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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]


Seymour Anima

Location : The Big House | With : Balthazar, Elijah, AJ

Seymour caught the small key in his massive hand, taking great care not to crush it. Seymour stood up and began thinking about all the stuff he could build with full access to the shed. Seymour nodded his goodbye to Balthazar, not having noticed him staring holes into the back of his head earlier. Not that Seymour would have cared even if he did see him. The giant walked down the steps and noticed all the new kids giving him a wide berth. He blinked, not understanding why they were so afraid of him. It didn't occur to him they'd never seen someone summon a giant hammer and almost burn down a building. Dismissing the strange occurrence, Seymour walked towards the shed through the large gap the new kids made. The teen already knew where the shed was as he had tried breaking in there multiple times. The lock was magic and Seymour had no idea how to break it. The shed was located near the cabins and that was where Seymour began trudging towards.

With the shed in sight, Seymour picked his pace up some. This would be noticeable by very few as the teen was always walking very slow. It wasn't that he liked to be a nuisance, he just didn't see the point in being anywhere quicker than his normal pace. Seymour nearly leaped with joy when the key fit into the lock and turned. He threw the doors open, standing in awe. Every gadget, part, and metal that he could imagine was in the shed. Seymour decided it would be best to save all the possible projects for later or he would never finish the one he had now. Gathering the few small pieces he needed to finish his case, Seymour turned to leave. He locked the shed behind him, not wanting any of his other cabin mates to get in the shed. Less for me if they get it. As the giant walked back towards the forge he began assembling the pieces to finish his phone case. However, Seymour was so focused on building that he hadn't noticed two girls talking to each other. He plowed into one on accident, most likely knocking her to the ground. It would have been like a truck just slowly backed into someone. Seymour stopped, looking up from his case. The one he had bumped into had been smoking and the giant just stared at her.

@PsychoDrummerA , @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Strawberry Fields//Scenario:/Mmm Strawberries/With: Formerly, Jethro @ModernRanger currently, Brooklym @ShadyAce//Mentions:

Realising it was no use trying to cheer up Jethro, Callie decided that the best thing she could do was just leave him alone with his thoughts. Her hunger was starting to override her concern now anyway, and she was not having any luck.

"Well, if you're sure you're okay..." She said as she continued her walk, though she had turned in the direction of the pavilion. "I'll just be going then!" With a little wave she was off, and spotted her friend Brooklyn from Demeter cabin near the strawberry fields along the way. She grinned and headed over, wondering if she would be allowed a couple of strawberries. "Brooke!" She exclaimed enthusiastically.



Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Location: Stables/ With: No one

Elijah didn't hear what zappy told him to do as he was long out of ear shot as he went to the stables. "What the hell was with that guy calling me that." He mumbled under his breath as he stopped at the horses and looked up at the one he liked. A beautiful black horse he had taken care of since it was a foul. "Hey girl. Did you hear all that screaming earlier? Hehe It was the new campers just having a blast thanks to yours truly!" He said with a grin as he started to care for the horse. "It was freaken hilarious! One 12 year old pissed his pants! Hahahaha Oh gods I love the new campers!" He said in a rather happy tone before he let out a sigh. "But then zappy and beef man ruined my fun." He grumbled depressed a bit. "Oh well... I'll try and think of something to entertain myself with later~" He decided not to mention the one that actually stopped his little fun and continued to groom the horse.

Son of Zeus


Location:The Woods//Scenario:Combat//With:No one//Mentions:N/A

Jethro had found his way into the woods and it was not long before he had found something to fight. Considering he was the son of the King of Olympus, the monsters were always clamoring to try to make him their food. Jethro faced that hateful eyes of a giant scorpion. One that had already spotted him and decided to make him its lunch. With out any sense of urgency, Jethro reached back and drew his sword. He also shrugged his shield onto his arm and waited for the monsters advance. It scuttled forward, making a direct line for him.

