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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]

Stefan Blake

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/th-21.jpeg.13317c2f9a328d147e5cd2a8951463e5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/th-21.jpeg.13317c2f9a328d147e5cd2a8951463e5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Dining Pavilion -> Cabins Scenario: Newbie Orientation

With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix and Cassie

Stefan had just finished eating his stack of five of the juiciest pancakes he'd ever had, leaving a sixth for Aphrodite, of course. "Enjoy it." He muttered as he stood over the fire and watched his pancake burn to pieces. "I'm going to stir up some trouble for our dear tour guides." Stefan's eyes changed to blue by this point, putting the boy in a very good mood, as this was his favorite eye color. Whistling to himself all the way to the cabins, Stefan flattened and combed his hair back, hoping to impress the new girls, though most of them were probably...eleven? Twelve? The typical age for rookies anyway. That being said, even if these kids were way too young to be of any interest to Aphrodite's son, he would never be called unprepared or messy by anyone simply because he wasn't dressed properly. It just wouldn't do. As he fixed himself up, Stefan found the tour, reached up and cupped his hands around his mouth to make himself louder. "Good morning, new campers! Callie, Cassie, how are my two favorite girls this morning?" This was how he greeted all of the girls, but there were times that he'd caught the ladies blushing around him and occasionally acting just as crazy. "You guys want any help? I'm free whenever you are." Stefan ran up to Hera's cabin and wrapped his arms around both girls. "So, what's up?"



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Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Cabins//Scenario: Camp Tour//With: Cassie @PsychoDrummerA and Stefan @Yuuki Kuran//Mentions: Kimba @Quiet Is Violent @anyone else on the tour

Most of the new campers seemed in awe of the cabins as they passed them, especially Zeus' rather majestic looking cabin. A few of the younger ones were trying to push to the front for a better view which instantly made Callie smile.. When Cassie looked over at her for reassurance, she nodded encouragingly, adding to what she had said. "You see, the reason Hera cabin is always empty is because she is the goddess of marri-" She didn't get to finish that sentence because at that moment, someone's voice called out to the girls.

"Callie, Cassie, how are my two favourite girls today?" Stefan from Aphrodite cabin had decided to crash the tour. Callie turned to him, folding her arms across her chest, looking sceptical. "Don't you call every girl your 'favourite' girl?" she said with a raised eyebrow as he wrapped his arms around herself and Cassie. She didn't mind him she supposed, but he could be a little obnoxious at times, no matter how good looking he might be. "If you want to help us out, I guess maybe introducing yourself would be a start," she added with a small shrug, "What do you say Cass, should we let him in on the madness?"





Location: The Cabins Scenario: Curse me and my tendency to space out With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix Cassie @PsychoDrummerA Stefan @Yuuki Kuran Mentions: Pretty much everyone else at some point


AJ was off in his own little world of la-la land, trying to figure out why, and what was happening. Why was Balthazar flirting with Elijah? Why was there some eight-year-old signing with another very pretty girl, about his age. Since when did Seymour turn into such a smiley guy around kids. It was a look that definitely suited him. Looking down at his feet he pondered all of this in his mind, trying to come up with definitive answers for all of them. Course coming up with answers for questions like this wasn't really his forte. He hadn't really noticed how long he'd been spacing out when he heard loud commotion. Glancing around he easily spotted Elijah, and then he felt the air start physically crackling with energy as Jethro quite literally stormed in, electricity popping between his fingertips. AJ's first instinct was to jump in and try to figure things out. Help Elijah, you know...not die.

It was then that he noticed the newbies filing out of the Hall following what looked like Callie and Cassie. His eyes flicked between the two groups. The new kids leaving, who were probably freaking out at this point and wanting to go home, and everyone trying to get Jethro to calm down. Well while his instincts were telling him to jump in and diffuse the situation inside, he knew when he wasn't needed. There was some sort of phrase for it. What was it? Oh yeah, 'too many chefs in the kitchen'. Something like that anyway, meaning it would probably be easier for everyone if he caught up with the new kids. Patting Réy on the shoulder he said, "You might want to think about cutting your time in here short. Just a thought." And with that he jogged out, turning around at the entrance to the hall to spare one last glance inside, gnawing at his lip and hoping against hope that Elijah would be alright.

