah go too. Seymour thought about mentioning that he wasn't going to kill the boy, just make his life as miserable as possible. Death would have been too good for someone who dared touch his toolbox. Elijah however, managed to convince Seymour to let him go. He didn't know whether he really was scaring the girl but he wanted to avoid that if at all possible. Softly? Not gonna happen. Elijah began falling the some five or so feet back towards the bench since Seymour had just simply let go.

Without any better ideas Seymour walked around and sat on the other side of the table. The bench protested his sitting down once more. The giant grumbled something about his toolbox, glaring at Elijah. He didn't intend to leave the son of Hades' side until he told him where his toolbox was. And if he just happened to fall asleep before telling him. Well. All the better for Seymour. As he sat there Seymour's eyes eventually wandered to the girl Elijah had called Odette. He had to admit she had impressed him. Most if not all kids in the camp were too afraid of Seymour to intervene when he was annoyed. Of course of the people who tried to stop him, even less actually could. Seymour decided it was best to try and lighten the mood and so he spoke to the little girl, still staring intently at her. "You know, you're pretty tall." After he spoke his eyes began wandering around the rest of the pavilion. He noticed AJ on one knee talking to one of the Hermes girls. Seymour noted that Balthazar was still talking to that girl. He guessed that Balthazar had a new family member and was actually happy for him. You would never be able to tell from his face though. The giant mass of muscle was still frowning and worrying about his toolbox.

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"What, that?" Balthazar asked Scanning over his sister's note not actually reading it but taking a pretty accurate guess considering the situation. "That's normal, though its usually me Seymour is pouncing on....not that I don't ask for it. Most days its the only way I can get his attention. but as long as Elijah fesses up he wont die at least. Besides, that little girl seems to have the situation under control. I'd bet 10 pixie sticks she'll have Seymour wrapped around her little finger in less than ten minutes." Balthazar said completely ignoring the fact that Jethro had called over from across the pavilion. Did the team Nazi really think that Balthazar was so incapable of making sure his sister got settled properly that he needed instructions and a pep talk about it? Balthazar knew he could be derpy at times but he was fully capable of taking care of his own... most days.

"Considering my luck lately and the fact that I don't even have that many pixie sticks, I'll probably lose that bet... but still, this is the closest thing the camp has to cable tv... well that's not true the Hermes cabin is very resourceful." he told his sister looking over to the over crowded table that was reserved for the Hermes kids in time to see AJ propose a team alliance for tomorrow proposal style and could feel the anger rising up inside him. Not waiting to hear (not that he could hear over the noise anyway) what the Hermes kids answer to AJ's flirtatious offer was he turned to his sister and said "we need to find you a weapon for tomorrow's game" and then, without waiting for her response, was on his feet, abandoning what was left of his food and headed for the Hades table. He plopped himself down, sitting backwards, between the two boys with his arms outstretched to then both so that his back hit the table hard when he did so but without so much as a wince he started talking "What say you to an alliance between our three cabins for the game tomorrow?" he asked them. To be honest though the only person he really wanted to be on a team with was Seymour but since he was at the Hades table he thought he might as well knock out two birds with one stone. He could team up with who he wanted and have the chance to get under AJ's skin. "I have a sister now, by the way, so it wont be just me from my cabin." he said with a wave to his sister beckoning her over. as soon as Ariella made her way over he introduced her "Ariella this is Seymour, Elijah annnd... um Little girl... guys... and Little Girl, this is my sister Ariella" he pointed at each person in turn as he introduced them pausing for a moment to realize he hadn't actually seen the smaller girl around before and turned to Elijah getting unnecessarily close to whisper "Sister? or Fangirl?" in his ear, on the off chance that AJ was watching.

