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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/69b11b9978aecc33bc0056e8dfc71b5e.jpg.a82c17a6c72f9411a44500d87a6f265b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/69b11b9978aecc33bc0056e8dfc71b5e.jpg.a82c17a6c72f9411a44500d87a6f265b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Balthazar looked at Seymour in disbelief, of all the kids here Balthazar thought a child of Hephaestus would best see his point of view. He sat himself down, ignoring the Apollo girl who seemed to have come over to tell of his friend and, for once in his life, the sugar. "so let me get this straight. You, son of Hephaestus, who is married to Aphrodite, the same Aphrodite who has been cheating on your father, Hephaestus, for centuries with Ares, have nothing to say about her? She may be the Goddess of love but love, true love, pure love, is not her number one interest. All she cares about is getting her hands on the next best thing, getting the best set of abbs under her fingertips. She's a heart breaker and you know it. Her children are no different." He finished in a rush before he could stop himself and inwardly cringed, half expecting the Goddess herself to turn up and throttle him. Knowing his luck he probably runined any chance he had of a real relationship with anything living if the Goddess had anything to do with it. Balthazar now keeping his mouth tightly shut, shook his head, grabbed the pixie stick and slinked over to his own lonely table, only getting up again to gather his food and offer some of it to his father in the fire, casually burning a few more bits of food in an attempt to appease the Goddess he had just insulted.




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Seymour Anima

Location : Dining Pavilion | With :

Seymour raised an eyebrow as the girl spoke to him. Not many people in camp would dare yell at the walking mass of muscle. He thought it might be fun to see if she could actually feed him his phone but decided against it. The teen completely ignored her instead, turning back to Balthazar. He listened intently, confused some why Balthazar seemed so upset. He was going to say something but the son of Poseidon got up before he could say anything and walked away. It was true that Aphrodite not be the best at true love but that was beyond Seymour. He did not really care about what his father did nor did he care about his affairs. The last thing Balthazar had said seemed important. Who is he calling a heartbreaker? Seymour shrugged and stood up, walking over to get himself some food. He flicked the jolly rancher wrapper at the girl as he passed since she had annoyed him.

The teen gathered enough food on one plate to feed at least three. He walked over to the fire and scraped some off. He really had never understood the tradition but not doing it upset people. The teen trudged back to his table and sat down, noticing that some of his cabin mates had shown up. He nodded his greeting to them though he said nothing. Seymour ate with a slow pace, leaving a long time before each bite. He spent the extra time looking around, still thinking about what he should build next.

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Son of Zeus


Location:Heading back to camp//Scenario:Talking//With:Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions:

My name is Jethro, Son of Zeus, and welcome to Camp Half-blood. What is your name?

Jethro gestured around with his hands to make a better point. Camp Half-blood was a wonder to behold, especially to those who had never seen it before. Even now, years later, Jethro could still recall every detail from the first time that he had ever entered the camp. Every sight, every sound, every thing he felt on that day. Some things had changed, something had stayed the same but the overall feeling of the camp had always remained. It was home, for those with no where else to go and no one to turn to.


Son of Zeus


Location:Almost back to Camp//Scenario:Acceptance//With:Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions:

Jethro smiled and nodded as she said her name,

It is very nice to meet you, Ariella, Daughter of the Sea.

Jethro replied, not even giving a thought to who her father was. Demigods were always so petty when it came to their parents, They seemed to believe that whatever their parents relationships were, that their relationships had to be the same way. Jethro was simply not this way. He believed in judging people by their own merits and not by what their parents did or had done. It didn't matter how their parents were or how their father's got along, Ariella was not Poseidon and Jethro was not Zeus. As it was, Ariella was Ariella and Jethro was Jethro and that was all that really mattered to him and he hoped that Ariella would feel the same way. At the end of the day, he was going to help train her to her fullest potential, nothing else mattered. Jethro did not often smile this much, probably because people very rarely wanted to see him as a person. As Jethro, he was a person, he could be as human as the rest of them. Most campers preferred to think of him simply as "The Leader". This way, he was a position or a ranking not a person and thereby far easier to dislike. Ariella did not seem to be that way, however, Ariella also did not seem to know that Jethro was pretty much in charge of things at the camp. He hoped that when she found out that she would still continue to talk to him as they had been and not turn into what the others had. Being a Leader was all well and good but sometimes, even just for a little bit, Jethro wanted to be seen as a person.




Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; Uhm...Hi... With; Elijah Lansen @Peaceswore Mentions; Jethro @ModernRanger @Anyone else


It was silly really. How emotional her mother was getting over this. At least that's what Odette thought. Her mother was always a very strong person, never letting her emotions get the better of her. She worked as a waitress in three different diners, she was exhausted everyday and somehow this was what was upsetting to her. The fact that Odette was going away for the summer to be protected, and learn how to protect herself. It was only the summer. Her mother was acting as though it was so much more than just that though, which was causing Odette some amount of distress.

