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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]


Bolt tilted his head slightly bemused by Kimba's words and muttered to his sister after fixing his now skewed shirt from her tugging. "True, Caesar didn't care if he was liked... He also had a silver spoon so far up his ass that his friends repeatedly stabbed him... To death. And Ghandi was a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis... Neither one of them seem up Jethro's alley. Maybe not the heroes I would have chose.." He said with a smirk whilst tapping his nose. Anywho... "Come on, I'll show you our cabin."

The Poseidon cabin wasnt far at all from the Zeus cabin, just a few dozen feet. The inside was mostly unremarkable with the exception of one corner where Bolt had set up camp. Books on marine biology and Poseidon and horses and cyclops lined the floor in piles pushed up against the walls, all of them in Greek. On one wall he had made a string and nail mural (pic in spoiler) that he had made years ago during a rough patch where he had refused to come out of his cabin for weeks. Pictures scattered around, some in frames some not, mostly of himself over the course of his ten years here, but there was a few of the friends he'd made and more recently of him and Aj-one in particular where they were kissing. Over all the corner looked well lived in while the rest of the place was obviously unoccupied. "Home sweet home" the boy said as soon as they had entered the place and flung himself down on his bed reaching underneath for the large shoebox- a boot box really- that he kept his stash of candy in, it was surprisingly organized. He offered his sister a Dum-dum lollipop-his last.

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Seymour Anima

Seymour simply shrugged when Elijah mentioned the new record, wordlessly trudging to the infirmary. Once he reached the building he very carefully set Elijah down. Unfortunately for Elijah, very carefully for Seymour means just letting the son of Hades slide off his shoulder. The healers in the infirmary gasped and rushed to Elijah's care, asking Seymour questions like "What happened?" and "Who did this?". Seymour answered none of them however, and just started walking towards the forge. His mind got into that one track focus where all he could think about was the weapons he needed to make.

Once at the forge, Seymour grunted some orders at the people that were there. A few of the kids from Hephaestus cabin had finished eating and come to the forge to finish up something or start new projects for the summer. He told them to help him find his tools and they all agreed. No one wanted to be the one to say no and wake up in a box that would take five people to open again. Thankfully, they were able to find all of Seymour's tools. He began working without even saying thanks, to the annoyance of some. Seymour's hammer soon began echoing around the whole camp, to the annoyance of even more people. The noise he made while forging was the reason he was now banned from the forge after 9. One night Seymour couldn't sleep so he decided to make something and woke up nearly all of the camp.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: Outside the cabins//Scenario: Trying to be a voice of reason//With: Jethro @ModernRanger//Mentions:

Once they were away from everyone else (who Callie thought all had incredibly valid points for Jethro to listen to), she did not change her expression though she did change her tone of voice slightly. She was not used to being harsh with people, and although she knew her father could be ruthless when he really wanted to, she preferred not to take on that particular characteristic.

"Jethro, I'm going to be blunt with you: The absolute only way you can fail at being a leader is by giving up or never trying in the first place. Otherwise there is no such thing as failure, only an unwanted outcome. Also you need to stop letting people get to you. They provoke you on purpose and you responding, well it's just plain stupid okay?" Even after finishing her monologue she found herself cringing at how harsh she was being, but at least she knew what she had to say was credible.

Pausing for a mment, she sighed, her expression softening, her posture relaxing and her eyes sincerely fixed on his.
"Besides, if you leave camp...I'll miss you..." she said, "you're kind of a downer, but you're still my friend." she then diverted her gaze as she stepped away from him, "I won't force you to stay. I'm going to get capture the flag started..." she turned to leave, hovering for a moment in the hope he would stop her from going anywhere.



@ShurikenPhoenix //Mentions:[/color][/size][/font]

"No, I will not lead. Not anytime soon anyways. For now, I'll stay at Camp and participate in Capture the Flag. That is it, nothing more." Jethro replied after a slight hesitation.


Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

"Okay big guy ever so gently put me down." Elijah said to Seymour before he was out right plopped onto the ground. He let out a groan at this and nodded. "Yeah, thanks for the lift you should give me more rides like that buddy." he said with a small laugh as he looked at his shoulder that was still bleeding. "....Why isn't it clotting?" He mumbled his eyes getting heavy. Just as Seymour left the nurse started to treat Elijah's wounds. Being slightly stubborn he didn't close his eyes for the time as he was kinda worried someone would try something while he was out. "......You know if I ignore the pain, blood, ruined clothing... Today was a nice day." He said with a light chuckle before groaning. "I don't think I have ever bleed before, sure bruised and such, but doesn't blood clot after a while?" He asked as he looked at the blurry image of the nurse before he was fed some ambrosia to help with his wounds.

"Normally it does, but you aren't clotting in the least." the nurse responded making Elijah look at her funny. "Why not? Was I poisoned or something? I wouldn't put it past the Hermes house to do that after my last prank." He said his eyes now starting to close. "No, you may have a blood condition called Hemophilia. It could be that or something else." "Oh....It's been given a medical name, that doesn't sound good." He mumbled softly. "I will explain more later. For now you should rest, it will help in your recovery." "Yeah... Wake me before the capture the flag.. I'm not letting this stop me from participating." After these quiet words left him he passed out.

Kimba rolled her eyes. "I was making a point." She mutters, walking out of the cabin. "Not like anyone here understands that. It's all about being liked. Well, no one likes me. No one even fucking knows I exist." Kimba isn't talking to anyone at this point, rather mumbling to herself. "Daughter of the fucking hearth. Supposed to represent peace. I'd rather be daughter of something useful. But no, I get Hestia. Fuck this." Kimba wasn't used to rage, but Jethro practically ignoring her pissed her off. "Fucking bastard. Doesn't know he has the silver spoon right up his rectum. I have to train. He gets lightning powers. He can go to Hades for all I care." Kimba wandered into the woods, her arms crossed over her chest. "I hope he leaves. Then someone competent can take over. This popularity bullcrap is getting old."


Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: Zeus' Cabin > Poseidon's Cabin (Home)

Scenario: "Wait, Kimba / / It's beautiful here!" | With: Balthazar @ShurikenPhoenix

, Kimba
@Quiet Is Violent , Seymour @Lurker, and Aj @munchkincora

Hearing Kimba's voice, Ariella turned her head over at the younger girl, tilting her head slightly. Listening to her words, Ariella expressed thoughtfulness as she listened to Kimba's side and how she thought of the situation. Ariella was thoroughly surprised by her conviction, not really expecting her to speak about other Leaders from the past, especially Ghandi and Ceasar. The two were entirely different from one another, but nevertheless, did what they thought was right and did what they had to do. They had their believers and followers, but also their enemies. However, assessing Jethro's reason for stepping to the side, there must have been a bigger reason as to why Jethro wanted to throw in the towel. Perhaps it was the pressure building up and the others not appreciating or realizing everything he'd done for them. They would never understand him as he would never understand them. It was as if there was a wall between the other campers and him. Did the others really mean that? Or was it because of anger? What can they do to help bring them all together again? Wasn't there still that game. . . catch the flag? Perhaps, they all needed more than just training, but. . bonding moments as well. Biting her lips, Ariella had never been in a position where she would need to cheer someone up or convince them to do something that she thought was right. It was a tough decision, however. But, as Jethro got up from his chair, he completely disregarded Kimba's words , much less, didn't seem thoroughly amused by her brother.