@crucialstar @Lurker @Bubbly Brandi



Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; Too tall With; Elijah @Peaceswore Seymour @Lurker Jethro @ModernRanger Balthazar @Faction Before Blood Ariella @crucialstar Mentions; @Anyone else


Odette was glad that Jethro came over, because people seemed to listen to him, and she wasn't so sure that she could fix the situation on her own. Wait...Did Elijah call them friends? Was this how grown-ups made friends? The girl jumped slightly when Muscle Man, Seymour is what Jethro called him, dropped Elijah and she relaxed quite a bit. This she could handle, trying to get two people to talk was something that she thought she was good at. Glancing over at him as she let go of Muscle Man-wait no...Seymour's shirt and watched him sit down, she looked down at her hands, noticing the black grease on them now. She stared at them, trying to decide the best way to get rid of the grease without ruining her clothes or anyone elses.

Just as she had thought about maybe running and grabbing napkins Seymour spoke up and she looked over in time to notice that he was looking at her. Odette blinked at this, because she was really not tall. And then before she even considered the words, her hands still held out in front of her to make sure she didn't touch anything, she said,
"I'm not tall. I'm four feet. But you're like...eight feet." She said, realizing that he was still taller than she was and the man was sitting.

Looking up as two new people came over she looked at the two. One was a girl, and the other a guy, he was the one who had spoken up first, talking about an alliance for the game. Oh that's right. She'd been excited about the game tomorrow. Elijah had mentioned it while he was in the air, Capture the Flag he'd said. They had played in during Gym once and she'd liked it a lot. It also relaxed her to know that even bigger kids still liked to play games and stuff. But what she wasn't sure about was the alliance. She was fairly certain that it meant like...teaming up, but didn't they just pick out their teams and stuff? Or did they pick out their teams before hand? Oh right. That last one made the most sense. Odette decided, sighing lightly at her hands again.
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Location: Mess Hall Scenario: But what about... With: @NewCampers Réy @BeamMeUpScotty

Mentions: Balthazar
@Faction Before Blood Elijah @Peaceswore Odette @Bubbly Brandi Seymour @Lurker Jethro @ModernRanger Ariella @crucialstar @Anyone else


Grinning broadly at her response he stood up, "You have honored me so much, my lady." He teased with a small bow to her, glad that she'd agreed. Of course he'd had this entire scene planned out had she not agreed, and honestly was a little bit disappointed that he couldn't show off even more of his 'acting' skills. Ah well. He glanced up to the front entrance, taking note of the kids lined up there and figured he should probably get that tour going now. Then he noticed that they were all looking in one direction.

Looking over that way he noticed Seymour holding Elijah in the air, clearly angry about something. But this wasn't an unusual sight to see around camp. What was a little odd was the little blonde girl tugging at Seymour shirt, trying to get him to let go, and Seymour considering it. Course then Jethro intervened and finally Elijah's feet were on solid ground once more. AJ was just about to say his good-byes to Réy and head over to see if he could help further fix the tension when he noticed Balthazar walking over and, out of respect, he decided to stay put. Watching the scene intently he saw Seymour sit down and then Balthazar show up, along with a very pretty girl he didn't know, assuming she was a new camper then. She'd been following Balthazar though so maybe...she was his sister? If so that made him happy.

Balthazar always seemed so alone nowadays, of course he was partly to blame for that. Then the younger teen leaned in close to Elijah, and AJ shifted slightly. Not sure how to feel about that. It wasn't as though AJ had any sort of claim to Elijah, it wasn't like that, he just...liked Elijah. Legitimately, and a lot. So noticing that his ex was being a little more than friendly was well...upsetting wasn't the word he wanted to use but there was no other word for it. Besides he was sure that Balthazar liked Seymour. He was so intent on watching the scene unfold he barely even realized that he was technically still with Réy and the other Hermes kids.

Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah let out a small grunt when he was dropped, however he still landed on his feet so he suffered no injury, which would have been a shame seeing as capture the flag was going to happen the next day. Adjusting his shirt and jacket Elijah let out a sigh as Seymour sat at the Hades table. Before he could say anything however, Balthazar and another girl arrived at his table making him blink a bit. '...Um.... This is, new.' He thought as he sat down a bit confused at the sudden arrival of people. He's more used to a person running to him calling him names for a prank he pulled or something he hid... But people coming here willingly, even if it's only two it's still odd to him.