How predictable

The monster struck with its tail, intending to impale him right off the bat. Jethro merely hopped backwards, the stinger striking the dirt at his feet. Jethro did not make a move to attack the creature yet, as he wanted this battle to last for at least a minute. The creature withdrew its stinger, deciding to make a grab with one of its massive pincers. It lunged forward and Jethro merely dove backwards, the pincer snapping shut inches from his face. As he landed he rolled to his feet and faced the creature once again. It scuttled at him again and now Jethro was done with his defense. He dashed forward as the creature snapped at him once again. Timing it with almost perfection, Jethro jumped above the pincer, landing on top of it right after it closed. He used the pincer as a spring board, jumping off of it, he found himself level with the creature's stinger. As he flew past it, he slashed it off midair. The creature screeched loud enough to be heard for a mile. Jethro hit the ground at a roll and coming to his feet, he looked back to observe his work. The scorpion was still screeching and for good reason too. The monster's venom was spurting out of its severed stinger. The venom was spraying about, the majority of it pouring on to the creature itself. Jethro watched the monster melt on account of its own venom. Spinning his sword he sheathed it on his back along with his shield and continued walking. Perhaps he'd find something else in these damned woods to help improve his mood.

[Anyone is free to come talk to Jethro if they wish to. I encourage the roleplayers who have not actually had their character interact with anyone to do so. The choice is yours.]



Daughter of Apollo

Location: Apollo//Scenario: Some light flirting and getting steamrolled//With: @PsychoDrummerA @Lurker


Anastasia looked at her with a little look of surprise at Cassie."Seven years huh? Well I admit I am only been here a year but I would have notice a babe like you around."She said like she was surprised but not all that much."your off to eat some thing?"

She didn't get an answer being blowed into by a big masa of muscle they called Seymour, bringing her to the ground. "She groaned for a moment but picked herself fairly quickly despite pain allover her back. "You f... moron! All that muscle and not a brain in your head isn't it?!" She shouted at Seymour."Why don't you watch were you going?!"
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Brooke Walker

Daughter of Demeter

((I'll edit the gif in when I get on a com))

Location: Strawberry Fields // With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix // Mentions: New campers

Brooke glanced up as she nawed on a strawberry. "Callie!" She said with a smile "I haven't seen you in ages!" She finished, clearly joking since they were both year-round campers, and pretty much best friends. She stood up, and placed her hand over a small struggling strawberry plant, and grew it up. Brooke delicatly picked the berry, and offered it to Callie. "Want one? They're pretty good, as usual." She smirked, almost knowing Callie would take the berry. Since the strawberries here are grown with - well, magic - they always seem to taste unusually good.

With a cheeky smile, Brooke commented on the amount of new campers she saw in the distance.
"A large bunch this year, eh?" Her eyes lingered over to them, and she felt sympathetic. It was crazy coming to this camp, especially for the first time... She always thought about the short period of her life of which was filled with monster attacks, until she came here. Not that there weren't occasional attacks in camp, but it was so much more scarce, and extraordinarily easier to fight them.

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Son of Zeus


Location:The Woods//Scenario:Observing the carnage//With:His Sword and Shield//Mentions: N/A

Jethro stood in the center of a pile of monster dust. His expression emotionless, his eyes dully scanning his surroundings, checking for anymore opponents. When none were forthcoming Jethro sheathed his weapons. He sighed, he had to admit that he felt better than he had earlier. His hand was no longer sparking with pent up energy and his mind felt more focused.

Jethro had to admit that sometimes he forgot that he was no longer in military school. He often forgot that others did not live his life nearly as disciplined as he was. People assumed he did not hear the comments they made about him behind his back. He had heard it all. Team Nazi, Sergeant HardA, Military Boy and a variety of others, not all of them as kind. No one saw why he did what he did but that was the price of being leadership. Nobody ever realized what he did for them behind the scenes. The mindless paper work he did to ensure that everything ran smoothly. The long hours of ruthless and cruel training he put himself through so that he was always ready to defend the camp.

He might not be the strongest fighter in the camp. However, he was ranked easily among the best because of his skills. Skills that had to maintained constantly. It was why he had so few if any friends. People did not like his outlook and his general approach. He had never had a girlfriend because of his personality. As far as he knew, none of the girls were even interested in him. Sometimes it bothered him but other times he did not even give it a thought. What was the point after all? Whining about it wouldn't change anything and neither was he going to change himself. He was the way he was and that was how it was going to stay. Often times, leadership was a lonely job. Maybe that was why Chiron had chosen him, he was disciplined and always thinking about the camp as a whole more than the individual campers. Of course it was important to handle individual camper issues but his duty was to the camp as a whole. Whether or not the campers liked him for it.


Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Woods | Scenario: Tripping and running into someone?| With: @ModernRanger

Ariella was in still in awe and disbelief when she walked through the portal to Camp Half-blood. Her mind was still processing the idea of her being the daughter of one of the Greek Gods, the Big Three, to be specific. It felt like just yesterday when she first gotten into Greek Mythology and she found herself being drawn to the Greek God: Poseidon. Every day during her freshman year of high school until well, now, she kept drawing the male figure, sometimes, she would even add a drawing of herself into the sketch, which she always kept a secret, of course. As the Satyr, also known as Tumnus, guided her towards the Camp, her eyes opened widely, when she came into view of the vast landscape of the Camp. It was as if the Camp went from miles and miles long, never-ending. Her head whipped around towards the cabins, the open fields, the beach with the open waters, the woods, and many more places for her to explore. Before Ariella could sign to tell her opinions of the place, Tumnus turned towards her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"You will be safe here. There's a lot for you to learn before you're ready to go out into the world, again. This is your home now." He said to her wisely, ruffling her hair slightly, before speaking again, "I have some things to catch up on, so head towards the pavillion, it should be lunch time by now. I'll come and find you later. Take this, " Tumnus said, before showing her a bracelet with a tiny bell on it, placing it on her wrist. "This. . will help me find you and hear where you are. You're as quiet as a mouse." He teased, bringing her into another hug before letting her go.

She blinked, not expecting Tumnus to be considerate of her, she would have expected him to have leave her by now, or rather relieved to have her out of his hairs. But, that expression never came, instead, she saw a face of someone that looked proud, sad even, but nevertheless, proud. For the first time in three days, Ariella smiled, a full wide smile as she nodded, signing,
"Thank you, Tumnus. It's beautiful." Tumnus grinned, nodding before waving a good-bye and turning away, heading in the opposite direction. Ariella watched as Tumnus walked away, feeling slightly lonely without his presence, but nevertheless, she started walking towards the noises and where many people were gathering. Ariella was eyeing her surroundings, letting the fresh scent of nature fill her nose as she looked up at the clear, blue, sky. However, anxiety came upon her when she reached where the pavillion must have been, seeing that large crowd could be seen. What if she bumped into someone and next thing she knew, she's on the ground, and they're laughing? She thought to herself, shaking off the negativity, as she decided to not go farther in that direction. Taking a deep breathe, she turned away and headed towards the woods.

Carefully, Ariella made sure to watch her step, taking extra precautions to not trip over any tree barks, roots, or rocks. However, as her luck would have it, she ended up tripping over a small rock, causing her to lose her balance. With a quiet "oomph", Ariella was on the ground, face planted on the ground, but that didn't stop her from getting back up again and moving forward. Trying to wipe all of the dirt off of her clothes as best as she can, Ariella continued on her way, looking at the plants and flowers that were scattered here and there in the woods. However, soon, when she wasn't looking, Ariella became entrapped in a vine. Freaking out, Ariella struggled against the vine as she moved around, trying to break free of what was entrapping her. The bell on her wrist made noises with her as she finally got free of the vines. Dropping to the ground, Ariella took shallow breathes as she felt her heart beating quickly. When she calmed down slightly, she stood up, turning around to face the vines, frowning at it. She really needed to calm down, especially since a vine literally spooked her. Maybe her nerves were still skyrocketing since well . . she never really did recover from the trauma of the attack. Shaking her head, Ariella continued down her path, being more than extra careful, she was alert. However, as she got deeper into the forest, she smelled something. . . that didn't agree with her nose to much. . Her nose scrunched up as she felt shiver downs her spine until she was greeted by a male. Ariella stopped in her tracks, afraid to bother the male that looked to be in the center of. . . something. She observed the male in front of her. . he looked. . huge! Not in a gross and fat type of way, but in a. . masculine and built sense.. sort of? Ariella didn't know how to describe it, honestly, since well. . she never really took notice of the opposite sex before, much less was in the same room with one. Taking her attention off the man, she looked at the ground. She saw ashes. . ? dust. . ? Whatever it was. . it made her curious, but not to the point where she wanted to disturb the male. It looked like he didn't notice her yet, it seemed, so she took the chance to try to go around the male, unseen. However, with her bad luck of walking. . she ended up tripping over a branch and fell flat on her face, again. . . . exposing herself to the male.

