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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]

@ShurikenPhoenix , Zahra- @Sleepy Muffin [/color][/size][/font]

Having finished eating, Jethro finally stood and left the pavilion. It was evening, the sky not quite dark as of yet but the final rays of the sun were streaking across the sky. The camp was quiet with everyone in the pavilion. Jethro continued walking peacefully until he heard a familiar sound.


Jethro recognized the sound with ease. Callie was obviously practicing her shooting once again. As Jethro passed by the archery range, he noticed that Callie was not alone. There was another girl with her. Jethro decided to see just who it was. As he approached the two though, he felt strange. His skin started to tingle a bit, as though an electric current was running just underneath it. Stopping for a second, he looked down at his arm. He did not notice anything out of place so shrugging he continued walking.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: The shooting range//Scenario: Getting to know you!//With: Zahra @Sleepy Muffin and Jethro @ModernRanger //Mentions:

If she couldn't sense it before, she could definitely sense it as Callie grabbed a bow and handed it to the girl who had now just introduced herself as Zahra. The way she said her name was so tense and forced and it made her paranoid that she had already done something to make Zahra uncomfortable. Any time someone happened to feel awkward in her presence, Callie couldn't help feeling it was her fault, although she was almost certain it wasn't.

Callie smiled as she handed Zahra the bow and they headed to the shooting range in which a few freshly stuffed dummies awaited destroying. Callie was pleased to hear that she wouldn't have to explain the place from scratch, since that could get tedious very easily. "Oh, so, do you know who your godly parent is already?" She asked as she nocked an arrow in order to demonstrate form, her eyes fixed on the target before letting the arrow fly straight into the 'heart' of the dummy with grace and ease and what would seem like no effort at all.

Before Zahra got to answer however, Callie noticed a familiar figure from nearby out of the corner of her eye. Jethro was walking over to them. Callie set down her bow and turned her attention to him. If he was at the archery range, he probably needed her for some reason since archery wasn't really his thing.

"Oh, uh hey Jethro. Did you need me or something?" She asked, before turning her attention back to Zahra. "This is Jethro. He's kind of the unofficial camp leader. Jethro, this is Zahra. She's new here!" She smiled with great enthusiasm as she introduced the pair. Not really noticing the odd atmosphere.




Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Pavilion | Scenario: Signing Buddies? Understanding the Game | With: Her brother @Faction Before Blood , Odette @Bubbly Brandi , Seymour @Lurker , Elijah @Peaceswore | Mentions: AJ @munchkincora

Ariella was listening to the conversation that was happening among the group, trying her hardest to keep up with all of the conversations at once. She was definitely, definitely, not used to all of the constant chatter around her, especially when she was actually apart of it.
How did people do this? Constantly respond back and forth and having enough time to actually process everything that happened in just a few minute? It felt like ages since they were all talking at once, but she enjoyed the light-hearted atmosphere, although someone was going to get pummeled. However, Ariella was brought out of her thoughts when the young girl next to her tapped on her shoulders gently. Jumping slightly, Ariella tilted her until she watched the girl start signing to her. To say she was shocked was an understatement, how did she know? But at the same time, Ariella couldn't have been more joyful than to know that her new found friend was able to communicate her in her common tongue: sign language. As her eyes lit up, Ariella's mouth formed a wide smile as her cheeks reddened slightly, feeling quite joyous. She paid attention to the young girl's sign as she read what she was saying. Smiling, Ariella enthusiastically started signing along with her, communicating with her, "It's nice to officially meet you, Odette. beautiful name, reminds me of the Swan Princess. Have you read that story or watched the play? It's definitely a beautiful masterpiece." She signed in awe to Odette, her heart brimming with enthusiasm as she couldn't believe what a sweet girl Odette was. Especially for her to specifically learn sign language just to befriend someone from school. Ariella hoped she wouldn't ever lose her genuineness. Blinking, Ariella tilted her head, "Pick teams? So, that means brother asked all of us, together? I hope we can be on the same team then, Odette!" She signed, genuinely meaning what she gestured, before Odette began to explain to her what game they were going to play: Catch the Flag", which sounded like an interesting game, just from hearing it.