"Mommy, it's okay. I'll be fine. You said they'd take care of me." The small girl said to her mother, watching how her mother's blonde hair fell into her eyes as she sniffled slightly with a weak smile, "I know hon it's just...I don't want to leave you all by yourself, I still worry." Odette leaned forward to her mother, who was crouched down onto her level and hugged her, "I promise to do my best okay? As long as you promise to do your best." She smiled brightly at her mother, to which her mother wiped away her last tear and hugged her daughter tightly, "I promise Ode."

With that her mother stood up, handing Odette her bag and waving her off into camp. Odette smiled once more before walking off, her smile immediately fading away. She had to be strong in front of everyone though so she kept her gaze down as she followed the group of campers, keeping mostly to herself. Everyone seemed older than she was anyway, sure there were a few kids that looked about twelve or thirteen, but that was about it. She was quiet, noticing how in control the one man seemed to be, Jethro apparently. Did he say Zeus? She was pretty sure she had heard the name when her mother was describing Camp Half Blood to her, though she couldn't be certain.

And then just as soon as everything was in control everyone scattered. At first Odette wasn't sure why, until she noticed the skeletons. Oh. That made sense. It didn't explain why everyone was running though, surely Jethro and his friends could protect them. The small blonde was sure that they wouldn't let anyone get hurt, and the dark-haired boy who seemed to be the cause of it wouldn't get anyone seriously hurt. He looked too nice. She was mostly surprised that he was able to do that, of course her mother had explained that this was somewhere that kids went to control their powers. That's what she had called Odette's ability to speak to ghosts. A power. Something that made her stronger.

Odette watched as the situation fizzled away, noticing that Jethro seemed to want to get away as soon as possible, wondering why, until she noticed his hand. Hm. Even the older kids had problems controlling their powers sometimes. That made her feel a bit better about being here, because she didn't have to do great right away then. Although she should still try her hardest. She listened quietly to the older teens addressing the group, apparently AJ and Balthazar. And then, once dismissed, made her way to what had been pointed out as the Mess Hall. Fidgeting slightly with the bag slung over her shoulders she bit her lip slightly standing at the entrance and watching everyone for awhile, then she followed everyone's example. Grabbing her food and then hesitantly tossing in an apple into the fire. She then turned back around and looked for a place to sit, assuming that everywhere was okay.

Odette walked over to the empty table where the boy who summoned the skeletons earlier was sitting. She shuffled her feet slightly as she walked around the table so she was across from him and spoke up quietly, "Um...Can I sit here? Everywhere else is kind of um...noisy right now so...I don't know." Her voice faded as she looked down at her food with her big brown eyes, hoping that she wasn't about to get yelled at or something for not knowing rules.
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Brooke Walker

Daughter of Demeter


Location: Strawberry Fields // With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix // Mentions: N/A

"Oh yes, I'm most definitely a mind-reader. And your powers are cooler than being able to grow strawberries."
Brooklyn added with an insecure laugh. Her eyes were still stuck on the figures of new campers. Mr. D was no friend of hers, or any campers, and it was doubtful this new bunch would like him either. Chiron was much more friendly, for so many reasons. Such as he didn't hate you off the bat.

"The pavilion? Sure. I can't live off strawberries." Brooke grinned. "But it's not like a cupcake is any better" she added with a laugh, as she began to walk to the dining area. "You coming?" she said as she glanced back to Callie, then diverted her vision forward once more, carefully striding through the strawberry fields, not wanting to crush any plant. Plants can have feelings too... sometimes she talks to struggling plants to make them happier and grow better, but that's besides the point.

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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Mess Hall//Scenario: Thinking//With: Brooke @ShadyAce @everyone and anyone//Mentions: AJ @munchkincora and Balthazar @Faction Before Blood

Callie faked a dramatically offended look when Brooke dismissed cupcakes as not being much better than living off strawberries, before nudging her playfully and making her way out of the fields, careful not to step on any strawberries. Of all the gods, Demeter was one of her favourites. Mostly because she was a good representation of new life. One of the more beautiful parts of the world. She was rather happy to find that everyone was being guided to the mess hall by Balthazar and AJ and that they had everything under control. She only wished campers were allowed to sit with other cabins since she was curious to see what other cabins talked about. As she summoned her food and offered some to her father, thoughts of how long Chiron had been gone began edging their way into the forefront of her mind. It wasn't like him not to be around on the first day. She noticed Mr D looking irritated and uninterested as usual and let out a small sigh as she took a small bite of her food.



Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah was getting close to actually falling asleep as he waited for everyone to settle down when he was disturbed by a meek voice. He didn't say anything for a bit, but soon he let out a soft sigh and turned his head in the direction he heard the voice. He looked at her and simply starred for a bit before he turned his head up and looked around. 'There is room at the other table...' Sure Hermes is full like usual, but he saw that pretty much all the other tables were open.... So why was this little girl coming all the way to the Hades table? His was the last one anyone usually sat at as it was pretty far away from the others, and he was the only person there. Another reason people tended to avoid this table.