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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Strawberry Fields//Scenario: Chatting//With: Brooklym @ShadyAce//Mentions:

Callie played along with Brooke's little joke about having not seen each other in forever. Pouring on the drama, she replied "oh gods, I know it's been too long!" When Brooke automatically handed her a strawberry, her grin widened and she took one, quickly popping it into her mouth. "Mmm, it's like you read my mind," she said, looking satisfied by the refreshing taste of the berry, "I wish my powers involved growing strawberries..." It was then that she turned her attention back to the new campers with a nod. There were an awful lot of them, but at least at camp they were safe from potential harm. She just hoped Chiron would be back to greet them so that they weren't faced with Mr D.

"Just wait until they meet Mr D. I bet they'll wish they had monsters to face," she giggled, "they'd take undead skeletons in a heartbeat I bet...You want to go get some lunch at the pavilion? It's not exactly healthy, but I'm getting a cupcake."



Son of Zeus


Location:The Woods//Scenario:Newcomer//With:Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions: N/A

Jethro looked around as he heard a noise. What he saw was a girl who had apparently lost a battle to gravity. Quickly scanning the area once again to make sure that there were no more threats in the area, Jethro made his way over to the girl. Crouching down, he looked at her for a second or two before saying,

"Well, I'll be generous and give you an eight on your dismount. However, the landing is going to cost you some points, I think a three will probably be your score." He smiled at the girl, he knew on sight that she was brand new. Jethro had trained every camper coming through the camp. Even if he didn't always remember their names, he knew their faces. Had she been to the camp before, he would have recognized her. Holding a hand out to her he said,

"How about we get you up off the ground? I can't imagine it is much fun being on the ground there."


Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Woods | Scenario: Points? | With: @ModernRanger

Ariella scolded herself, muttering even though no sounds came out of her mouth.
Only you would, Ariella, fall face first into the ground twice, and not only that, you made a fall of yourself in front of Gods know who. Hell, he could even be someone important. First impressions always matters the most and the first thing she knew that the male will remember about her is that she literally kissed the ground. She would have assumed that he would just look at her and leave her there to mind his own business. So, when she heard his voice above her, it surprised her, quite a bit. Lifting her head slightly, Ariella blinked, staring at the light brown, carameled hair male that was crouched down in front of her. She listened to him, as he said, "Well, I'll be generous and give you an eight on your dismount. However, the landing is going to cost you some points, I think a three will probably be your score." Eight on her dismount? However, her score would probably be a three? What did he mean by that? But hearing that numbers were being involved, she felt like scoring three is definitely, definitely a bad. . number to get. Frowning slightly, Ariella bit her lip, not liking the score that she had gotten. It wasn't her fault the branches came towards her without her knowing.

However, Ariella was pulled out of her musing when he spoke again, "
How about we get you up off the ground? I can't imagine it is much fun being on the ground there." Quite flustered, Ariella had forgotten she was still on the ground, using her arm, she positioned herself up as she kneeled, facing the crouched male. She hoped he understand sign language, yet at the same time, she hadn't want to sign to him. What if she started signing and that'll just cause him to run away? Nevertheless, she just decided to risk it, Tumnus did tell her it'll be "home" until she can manage on her own. "Why a three? The branch was came out of nowhere!" Ariella signed, emphasizing "nowhere", as she pouted slightly towards the male. But, nevertheless, Ariella gently got up, not wanting help from him since felt it her score was a little unfair., however, she took his hand anyways. As she stood up on her feet again, she balanced herself, making sure she wouldn't tumble over again. She hadn't realized how petite she was to the male in front of her until he stood up as well. However, her mind drifted as she was still confused as to why he didn't just ignore her. He was a . . strange fellow. . She eyed him curiously, shrugging slightly, "I eventually got used to being on the ground." She signed to him, but as she finished, Ariella realized how weird that must have sounded and eventually slapped forehead, jumping slightly from the hard impact she put on herself.

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Pulling herself out of her rather depressing thoughts Lux stood, put away her deck, and headed toward the stables. I can't keep putting myself into such depressing moods. Otherwise I'll end up driving myself mad. Nodding to one of the other campers that frequent the stables she headed toward her favorite of the Pegasus. Stepping into the stall she smiled as the winged horse whined a hello. Stepping up to the horse she grabbed a brush and began to brush him down. "Hey, Jax, after this what do you say we go for a flight?"