However, Ariella's attention was taken away from her and back towards her brother as he also began explaining the game in more details. So, she took note that it was two teams, it can be brutal, and she needed a weapon. Blinking, Ariella's face paled slightly, as she wrote quickly,
"A-a weapon? Is it that brutal . . ? Is there injuries? When should we go and look for a weapon? Would Odette need one too?" She blinked, not sure or whether she would actually like to participate in the game now that she would have to use an object to defend herself. Looking at the others, she noticed Odette was excited yet at the same time, Seymour and her brother seemed to dislike the game while Elijah was more interested in pranks. Shaking her head, she couldn't imagine what a bit prankster Elijah would be. Smiling, Ariella watched as Odette asked Elijah if he'd be on the team with them as well since she believed in Seymour's abilities. If she heard correctly, Elijah and Odette were siblings, right? Just from being with them for a short moment, Ariella believed they'll be an interesting sibling to watch. Soon, her brother officially stated his name. She grinned widely, happy to know what her half-brother's name was: Balthazar. In the air, Ariella began making hand gestures, signing his name as she mouthed her brother's name at the same time. She had a tendency to like writing other people's name constantly in the air, signing them, and mouthing it. It helped her remember, "I love those nicknames, especially, Bolt! But. . I think later on . . if I think I one, I'll have an original nickname for you, okay, brother?" She smiled, writing it down on paper and signing at the same time, but noticed how long her brother took to look at her note. Tilting her head, she wondered if he could read, since she saw the same confused look awhile ago as well, was it also the same for others? Turning towards Odette, Ariella signed, "Is it hard for the children of the Greek God's to read, or rather they have a little trouble? I was observing the Hulk and Bolt earlier. . and they looked a bit confused and concentrated. Since. . it seemed my brother and I will have difficult communicating if that's the case. . " At that, she sighed a bit, pouting since she had no other way of communicating. If he couldn't read. . perhaps he would be able to understand drawings? Or paintings? She really wanted to be able to continue getting to know her brother, even maybe some her friends too. Ariella already considered Odette as one, however, Seymour and Elijah, she didn't know. They seemed a bit hard to get close to, not that she was close to Odetter or her brother yet, but they seemed to be easier to communicate with.

Soon, however, she was in a world of strategy, persistence, and ultimatums as she heard and watched Elijah, Seymour, and her brother go back and forth between each other. It seemed Elijah hadn't wanted to be on their team since well . . he wanted to be with the Hermes' cabin, so, instead of accepting it, the three of them ended up trying to convince Elijah to join their team. First, Odette had pleaded with her brother to be on the same time, next, Seymour decided to ask for a compromise between him and Elijah: if he joined the team, Seymour would forgive him, however, it seemed Elijah had other things in mind. Tilting her head, Ariella was impressed by how clever Elijah was with wanting something more from Seymour since it seemed it was a rarity for Seymour to forgive and not retaliate like he would have down with her brother. Soon, even Bolt decided to jump in in coercing Elijah to join their team by mentioning Aj.
Aj? Again? Who is he? She wondered tilting her head before tapping the person closest to her's arm: Seymour. Ariella didn't ask Odette since she was just as new as she was and assumed she probably didn't know the male either. Getting Seymour's attention, Ariella smiled slightly before writing down, "Who's AJ?" She asked curiously, since she was lost on what her brother was trying to tell Elijah. Maybe it wasn't for her ears, and maybe she wasn't suppose to know, but either way, it was entertaining to her to see the scenes unfold. She felt like she needed to say something, perhaps, she should, since she is. . well . . going to be part of the to-be team, right? Taking another note, Ariella wrote, "It's really, really, obvious that we want you on the team, Elijah. And, I mean. . wouldn't it be nice to be on a team where we considered you as a first option and not have gone to anyone else?" She grinned slightly, giving him a thumbs up, giving him some time to read her note before writing some more, "Odette and I are new here and well . . since we are all acquainted with each other, wouldn't it be better to have a team where we all have some sort of connection or better understanding of each other than just skills? Or so, I heard. . " She questioned, still pondering of how else to convince the prankster Elijah to join. Ariella felt it was her mission and a challenge to somehow help convince Elijah they were the right team for him, "I never played any pranks before, so learning from the master would definitely be a great experience!" She added, wondering if complimenting him would work along with everyone else's input. "So, will you be willing to please join in this team? Of course, if Seymour agrees to make you, the weapon of your choice too, since. . a deal always needs a compromise. . right?" She finished, as she wondered if that was enough. Ariella didn't know Elijah enough to tell from his personality what he would say, but judging by how stubborn he was. . Ariella just hoped someone else had another strategy and Seymour would agree to the deal, as she spared a slight glance at him, smiling sheeplishly.



Zahra O. Renner

Daughter of Zeus

Location- Archery Range Scenario- Family? With- Callie @ShurikenPhoenix Jethro @ModernRanger Mentions- ...

Zahra took the bow with a thankful smile, trying to settle down. This was alright. She needed to just...take a chill pill, for lack of a better phrase. Following Callie to the archery range, and watching her shoot a few times. Oh good. Again with the loaded questions. Her Godly parent. She couldn't just flat out lie to the blonde, that wouldn't be right. But if she said who her parent was then that meant she was definitely prepared to stay here. This would be home. Could she even handle a home right now? Sure the thought was nice but...that meant bonding with people here and making commitments, and what happens if something goes wrong because she showed up?

