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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]

Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah watched as his skeleton was destroyed which just ended up making him sigh. "Boring." He muttered as he took his hands out of his pocket and concentrated once more, he took a deep breath as a bit of wind seemed to pick up around him. Seeing as he was used to summoning this was relatively easy for him. And with zappy trying to bring order he didn't have time to really stop Elijah. So thirty seconds after the first skeleton was destroyed...three more were created to take it's place causing even more mayhem as the skelotons went around chasing a few kids while scarying others. The chaos was more than last time and once again Elijah broke out laughing happily as he watched. Of course he was careful not to take it too far....not that the others knew that.

Elijah just laughed as he watched the kids scream in terror and run in all directions once more. "Ooo I'm going to get in so much trouble." He said to himself as he wiped away a tear, but frankly he didn't care at the moment as he was enjoying himself quite a bit.

@ModernRanger @Lurker @everyone else

Son of Zeus


Location:The Big House//Scenario:Dealing with issues//With:Seymour- @Lurker and Elijah- @Peaceswore //Mentions:

Without looking back, Jethro said to Seymour.

"Hey Seymour, if you get Elijah under control, I will talk to Chiron. I won't be able to convince him to not make you teach but perhaps I may just be able to convince him to give you twice as much material for half the work. Remember, he owes me quite a few favors so I think he may just go for the idea."

Seymour was a difficult person to get along with if you didn't know how to motivate him. Luckily, Jethro had discovered awhile back that as long as you have something to offer, Seymour was more than happy to do favors or "bounties" as Jethro like to refer to them as. He would focus on regaining control of the chaos and Elijah would have to deal with the unstoppable force that was Seymour.

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Plucking a few of the grapes off their vines Lux walked through the rows of grape vines contently listening to the screams from camp. The troublemakers of camp are at it again. I wonder which one it is this time. Probably Elijah. Again. As if in confirmation a skeleton burst into the grape vineyard and toward her. She stared at it unflinchingly as vines coiled around it and tore it apart until it burst into gold dust. Not even monsters are allowed in these fields without my father's permission. Smirking she ate her last grape and began heading back toward camp. At the edge of the vineyard she watched as skeletons chased some of the campers amused but hiding it behind her usual blank expression. Just another day at camp.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/uijyhgtrf.png.637f263b5f74cfa42a12c16ff2b7fe09.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/uijyhgtrf.png.637f263b5f74cfa42a12c16ff2b7fe09.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Balthazar sat near Seymour on the edge of the porch watching the chaos whilst snacking on pixie sticks he had unearthed from a second pocket. The sugar packages were a little mangled thanks to his little flight but sugar was sugar and these were still edible. Balthazar would have offered to help as well but next to Seymour he knew he could make little difference in a fight of any kind. Well... unless they were in the water, then that was right up his ally, but on land he was as almost as derpy in a fight as a majority of the first year campers so he simply sat back and enjoyed the scene.



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In the Ares cabin, Ethan had slept in late, having more flashbacks to the days where he led a small band of campers against a group of "Dark Demigods" as they had so called themselves. Then, he got out, slung his katanas over his shoulders, and walked out to the Big House, taking a seat and ignoring all the happenings. "Morning, Jethro, what's up?" He asked, seeing the other boy.


Seymour Anima

Location : The Big House | With : Balthazar, Elijah, Jethro, Callie, Ajax

Seymour sighed some as more skeletons appeared. He didn't mind the actual monsters, just the children that were screaming. He turned when Jethro called him, listening to his proposal. Seymour raised a hand, stroking his chin in thought. Half the work means I have more time working with the forge. But on the other side there's still a chance I can convince Chiron to just not let me teach. What a pain. Deciding it was better to just accept Jethro's deal, Seymour nodded and yanked the stone from his necklace once more. Before standing up, Seymour reached over and stole one of the pixie sticks Balthazar was holding. The giant then rocked forward, standing up and putting the pixie stick in his pocket. He glared at Elijah, beginning to walk towards him.

Seymour flicked the stone in his hand like a coin, sending it spinning into the air. The stone transformed into a giant hammer with spikes on either end, falling back towards Seymour. He caught it effortlessly even though the thing must have weighed 300 pounds. Seymour held the handle with one hand, resting the rest on his shoulder. With a quick flick of his other hand, the end of his hammer was engulfed in flames. The blacksmith didn't seem to care he was next to a giant wooden house, still bearing down on Elijah. Seymour said nothing, hefting the hammer up and pointing the end at the boy. He motioned his head towards the skeletons, hoping he got his point across.