He let out a loud yawn and looked back at the girl. "You want to sit here?" He muttered before pushing his head off the table now leaning on his elbow. "..... Meh... Usually I deny or chase off anyone that comes here and bother me. Do you know who your godly parent is? I can tell you what table you should sit at." He said in a calm voice. He wasn't pushing her away per say he just didn't want this new kid to get in trouble on her first day for sitting at the wrong table. And the thought that she was a child of Hades, didn't even cross her mind seeing as at first look she didn't bare any features that looked like their father.

@Bubbly Brandi



Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; I'm not sure... With; Elijah Lansen @Peaceswore Mentions; @Anyone else


For a moment she was worried that she had woken him up but he looked at her, and he didn't seem to angry with her. Odette looked up shyly from her food at the teen as he spoke. He seemed so...indifferent to everything around him, and clearly he liked having fun going by what she saw earlier so she didn't really understand why he was over here all by himself like this.

She bit the inside of her cheek at the question, trying to recall exactly what her mother had said over these past few hectic days. "Uhm...I'm not sure. I can't remember Daddy's name but my Mom said that he talks to and helps ghosts like I do." She perked up slightly at her answer because he wasn't telling her off or anything. In fact it seemed like he was helping her, and usually she liked doing things on her own but right now she wasn't entirely sure that she could figure things out. Well, honestly she probably could. She realized, looking over at the rest of the tables and recognizing the certain types of people went places. Though there was one table that was practically overflowing with people.

Brooke Walker

Daughter of Demeter


Location: Mess Hall// With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix , @anyoneelse // Mentions: Demeter kids

Brooke waved goodbye to Callie as she went and sat on the Demeter table. She glanced over to where Mr. D and Chiron would be at this time. Only the resentful, and grumpy Mr. D - who seemed a little more annoyed than usual, probably because of the large amount of new campers. She looked around, and spotted many familiar faces, and picked out all of the new kids. Most of them were in their pre-teens, but a couple new kids were older than that. Only a couple though. Her vision then diverted back to her table, with her fellow Demeter kids, and shot them a smile, as if saying 'welcome back'.

She summoned her food, and as she must, she offered some to her mother - Demeter. Then, it was most probably the best part; digging in. Probably one of the greatest things about camp, is that you could have any food you wanted. I mean, who doesn't want to be able to eat anything ever? But Brooke's 'digging in' isn't nearly as much food as others, since she still has the eating ethic of a hard-working gymnast. Nonetheless, she dug in, and pretty much zoned out as she ate a fruit-salad.​

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Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah looked at her and blinked a bit. "Talks and helps ghost?" He asked as he now pushed his head off his elbow and actually looked at her with a small smile. "Well, if that's the case then I have to insist that you sit here. Don't worry I'm not holding the seats, there is plenty of room." He said with a grin as he outstretched his arm showing her the long yet empty table. "Pick a spot, any spot...they most likely aren't booby trapped." He said with a small laugh. He shook his head once before looking up at the girl and extending his hand. "I'm Elijah Lansen, son of the great god Hades, I'm 17, mind introducing me to yourself?" He asked as he waited rather patiently.

@Bubbly Brandi

Son of Zeus


Location:Just about to camp//Scenario:More Bonding//With:Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions:N/A

I have been here for about six years. Not as much time as some of the others but for some reason Chiron has always trusted me above the others. I am not sure why and sometimes I feel like it puts more pressure on my shoulders but I handle it.

Jethro replied, as to the second question, he replied,

Well, I prefer the sword arena. It is there that I can sharpen my skills although I only practice my skills there. You see, each cabin is responsible for training the other campers to be proficient in different skills. For example, the Apollo cabin trains the campers in Archery and first aid, the Ares cabin trains in combat. I however, don't train i something completely different. I train in Teamwork skills and I am quite strict about it.

Jethro could see the pavilion just up ahead. Another minute or so and they'd be there.


Son of Zeus


Location:Within the camp//Scenario:Talking to a Friend//With:Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions:N/A

Jethro stopped to look at the girl. She had just struck on one of the key points in his training. People always tried to communicate their strategies to one another verbally and that was one of the things Jethro punished the most fiercely. In battle, truly involved battle, there was no time to talk, no time to discuss strategies. You had to know your team, know their habits better than anyone. You had to know what they were going to do. Sighing Jethro signed

Verbal communication in battle gets you killed. Your eyes are the windows to your soul. The eyes of a person will tell you far more about them than anything else. Never see your lack of verbal communication as a disability because all you need to say what needs to be said are your eyes. In battle, one look can tell you every move a person is going to perform. Luckily, you are better suited to that and therefore have an advantage over the others.

Jethro meant what he said, he knew someone was going to have to train the girl in fighting that was a given but he felt like she was going to be a great student.




Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; I think I made a friend With; Elijah Lansen @Peaceswore Mentions; @Anyone else


Odette perked up even more as the boy, Elijah as he introduced himself, sat up with a smile. He seemed almost...excited by her answer, and happy as he told her that she could sit down at the table. She set her food down before shaking his outstretched hand with a still slightly shy smile, "I'm Odette Montgomery. I'm eleven, so I don't know it seems like I'm the youngest person here." She lamented a little as she sat down across from Elijah. It wasn't as though being young bothered her, she knew full well she could still handle herself just fine, even if it took her a bit, and she had always been the youngest in all her classes at school. She had always been teased for it, but it never bothered her, because she couldn't let it bother her. "Why are we all supposed to put food in the fire?" She asked lightly, looking over to the fire in question before looking back to her newly found friend and she began eating her food.


Rèy Matèo Balestràde


Location: Cabin 11/Hermes Cabin --> Mess Hall/The Pavilion

Scenario: I'm hungry af, oh hey, Newbies

With: Hermes Son's and Daughter's//N/A

Mentions: Balthazar @Faction Before Blood × Elijah @Peaceswore × Jethro @ModernRanger × Odette @Bubbly Brandi × Seymour @Lurker × Ariella @crucialstar × Callie @ShurikenPheonix


In Cabin 11, where technology seemed to reign in even the dampest corners, bunks were constantly tortured and bickering never ceased, Rèy Matèo Balestràde, referred to just Matèo by her siblings, was just finishing off a match in a game one of her brothers acquired. Quite entertaining, and worth the fits of rage when your opposing shooter used a hack. She put down her controller and stood up from her position on a wooden chair. They really needed to get another gaming chair, they only had two among all of them.

With a small grumble of her stomach Rèy took a look down at the toned bare skin and pouted lightly, patting it of her own accord. "
Yup, I'm gonna need something to eat," she stated to herself. "I'm hungry af. And I know it." Her voice was strong, compelling, and held a very exotic hispanic accent, one which really showed when she spoke her Castilian Spanish, but was easily influenced when she spoke Greek.

With a quick stretch of her back Rèy scratched at her head and walked through the cabin for her bunk. She shared a bunch with Joshua, the boy who acquired the game? They spoke often enough, but she hardly ever saw him outside the Cabin, he sat at the other end of the table and enjoyed hanging out with the Ares kids alot more.

Her stomach gargled again for food and she rolled her eyes at herself; and her digestive system. By now the cabin was empty what with everyone already at The Pavilion or just out of Cabin 11 to be themselves, all except Rèy.

Her walk stopped when she found her bunk quite quickly, and opened her few drawers granted to her to find her suitable clothes. As of now she was wearing a simple black bandeau top which went tight right across her chest, and a pair of shoter jean shorts that had frayed at the ends. There was nothing on her feet, and her bronde hair was up even with the summer heat. She was pretty sure being half naked was enough. Though Rèy was prpud of her body, shoowed alot of skin all the time, and wasn't afraid to wear nothing but a bandeau and bloomers around her cabin with her siblings. Outside the cain if she had to.

Rèy fished out her traditionally orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and pulled it over her head, the bandeau would be fine beneath it of course. She left her shorts on, as the heat would find her soon if she didn't and last but not least she pulled on some ankle socks and then a pair of basketball shoes, with stiff leather and cotton wings on the shoes. Those she acquired before camp life.

Once ready, her messy fringe tamed, her shoes on properly, her hair brushed a little, and her face of light makeup looking back at her with a devious smirk in the mirror, Rèy attached her knife pouch to her shorts and made a B-line for the door.

There was a larger multitude of campers present as she made her way through the camp, and it was the beginning of a new summer. Why? Oh, see no she remembered just why. The start of the new summer meant the return of campers who left to see family, and the beginning of a new camp life for others, all on good and bad circumstances. It had occurred to her earlier on in the day of course, but she'd get easily distracted. Rèy herself was always at camp-halfblood, save for a quest, which of three she had been on, and save for when she left camp by herself to explore, acquire, and find a chance to see her father. This was because she had no family to go back to, and if she did, she'd not want to see them anyways. She had lost her mother, and Camp Half-Blood was where she belonged.

Rèy stumbled over the thought of her mother and continued walking to the cabins. On her way screams emitted and she knew someone was causing a havok. They came from The Big House, and she longed to see the action, but so many young demi-gods were wandering around the cabins without a clue as to where to go, and with no direction as to the fact that all would be in The Pavilion.

So, almost half heartedly Rèy turned away from the action and went to the young campers to greet them. "
Hey guys, how you doing? If you are looking for your cabins I think perhaps you had better give it some time. Though, if you have a good clue just leave your things in a cabin. See things is you'll have to be claimed sooner or later." "Claimed?" Rèy pursed her lips in a small smile and she gave a knowing smile. "I think you'll know it when you see it." The children were so young, happy, vibrant, and it made Rèy feel better oddly enough. Fresh faces among the crowd, and a bunch of eager young and olds was like a blessing. "My name is Rèy by the way. Call me R"

Rèy was being responsible, even as a lesser experienced camper, only being there about two years, she loved she cpuld give direction.