Feeling the electric buzz under her skin before she noticed Callie look away, she furrowed her brow. Trying to figure out what exactly that had been about when she heard Callie speak. Jethro. She'd said Jethro certainly, turning around to look at him she blinked a few times. This was her brother. Her family. Her only family considering that she constantly tried to deny Zeus was her father. She was quiet, just looking at him for a long moment, taking it in before finally sucking it up and making a decision,
"Jethro?" She asked, simply to confirm what she heard, but she knew it was true. She could...sense it somehow. Their powers or something falling into tune with each other. That had to be what the buzzing was at any rate. "I'm Zahra..." She spoke, far more easily then she had introduced herself to Callie. At first she wasn't sure exactly how to say 'I'm your sister.' Was that all there was to it? Or did she need to make an announcement and proclaim it to the Gods. But then the words were out of her mouth before she could think anymore on the matter, "Dad says hello."
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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Archery Range//Scenario: Should I go?//With: Zahra @Sleepy Muffin and Jethro @ModernRanger //Mentions:

After introducing Zahra, Callie had not exactly expected what the girl said next. A simple hello would've been cool, but instead "Dad says hello". Callie blinked a few times before looking from one sibling to the other and then feigning interest in a target dummy, thinking she should probably not even be present. She wasn't sure why she was so surprised that Jethro had a sister. It was bound to happen eventually given Zeus' reputation, but when you've only seen one person in a cabin for six years, you get kind of caught off guard. She couldn't really imagine what Jethro was thinking. She was used to having frankly way too many siblings to count, and had been only seven when she met a lot of them, but Jethro had lived his whole life having none. It probably wouldn't be easy adjusting to having a previously unknown sibling.

Then there was Zahra. Callie guessed this wasn't very easy for her either. A lot of monsters had probably been after her and knowing who her parent was, Callie was truly surprised she had survived this long on her own without camp. Deciding to be as non-existent as possible for the time being, Callie simply kept staring off at the target dummy, clandestinely listening in on the conversation that ensued...and by
clandestinely, I mean, it wasn't very subtle or clandestine at all that she was eavesdropping.




Seymour Anima

Location : Dining Pavilion | With : Balthazar
@Faction Before Blood , Odette @Bubbly Brandi , Ariella @crucialstar , Elijah @Peaceswore

The small hand on Seymour's shirt sleeve would have helped calm him down if her brother did not open his big, stupid mouth. The giant clenched his fists even tighter, his knuckles turning white. It took all he had to not launch several fireballs in Elijah's direction. That doesn't even make sense! If I'm going to make your weapon by tomorrow I need to get started as soon as possible. I don't have time for your silly riddles Bones. Seymour unclenched his jaw to speak when Balthazar did it for him. As he listened Seymour just went back to scowling at Elijah. He nodded when Balthazar mentioned making a weapon for him. I was going to make a weapon for Odette anyway. Making two more shouldn't be too much trouble. Once Balthazar was done speaking Seymour pat his shoulder, again harder than was necessary. It was the Hulk's way of showing his thanks.

Seymour blinked when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around to look at Miss Mute and turned his head. She was holding up a piece of paper again. Seymour sighed and squinted at the paper, doing his best to read at least some of it. All he could make out was AJ and the question mark. Seymour grunted and motioned his head towards the child of Aphrodite. The giant didn't know why Balthazar was still upset with AJ and so didn't bother giving the girl any further explanation. When Ari held up even more paper with writing on it, Seymour gave up. The letters seemed to be swimming across the paper and changing all the time. He shook his head and turned his attention back towards the campers around the table. "You know, for someone that can't talk, she sure does a lot of talking." The giant smirked some as he teased the girl but soon returned to seriousness.

To be honest, Seymour was glad he had some projects ahead of him. It would not take long to make Elijah's and Ariella's weapon, but he had something special in mind for Odette. The gears in his head began turning as he thought of how he could create everything in just one day. While he was thinking he noticed Odette signing to Ari. He raised an eyebrow in interest.
That looks so much easier than trying to read. Maybe she can teach me one day. Finally having calmed down some with the thought of forging, Seymour turned his attention back to Elijah. His jaw still locked up in anger at the thought of the boy touching his stuff. "I will make your weapon. Nothing I've ever made is faulty though. I make the best weapons in this camp. Just tell me what you want. You too Miss Mute." With that he turned to look down at Odette. "I'll make you a weapon but you have to help me. There's some stuff on the top shelf that I can't reach." He again relaxed as he looked at the cheerful girl. He didn't -really- need her help, he just wanted her to be able to personalize it.

The Hulk couldn't help but wonder how he must look.
Tough guy Seymour asking a little girl to keep him company in the forge. Great. Seymour made a mental note to scorch anyone that decided to question him.

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Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah was silent as he listened to everyone trying to convince him to join. He looked over at the son of Poseidon and was silent at the mention of AJ. When that name was mentioned he looked over at the Hermes table again before looking down the faintest of blushes on his cheeks, so faint you couldn't see it unless you were starring at him without blinking. ".....I....I worked all day on those riddles though...." He mumbled as he fumbled with his fingers. "some were even funny and clever... It would have been hilarious to see you try and solve them...." He mumbled honestly disappointed that Seymour wouldn't even consider doing the riddles.

Closing his eyes he thought about it ignoring the others words as he thought of the pro and cons of everything. It took him a bit but after a while he sighed. "
Okay.... If you can make me the weapons tomorrow morning, 'll join your team. If you can't then I'll team up with Hermes again." He said with a grin. Sure AJ may follow him around...though he really doubt that. There's no way one of the more popular Aphrodite children was genially interested in him. He simply flirted with him earlier to help stop his pranks, nothing more...right?