@Faction Before Blood , @Peaceswore
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Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Beach//Scenario: The best seat in the house//With: N/A//Mentions: N/A

In theory, the chaos that had seemed to come out of absolutely nowhere when skeletons began chasing unsuspecting newbies should have annoyed Callie, and at first it did because camp introductions were pretty much ruined. However when she really thought about it, Elijah had done them all a favour in showing them a true depiction of what camp life would be like, so with a roll of her eyes, she left the guys to blow off steam or whatever they were doing, and headed down to the beach where she liked to sit making arrows sometimes. It wasn't like the creepy skeletons actually posed a threat after all.

Callie deftly made her way passed a skeleton, trying to avoid looking at it, then dodged passed Seymour who Jethro had persuaded to basically be Mr Muscle with not much effort at all. Once she was away from the chaos, she walked off down to the beach and simply sat watching the chaos from afar.


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Location: The Big House Scenario: Oh Elijah, be still my heart. Mention: Pretty much everyone With: Elijah @Peaceswore


AJ grinned widely at Callie's adorable blush. The daughter of Apollo was always adorable though. Of course AJ was probably a little biased, as he was of the opinion that everyone was attractive in their own special way. Looking over to where Callie pointed he chuckled, "Looks like it. It gets kinda lonely by myself all alone in that cabin with not a soul to keep me company." He over-dramatized. His little way of saying he wanted to spend more time together without actually saying those words. Looking over to Anastasia as she walked up he couldn't help but smirk a little at her comment. He always loved teasing and poking fun at the newbies. Though really he never went too far and it was all in good fun.

He noticed the cold about the same time as everyone else, looking around immediately for the boy who was the cause of it. Elijah, son of Hades, he simply adored the guy. He was adorable for one, he had...an add sense of humor. More dry and sarcastic, but that was still something that AJ could get behind. He turned back and looked at Elijah's summons and watched chaos ensue for a moment or so before finally walking over to the dark-haired boy, "Hey Eli, sweetheart." He hummed, hands in his pockets as he walked over with his usual flirtatious grin. "Now you know I love watching the Newbies scrambling around in a panic as much as the next guy..." He swung an arm around Elijah's smaller frame. "But we have to get the day started and really, you can do this tomorrow. I'm down for that. I'll help out even. What d'ya say hot stuff?" He asked with a wink at the younger teen.
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Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah smiled as he watched the chaos enjoying the fact his boredom was being taken care of. However when Zappy asked Beefman to stop him he let out a sigh. "Oh come on... Don't be such a bore." He said with a groan as he looked up at the sky before looking back down to see Beefman had accepted Zappy's offer. "You truly are a bo-" Before he could finish his sentence he completely froze as he watched the flames leap off of the weapon in the other's hand. Now he wasn't afraid of Beefman himself, nah he dealt with brutes like him on a regular basis during practice. What got him to shit up was the flames that came from the weapon...something that just made him freeze up completely. Shaking just a bit (so little the only way one would notice is if they actually touched him) he stepped back to get a better distance from the flames. He didn't make a sound or a move for a moment, however when he calmed himself down enough to get his heart beating at a normal speed he started to summon another undead to deal with the flames that being his main focus as he almost forgot about the chaos he caused.

Just as he was about to completely summon the ghost his attention was brought to AJ when his arm went around his shoulder making him blink in a bit of surprise as he was touched. He was still shaking a bit as he kept the fire in his eye sight not wanting to be attacked by it as he listened to what AJ said. '..........Hot....stuff???' He thought as he looked up at him with confusion. 'Hold up.... Is he talking about me? .... Wait.... Aphrodite cabin... They are all flirts. Though, none of them had flirted with me.' He thought going silent for a bit as he a faint pink went on his cheeks. When he noticed he was heating up a bit he quickly ducked and moved back getting out from under AJ's arm before taking a few steps back. He looked away from him and to Beefman's weapon pretending he was worried about that rather than the fact someone actually flirted with him. "Fine.... Only! Because I'm a nice guy....and I'm pretty sure that guy pissed his pants." He said before snapping his fingers. With that the skeletons turned into dust and he turned on his heel heading for the stalls not giving AJ or Beefman another glance as he thought about different things to get rid of his blush.