The blonde looked around as he got outside, looking for the group and readily finding them at the Cabins, the two girls pointing out the different cabins. Starting over he noticed his brother Stefan get there first. He loved his brother to pieces and really the two were like peas in a pod. Being some of the only guys in the Aphrodite cabin, they had sort of bonded quickly. It wasn't as though they were the only guys, it was simply rare for their mother to have boys, as generally she had girls. But being two of the only Aphrodite boys also led to quite a bit of competition between the two of them. Walking over with an easy grin he said, "You guys stole my newbies. How cruel." He spoke, pretending to wipe at a fake tear, as was his usual melodramatic attitude,
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Kimba saw the returning campers beginning to congregate and she immediately felt left out. They all seem to know and, dare she say, like each other. She's stuck to the outsides, watching as others socialize and lean on each other. Though she didn't need others, she still wanted to have friends. Kimba left the crowd of newbies as silently as she joined, walking over so she's just a few feet from them but obviously not part of the group. A loner. Just like she's always been.


Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Location: Hephaestus table Scenario: Oh....Look I'm bleeding haha...the fuck!?​

Before it all happened Elijah had considered jumping into the shadow once more risking the feeling of vomiting or passing out if that meant he could get away. The thing is, he never got the chance. He had started to back up his hands in front of him and his mischievous smile on his face. "H-Hey now it was just a prank. No biggie." He said as he took a step back only to hit the wall. "Oh...Sh-" He didn't get a chance to say another thing as he was grabbed by his shirt and sent soaring into the air at great distances far more than the average person would ever be capable off.

Being in mid air he didn't get a chance to do a thing, he could only have a slightly surprised look on his face before it scrunched up to one of pain. The guys and girls at the table had moved away so he didn't crash onto them but rather the table as well as all the utensils and etc underneath him. He lay there gasping in pain as he looked up at the ceiling trying to catch his breath and getting through the initial shock of being thrown so far. Not to mention the pain he was feeling in his back, shoulder, and legs. After a few seconds he got his breath back as well as his sense. He still couldn't move right off the bat due to the pain in his back. "Ow..." He muttered as he pushed himself off rolling off the table onto the floor, the side that was furthest from Jethro. Getting up he didn't notice the red that was starting to soak his jacket and pants as he had fallen ontop of several forks and knives which had embedded into his skin only to fall off after he rolled of the table.

Now that he was fully standing he placed his hand on the table and glared at Jethro. "The hell man!!" He shouted enraged utterly ignoring the girl trying to calm Jethro down. He stepped onto the table and jumped off it keeping his glare on Jethro. "Take a fucking chill pill!!!" He his rage was getting worse, something that rarely happened with Elijah. "Um...Elijah... You're bleeding...." A random person said pointing at his back. Elijah hadn't noticed the pain till just now and boy did it hurt like fuck as the blood dripped from his wounds.

Elijah was silent for a moment before he glared once more at Jethro. "WHAT THE FUCK!? IT WAS A PRANK YOU IDOIT!! JUST SOME DAMN CAKE!!! SO WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU JUST THROW ME ACROSS THE ROOM!?!?! THAT KNIFE COULD HAVE GONE THROUGH MY NECK!! IT'S NO WONDER EVERYONE HERE CALLS YOU A FUCKING NAZI!! TAKE. A. JOKE!!" He shouted fully enraged at this point as he continued to bleed, his voice rung through out the big house and it could even be heard by the ones outside.

@ShurikenPhoenix @Anyone I forgot to tag
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Everyone here calls you a Nazi...

The words echoed within the confines of Jethro's mind. It took several times before he understood their meaning. The lighting crackling on his body disappeared without a warning. Jethro was back to normal all except for the look on his face. It was a cross between pure fury and defeat, a look that did not seem to suit him and yet there it was.

"You all call me...a Nazi...."

Jethro's eyes cast about the room, none of the campers were willing to meet his eyes, which confirmed the truth of it all. Of all the things in the world, they had chosen to nickname him after a group of mass murderers.

Jethro spoke then, his words were quiet and yet, they were easily heard across the pavilion.