Letting out a sigh and placing his hands on his head he smirked as he looked around and another thought appeared in his mind.
"Hey. I got to get things ready and I need to see something important. So Mr. Beefman, or Fishy think you could give Odette here a tour or something? Thanks.... Oh beefman. I want a hidden blade that can be placed under a jacket or something, if you don't know how just look up assassin creed and there ya go" With that he didn't even wait before grabbing his plate and walking to a shadow. Stepping in it he left the room before anyone could respond to his request or really say a thing. He appeared next to the Zeus cabin.

'Now for a bit of fun.' He thought as he ate his food while thinking of a way to prank that uptight man of a Nazi Jethro. What? He was bored again...what better way to have some fun than to prank the unofficial leader of the camp???

@Bubbly Brandi @Lurker @Faction Before Blood @crucialstar

Mention @munchkincora

New target: @ModernRanger
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@ShurikenPhoenix //Mentions:[/color][/size][/font]

Jethro's mind seemed to wrestle with the girl's words.

Dad.....She is......his sister?

Jethro looked at the girl for a moment or two before answering. When his words came, they were well thought out,

"Next time you see......father...give him a message from me... Tell him to take that lightning bolt of his and shove it, the damn bastard."

Turning, Jethro walked away without another word. He hated his so called Father. Some father he was to spend years without even a word. Yet, he had received no sign that his father cared in the slightest. Why should he care for his father if his father had never cared for him? To hell with his father.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: Archery Range//Scenario: ugh...guys!//With: Zahra @Sleepy Muffin //Mentions: Jethro @ModernRanger and Ajax @munchkincora

There was a rather long and tension filled pause before Jethro responded to his newly discovered sister,and in that pause, Callie had been hypothesising what his response would be. The guy could be a little unpredictable at times. Sometimes he was rational at the mention of his father, other times such as now, he was far from it. She glanced at the darkening clouds as Jethro openly insulted the King of the gods and began walking away. Ugh, so much for tact! Was she always going to have to be the diplomat?

"Wait, what about welcoming your sis...ter?" It was too late for that. He had already walked away. Wonderful. Now she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She would have to stay with Zahra of course. Being new, she took priority, and besides, Jethro would probably just go look for monsters to kill. Oh how she hated conflict...

"Look, I'm sorry about that," she said to the girl. "Sore subject..." She decided a distraction was in order, and what better distraction than leading the camp tour with Ajax. That way she would feel useful, and Zahra would learn about camp. That's if she wanted to stay at all now. Her brother hadn't exactly been sunshine and rainbows to the news. "Maybe a tour of camp is in order."





Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; Weapons? With; Elijah @Peaceswore Seymour @Lurker Balthazar @Faction Before Blood Ariella @crucialstar Mentions; @Anyone else


Weapons? Why was Elijah talking about weapons if they were just playing Capture the Flag? Did the rest of the people here really take it that seriously? Also what was Celestial Bronze? And why did Mr. Seymour make weapons? This whole conversation just made her have a lot of questions, but she didn't speak up. Mostly because it seemed like they were making deals and things and she had always known to keep quiet for them. Be well behaved, of course that was usually when her mother was signing papers to rent a new place. She stayed quiet, trying to pick up on bits of the conversation that would hopefully answer her questions.

When Ari, that's what she decided to name her new friend, mentioned her name Odette smiled happily and nodded.
"My mom used to tell me the story before I went to bed. Princess Odette was always nice to everyone. And mom used to call me Duckling." She explained simply, glad that Ari had brought it up in the first place. She liked telling that story, especially considering that's what a lot of people associated her name with. She giggled a bit at Seymour's words, because it was true. Her friend at school had been like that too. Once she got 'talking' she really liked talking. Not that Odette minded, she liked listening.

Odette saw Arielle turn to her and she looked back at the girl, and paused for a moment, considering the question,
"I think that's what my mom said to me. It's called-" The girl paused for a second, trying to remember that right sign, but then shaking her head and simply spelling it out, "Dyslexia. I think. But it makes sense. My mom said that we have it in our blood to read Greek instead of English. But pictures make lots of sense. That's why it's easy for me to learn how to sign." She noticed Seymour watching her hands carefully, and almost brought it up but stopped because he started talking again and she didn't want to interrupt him. So Seymour was going to make everyone weapons? Oh, and he needed her help. "Yeah okay! Together we're..." She paused, thinking it over before saying, "Together we're 12 feet and eight inches!" She grinned.
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Zahra O. Renner

Daughter of Zeus

Location- Walking around camp Scenario- Listen... With- Jethro @ShurikenPhoenix

Unable to help the small smile on her face at Jethro's reaction, she was glad that she wasn't the only sibling who sincerely disliked her father. She was sure that all the kids here would have loved their estranged parents to death. She watched Jethro leave, wondering if she could go after him and have it not be weird. They had just met, and it probably hadn't gone as well as it could have. He was her brother though, and just because she didn't like their dad didn't mean she wouldn't like Jethro. When Callie spoke up, Zahra turned her head to look at her and she sighed softly, with a light smile, "Honestly? That'd probably be a good idea right now." She handed the bow back over to Callie, "But I'm not exactly known for having great ideas. So, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to say no. I kind of...need to talk to him you know? I mean...I just found out I had a brother and it's all just..." The brunette sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes slightly, "Hell who knows, maybe we can bond over our mutual hatred of our father. I'll see you later Callie, thanks for the offer!"