Elijah let out a small sigh when he was asked to join Balthazar team. "Meh.... Maybe." He said with a shrug not sure who he would join. He wanted to join Hermes team as they always knew how to have fun... And it was known to a lot of campers, that getting the flag was second, pranking as many people as possible was first in Elijah's books. As people continued to talk he rested his head on his hand while placing his elbow on the table. 'I really should tell them to shoo...' He thought before a shiver went up his spine as Balthazar entered his personal space to whisper into his ear. At this Elijah moved away quickly and placed a hand over his ear as he looked at Balthazar rather confused if anything. "You didn't have to whisper that." He muttered as he let his hand fall into his pocket. "And from what she told me... Sister." He said with a small snicker as he shook his head. "I could be wrong, buuuut I doubt that."

@Lurker @Bubbly Brandi @Faction Before Blood

Daughter of Apollo

Location: Pavilion//Scenario:Not much really//With: N/A//Mentions: @anyone

It wasn't long until Callie had finished her meal. Truthfully she had been so caught up in her thoughts that she couldn't even say what she eaten or how it tasted. It wasn't often that this happened to her as she wasn't a particularly dreamy person, nor did she like to dwell on her own thoughts for too long because they tended to get depressing, especially when she was alone in the dark.

Snapping out of her daze, the mess hall seemed to come back into focus and she noticed that nearly all of the campers were discussing teams for Capture the Flag. Capture the Flag? She couldn't believe she had nearly forgotten about the traditional game she had participated in for the last seven years of her life! She was seriously out of touch...

Callie did not particularly mind which team she was on, and debated whether or not she should even discuss it. She would usually end up on whichever side Athena cabin were on, because who doesn't want the goddess of battle strategy on their side? Instead of dwelling on the imminent game, she decided to just let whatever would happen, happen. Standing up, she set her quiver of arrows on her back, said farewell to her brothers and sisters and decided to see if she could be of some use to anyone. Helping others was her favourite thing to do after all, as 'Girl Scout' as it sounded.




Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Pavilion | Scenario: Games? New people? | With: Her brother @ShurikenPhoenix

Waiting for an answer from her brother, her eyes scanned the pavilion, seeing if she could spot any elders such as Tumnus and the person he was supposedly suppose to go and see and Chiron, remembering Jethro had mentioned the person's name she had yet to meet. Ariella remembered there was another person, however, she didn't quite remember exactly the person's name, so hopefully she didn't pass up an important person and they'll regard her as impolite or rude for not saying "hi". But, there was a person who did catch her attention, as her eyes looked over to another gorgeous woman, with sunkissed, golden hair walking out of the pavilion.
Was she an old member? Perhaps a leader too? Ariella thought before her brother's voice echoed in her eyes. Moving her attention away from girl she had looked at, Arielle tilted her head as her brother began explaining what was going on. She blinked, "That's normal? And you normally get pounced on too?" Ariella ended writing down on the piece of paper, following along to her brother's explanation, though she seemed more shocked and confused than anything. Even though he was explaining to her what happened, Ariella sometimes had a habit of signing what she wanted to say instead of writing, since well, she loves responding to other people. It makes her feel able to give her own opinions and to communicate with them. She wouldn't want just them talking and causing them to feel uncomfortable. At least, with her writing or signing, she's letting them know that she can hear them perfectly well. "Get his attention?" She wrote, "Seymour? The Hulk? Do you think he makes a nice teddy bear?" She added, smiling at how she's comparing Seymour to a green, bulky, man, though Seymour wasn't green, still, maybe it would be a good color on him? Ariella also added the "teddy bear" part feeling quite curious, when she felt as if she sensed a little jealous? Or bitterness from her brother that was directed towards Seymour? Why her brother felt . . bitter, she didn't know, but she was curious enough to want to find out the reason. Looking back over at the scene, Ariella admired the young girl's ability to stand up to the Hulk. Tilting her head, she smiled softly, complimenting the young girl on her bravery. But, Ariella's eyes lit up to the sound of pixie sticks as she grinned, not wondering why her brother would even have any on him, maybe he loved candy, perhaps, "You're on!" She signed, extending her pinky finger towards him, "Promise me?" Ariella wrote and made gestures for him to wrap his pinky around hers as an oath. Surprisingly she's a person who's very fond of keeping promises and secrets, as long as it's not harmful. She hoped her brother was one to keep promises unlike. . her. . Dhaking her head, she didn't want to think of him. But, continued listening o her brother, animatedly responding to her brother with a lot of facial expressions. "I think you're luck is turning today, since well . . you have me now!" She wrote, expressing a proud and cheerful smile on your face, "I always wanted a sibling. . and then I stumbled upon here and met you. . " she grinned, hoping he didn't mind having a sister 'cause she sure as hell was estatic. Speaking of which. . who was older?