@everyone else

That would be an interesting couple. Lux decided watching AJ flirt with Elijah not giving a second thought to the skeletons as they turned to dust. I would fully support it to if only AJ wasn't such a player. A true child of Aphrodite. Though who knows maybe Elijah could tame the player. What would Aphrodite think of that I wonder. A son of Hades taming one of her children? Picking another handful of grapes she headed toward the Big House and onto the porch. Taking a seat at the small table her father often used for their games she pulled out a deck of cards he had given her long ago and began absently shuffling them as she thought. She often visited the big house, both when her father was there and alone, so not many minded her presence anymore and mostly left her alone to her thoughts. Watching the cards slide and change she wondered. Shall I ever be able to have a relationship like that? Or will my powers rule me forever? Sure, I have gained better control but as of yet I am not completely sure I still wouldn't lose control if something were to happen.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: Apollo//Scenario: Watching the chaos//With: N/A//Mentions: no one in particular.


Anastasia was watching the scene unfold through the cabin window with more than a little glee. She always liked Elijah, not afraid to make things more interesting in dull times and not to mention family friendly. The pain in her side has subsided so why not join and have some target practice. She grabed her bow and walked out, papering an arrow and moved towards the big house. She fired at at one skeleton as she ran with no loss of accuracy, the arrow piercing the skeleton's head. A light beam from her hand knocked back another and made it sizzle.

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Seymour Anima

Location : The Big House | With : Balthazar, Elijah, Jethro, Callie, Ajax, Lux

Seymour had been ready to bop Elijah on the head if he finished his summon. Glad to see AJ intervene, the giant hefted his hammer back onto his shoulder. He began walking back to the steps, the hammer still on fire. Seymour held his hand out to the flames, gathering them into his palm. Seeing no other way to get rid of the flames, the teen just shrugged and inhaled them. Once the fire was dealt with Blazeguard began to shrink back down into the molten rock it usually was. He slid the chain through the hole he had made in it, putting it back around his neck where it belonged. Before Seymour sat down he looked over to Jethro, motioning his head towards Elijah to indicate he'd done what was asked of him. He better come through on his side of the bargain.

The porch shook once more as Seymour came crashing down next to Balthazar. He looked over to see that the son of Poseidon still had some pixie sticks. Without asking he reached over and took another one, simply sliding it into his pocket with the rest of his candy. He pat the other's shoulder, probably with a lot more force than was necessary. Balthazar was probably the closest thing Seymour came to having a 'friend'. Meaning that Balthazar talked enough for the two of them and Seymour had grown tired of telling him to shut up. He looked back out at everyone, glad that the screaming had finally stopped. I would have burned down this entire camp if it meant I didn't have to listen to those whiners scream. Seymour leaned against the railing, arms crossed over his chest. He fully intended to wait until either someone gave him parts or Chiron got back so that he could yell at him.

@Peaceswore , @Faction Before Blood
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Son of Zeus


Location:The Big House//Scenario:Leaving the Big House//With: No one in a minute//Mentions: @munchkincora , @Lurker , @Faction Before Blood ,

"Thank you Seymour." Jethro said, tossing Seymour a key.

"That Key will open the supply shed so you can get supplies for forging. However, I ask that you please teach the new campers anyways. We need more blacksmiths like you and you are the only one who can make a difference. We will discuss deals later to make it more worth your time."

Turning to the new campers, most of which had mostly calmed down. Jethro sighed, he was at his limit of chaos for the day. Turning to Balthazar and Aj, Jethro said,

"Will you two please continue with the introduction and the tour. I need a bit to relax before something bad happens."

Almost as if to capitalize on his words. A bright blue spark jumped between Jethro's finger, causing a loud snap. Jethro shook his hand and then closed it into a tight fist.

Turning, he began to walk away but then a thought occurred to him. Stopping and turning around for a second, Jethro said,

"Oh and Elijah, you are on Kitchen duty every night for the next week. You better work hard at it as well. The Harpies will be reporting to me about your performance."

Then, without another word, Jethro walked away. He needed time to think and he had no idea where his feet would take him, he just started walking.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: On the way to the cabins//Scenario: Chatting//With: Jethro @ModernRanger //Mentions:

Callie hummed to herself as she whittled away at a piece of bark. She was shaping it into a perfect streamline so that it would be an arrow to add to her quiver. She was completely relaxed as the breeze rippled through her golden tresses slightly and her thoughts went to autopilot. Apparently, Seymour had managed to persuade Elijah to stop terrorising new campers because she could see even from a distance that the skeletons had conveniently disappeared. With a contented sigh, she set her newly fashioned arrow away for safe keeping so that she could add an arrowhead later on once she was back in her cabin. She stood up, brushing as much sand off of her as she could before heading back to the cabins to see if any of her siblings were there to talk to. Her cabin was a sociable bunch.