"For years...I have run this camp, with and without Chiron's help. Never getting to live a normal demigod life. Never getting a chance to make friends with other campers because I was expected to lead them and therefore, could not be biased. Elijah, all you have ever done is pull pranks and generally slack when it came to all duties and manners of things. After all, why should you care? The camp was being taken care of, nothing major was ever expected of you. Well, you and I are different. I ran this camp from the time I woke up to the time when very late at night I'd drop into my bed exhausted from all the work I have done behind the scenes to make sure all of you were taken care of."

Jethro's voice became deeper now, almost more dangerous.

"Perhaps, you speak of my training methods and how tough on am I those I train. You'd like me to be easier on people, not expect as much from them. Easy for some of you to say, after all, you do not have to read the daily reports of Demigods found dead by the saytars. These are recruits you have spent days, weeks, months or even years training and they are just gone. Like breath on a mirror. Perhaps, you'd be a little more strict if everyone's fate depended on how well you taught them. If you tossed and turned throughout the night, wondering if whether or not you taught these recruits enough or if you could have done more. That if you had done more, perhaps they'd still be alive.

After everything I have done, I am known as a Nazi, one of the cruelest group of human beings in history.....You know what....I am done."

Removing the shield from his back, Jethro dropped it to the ground, unsheathing his sword, he let it clatter to the floor next to the shield.

"Run your own damned camp, because I won't do it anymore."

Without another word, Jethro turned and walked from the pavilion and disappeared into his cabin.


Scenario: Now you've done it, Elijah Location: Cabins With: Elijah

@Peaceswore and Jethro @ModernRanger

Kimba watched as poor Jethro reached his breaking point. The young girl felt a spike of anger come up. Jethro, who does almost everything for the camp, should not be called something as awful as a Nazi. Kimba walked up to Elijah, something she would never normally do, and stared into his eyes. "You should be ashamed of yourself, Elijah son of Hades." Kimba nearly spat, turning on her heels and going to Jethros cabin. As the daughter of Hestia, Kimba feels obligated to at least attempt to make peace in the camp. Kimba knocked loudly on Jethro's door.

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Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Location: Big house, Scenario: I've fallen and I can't get up! ....No seriously, I'm bleeding a lot here.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, Elijah son of Hades." A girl that Elijah didn't personally knew spat at him. Elijah glared death in return not caring about what Jethro had just said nor what others were thinking about right now. "Odd thing is... I'm not." He said his piece already and it didn't matter what others thought of him now. Taking a deep breath he stumbled and the room spun. His blood dripped to the ground as a knife was still embedded into his shoulder, while his other wounds didn't stop bleeding either. He grabbed his head and clung onto a table as he was now having a hard time standing. 'Damn jackass.... It was a freaken prank...not even one of my worst.' He thought as he shook his head. Feeling people starring at him he glared at them. "The shows over go back to what you were doing." He growled as he pushed off the table and started to walk to the infirmary. However he barely took a five steps before the toll of his summons, shadow stepping, and wounds hit him. And with that the room span uncontrollably the area under his foot seemed to sink into the ground as he lost his footing. And soon he fell to the ground with a loud thump, still bleeding and in quite a bit of pain he didn't have the strength needed to get up to the infirmary. '.......Well......fuck.'

Anyone that wants to help him @munchkincora @Bubbly Brandi @Lurker @anyone else seeing as I'm too lazy to tag everyone

Brooke Walker

Daughter of Demeter


Location: Dining Pavilion // With: Elijah, @Peaceswore // Mentions: @anyone in pavilion // Scenario: Well, off to the infirmary we go!

As Brooke polished off a great meal, she began to gather herself to get up and go join her friends who were leading the new kids' tour. Before she had time to act out on her actions, a boy - Elijah - came crashing into one of the pavilion's tables. The children of that table all jolted back simultaneously, and the boy began to yell. At Jethro? Sure, what he ended up spewing wasn't the nicest, but he was only human... half god, but that's besides the point. Jethro retaliated by basically dropping the mic. And another girl - one of whom Brooke didn't recognize - went and spat at Elijah. She didn't know what the girl said, but whatever she did say was clearly on Jethro's side of the argument, as she stormed off after him.