However, her ears perked at the sound of Jethro's voice resonating through the pavilion as he told Seymour to put Elijah down.
Oh, so that's the boy's name. And he's the son of Hades? Another one of the Big Threes? What had he done to make him angry? Blinking, Ariella still couldn't believe she was surrounded by the children of the Gods and Goddesses, who would have thought? However, Ariella listened, being quite at ease now, seeing and hearing that it was nothing new from her brother and Jethro, but still, it did make her worry that one day things may get out of hand. But, before she knew it, her brother said something about finding a weapon for tomorrow's game. She blinked, "What game?" Ariella signed, before her brother got up, without a moment's notice. Looking to where he was headed, Ariella took the apple off of her plate and took a bit of it slowly. A weapon? Surely her brother didn't expect her to be able to wield a weapon without actually injuring herself too . . right? She bit her lip, still chewing on the apple until she raised her head when her brother waved her to come over to the table where Seymour, Elijah, and the young girl sat. Taking her apple, a pen, and some more paper, Ariella made her way over slowly, thinking to herself as she willed her body to not contort in any way. Sighing in relief, she made it safely towards the Hades' table and smiled cheerfully as her brother introduced herself as his sister and to the rest of his friends, it seemed. However, she couldn't help but notice how many people towered over her small frame of five feet even. But, nevertheless, she was overjoyed in hearing him say 'sister", she felt accepted and she couldn't' be more than pleased. Ariella waved and looked in their direction each time her brother introduced the guys and the girl. Taking out a pen and her paper, Ariella began writing, "It's nice to meet you, Seymour, Elijah, and beautiful, as my brother said. I'm Ariella, I'm quite new around here." she managed to gracefully put on the piece of paper as she held it up to the three strangers in front of her. She hoped they didn't mind that she couldn't talk. Ariella didn't want to refer the young girl as "little" girl, instead, if she remembered correctly, whenever she met her mother's friends for the first time, they always referred to her as "beautiful" and honestly, that made her happy. Ariella was glad that Seymour had managed to place Elijah down without harming him as she sighed in relief. However, she couldn't help but feel someone staring over at the table as she looked around, looking for the person behind that gaze. Soon, she was greeted by an older male, maybe someone around Jethro or the Hulk's age, however, his eyes seemed to be too focused that he didn't notice Ariella staring at him until she looked to where he was making eye contact towards: Elijah and her brother. Raising a slight brow, Ariella blinked, wondering what was going on between the three of them. Nevertheless, she decided she wouldn't poke into someone else's business and decided to walk over to the side where the Hulk and the young lady sat, smiling at them, "Is it alright if I sit here?" She wrote to the young girl as she placed herself on the other side of her but across from her brother and Elijah. Blinking, Ariella just realized, her brother new her name but she didn't know is, writing quickly, Ariella wrote on her paper, "Hi, what's your name?" She had asked the young girl first before writing towards her brother, "Brother, you know my name. . but what's yours?" Frowning slightly that she didn't think of asking her brother for his name the first time they met. She hit her forehead slightly. As she bit another piece of her apple, Ariella knew she was shooting questions one after another, but she couldn't help it , she was beyond curious and plus. . it was a while since she was surrounded by a lot of people. "What's this 'game' you guys keep talking about?" She tilted her head.