On her way turning a corner to the cabins, she managed to run straight into Jethro, who looked a little stressed out, no doubt he wasn't finding the chaos very fun. She stepped back a little as she apologised for not paying attention to where she was going before adding,
"So Mr Stick-In-the-Mud, have fun spoiling people's fun?" She grinned a slightly teasing but still good natured grin. People who knew her well enough would know it as the 'I just said something clever' smile, and it was something she did often, because Apollo kids were sometimes a little egotistical, hopefully in an endearing sort of way.

Callie was not exactly a complete free-spirit herself, but she found Jethro to be way too uptight most of the time. Sometimes she wondered if he actually knew what fun was. She knew that he didn't mind her poking fun about it though, since they had known each other quite a while now and didn't really have a choice but to work through their vastly different outlooks.



@ShurikenPhoenix //Mentions:


"Hmmmm....eh... what? Oh, Hi Callie." Jethro responded absent minded as he walked past her. He still had his fist clenched, trying to keep the lightning under control. It didn't happen often but every so often, Jethro's emotions triggered his powers and caused a power overload like this one. All Jethro had to do was keep the power under control and eventually it would die back down. He shuddered to imagine what would happen if he released it. It would probably destroy everything within a quarter mile radius. Luckily, he was good at keeping his emotions in check. Otherwise, a disaster would have occurred long ago. Being the leader of the camp whether the position was unofficial or not, was rather stressful. He was not able to joke around as much because he had to be taken seriously in order to get the other campers to do what was expected of him. People thought he was uptight in general. Things only got twice as worse during his training lessons because he demanded the most out of the campers of all the instructors. You could wield a sword with perfect time and grace, you could shoot an arrow with aim as true as can be, you could be the best fighter in the entire world but if your ability to work as a team was poor then you were doomed to die. Nobody, especially not demigods could win all their fights on their own. Jethro's training was meant to break down a group's process of thinking in Is and changing it to thinking in Wes. Otherwise, he knew that every single one of these campers would die sooner rather than later.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: Going to cabins//Scenario: Cheer up dude!//With: Jethro @ModernRanger //Mentions:

Callie's smile slowly shifted to a slightly concerned frown when she noted just how tense Jethro seemed. Surely tame skeletons wasn't that much to deal with, but then again she wasn't the unofficial leader of camp. "Umm, are you okay?" she asked, noticing the softly crackling lighting in his clenched fists. She wasn't sure whether she could help him calm down at all, but somebody had to. "You wanna go to the pavilion? It's almost lunchtime anyway?" Whenever she was stressed out, she would summon a nice cupcake with a sun symbol on it and it always made her feel better. She didn't tell people this because it sounded lame, but it was true. Perhaps eating would distract Jethro from whatever was getting to him.



Cassie Hugh

Location: Leaving her Cabin | Scenario: Who are these people? | With: No one yet

Cassie had just strapped her sword to her hip and ran out the cabin door when the skeletons had disappeared. "Dang it!" She frowned, watching as things gradually returned to normal. It wasn't often that something out of the ordinary happened at camp, especially when you were there year round and used to the normal routine of things.

New campers were already milling around camp, and most of the people Cassie knew were lost in a sea of demigods. Cassie checked her watch and saw that it was almost lunchtime. Hopping off the Athena Cabin porch, she started walking in the direction of the dining pavilion. Not only was she hungry, but she was really hoping to bump into some familiar faces to cheer her up.
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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Apollo//Scenario: wondering the cabin area //With: @PsychoDrummerA


Anastasia walked around the Cabin area aimlessly as smoked another cigarette when she noted Cassie."Hey nerdy girl... What's your name? Whatever... Been a while."She called out flicking her fingers as if it was going to help her remember before puffing her cigarette. "Yeah you from the know-it-all pricks cabin."



Cassie Hugh

Location: On Her Way to the Dining Pavilion | Scenario: Excuse me!? | With: Anastasia @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Cassie stopped dead in her tracks. "Hey nerdy girl." She could practically feel her skin crawling. She hated being called that, despite the fact that she should've been used to it by now after years of suffering through the horrid nickname. Cassie spun around to face the girl that'd spoken. "I'm Cassie, and yeah, Athena's my mom." She was trying hard not to let her aggravation show as she coughed slightly on the cigarette smoke that had made its way over to her. "And who are you?" Cassie crossed her arms, trying to mentally place the girl in a cabin. So far, she had it narrowed down to Ares and Aphrodite, since the children of those two were most likely to use the 'nerdy girl' name. Then again, she could be wrong, although she rarely was.