Most campers just starred at Elijah. So did Brooke, but soon realizing no one was going to help, Brooke picked herself up from the Demeter table, and walked carefully over to Elijah. "Hey... you put up quite a show, huh?" She said jokingly, after all, she wanted to lighten the mood. "I'll help you over to the infirmary." Brooke added, as offered her hands and arms as a means to get up. "Grab on."

Brooke crouched down, hoping Elijah would trust her. After all, it's not like he knew her. And plus, what just happened... must've been a pretty shaky experience. But then again, this is Camp Half-Blood, and a lot of bad things tend to happen around the campers here. Although this might be on her top ten worst conflicts. Just the crimson liquid oozing from his body was enough to prove the battle was heated, and it needed to be cooled before anything bad happens. Sure, Brooke likes some banter here and there, but people getting seriously injured? That's a step too far.

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Seymour Anima

Location : Dining Pavilion | With : Elijah
@Peaceswore Odette @Bubbly Brandi Ariella @crucialstar @Everyone else in the dining pavilion. I'm lazy.

Seymour had been so focused on planning out the weapons he was going to make he had zoned out. Seymour was famed for disappearing into his own mind but this was a long time even for him. It had felt like almost 3 weeks (Sorry. Work was cray. :D ) but in reality only a few minutes had passed by. In those few minutes however, all hell seemed to have broken loose. Ironic, since he was sitting at the Hades table. The new Poseidon girl had been staring at him, doing those weird hand motions but he had no idea what they meant. The blacksmith had already decided if he was so determined to be clumsy all he could trust her with was a dagger. It would be very similar to Odette's in fact, however Seymour had something special planned for Odette's. The giant didn't know why Elijah needed a weapon considering he had seen the son of Hades' scythe last time they played capture the flag. If anything could be cooler than a scythe it would have to be a chain sickle. Hopefully Elijah didn't decapitate himself with it. The thought caused Seymour to shrug to himself. As long as he tells me where my stuff is before he does it I don't care what happens to him.

As if to challenge that thought Jethro came to disturb the peace of the dining pavilion. Seymour merely groaned at the sight of Jethro throwing a temper tantrum. It wasn't hard to piece together what happened but it was just a prank. How bad could it be? Seymour raised an eyebrow when Jethro threw Elijah and felt a tinge of something. Jealousy. Seymour had wanted to do that very thing minutes ago but had been denied the satisfaction. The giant began to drift off into forge dreams again when Elijah's yelling pulled him back to reality. Seymour knew who the Nazi's were and knew that Jethro was called that very thing but had never thought more of it. People call me stupid names all the time. Who cares? So, when Jethro got so upset and left in a huff, the mass of muscle didn't really get it. Believe it or not, Seymour was not the most empathetic of people. If anything, he would have been on Elijah's side. It was just a stupid prank. That's what he does. Taking it to a physical level just makes you look bad.

Seymour continued to just calmly observe as another girl that he didn't know came up to scold Elijah. The thought again ran through his mind that Jethro was in the wrong here.
You can't preach about trying to protect people right after injuring someone. When Elijah fell to the ground Seymour decided it was best to step in. We don't need the little one finding out she had a brother then watching him die the very same day. The son of Hephaestus wordlessly pushed himself up from the bench and stomped over to where Elijah lay. He pushed past the other girl who was trying to help Elijah up. Without waiting for permission Seymour grabbed the boy's shirt and lifted him effortlessly off the ground. The giant tossed the other over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and began walking towards the infirmary. "After you get fixed, you're going to tell me where my stuff is." Seymour made it very clear he wasn't asking.

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Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: The Pavilion > Zeus' cabin | Scenario: You've got a friend in me. Don't give up.

With: Jethro @ModernRanger and Kimba @Quiet Is Violent

Mentions: Elijah @Peaceswore , Seymour @Lurker , Odette @Bubbly Brandi

Jumping, Ariella was beyond startled when she heard Elijah's voice booming and echoing across the pavilion. She froze like a deer in headlights as her heart beat was rapidly quickening as she didn't know what to do. The words Elijah spoke cut through like glass as silence echoed. She couldn't imagine what Jethro was feeling, but feeling the tension and atmosphere of the room was as if it was the calm before the storm. Ariella stared at Elijah her eyes widening at so much blood splattered on his frame as he was standing on the table. The crowd ended up disappearing some heading towards the camp tour or stunned shock in their place, as much as she was. However, the next words Jethro spoke were words that made her heart ache with disappointment and despair. She couldn't help but feel utterly useless in the state considering Jethro just said everything he held inside for the longest time. Soon enough, Jethro stormed off, as Elijah was helped by a woman she hadn't known and a younger girl who told Elijah off.