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Seymour Anima

Location : Dining Pavilion | With : Ariella
@crucialstar , Balthazar @Faction Before Blood , Odette @Bubbly Brandi , Elijah @Peaceswore

Much to others, and his own surprise, Seymour grinned at the girl. It was a rare thing indeed whenever Seymour was not wearing his patented scowl. He bit his lip as hard as he could, the grin vanishing just as quickly as it had come. Some campers from other tables had definitely seen it however and were now whispering about it. Seymour was already taking a liking to this girl though he didn't want to make it too obvious. He continued joking with her. "8 feet? Close. I'm actually 8'5." The joking mood vanished when Balthazar sat himself down beside Seymour however.

Seymour cursed silently when Balthazar brought up the game of capture the flag. The game had never really appealed to the big guy. Though he didn't enjoy it he was one of the better flag guards at camp. Seymour only nodded his acceptance to Balthazar and became lost in thought when Elijah didn't confirm what team he would be on. On the one hand...If he's on the other team I can burn him to a crisp and claim it was an accident. That'll teach the little punk to take my stuff. On the other hand... Seymour glanced at Odette out of the corner of his eye. Older kids get some sick enjoyment out of picking on the younger ones. Elijah will be too busy pulling stupid pranks to keep watch over his sister. I guess that settles it then. Instead of guarding the flag this game I will guard her. I -dare- someone to try and hurt her. Even with that thought Seymour was now placed in a unique situation. He had to convince Elijah somehow to join their team. Seymour was not the biggest people person so this posed a much bigger problem than it should.

The giant was snapped out of his thoughts when Balthazar introduced his sister. Seymour's first thought was again a surprise, he noticed how...Not ugly she looked. He blinked hard to clear his thoughts and tilted his head some when he noticed her writing something. Seymour had never been very book smart, go figure, and suffered from more severe dyslexia than most campers. Even if he wanted to read what she was writing he was unable to. He squinted at the paper for a few more brief moments before giving up. It suddenly dawned on Seymour what he had to do to have a chance to convince Elijah to join their team. He groaned inwardly and turned to the son of Hades.

"If you join our team I'll..." The words caught in his throat as if they had a mind of their own. The muscle head was fighting an internal battle between his fondness for the little girl and his common sense. He spat the last words out as if they caused pain to him, which in a sense they did. "I'll forgive you for touching my things." He clenched his fists to keep from breaking the table. If any kid from the Hephaestus cabin knew what he was saying their entire world would be thrown for a loop. Seymour? Forgiving someone for touching his stuff? Last time I did that he nearly threw me into the forge! The blacksmith thought to add some last words, still avoiding looking at Elijah. "Just this once. And you have to tell me where you put them."




Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; Yay teammates! With; Elijah @Peaceswore Seymour @Lurker Jethro @ModernRanger Balthazar @Faction Before Blood Ariella @crucialstar Mentions; @Anyone else


The blonde had sat back down still considering her hands still until Seymour spoke up next to her, saying how tall he was with a little smile and Odette grinned up at him happily, glad that he seemed to be having at least a little fun. That was until they brought up the game of Capture the Flag and he seemed to get a little upset about that. She wondered why though, because didn't everyone like games? Everyone else seemed excited about the game, so she wondered idly why Seymour wasn't as happy. Then the girl, Arielle as the other guy had called her, and she furrowed her brow slightly at why she was writing things.