Zahra gave a quick wave and then jogged off quickly to catch up to Jethro, walking up next to him but not bothering to stop him like she had with Callie,
"Believe me I've tried to tell him where exactly I think he should put his lightning bolt sometimes. But uh...Pretty sure he couldn't care less what I think." Zahra shook her head slightly before saying, "Look I don't know why he talked to me in my dream okay? He told me see you. He did say hi though. Not sure why considering that he doesn't even care, but...What can we do?" She shrugged slightly, looking over to her brother, wondering if they could talk. Hardly noticing the darkening clouds on the horizon.


Cassie Hugh

Location: Eating/Leaving the Dining Pavilion | Scenario: Who's side am I on? | With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix & Ajax @munchkincora

Cassie woke up when she accidentally poked herself in the eye with her pencil. She sat up angrily, rubbing her eye, and looked down with the other at her ruined plans. Somehow, she'd managed to fall asleep and drool all over them. Grumbling, she gathered them up and crumpled them into a little paper ball before tossing them into the trashcan by her desk. Cassie got up, walking outside. She could still see Callie at the Archery Range, but now she stood with Ajax. Nonetheless, Cassie made her way over, figuring that now would be as good a time as any. Upon nearing, she called out, "Have you guys heard about the teams yet?" She herself had no idea about who had sided with who and was eager to find out. Hopefully, the Apollo Cabin hadn't picked a side yet.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: Archery Range//Scenario: Cassie!!//With: Cassie @PsychoDrummerA//Mentions: Zahra and Jethro

Callie waved goodbye to Zahra as she walked off to talk to Jethro. She was simply glad that they were hopefully going to bond, even if they were bonding over their mutual dislike of their father. Callie had come to conclusion that Zeus kids were rather odd, in an intense yet endearing sort of way. Now she was alone at the archery range wondering whether to head back to the pavilion and find AJ or not. Before she could decide for sure, she heard a familiar voice and then saw Cassie heading over. Callie smiled a wide smile when she saw her friend from Athena cabin and once she had stopped beside her, she greeted her with a warm hug. "Hey Cass, what's up I haven't seen you all day!" she exclaimed before Cassie asked her about capture the flag.

"Oh Apollo cabin hasn't picked a side yet, but obviously we will need you with us. Athena strategies never seem to fail." She nudged her playfully.




Cassie Hugh

Location: The Archery Range | Scenario: Little Miss Sunshine | With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix

Cassie smiled, hugging her friend. "I know! There's so many new people... Anyway, I've been trying to do some planning and, well, I sorta kinda fell asleep and drooled all over my hard work." Cassie laughed. "Of course you will! I mean, I am the best..." The daughter of Athena flipped her hair dramatically and smirked. "So, how's your day been? Showing lots of new kids around?" Cassie knew how Callie was about helping people, and knew that it was something that she liked to do often.

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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Archery Range-Pavillion//Scenario: Girl talk//With: Cassie @PsychoDrummerA//Mentions: Elijah @Peaceswore Seymour @Lurker AJ @munchkincora and Jethro @ModernRanger

Callie laughed as Cassie boasted about herself. The pair had always worked well together. Cassie was always there with a plan, whilst Calie thought on her feet a little more when fighting monsters. She envied her friend's strategic mind and respected her mother Athena greatly. She had even met her once with Cassie and she had been rather agreeable.

Callie began walking as they talked, making her way to the pavilion. "You drooled over your plans huh? Are you sure it wasn't just a picture of a cute guy?" She teased, sighing as she continued, "I haven't helped out nearly as much as I wanted to today. Elijah pulled an amusing prank on the newbies. Scared them with skeletons so they all freaked out and Jethro and Seymour had to stop them. I figured too many cooks spoil the broth or whatever so I just went to eat. It wouldn't be so chaotic if Chiron was here. Mr D doesn't really care about order and peace as much...I was gonna see if AJ needed any help with the tour. You should come with," she suggested with a slightly distracted smile; still wondering if Jethro was okay.



Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah is a genius when it comes to pranks...and today he decided to stick to the classics. After all those were always the good ones. So with a plan in thought he set to work. Getting rid of his plate he worked quickly as he set up the very simple yet hilarious trap. Making sure no one of importance was watching he made quick work of what he was doing. Taking a cake he had placed it on top of the Zeus cabin (Yes...he climbed to the roof of the cabin...nothing to see here!). And once that was done he hooked it up to a special pressure plate a bit in front of the door. When he was done he looked at it and smiled happily. No one could see the cake that was on top of the house and the pressure plate was too well hidden for one to notice. "Perfect." He hummed as he looked around. Seeing Jethro leave the big house he quickly moved away from the Zeus's cabin without looking suspicious. Once he was away (now in the middle of the camp) he simply sat on the ground and waited to see his trap work hoping he would get his assigned target. He never really liked being boss around...so in his mind this stick in the mud had it coming.