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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Apollo//Scenario: wondering the cabin area //With: @PsychoDrummerA


Anastasia noted the girls irritation and smirked. "Sorry, thought you were someone else. "She admitted casually and shrugged letting some ash fall on the ground." You said Cassie? Nah I prefer nerdy girl but anyways..."She approached the girl and puffed her cigarette at Cassie's direction intentionally. "Oh sorry about that. I suppose I will introduce myself as well, Anastasia of Apollo. So what... You are a newbie?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/uijyhgtrf.png.a9fbb3a821de96d330dccb9480ba5a43.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/uijyhgtrf.png.a9fbb3a821de96d330dccb9480ba5a43.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Balthazar bounced when Seymour sits back down next to him only causing more pain in his backside. And then it happened. Offering Seymour his jolly ranchers was one thing he was happy to do that because it was his choice, his own free will, but when Seymour took his pixie stick was different. He hadn't offered nor was he planning to, what pixie sticks he had now was the last of his stock and if Chiron's threat of an embargo was real he needed to ration himself. Then again, it was Seymour, twice his size and triple his weight in pure muscle. and with the fact that the nearest body of water was at the other end of the camp he wasn't about to push his luck in telling him off. He did however glare at the back of the other's head as he stood to take care of Elijah.

When Seymour came back the glare had vanished from Balthazar's face but reappeared when Seymour stole another stick. He carefully pocketed the rest, all but one for himself, so the other couldn't steal anymore. He tore the one open and poured it into his mouth before that too could be taken from him. he looked up when Jethro addressed him an AJ telling them to give the newbies a tour. So what... run them around and then take them to the pavilion for lunch? he asked himself silently since Jethro had already gone out of ear shot. He glanced at the Aphrodite kid for the first time noticing his presence and then at the group of new campers gathering back around after getting scattered by Elijah's ghouls. No time like the present, right?

Balthazar gave the group a once over before standing up to address them all. He stood on the porch for as much height as possible so everyone could see him and put his big boy voice on. "All right everyone listen up!" he yelled to get everyone's attention and then speaking more to AJ than the group he continued with, "its almost lunch time and I don't know about you but I'd like to eat as soon as possible soooo... I'm just gonna skip the walking around bit and just point stuff out." he told the other waiting on a go or no go from AJ since technically speaking they were supposed to do this together... with Jethro being the Teamwork Nazi he really didn't feel like going against the son of Zeus considering their parents didn't totally get along even on the best of days. he didn't really feel like repeating that down here as well, which s why he usually kept his distance from the other.





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Brooke Walker

Daughter of Demeter


Location: The Strawberry Fields // With: N/A // Mentions: No one

Brooke rubbed her head, messing up her hair even more than it was. She sat up, noticing she wasn't in her cabin. She had fallen asleep in the strawberry fields - again. Because, you know, that's what she does. Brooke chuckled to herself, it had become such a habit sometimes, but now wasn't the time, campers were arriving! And by rumors she had heard, there were quite a few newbies. Which is always fun.

She rushed into her cabin and got what she called ready - a camp t-shirt, some shorts, her necklace. And done. By now she'd probably missed half the exciting arrival drama, but whatever - her craving of strawberries was more important.

Brooklyn strode outside and lowered herself to the ground, once she had returned to the strawberry fields - even though she should be waiting at the Demter cabin for the summer arrivals since she was the head. Instead, with a bit of concentration, Brooke managed to grow a strawberry plant from the dirt in front of her, and started plucking strawberries off, probably waiting for something to happen - either someone she knew to come around, or a new camper to stumble upon her.

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@ShurikenPhoenix //Mentions:[/color][/size][/font]

"Hm? Oh, uh, no thank you, I am fine." Jethro replied, he continued. In all honesty, Jethro was not sure why he said no to Callie's offer. She was one of the few people who actually put him in a good mood. For some reason, he just didn't want Callie to see him this way. In front of her, he felt like he had to always be in control of himself. Perhaps what Jethro needed was to fight some monsters. It would focus his mind and suppress his emotions. Even as he was thinking about it, he found his feet turning in the direction of the forest.



Cassie Hugh

Location: Chatting | Scenario: You don't know me. | With: Anastasia @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Cassie frowned, knowing that the Nerdy Girl nickname would stick if this daughter of Apollo kept hanging around her. She held her breath as the puff of smoke was blown defiantly into her face. Cassie backed away, holding her breath until it dissipated. "Well nice to meet you... I guess. And I've been here for 7 years, so no, I'm not new. " Not that you'd know that, of course. "Are you?" Cassie couldn't remember having met Anastasia before; she probably would've remembered the girl if she had.

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