His snort and giant nod made her giggle and for the first time in a while she found herself smiling. Being happy is definitely better then being depressive.

Son of Zeus


Location:The Woods//Scenario:With the cripple who is whole//With:Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions: N/A

Watching the movements of the girl's hands, Jethro quickly realized what it was that she was doing. It was obviously sign language. The girl must be either deaf or mute. Luckily, sign language was one of the language skills taught at the academy. One would find it quite useful on a stealth mission. Taking a second to remember his lessons, Jethro signed back,

Only joking, you have nothing to worry about, are you alright?

He hoped that he had recalled his lessons correctly. He did not want to embarrass himself or offend the girl by a misused or misplaced sign.


Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Woods | Scenario: Someone who understands? | With: @ModernRanger

Her eyes lit up as her lips formed a wide smile. The male continued on surprising her more and more. She couldn't believe he knew sign language. Most people didn't know or would rather not learn the language since they found it "useless". Sure, meeting a mute person was highly unlikely, but nevertheless it was useful to learn the language just in case. Smiling widely, everything that happened prior swept past her head as she signed
, "You learned how to sign? How long did it take you?" She asked curiously, tilting her head. Ariella blinked when he said he was joking with her. Joking? She felt herself shaking her head as she laughed, holding her hand to her waist as the expression on her face showed cheerfulness, as a slight wheeze came out of her throat. As her soundless laughing died down, Ariella didn't feel as insecure about herself, knowing that the male before her probably knows she's mute by now. Plus, he hasn't run away. . yet. Soon, she answered his question, "Yes, I'm okay. What were you doing out here?" Ariella continued signing towards the male. He seemed friendly enough and it had been a while since she talked, well, signed, to another person aside from her mother and Tummus. So, for the first time in forever, she decided to not let her negative thoughts get in the way and just continued interacting with the guy.

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Location: The Big House Scenario: Leadership? Oh no. With: Balthazar Stilinski @Faction Before Blood , Any New Campers Mentions: @EveryoneElse


Ajax watched Elijah leave with a slightly put-out look, because hey he wasn't done talking. Then Jethro's voice came to him and he turned his attention to their 'unofficial' leader, making note of the lightning on his hand and his usual bright grin turning into a more serious expression. Jethro always tried his best to keep his powers under control, but sometimes, usually in times of distress, he simply couldn't help it. Looking over to his co-leader of the moment he nodded at Balthazar, "Yeah alright. Sounds good to me, just uh." He paused looking to the new campers, most of whom were still chattering about what had just happened, "Alright, listen up you adorable dorks!" He called out, getting all their attention and then smiling at the lot of them, "I'm assuming most of you guys are hungry, so we're just gonna point out a few necessary things before we take you off to eat. Anyone who wants a full tour afterwards can come talk to me. Sound good with you guys?" He finished up, clapping his hands together and rubbing them slightly as he spared a glance to Balthazar, making sure that was okay with him as well, "I can give the tour later it's fine. You don't need to worry about it. Talk to Seymour." AJ teased with a light wink towards the other boy.
Ethan was at the Arena, ready to see if anyone was up to lose again. One of the recruits seemed cocky, so, Ethan challenged him. As the duel began, the recruit charged Ethan, who was unarmed. In a flash of red and blur of his hands, he was in full armor with his katanas out. The other camper continued his charge, only for Ethan to spin around hi and kick him down, with a katana pressed to the back of his head. "Nice try, newbie." He then looked down amongst the others. "Anyone else?"
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Seymour Anima

Location : Outside the cabins | WIth :
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki , @PsychoDrummerA

The hulking teen barely heard the insults, more focused on the pieces in his hands. He quickly counted them, noticing that he had a piece that was missing. He looked back down at the girl, noticing that one of the pieces had fallen out of his hands and landed on her when she fell. He just continued staring at her while he tried to figure out how he was going to reach down and pick it up with his hands full. Seymour shrugged and leaned down over the girl, carefully picking up the last piece between two fingers. Without saying any apology or, anything really, Seymour began walking off. He checked the watch that he had made himself to see what time it was. The watch was solid gold and had two hammers intersecting on the faceplate. Noticing that it was lunchtime, Seymour began walking towards the mess hall. Food was about the only thing that could get Seymour out of the forge.