She had about ten or so lost souls with her by the end of it, and they all looked to her eagerly, so, them being just as hungry as her, she led them to the Pavilion.

The Fun way.

Alrighty guys! I'm fast, so I hope you can keep up! Ready! Set! Go!"

Rèy laughed as she made off into a sprint from the cabins with a bunch of demi-gods trailing behind, some with a single bag they needed and some without anything at all. Two of them were certain they were Hermes, and she believed them when she slowed down to run with them. After running ahead of the group again she pointed put the one or two areas they passed, and made campers laugh as the group passed, especially when pointing out the little things. She was even sure she saw Jethro and what must of been another newbie, on the way over. "
That over there is called a Tree, my children! Avoid it at all costs unless provoked!," she shouted back to them, earning a good amount of laughs. "And here is a child of Hermes. Also, your provider of fun!" She pointed to herself, running backwards for a second to give a winning wink at them. The group cheered and now the runners were at the Pavilion. "The Pavilion!", she announced as they made it. The group slowed down with her and glad to see food they all gave wide grins. Now their stomachs were growling all over the place.

Rèy felt a wave of achievement for the morning, and as she walked inside, a group of already riled up and excited new campers breaking up behind her, Rèy gave a few high fives and fist bumps before finding her way to get food. She really hoped the kids had fun in those few minutes on a crazy run to food. It was spontaneous and even though she was never assigned to it she felt it right to do. Plus, it was the best start to a new year and a fantastic morning. She had even gotten some intel about the chaos that ensued. Elijah had summoned skeletons.

She moved over to gather her food, and respectfully gave some to her father Hermes in offering, before moving through the mounds of tables and people to find her usually packed table. She had gotten a chicken burger, a granny smith apple, a drink of water, and a pile of hot chips for herself. Not so much a breakfast, but food in all. As she made her way to the table she looked around at the other campers to try and spot some familiar face among the newbies. Alot of campers had left for family, so she wasn'y sire as to who came back yet, and then there was the campers like Callie who didn't leave like herself.

Rèy, if you hadn't noticed by now, was a big people person, and she was aquainted and well known with most every camper not new to the camp this day. Though there was the odd few that she avoided, she would always end up talking to their subsequently annoying faces at some point.

Still making her way to the Hermes table Rèy looked among the rallies and first face she recognised was Seymour's, in Heaphestus. The two of them were quite mutual, not the nest of friends of course. He was cute, but almost two years younger than her. Bummer. Why were all the cute ones younger? Does that really matter though? Oh, but there was Ajax, now Ajax was something else all together and completely. Rèy smirked in his direction, that being Seymour's, probably making eye contact, then turned her head to spot another familiar face.

Over at the Hades table she saw Elijah. The one and only scarer and necromancer of great evil, Elijah could be one of the strangest yet funniest boys she knew. His pranks most often were hated, but she can always remember a time when she is hanging in a tree and laughing at a hilarious scene below, all created by Elijah and his ghosts or skeletons. The two of them were pretty good friends in her opinion. She passed him, realising a much younger girl also at the table and furrowed her eyebrows somewhat but she shook it off as a new Hades kid and gave Elijah a smile, nodding her head to him as she continued.

Next, she recognised Balthazar. He too was quite the character, and not often bad company to keep. She liked to think they were friends too in a way. She sent him a small smile, before moving on. She was surprised to have not seen Callie or Brooke, but it was probably just her eyes and her attention, she'd end up finding them later. Same with Ajax no doubt.

When she made it to the Hermes table everyone was greeting her and she sat with a big smile. The chatter was sky high as usual.

Goodmorning subjects!!", she shouted down the table. She earned both "boo's" and "cheers" from her sibling, causing her to laugh with the sister sitting next to her. Her pearly whites revealed themselves and her Heterochromatic eyes lit up, bronde hair tussled. Yeah, this was gonna be a good year.

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Location: The Big House Scenario: Tour time! With: @NewCampers Réy @BeamMeUpScotty

Mentions: Balthazar
@Faction Before Blood Elijah @Peaceswore Odette @Bubbly Brandi @Anyone else


AJ bit his lip slightly as Balthazar took off, hoping he hadn't stepped over any lines there. He was never sure if he said the right thing or not to the younger teen. Of course their relationship right now was fairly fragile. He hummed slightly before turning back to the rest of the campers, "Alright you guys, let's go eat! I'll tell you all when I'm done and ready for the actual tour, be prepared for lots of walking." He chuckled, leading them all to the Mess Hall and pointing out each table, along with the corresponding God/Goddesses name, "If you know who you're Godly parent is then feel free to take a seat at your table. If you don't know than you're welcome anywhere they'll have you." He said with a grin before adding quickly, "Oh and don't forget to put an offering of food in the fire, keeps your parents happy ya know?"