Target: @ModernRanger

Son of Zeus


Location:Heading to his cabin//Scenario:Talking to his new sister//With:Zahra- @Sleepy Muffin //Mentions: Elijah- @Peaceswore

Jethro sighed and hesitated for a moment or two before answering.

"I am sorry, I have nothing against you....Zahra was it? I just cannot stand Zeus. It is just a lot to take in all at once. A few hours ago, I was the only child of Zeus here at camp and now I suddenly have a sister. I am trying to cope as best as I can with this, I don't want you to think that this is your fault, it has more to do with the fact that I have been alone for so long, I really don't know how to be a brother."

By this point, they had just arrived at the Zeus cabin. Jethro stepped on the front step and his inner alarms screamed at him. Something felt different, fearing the worse he turned and pushed Zahra back. Using a little more force than he had meant to, he pushed her back a good twenty yards. It was than that he was hit with the cake.


For once in his life and only for a moment, Jethro lost control of his powers. His anger spiked at another pathetic prank by the ridiculous son of Hades. His skin suddenly sparked with electricity at an overwhelming rate. The cake instantly frying and disappearing from his body until it was like he had never been hit at all. However, his skin still crawled with the electric charge. Jethro began walking, each step frying the grass beneath his feet.

It was than that he realized another aspect of his lightning abilities that he had never noticed before. Nerve charging. He could feel his body tingling with all the extra power. He felt as if he could lift anything, or run as fast as the wind. However, one thing concerned him at that moment. Finding Elijah and finally giving him what he deserved for the years of ridiculous pranks he had been pulling on the camp. His rage had blinded his better judgment and now he was out for revenge.


Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Scenario// Oh shit

Elijah was simply enjoying the day as he laughed rather hard when his trap succeeded a broad grin of accomplishment decorated his face for a moment. 'Huh... That hasn't happened before......' He thought as he watched electricity jump off of Jethro and decimate the cake into nothingness. It was after this at the two eyes met, and nothing happened for a split second, but Elijah saw it in Jethro's eyes. He gulped and with that quickly got up and booked it, though he had that feeling on his back, which let him know he was being chased.

Sprinting as fast as he could he ran into the shadows of the closest cabin and with that shadow stepped away. He went to the place were he believed Jethro wouldn't hurt him, the big house. However in his haste to get away he forgot to think of where he would go.. As he traveled through he was given a split second to think about it and somehow his thoughts ended up at the Hermes's table...so that's where he went. When he finished taking his step he walked out of a wall near the Hermes's table and as he did so he grabbed his head feeling rather dizzy. 'How many times have I shadow stepped today? Actually how many times have I used my power?' He wondered as he stumbled over to the table his head spinning. Going next to Rey he grabbed the table and looked at her.
"I may have fucked up.... Got a place for me to hide? I need it...like nowish." He said with a smirk as he shook his head to see straight. He wasn't paying attention so he forgot AJ was only a few feet from him. However his mind couldn't be focus on that, the Nazi Jethro was chasing him...this may be his last day.... 'Worth it.'

@ModernRanger @BeamMeUpScotty @munchkincora @everyone in the big house

Son of Zeus


Location:The Pavilion//Scenario:Take Down//With:Elijah- @Peaceswore //Mentions:

Jethro looked about, thinking about where Elijah had gone. He had a feeling that he had gone to the pavilion. As if witnesses were going to save him from this. Walking into the pavilion, he looked around. His eyes sparked, as if they contained electricity within. Based on the commotion, he was able to quickly locate Elijah. Walking over to him, Jethro boxed him in, allowing no chance for escape. Grabbing Elijah by the shirt, he picked him up and threw him across the room. The electricity seemed to be charging his nerves so that feats of strength such as this one were made possible. Jethro's aim was for Elijah to land on one of the tables within the pavilion.



Cassie Hugh

Location: Walking to the Dining Pavilion | Scenario: Cute Boys and Camp Tours | With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix

Cassie laughed. "It might have been..." For some reason, when Callie mentioned a picture of a 'cute guy', Cassie's mind wandered to a son of Aphrodite she'd met a couple of summers back. The thought made her sad, as she hadn't seen him since he'd gone, and she quickly pushed the thought aside. At the mention of Elijah's prank, Cassie nodded. "So that's what that was. To be honest, I was a little disappointed that I couldn't get out there a little sooner. It looked like fun." Cassie laughed. "Yeah, Mr D can be a mythological pain in the patootie. Chiron was way better suited for this job than that drunken god." Cassie perked up at the thought of giving a new camper a tour with her friends. She'd never been really good at it, but at least it was different and gave her something to do. "Yes, I totally should." The daughter of Athena returned the Apollo girl's smile.



Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Pavilion | Scenario: Weapons and. . wait, let's all calm down? | With: Her brother @Faction Before Blood , Odette @Bubbly Brandi , Seymour @Lurker , Elijah @Peaceswore , Jethro @ModernRanger | Mentions: AJ @munchkincora

Tilting her head, Ariella smiled widely at Odette's love for the Swan Princess since her mother had told her the story,
"Duckling," she signed, giggling soundlessly, "you're not an ugly one that's for sure! Perhaps you'll turn into a swan when you're older since you're young now?" Ariella smiled , nodding at her before she watched Odette explain to her why it seems as if her brother and the Hulk couldn't understand what she wrote. English and Greek? Tilting her head, for the longest she could remember she could read English, though it was a challenge. perhaps it was because she was used to it and her mother didn't tell her? "Dyslexia? I wonder why I could read it . . So pictures are better?" She grinned widely as she began thinking up ideas on what kind of pictures she could draw for her new found friends and brother. "I haven't mistaken English letters for Greek yet, is something wrong with me?" Ariella asked curiously, tapping her chin as she pondered on that thought. What she much different than the rest of the children, besides that she couldn't talk? Ariella never felt sorry for herself, sometimes maybe she felt like a nuisance since she has a tendency to frustrate people. But, nevertheless, Jethro gave her other ideas of why to be proud of herself since it would help in teamwork battles by communicating with eyes. However, Ariella's was brought back on the Hulk when he nodded over towards who AJ was and as she looked over, she blinked slightly. So, he's the one brother was talking about with Elijah, flirting with him? Her mouth gaped a slight bit as she looked back over at Odette, "He's pretty." She blinked, not being able to take her eyes off of him for a bit until Seymour commented on how she talks a lot for a person who can't talk. Sticking her tongue at the Hulk, she shrugged her shoulders, smiling sheepishly, as she made a "sorry" expression, and signed, "I'm just curious about everything!" Ariella laughed soundless as she looked over at Odette signing to her, "Since it'll be hard for them to read, maybe we can teach them sign language? And since you know sign and can talk, maybe you can translate too?" She asked, her eyes full of hope when she asked Odette for her help in it. Maybe they'll want to learn? If not that's okay? Perhaps just her brother then, since she would probably follow him around more often than some of the others.

Beaming with excitement, she heard Elijah agreeing to be part of them team as Ariella made a fist pump in the air quite excitedly. Turning towards Odette, she signed,
"Hi, teammate!" Ariella giggled soundlessly as she tilted her head when the Hulk told her he'd make one for her too. A weapon? She wasn't sure she was so good with holding a weapon, "Odette, can you translate this to Seymour for me?" Ariella asked, Odette as she looked towards the Hulk, "Thank you, Seymour! But. . I'm not sure what kind of weapon I would like to use. . Since well. . I'm actually very clumsy. . and the gravity of land isn't my forte. ." She signed towards both Seymour and Odette. However, Elijah seemed to excuse himself for the time being as she got up, leaving just her , her brother, Seymour, and Odette. Swaying her head side by side, Ariella decided to draw on the sketch pad as the bell on her bracelets jiggled each time she made a hand movement. However, before she knew it, she heard running footsteps and people crowding and murming about something. Looking up from her drawing, Ariella felt tension in the air, electricity tension or some kind of smoke from a zap. She saw Elijah running towards where AJ's table was hiding from someone. "What did Elijah do for him to run away like that?" She signed not particularly to anyone until the person chasing him came into view: Jethro. However the expression on his face was something she never seen before. She couldn't take a good look at it but only his frame as if she could see smoke and electricity all around him. Ariella blinked at how much anger Jethro displayed when he threw Elijah across the pavilion and onto the table. She screamed silently, as her mouth and eyes widened in shock and surprise. She never saw violence this up close before and at the same time, she didn't like the look in his eyes when he seemed peeved. "Had Elijah provoked Jethro from a prank?" She asked once more not particularly to no one until she saw him walking towards Elijah with such force. Ariella felt like she had to do something especially since she remembered him telling her he had to set an example for the callers. And this definitely didn't seem like one of those examples he would like. Ariella knew he was calmer and quite patient with her so whatever happened then it must have really made him lose it. Whether she would get hurt or not she didn't care, as she looked down at Odette, wanting to close her eyes from a scene. Moving from where she sat, she gently patted Odette's shoulders and looked towards Seymour giving him a knowing look that screamed "close her eyes" or "comfort her". Making sure she didn't fumble over her feet, Ariella looked back and forth between Elijah and Jethro, observing her surroundings as no one made an attempt to stop it. Biting her lips, she frowned as she tripped her way over towards Jethro, tugging on his shoulder, as she moved herself in front of him. Her eyes pleading as she waved for his attention to look at her

"Jethro!" She mouthed as she jumped up, trying to hide his view from Elijah. Ariella didn't know how to get his attention on her unless. . taking a deep breathe, she placed a punch (probably felt like a small needle that didn't feel like anything) on his chest as best as she could only for her knuckles to throb. Biting ber lip, she hissed silently feeling the throb as she quickly signed, "Jethro, everyone's looking! Are you sure you want to show others this and set an example by beating someone to a pulp so badly? Is this really an good idea?" Ariella asked him, pleading with him, "Please, calm down. I don't know what he did, but it will be okay. Take a deep breathe. It's okay." She signed and ended up mouthing, "it's okay", before she gently rubbing his arms. However, she jumped, feeling a slight zap, as stepped back, giving him some space. Ouch, she thought to herself as she winced, making such an expression. Ariella didn't know if it worked or not, yet at the same time didn't even know if he even read or heard her. But she could try right? Ariella looked behind and saw Elijah as she gave him pleading eyes and nodded to where Odette was. She didn't like violence especially if it wasn't necessary, so all she could do was sign and it was up to them to figure out what to do. But, she hoped he would drop it, a girl can hope, right?