Seymour arrived early, yet so see anyone around. He was thankful and plopped himself down at his table. The bench groaned loudly with the weight but Seymour didn't seem to mind. He placed all the parts on the table, excited that he would finally be able to finish his case. The builder assembled the pieces incredibly fast, his hands moving at a blur. The outer case was to be a white gold that had the same crest on the back as his watch did. The screen protector was a glass that Seymour had reinforced more times than he could remember. The giant had broken the screen many times by just tapping on it too hard. The case split in half, allowing him to rest his phone in it before locking back in place. Seymour took a moment to admire the final product, sighing with relief. It suddenly occurred to him that he needed to test how Seymour-proof his case was. With that thought Seymour stood up with phone in hand and threw it like a baseball at a wooden pillar. The phone whizzed through the air, a pitch to make a star baseball player jealous. Seymour was please when the phone stuck into the pillar about 5 inches deep. The giant grinned and walked over to yank it out, leaving a hole that anyone would notice. Further testing would be required but for now Seymour just walked back over to sit down at the table and wait for lunch.

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Son of Zeus


Location:The Woods//Scenario:Bonding with a new friend//With:Ariella- @crucialstar //Mentions:N/A

I learned in the Military Academy. It only took a few months but that is because they are pretty persistent with their teaching methods. We had to spend a week where we could only talk by Signing. It was a rough week but most of us made it through.

Some words took longer for Jethro to remember but for the most part, he felt as if he had gotten the practice down again.

I was out here fighting monsters. That is what all this dust is, remains of the beasts.

Jethro clicked the some of the dust off of his boots before looking at the girl again,

Do you want to head towards camp? We can talk on the way.


Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

After Elijah had finished grooming his horse he let out a small sigh and petted her snout. "Got to go girl lunchtime!" He said with a grin as he moved away from her. He turned around and with his hands in his pocket he strolled over to the Big House to get some food, something he really longed for after shadow stepping and summoning four skeletons, that took a bit out of him so refueling would be much appreciated.

When he got to the big house he wasted no time to get to the rather lonely Hades table. He maneuvered his way through the new people and walked up to his table. There he sat down and laid his head on the table as he quietly watched the others. He saw it would be too much of a pain to get his food and offer some up at the moment with all the kids moving about, so he decided to wait.... Totally not an excuse to stay away from the fire a bit longer. It was a bit embarrassing to say, but even though he has been here for years on end he was still had a hard time offering his food to his father, after all..... Fire and him... Not friends in the least.

Elijah let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes as he lay there waiting for things to calm down, '...... They are soooo lucky I'm a bit out of it... Other wise I would summon ghost to make things more lively.' He thought with a smirk on his face though it was hidden with his arms that were folded over his mouth as he lay his head on the table.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/69b11b9978aecc33bc0056e8dfc71b5e.jpg.8711a01a098f1f499090bdf6c630ec1a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/69b11b9978aecc33bc0056e8dfc71b5e.jpg.8711a01a098f1f499090bdf6c630ec1a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Who told- never mind, you can probably smell it, cant you?" Balthazar sneered jokingly... well somewhat jokingly, thinking that he knew exactly what the other's wink meant, at AJ then turned back to the newbies. He mentioned and pointed in the general direction of the camps most prominent features to the kids after introducing himself and AJ to the crowd. he also told the group that if they wanted an actual tour to find AJ after lunch and he would be more than happy to pick out his next ex from the group of them.

After his rundown of the camp Balthazar headed off to the pavilion for lunch, nearly tripping as he stepped down from the porch of the Big House, and sulked most of the walk over to where lunch would be served. Was it really that obvious that he was stupid enough to have a thing for guys that didn't have a thing for him... namely Seymour? It isn't like he had a lot of choices stuck at camp all the time. Seeing the same faces every day. And its not like he didn't try either he just happened to like Seymour's quiet presence over someone who demanded attention from his very short attention span. True he cant do all the cuddly things he longed to do but none of that was worth potentially losing a friend.

As Balthazar neared the pavilion he saw that Seymour was already there and, without thinking, made a b-line for the other boy. "How do the Aphrodite kids do it? get the girl..or guy or whatever it is they like? it cant just be because of their mother, can it? I mean what do they have that no one else does?" he asked the human mountain that was his friend as soon as he was in earshot not particularly caring if AJ heard him either... it wasn't like he directly mentioned the gorgeous, dirty blonde anyway.