With that AJ went and grabbed his own food, tossing a bunch of grapes into the fire with a small mental thank you to his mother. He ate happily, chatting with some of his fellow Cabin mates, along with some of the newbies that had followed him to his table. A few of them he was sure where part of the Aphrodite family, while a couple others he realized probably just followed him with no idea of what else to do. He talked to them all the same, looking around the Hall as folks filtered in and out, his eyes landing on Balthazar as he noticed the angry look on his face, wondering why he was tossing more into the fire, but knowing that he couldn't just ask either. Continuing to look around he noticed a small blonde girl sitting with Elijah and he watched them for a bit, smiling over how much Elijah changed around the younger campers.

Finally he finished up, just as Réy walked into the building. Ah Réy, daughter of Hermes. He'd long since learned to keep a careful eye on everything he had on him at the moment whenever he was around a Hermes kid. But Réy was his morning running partner. She could keep up with him, and she liked to talk. It was all great fun, and really she knew how to handle herself too. All in all he'd call them great friends. Standing up he cleared his throat slightly calling out, "Any new campers who want an actual tour come find me by the entrance in about five minutes. By the time we finish up it'll be time for the campfire tonight." He added with an air of excitement before he excused himself from his table and walked over to Réy as she sat, "Awe hon, I'm offended. You didn't even come say hello to me." He drew a fake sniff and wiped at a fake tear, "And I really thought we had something special Réy." AJ spoke with a melodramatic tone to his voice, earning a few laughs from the rest of the kids at the table.

Son of Zeus


Location:The Pavilion //Scenario: Hmmm//With: Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions:N/A

Jethro came to a stop as they entered the pavilion. His eyes quickly scanning the area, spotting campers new and campers old as he did so. He pointed over to the Poseidon table.

At camp, for lunch there are assigned seating. You sit at the table that belongs to your Olympian parents. Since you are a daughter of Poseidon, that over there is your table. Sitting there is your brother Balthazar, yes you have a brother. I sit over there.

Jethro pointed to a solitary table. Despite the pact of the big three being dissolved, Jethro still was the only camper at Camp Half-Blood who was a child of Zeus. So, nearly all the time, he was sitting alone. In fact, many of the activities he was on his own.

Feel free to go get something to eat. Then go ahead and go with Aj over there for the tour. I have some things I have to prepare for so I am going to be a little busy for a bit. If you want to talk more later, come see me after you are done with your tour.

Jethro walked towards his table, in his mind, he went over all the details he needed to and it was vital that he did so.

For Tomorrow was the First Capture The Flag Game Of The Summer.


Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah chuckled a bit at the question Odette had asked him. "Well we put our food in that to thank our fathers or mothers, just a small offering to the gods. Usually you say a thank you or something to your godly parent as well." He said with a sigh as he realized he didn't have his food yet. Looking around he saw that things had cleared out a bit so he could go get his meal now without anyone getting in his way. "Hey, I'll be right back." He said with a smile.

He was about to get up when Rey walked by giving him a smile, and seeing as he had no qualms with her he waved at her, though he didn't return the smile. Before getting up he looked around to see if there was anyone that may try to stop him from getting his food, however he saw no one. He did look AJ in the eyes for a brief second, but as soon as he did he looked away (once more a rose color decorating his cheeks).​

Now he actually got up and headed to the food. Once he gathered his plate he went ahead to the fire. Luckily he was the only one in line for the fire at the moment...and just like usual he just starred at it not going to it right away. 'Come on... I need to get over this fear.' He thought rather annoyed with himself. Because of his fear with fire he had the hardest time offering some of his food...and he almost never went to the campfire. He had to admit it was annoying, but he truly couldn't help himself and it was a bit embarrassing that the son of the great god Hades was afraid of a few flames. "....Damn it." He mumbled as he thought about skipping another meal so he could avoid not getting any closer to the leaping flames.

@Bubbly Brandi @munchkincora @BeamMeUpScotty


Rèy Matèo Balestràde


Location: Cabin 11/Hermes Cabin --> Mess Hall/The Pavilion

Scenario: Still Eating people, but here comes a cutie!

With: Hermes Son's and Daughter's// Ajax, Son of Aphrodite @munchkincora

Mentions: Elijah @Peaceswore × Odette @Bubbly Brandi


Ŕey was eating up her apple and occasionally sipping her water to take it ddown, at one point she even almost choked when she laughed, causing more of a stir and a roll of the eyes for Rèy. She still loved them though. Her chatting however was interrupted somewhat when none other than A.J appeared before the Hermes table. She immediately pursed her lips into a smirk and she looked up at him with innocent eyes. She sighed a noticeable sigh but could just not rid that smirk. The others who laughed at A.J's antics were met with Rèy sticking her tongue out at them cheekily and it quietened them but just made them want to burst more. "Ha ha ha, very funny," she mused.

Rèy looked up at A.J again and she gave a sympathetic look. "Aawww, A.J, my main man. We do, believe me when I say," she told him just as dramatically. "How could I be so foolish?" She shook her head and looked down in shame, shaking her head. "Oh, woe to me."