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Camper: Stefan Blake

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/th-21.jpeg.706d2265f7e671d8308de5268402a913.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/th-21.jpeg.706d2265f7e671d8308de5268402a913.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Aphrodite Cabin > Dining Pavilion

Scenario: Consorting with new victims...I mean ladies.

With: Other campers

Gods of Olympus! Since when did more campers suddenly start just appearing?! Stefan Blake rubbed his currently cerulean eyes and stared out the window of his Barbie doll cabin and groaned. "I love freshman orientation." He chuckled darkly, ruffling his chocolate brown, shaggy head and climbing out of bed, giving a quick glance in the direction of the single portrait he had, the kid smiled. "Morning, Dad." Though the guy had dropped him off at a police station, Stefan still cared about and loved him. "How could you do this to me? I'm in the damn girliest cabin in this camp." Stefan had hoped for anyone but the queen of pink to be his mom, but the Fates weren't favoring him, apparently. As he mulled this over, Stefan pulled on a grey muscle shirt, a pair of black slick gym shorts, and grey Reebok tennis shoes. Fishing a comb from his pocket, Stefan made his way to the dresser at the end of his bed and removed some mousse. Finally, after ten minutes, the boy was dressed to impress. All the way to the Dining Pavilion, Stefan could see doves soaring overhead. "Not today, guys." He grumbled, hoping they'd give him a break for once. Luckily, the birds had big enough brains to listen this time and Stefan was able to push through a crowd of newbies until he reached his mother's table. "Welcome to a new year at Camp Halfblood." He murmured, scanning the area for any potential dates that summer. "Why do all the good looking girls have to be my sisters?" He teased, smirking as he yawned and stretched. Cracking his neck, Stefan waited for some beginning of the year speech from either the camp director or someone from Bolt Boy's cabin.



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Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Pavillion//Scenario: Camp Tour with Cassie//With: Cassie @PsychoDrummerA//Mentions:

Callie smiled once again at Cassie. Her boy craziness always amused her no end. Of course, Callie had had plenty of crushes in her life, but when Cassie had a crush, she crushed hard. The only person Callie ever remember liking that much was a boy from Hermes cabin who had left camp a few years back. She was a stuttering mess around him because she thought he was so much cooler than she was...well most people were cooler than the goofy, happy go-lucky daughter of Apollo. Once they had reached the new campers, she spoke up, her voice cutting through the chatter. She was very used to this by now. "Hi guys! I'm Callie and this is Cassie from Athena cabin. We are gonna start the tour off and if anyone would like to tag along they can. I guess we can start with the cabins..." with that, she grinned once more toward her best friend and let her take the lead for a while. Athena kids were a fount of knowledge after all. While Cassie spoke, she would do the girl a favour and point out cute new campers to her. Subtly of course. By now they didn't need to concentrate on camp tours. Callie at least, could do them in her sleep.




Cassie Hugh

Location: Leaving the Dining Pavilion/Cabin Area | Scenario: Camp Tours | With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix

Cassie smiled and waved as Callie introduced her to the campers. She scanned the crowd for any cute guys that could be potential Callie "date-material", prepared to subtly point them out to her friend. At the moment she didn't see any, and it was her turn to speak now, so she brought her mind back to the tour. She smiled at Callie as the two led the small group of campers over to the cabin area, deciding to start with the largest and most important (I mean after her mother's, or course). "These are the Zues and Hera Cabins." She pointed to each as she mentioned them. "The Zues Cabin has very few campers, and the Hera Cabin has been and always will be empty." Cassie glanced over at Callie, making sure that she was doing things right. She'd never led a camp tour before and hoped that she was doing okay.

(excuse my lack of code, it's hard to code on my phone)

Kimba had wandered camp, thinking soft thoughts of judgement to herself. Some of the girls here seem to be very appearance-centered, as in keeping with their godly parent of Aphrodite. Kimba would never confront them about their shallowness, but at the same time she wouldn't let them persuade her into changing her appearance for the sake of a man. As the young demigod strolled through the camp, she watched the other children with a slightly arrogant air. She knew that the others had insecurities that they haven't addressed. Everyone does. Only, Kimba has significantly less. The daughter of Hestia came across a tour of new campers, and two girls were leading the tour. This could be an interesting spectacle, Kimba thought, melting in with the group almost seamlessly.

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