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Cassie Hugh

Location: Heading Toward the Dining Pavilion | Scenario: I'm not that kind of girl... | With: Anastasia @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki & Seymour @Lurker

Cassie looked at the daughter of Apollo, wondering if she was kidding. "Uhh...ok?" She wasn't really sure what to think about the 'babe' comment much less how to respond to it. Should I tell her I'm not gay, or...? "And yeah, I was. If you want you can join" At that moment, a boy, whom Anastasia addressed as Seymour, barreled into the daughter of Apollo. Cassie noticed that a piece of what the boy was carrying had fallen onto the blonde. She debated on whether or not to pick it up when the boy did so himself. Cassie shrugged, checked her watch, and walked away from the scene and toward the Dining Pavilion. She could hear Anastasia's insults as she shouted after Seymour.

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"Very well then, as you all were." Ethan turned from the arena and ran for the Mess hall, sitting at the Ares table with a hamburger, which he began to consume.

Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Woods | Scenario: New Beginning? | With: @ModernRanger

Grinning widely, Ariella watched as the male signed his reply. It felt a little weird, seeing another person signing for her. Her mom usually just talks to her normally, however, for the male to not talk and just sign, she couldn't help but respect him. He was definitely considerate of her circumstances and he actually wanted to be on the same level as her. She wondered if this was just how he is or he knew she was new to the camp so he was being polite. Regardless of what it is, Ariella was overjoyed and read his signs. Although she knew he wasn't fluent in it, he really was precise with his signing, not making a mistake as he managed to communicate with her.
"Military? That's amazing that they made you guys learn. It's definitely a great advantage to have, in a way." 'Well, then again, she shouldn't be surprised considering he seemed well fit and knew what he was doing. However, when he continued explaining what he was doing in the woods she blinked. "Monsters? What kind are they?" She signed as her heart quickened just a bit, she felt herself shiver slightly and jumped at the chance of getting out of the woods. A slight throb managed to sting from the gash she received as she bit her lip, taking in the pain. Her expression clearly showing that she felt discomfort being surrounded by a pile of monster dust. Nodding, she continued, "That sounds like a better idea than being surrounded by all of this. . dust. Let's go!" She managed to sign quite eagerly, waiting for him to lead the way.

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Seymour Anima

Location : Dining Pavilion | With : Balthazar,
@Faction Before Blood

Seymour was completely focused on his phone when Balthazar approached him. The teen was still stress testing the case, making sure it wouldn't break easily. His hands froze when Balthazar asked him the question. Seymour was probably the last person on earth anyone would think to ask for relationship advice. What makes him think I know that? I've never even had a girlfriend. Not that I want one. The giant spoke without looking, still staring at his phone. "Their mother is the god of love. They're good at relationships. Your father is the god of the Sea. You're good at things involving that." Seymour thought it was obvious but explained it to Balthazar anyway. Though he didn't speak much, when he did it was mostly to kids in his own cabin. Whenever he spoke they would all listen, taking his words as wisdom.

The muscle man really didn't care for love or anything. It wasn't that Seymour didn't notice when people were attractive, he just didn't see the point in being in a relationship. It sounds terribly annoying. Always having to try to impress someone else. No thank you. Reaching into his pocket, Seymour grabbed one of the jolly ranchers from earlier. He also grabbed a pixie stick, placing it beside him on the table. It was the closest thing Balthazar was going to get as an invitation to sit down. Seymour fumbled with the wrapper for some time, his hands being too big. It wasn't a problem when he was working with machines but his hands just seemed less intelligent when it came to other things. Finally getting the treat free he popped it into his mouth, sucking on it happily. His eyes scanned the rest of the pavilion, watching all the people come in. He knew some of the faces but most were new to him.

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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Apollo//Scenario: Fuming! //With: @PsychoDrummerA @Lurker


Anastasia was fuming by the man's indifference to tripping her and despite him helping her up, rushed after him towards the dinning area. Part of her was also curious about eaht the giant was up to. "Hey, get back here! You big malaka!" She called letting out a series of insults in her native Greek. He approached the man after he sat down in the pavilion. "Hey! You think you can just knock a girl aside without a wordmog apology! You want me to feed you the phone!" [border]

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