Her act however failed to last long and she gave a laugh as she lifted her head back up again. Her siblings boo'd and she gave them all a look, hands up in a shrug like surrender. "
Aww come on guys! That was great acting!," she complained, and they only gave her faces. She once again stuck her tongue out and they went back to talking or watching Ajax and her.

Rèy put down the apple she was still holding and folded her hands over the table, eyes seat on Dean with a raised eyebrow. "
So, how'd you go with morning with the newbies?," she questioned, honestly interested, she wanted to know just what was going on. Because only moments before he announced a tour in 5 minutes. "Oh, and uh, sorry about the run this morning. I was...busy," she added, remembering the fact that she had skipped out on it, to play the silly video game and dig through some stuff. It happened too often lately it seemed.



Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; Can I help? With; Elijah Lansen @Peaceswore Mentions; @Anyone else


The blonde nodded her understanding at that explanation, it made sense to her. She knew that everyone's parents were Gods or Goddesses, that's what her mother had said. The kids here all got a power from their Godly parent and it made them very special. Offerings to Gods were commonplace, or at least that's what she assumed now. Odette smiled up at Elijah as he got up to go get his own food, her brown eyes following him for a moment before she looked at AJ who was speaking to them again. A tour. She thought for a moment before deciding that she wanted to stay with Elijah. He seemed nice anyway, maybe he could show her around.

Then she realized that she hadn't said thank you when she'd tossed her food in and she hesitated for a moment before closing her eyes,
Thanks Daddy for protecting Mom and me when we came to Camp. I can't remember your name, so sorry, but thanks for helping us. She paused for a moment, considering her options before adding, Also if you could make sure that Mom is okay while I'm gone that would be awesome. I'm worried that she might try and work to hard. She opened her eyes, sitting quietly for a second, half expecting him to reply to her though she wasn't sure how exactly he was supposed to do that.

Sighing softly and causing her hair to move from her eyes she looked around for Elijah, spotting him at the fire and looking hesitant. Odette stood up and carefully walked over to him, quiet for a second before saying,
"Are you okay?" She asked gently, mostly concerned about her new friend. Was he scared of the fire? Well that definitely made sense, fire as kinda scary when you thought about it. "Can I help you, or do you have to do it yourself?" She asked, shuffling her feet slightly.



Location: The Big House Scenario: Please Réy. Oh my Gods please. With: @NewCampers Réy @BeamMeUpScotty

Mentions: Elijah
@Peaceswore @Anyone else


"Nah you're good babe don't worry about it." AJ said, in mention of their usual morning run, waving a dismissive hand, "I mean sure I was...outrageously lonely but...I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." He joked idly, with a light shrug and a friendly smirk. The rest of the group around the table chuckling at that. AJ had always liked the Hermes kids, even with their sticky fingers. They all got that his jokes were in good fun, a good part of them were flirty enough to hold a conversation with him, unless he decided to really turn up the heat with his charm.

The blonde glanced around at the newer campers, most of them finishing up their food now that he'd be giving them the tour in a bit, "You missed it this morning. Elijah pulled another prank on the newbies. Everyone was running around and Jethro had to try and chill everyone out." AJ grinned down at his friend, "I consider myself the cause of diffusing the situation though. I talked to the cutie with a booty and he agreed to pull his friends off the newbies." He grinned, at the thought glancing over to the boy in question where he stood by the fire, still accompanied by the new little girl. He wondered idly for a moment if she was a new Hades kid, and if that's why she was with him so much. Because a lot of the newbies tended to steer themselves away from the guy.

Suddenly a thought occurred to him as he looked around at the table, and thought about the campfire, and then about tomorrow. Specifically the game of Capture the Flag. Hermes kids weren't by any means anyone's first choice of teammates. Usually people wanted to get the Ares cabin or the Athena cabin on their side. Someone that was good at fighting or planning strategic moves. But what the Hermes cabin lacked in muscle they more than made up for in numbers, and in skill. They were good at getting the flag. Sneaking around unnoticed. So with that thought AJ straightened himself up slightly and said, "By the way Réy. There's something I wanted to ask you...." He started, before dramatically getting down onto one knee as though he were proposing, clasping his hands together in a pleading way and said, "Would you, the Hermes cabin, do me the greatest honor of being on my team for Capture the Flag?"
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Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah stood there for a time like usual but soon he snapped out of it when he heard Odette voice. Blinking he looked at her and gave her a small smile. "Thanks for the offer but I'm fine." He said before grabbing some of his food and carefully tossing it into he fire. 'Don't miss... Score.' He thought with a smirk when the food went straight into the fire even though Elijah was a good distance from it. 'Sorry father... Still scared of flames.' He thought with a sigh before looking back at Odette. "Let's head back to the table I should talk to you about the game tomorrow." He said as he moved away from the fire heading back to his table. When he got there he sat down and started to eat as he waited for Odette

@Bubbly Brandi
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Location; The Mess Hall Scenario; Games? With; Elijah Lansen @Peaceswore Mentions; @Anyone else


Odette was glad that Elijah smiled down at her, and watched him toss the food into the flames, curious as to why he did it so far away but she had enough common sense to not ask about it. Then he mentioned a game. "There's a game? What kind of game?" She asked, perking up considerably. She loved playing games. Whether it be board games, or active games kind of like tag or hide and seek. Odette was good at picking up rules and taking them to heart, understanding them easily. A rule was a rule and it should be followed. Sitting back down with Elijah she continued picking at her food, though really she was more focused on what this game was now. Sliding her bag off her shoulder and setting it on the table next to them.


Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Pavillion | Scenario: The eyes are the windows to the soul // Separation // | With: Her brother? @Faction Before Blood | Mentions: Jethro @ModernRanger

As they made it towards the Pavillion, Ariella stopped suddenly when Jethro had, tilting her head curiously as to why he didn't move any futher. Looking up at him, her eyes searched his face, seeing if she could find the source or reason something changed, slightly. Had she said something wrong? Maybe she shouldn't have asked so many questions. Nevertheless, Ariella blinked, hearing Jethro sighing, as she paid attention to what he wanted to say. However, she didn't expect him to slightly scold her for being wrong about thinking she had a "disability". In fact, he praised her, something she never thought someone would do, especially for her. But, she took his advice, listening carefully to what he was saying. Teamwork relies more on eye contact and expressions rather than verbal communication? If that was the case. .perhaps Jethro was right, she did have the advantage. She nodded, signing
"I'll remember that, thank you, Jethro." Ariella said sincerely, believing in his words and wisdom. She believed in him but not only that, she trusted his instincts knowing he has more experience than she ever would. However, as they approached the Pavillion, Jethro explained to her that not only are the cabins according to skills, but even the arranged seating area. So does that mean she couldn't sit by Jethro? Turning her attention towards where Jethro was pointing, she blinked, not knowing what to say as she heard and saw Jethro pointing to her . . brother. Before she could even comprehend that aspect, Jethro reassured her once more saying she definitely, in fact, does have a brother. All her life, she believed she was an only child. Sure, the male Jethro pointed to was probably her half-brother, but the fact remains that she has a family members here. Ariella didn't know whether to feel upset or excited. Should she be mad at her . . father for getting another person knocked up. . or should she feel to know she finally has a sibling to talk to. She had always wanted one! But, as much as Ariella wanted to continue finding faults for her . . Father, she couldn't this time. Especially since well. . he granted her the best gift ever! A brother! She felt horrible for her mother though, but in her gut feeling, she felt like her mother knew she wasn't the only woman Poseidon love. I mean, it was in the Greek mythologies. . that the Gods had many children with different woman. Regardless of the personal battle she was having inside her head, she was beyond elated to see a brother . . She just hoped he liked her. . But, Ariella turned over to where Jethro would be sitting, however, it looked empty . Ariella's heart ached slightly. She was about to ask him if he wanted some company, but he admitted to being busy and so she left it at that, though she really wanted to tap on his arm, to tell ask if she can sit with him. Ariella could just say she didn't know where she needed to go and feign ignorance. But, she didn't, sighing as she waved slightly towards Jethro, even though his back was already turned away.

However, standing there without someone next to her, or rather someone who nearly towered next to her to make her feel . . a bit safe, she felt out of place. Ariella let out a big breathe, not liking how she became too attached to someone she just met, only because he was nice to her. . . But, she did make a friend and he was her very first one, so, she'll treasure it immensely. Looking around, Ariella carefully walked through the Pavillion, making her way around the place and got in line to get some food. She remembered Jethro telling her to offer up some food, it'll make them happy.
Offer her father . . food. . ? It was all still too new too her and the pain buried in her heart ached slightly as she found herself staring at the fire for quite a while. She was mesmerized by the warmth it brough, yet she jumped when she felt a shove next to her from one of the boys at the Camp. Not taking it to heart, she moved to the side and threw an apple into the fire, ignoring the males. Ariella wasn't too hungry, but she should at least fill her stomach a bit, right? Taking a deep breathe, she realized she reached the section she was suppose to be in, where her brother sat. How should she introduce herself, just say hi, I'm your sister? Or just say hi, in general? No one gave her a manual book about this! Before she walked to her "brother", as Jethro told her he was, Ariella looked around, seeing when the tour guide would start. She didn't want to miss the tour and suffer the lose of being the only one not knowing where everything was. Reaching her brother, Ariella tapped her "brother"'s shoulder, giving him a sheepish smile, "Hello, Can I sit down and join you if that seat isn't taken?" She signed, hoping he knew the language.

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Balthazar looked up at the tap on his shoulder looking for who wanted his attention. His eyes fell on a pretty young girl, about his age with an uncanny resemblance to someone he met once though he couldn't place exactly who at the moment. He watched the girl make some gestures what he didn't understand but recognized as sign language and looked at her then apologetically and sighed, "That's sign language, right? Sorry but I don't know what any of that meant..." he told her hoping she wasn't deaf as well as mute. "Are you looking for directions or did someone point you in my direction?" he asked her.




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