Then it dawned on her. She'd only ever seen one other person write everything down instead of speaking before. Her brown eyes lit up and she hesitated for half a second before tapping gently on her shoulder and signing out to the best of her ability,
My name is Odette. It's nice to meet you Arielle. This is Mr. Seymour, but you know that already. She giggled softly at herself before smiling happily and continuing on, The school I went to got a new girl and she was deaf so no one wanted to talk to her, so I tried to learn sign language so we could be friends. She bit the inside of her lip slightly and leaned her head a bit so that she could read the paper directed to Nice Guy. I got told by Elijah that we're gonna play Capture the Flag tomorrow and we have to pick teams. She explained quickly.

Odette looked over to her other side as Seymour spoke up, looking like he was really struggling with his words. Finally he got it all out and she noticed his hands, and without thinking she reached over and tugged gently at his remaining shirt sleeve, seeing as that had seemed to calm him down somewhat last time. Looking to Elijah she spoke with a bright smile,
"Can we be on Mr. Seymour's team? He's eight and a half feet tall, and probably really strong. So he can watch the flag right?"


Zahra O. Renner

Daughter of Zeus

Location- Outside Camp The Big House Scenario- I don't know yet... With- Callie @ShurikenPhoenix Mentions- Jethro @ModernRanger

Really this shouldn't be such a debate and Zahra knew this. She knew it shouldn't be so hard to suck it up and take the advice her father gave her. Groaning heavily as she nervously tugged at the bottom of her long ponytail, drawn over her right shoulder. She was wearing very nondescript clothing as she really couldn't risk anything else what with the life she led now. Simple grey t-shirt and jean shorts with sneakers. Sighing heavily she noticed how her hair fell back into her face and she re-did her ponytail, taking as long as she could possibly manage. Delaying the inevitable. She had to come here. There was no more such thing as running from her demons. Here she could learn how to fight them, would learn. Then maybe people wouldn't get hurt anymore around her, and things would be for the best.

After a long while Zahra finally pulled herself together and got out of the old truck she'd stolen to get here. Snagging her only duffle bag and slinging it over one shoulder as she shut the car door and started walking down the street, so that her car wasn't tracked to the Camp. Now she wasn't sure exactly where the Camp was, it wasn't as though her father had drawn out a map for her, so she was simply following her instincts around until they got her somewhere. She chewed on her lower lip as she walked, enjoying the walk, while at the same time it was driving her nuts. Being alone with her thoughts was completely awful.

Finally she turned and it wasn't long until she came up to a clearing, looking at all the buildings and the people and she stood there for a moment before walking in, looking around for whatever looked like the main building. Finally she settled with walking up to the first person she saw,
"Um, hi. Excuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find...." She glanced down at her hand, where she'd written down the name before she forgot, "Jethro Hudson. I need to speak to him." The younger kid looked confused for some reason and pointed towards a building, "Probably in the Pavilion." Zahra smiled thankfully and walked off towards the building.

Coming up to it a blonde girl passed her, with a quiver of arrows strung across her back, and Zahra followed the girl with her eyes briefly before looking back into the building and taking everything in. Specifically looking for who was supposed to be her brother. She was sure she'd recognize him, considering their father told her to talk to him. Then she saw him, in the middle of a group of people and she took a step forward before stopping. Talking to him would effectively change her life forever. There wouldn't be anymore backing out or trying to run from her problems and she turned around, raising her fist to her mouth, biting at her knuckle nervously. She couldn't do this. Not now, not yet, she needed a minute.

Walking away from the building she spotted the blonde again and caught up with her, running up next to her and stopping in front of her, though now she wasn't sure why she had chosen this girl specifically. So she stood there for a moment, before finally smiling and saying,
"Hey sorry if I'm bugging you, it's just...I saw the quiver on your back and was wondering if maybe...I don't know...You could teach me? I've never actually shot an arrow before so I mean.." It was probably lame, but it was as good an excuse as any.