Nevertheless, when Jethro walked out, Ariella eyed him, watching his expression as she was left with watching him leave to talk to the girl she had seen in the pavilion and currently now. As the two of them left for some privacy, Ariella looked up at her brother, listening to his thoughts that the heroes Kimba had chosen weren't the right ones since. . well . . their death was horrible. However, it seemed that Kimba wasn't having any of it as well, as she seemed rather off-putting, annoyed, and angry, even. But, before Ariella could step up to reach the girl, Kimba already managed to walk out of the cabin. Not being able to speak was definitely tough, especially since she didn't know the girl well enough to try to get her attention. Soon, her brother mentioned showing her the cabin she'd be staying in. Looking at her brother enthusiastically, Ariella nodded her head quickly, tapping on his arms, as her feet bounced on the floor.
"Let's go!" She mouthed, a wide grin appearing on her face as she wondered what their cabin looked like.

Forgetting about the drawing she had left on Jethro's table, Ariella walked next to her brother, skipping around next to him, as she contemplating on being careful as she walked. But, somehow, she managed to win the battle against the ground, seeing that she actually didn't fall. Perhaps it was because of her brother's presence that she felt safe, even if she didn't know much about him, just yet. As they made it towards Poseidon's cabin, Ariella looked around, keeping the structure to memory just in case she got lost. As the bells on her wrist chimed with each step she took, Ariella eyed the inside, her mouth gaping widely as she hadn't imagined the cabin would be ask big as she imagined. Seeing that one side was unoccupied, Ariella smiled softly, knowing that would be her side of the room and well "home". But, glancing around she noticed Bathly's side of the room that was stacked with Marine Biology, Greek Myth on Poseidon, Horses, and Cyclops. Smiling softly, Ariella walked over towards the collection as she scanned the books, feeling the urge to want to read through them one day. Lifting one of the books up, Ariella looked towards Bathly, pointing at it as she mouth,
"Borrow?" keeping her questions shortened since well . . mouthing more than one or two words can be confusing. Looking through the pages once more, she saw the Greek letters come to life in front of her as her lips curved up into another smile as she was glad to be able to fluently read Greek. Perhaps. . . if Bathly reads all of these words, maybe she'd write in Greek now? Soon, Ariella walked around, looking around as she stumbled upon picture frames and scattered pictures. Seeing the smiling faces and fun times her brother had made her heart swarm with warmth, especially, knowing he wasn't alone and had friends. However, she stopped at one particular picture, lifting up as she inspected the person her brother was kissing. Blinking in surprise, Ariella connected the dots. It was Aj and him kissing, could they have been . . lovers? Are they still? Turning to her brother, she raised the frame and mouthed, "Love?" She asked, feeling curious before putting the frame down as her eyes caught a string and nail mural. Gasping inaudibaly, Ariella tippy-toed, reaching over slightly to touch the frame gently as she was in awe of it. Could her brother have done it? He was truly skilled, if so.

Skipping towards her brother as she heard his voice, Ariella went over towards him, plopping herself on the empty space of her brother's bed, taking the candy,
"Thank you!" She mouthed, gently taking the dum-dum as she eyed her brother's candy box. He surely likes candy, is that how he gets energy? Tilting her head, Ariella took out another note pad and this time, wrote in Greek, "???? ?????? ?????? (How old are you?)" Ariella asked him curiously as she opened the candy wrapper, and began gnawing on it. Unconsciously, with her free hand, she twiddled around the pendant her Father had kept and saved for her. "???? ????? ?? ???????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? . ????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ??? ?? ????? ?? ????????????; ????? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ASL , ?? ?????? ; (When is your birthday? It looks like you've been here for a while. Do you refer pictures than words to communicate? I can help you with ASL , if you'd like?). Ariella continued writing as she stopped her fiddling with her pendant and looked over to her brother, smiling at him. However, remembering the game of Catch the Flag, she almost forgotten that Seymour had volunteered to make her a weapon, should they go and see him? Writing once more, Ariella wrote to her brother quickly asking, "?? ?????? ?? ???????????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ?????????? ; ?? ???? ??? ??? ???????? Seymour ; ??? ????? ???????? ??? ???? . ?? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??????????? ??? ????? ? ?????? ???? ; (Should we get ready for the game tomorrow? How about visiting Seymour? He is helping me by making a weapon. Should we go to make sure it's the perfect fit?)
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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Pavillion//Scenario: Capture the Flag//With: Formerly: Jethro @ModernRanger Currently: Brooke @ShadyAce//Mentions:

Though Jethro's response was far from what she had wanted it to be and his pessimism was definitely beginning to really grate on her, the fact that he had agreed to stay for capture the flag cheered her up considerably and she couldn't help the smile that now graced her features. "Great!" she exclaimed, "I mean, not great that you won't lead anymore, obviously, but I'm glad you'll join the game." With that she gave him a brief hug, not caring if he was caught off guard or not. As she hugged him she added, "You better join blue team Mr Grumpy!" with that, she let go of him and headed off to find campers to recruit to her team, finding her friend Brooke hanging around the pavilion.

Tapping her lightly on the shoulder she greeted her,
"Hey Brooke, want to join blue team for capture the flag? We could always use a child of Demeter." She spoke cheerfully, but anyone who really knew her could tell she was upset. Callie couldn't stand knowing any of her friends were upset about anything. Whenever others were unhappy, it tended to rub off on the girl because she cared too much.







Location; Outside the Pavilion // Scenario; Capture the Fl- What's up? // With; Callie @ShurikenPhoenix // Mentions; -- //


Brooke was... surprised at what just happened in front of her. But, once she thought about it, it really wasn't that strange, considering all the history in this place, so she simply shrugged it off, hoping the medics would do Elijah good, and walked outside, her green eyes scanning the camp, seeing if there was any campers she could talk to or something like that. No one in sight, majority of people were eating, or supporting a side in the recent fight, which just reminded Brooke of the days in school where the popular kids would get into arguments and make a massive fuss out of nothing for attention... thinking about past experiences of such just pulled her into a daze, unaware of her surroundings.

Not long after, Brooke was tapped lightly on the shoulder, thus making her jump slightly and spin on her heels, to face none other but Callie. But... when she looked into her eyes, she knew something was wrong, or bothering her. What sort of a friend wouldn't realize if their friend was in need? A pretty crap one, obviously. With a quick sigh, Brooke glanced at Callie with a small smirk,
"Sure. But first, what's up Callie? Clearly something happened since we last crossed paths." evolving into a more serious, sincere tone. Brooke preferred to look at the positives, rather than dwell on the negatives, but having her best friend upset wasn't something she could overlook to be optimistic.


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Cassie Hugh

Location: Cabins | Scenario: Mr. Flirty | With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix, Stefan @Yuuki Kuran, & AJ @munchkincora

Cassie rolled her green eyes as Stefan patted her and Callie on the shoulder, claiming that he didn't call every girl his favorite. By this point, the daughter of Athena had fallen silent as Stefan took over the job of being tour guide to the newbies. The son of Aphrodite's eyes had moved down the row of cabins, and he gave Cassie a wink as he did so. Cassie felt a warmth rising in her cheeks, and she tried to cover it up with a scowl. He's such a flirt!

It wasn't long before Stefan had finished up his speaking and he turned to the daughter of Athena. She laughed slightly at his comment on what she'd previously said about being popular. However, her laugh cut short when Stefan planted a kiss on her cheek. Cassie's eyes widened, her mouth open slightly. She was speechless at first, unsure of how to answer his question.
No, no. I have too much to do tonight. My schedule is full of sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping. Luckily for her, AJ walked over before she had to voice a response, and Stefan kissed her (again) and Callie before walking over to join his brother.

Cassie looked over only to see the daughter of Apollo going off to check on Jethro. The daughter of Athena sighed. It seemed as though the tour had come to an end, since all of the other guides had become occupied elsewhere. Cassie made her way over to where the two sons of Aphrodite were standing, bracing herself for another flirt fest.
"So. Does the Aphrodite Cabin have a team yet for Capture the Flag?" As far as Cassie knew, the only other cabin on her team was the Apollo Cabin, although the daughter of Athena and Callie had been considering asking AJ if his cabin would want to join them.
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