Daughter of Apollo

Location: On the way to cabins//Scenario: Impromptu Archery lesson//With: Zahra @Sleepy Muffin //Mentions:

Just as Callie had left the Apollo table, still deciding what to do with herself, it seemed her idea of simply being helpful to someone was about to be fulfilled. A brunette, around her own age, whom she was certain she had never seen before greeted her, looking a little conflicted. Well no, she didn't look conflicted, it was more of an aura she got from the girl.

Callie almost immediately stopped in her tracks to listen to what the girl had to say. She wanted to learn archery. Her eye line was on her quiver of arrows, which Callie had almost forgotten she was wearing. Perhaps this girl was a new sibling? New siblings were never in short supply when it came to her father, and they were usually the ones most likely to want to learn archery. "Oh, it's no trouble at all! I'm actually the resident archery instructor her. At least when Chiron isn't around" she offered a warm, very Callie-ish smile and began making her way to her cabin to get a bow for her. "Are you new to camp? I don't think I've seen you around before. I'm Callie by the way."



Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah looked at Seymour in complete silence as he watched him struggle to make a deal with him. "...... Huh?" He asked slightly confused as he was honestly surprised (just like anyone else would be) that the great Seymour was going to forgive him. He was about to say something but before he could Odette spoke saying she wanted to be on Seymour's side. At this Elijah was silent once more his eyes looking over at the Hermes table. 'But... I wanted Hermes to be on my side....' He thought as he looked at Rey, though when he saw AJ there he quickly turned his head to the other end of the Hermes table.

Usually Elijah had sided with the Hermes cabin as they were fun and crafty while the other cabins (in his opinion) were some what stick in the muds. Not all of them mind you, Apllo cabin was fun as well as they two were known to prank others. After looking at the Hermes cabin a bit he looked back at Seymour and Odette. 'At the same time.... Seymour, of all the people in the camp... Seymour is willing to forgive me. Hmmm I wonder how much he wants the Hades cabin~ Kinda odd that I have a sibling.' After a small bit a smirk went on his face as he looked up at Seymour. "Interesting offer~... However, you know that I want to pair up with Hermes. Now I have been known to go on a different side, but sad to say your forgiveness isn't enough." He said as he stood up a smirk on his face as he looked at the giant. "So... If you really want the Hades cabin.... Then two things. One, you have to find your toolbox by using riddles~ And two you have to make me a new weapon before capture the flag. One of celestial bronze of course... It can't be fualty either, has to work long after capture the flag." He said with a grin.

He knew Seymour was pretty much the best blacksmith this camp had to offer, and he knew he would never build anything for him, not after the few pranks he had pulled on him. So he saw this was the perfect time to ask. Of course he was serious, if Seymour didn't do these two rather simple things (once again in his opinion) then he would simply convince Oddete to teaming up with another team.

@Lurker @Bubbly Brandi @Faction Before Blood

Mention: @BeamMeUpScotty @munchkincora
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Balthazar turned when his sister pushed her notebook to him and read through her questions she had jotted down while he had been talking and it took him a few minutes to get the words straight in his head, they really need to find another way of communicating... He started to answer her questions point by point "Yes, Big Guy here pounds on me but, like I said before, I was asking for it. I pick on him and then he retaliates" He told her, mentally checking off her first question and then moved on to the second question, trying to suppress a chuckle as he answered that one "Considering the present company and I don't think I don't answer that one now. And then the game is called capture the flag we separate into two teams according to cabin and to be honest it can get kind of brutal. That's why I'm going to help you find a weapon that you can handle so you have a chance of defending yourself." He told her anwering her second to last point, unaware that Odette, whose name he still didn't know, was signing to his sister an explanation of what the game was. He purposely overlooked the things she wrote about wanting a sibling because he was still a little disgruntled after finding out his mother had a three-month-old little girl and he had known nothing about her pregnancy then to top it all off they (his mother and her new husband) had given the kid his old room. He shouldn't have been surprised though, he wasn't even invited to her wedding. The only reason he even knew his mother had married was because he had happened to show up the day before by dumb luck. The only person he had ever told that though was AJ because they had been dating at the time so it wasn't exactly common knowledge. Finally he reached his sisters last question "Oh..." He said slightly surprised " Balthazar, my name is Balthazar. But I've been called Bolt, Balthy, Stiles, Stlinski, Fish Boy-" here he cut his eyes in Seymour's direction "small fry, shrimp, hey you... You can call me practically anything except for late to dinner and i'll answer to it." he said with a grin.

Shortly after he had answered all his sisters questions he was turned toward Seymour, his mouth open in aw as the giant offered to forgive the trouble Elijah caused by hiding the other's things, but quickly frowned when Elijah came back with conditions. He leaned in close to Elijah and spoke in a mock sweet voice, in his eyes only he, himself, was allowed to make demands of Seymour. "Yeah no, that's not how this is going to work. You see the Hermes cabin just teamed up with the Aphrodite cabin, and you know who's in the Aphrodite cabin? AJ. I've seen your face when he flirts with you, he makes you uncomfortable as hell. If your team up with the Hermes cabin you're going to have to deal with him too. I know AJ. You've been here long enough to know that I know AJ. He will follow you around like a lost dog, flirting with you and hitting on you, you will be too distracted to summon any of your ghoulfriends and you won't be able to play any pranks. I know that's why you want to be with the Hermes kids. You'll be spending the entire game fighting AJ off or trying to lose him. Join our team and you'll have the chance to prank the pranksters, you'll have the chance to prank AJ-hell I'll pay you to prank AJ. And Seymour will make you your weapon but there will be no riddles. You will put Seymour's workplace that the way you found it or I will hand you over to AJ personally, bound and tied even if i have to drown your cute little ass to do it." He gave Elijah a second to let this sink in. Anyone that has been at camp long enough to hee Balthazar fight knew he couldn't do much when it came to doing anything on dry land. In the water though, he almost had a chance of winning a fight against Seymour... Almost. at the very least he could get a few good hits in against the big guy. eventually he said to Elijah, "Do we have a deal?"

@Lurker @Peaceswore @crucialstar @Bubbly Brandi



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Cassie Hugh

Location: Eating/Leaving the Dining Pavilion | Scenario: Where's my dream team? | With: No one

Cassie looked down at her empty plate of food, lost in thought. She'd zoned out at some point and was now vaguely aware of her fellow camp mates arranging teams for Capture the Flag. She'd almost forgotten about the upcoming game, and suddenly began looking around for Callie. Cassie found the daughter of Apollo just in time to see her making her way toward the archery range with another girl. I'll just talk to her later. But first—plans. I've got to get to work. Getting up, Cassie walked over to the cabin area. In no time, she was seated at her desk, pencil in hand, drawing out a battle diagram on a scrap of paper.



Zahra O. Renner

Daughter of Zeus

Location- On the way to the Cabins Scenario- Get over yourself, Zahra With- Callie @ShurikenPhoenix Mentions- ...

This girl was sweet. Honestly, Zahra didn't think she deserved to be with someone so kind. It wasn't as though Zahra wasn't, she just wasn't the most honest person and she knew that. Old habits die hard. She smiled lightly in response, walking at the shorter girls, Callie as she found out, side. Callie was nice, the name suited her well, she decided before realizing she'd have to introduce herself. This was a dilemma for her, as she'd introduced herself as so many various things over the years that she had simply fallen into the habit of it, "I'm uh...Zahra." She spoke finally, coughing gently in a tiny attempt to cover up her voice breaking slightly. Callie didn't need to know her issues yet. "And yeah I'm new here. It's not like I'm totally blind when it comes to all this...Greek God and Goddess stuff you know? I mean my mom raised me on all of this so..." She explained, with a soft laugh.

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