Ariella wasn't on anyone's side, she worried for Elijah, yet at the same time, she felt for Jethro. He didn't deserve such a nickname, especially seeing how hardworking and serious he had to be. But, that was because as he said, Chiron appointed him the position, perhaps because he knew Jethro's potential and at the same time, he was the son of Zeus. However , she felt that he shouldn't have to do it alone, and with the older members of the camp. Shaking off the nervousness in her, she decided to go and see how Jethro was, especially since she wanted to somehow cheer him up and see if she can calm him down. From what she's seen so far, without Jethro's strict regime, the place wouldn't function, but it wouldn't hurt to loosen up a little. But, even if he didn't, she still considered him as a potential friend, that is, if he would have her as one. Nevertheless, despite everything that happened just now she just hoped Elijah healed and Jethro wouldn't just quit, especially since she felt as if he was a strong leader, in a way. Looking over at Odette, she sent a small smile and wave. As she passed Elijah, however, he was now held by the collar by Seymour. Frowning slightly, it seemed Elijah can't catch a break and he really didn't need to get beaten up so much either. Sighing soundlessly, Ariella looked at Seymour and wanted to sign or rather say something, but seeing her given situation she couldn't and decided to leave them be. However, she was more than grateful for Seymour's kindness for making her a weapon, which she would treasure a whole lot.

Looking around to find Zeus' cabin, Ariella looked around, only to find the same girl who scolded Elijah knocking on Jethro's cabin door. Tilting her head, Ariella slowly made her way to the cabin as she tapped on the girl's shoulder. Giving her a soft smile, she waved at her, signing,
"Not budging?" She asked her, before looking towards the door, giving it a hard rhythmic knock. Placing her hand on the handle and turning the knob, Ariella smiled sheepishly and signaled the other girl to come in with her if she liked. She knew she was trespassing, but she really wanted to see how he was. Looking around the cabin, she attempted to make a noise to show that she was there. Tapping her foot on the floor and knocking on the door again, Ariella looked in her bag and found a small harmonica. Blowing on it softly, it made a noise as she made her way over to Jethro, giving him a slight wave and signing, "Before you yell at me. . or kick me out, I just wanted to say, if it wasn't for you and your kindness, I wouldn't be here... And I wouldn't have found a potential friend. Also, from what I've seen so far... without you stepping up to the plate, Camp Half-Blood wouldn't even be here, and most of us, wouldn't even be alive or have found a home." She had finished signing , sincerely meaning every word she said as she waited to see his response and reaction along with the younger girl she didn't know. Ariella knew she was intruding and invading on privacy but she couldn't let Jethro think his sincere efforts and everything he had done for the Demi-gods were for not. She wanted him to know that he was appreciated. "So, please don't give up, sometimes. . others don't know or don't appreciate what they have until it's gone. Or at least. . that's what my mother told me." Ariella said, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly until she thought of another thing to say to cheer him up. "If you want me to splash water on them to wake them up, I could. . . but. . I think . . the most misunderstood people. . are the best people. . just as yourself!" She grinned, giggling soundlessly.

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Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Scenario: .....Meh who needs blood? It's overrated. With: @Lurker @ShadyAce

Elijah lay on the floor bleeding too tired to actually move his limbs. 'I have a feeling I should call for some help........' He thought but before he could open his mouth a girl came by and offered him a hand. 'Oh that's nice of them....didn't know we had twins here.' He thought as he looked at the blurry image of the blond girl. He was about to try and grab her outstretched hand but before he could he heard loud stomps approach him. Stopping in his movements he looked over his shoulder to see who it was but all he was a huge blurry figure.

He didn't say anything but in moments he felt himself getting picked up. 'I swear! If someone throws me again....' however much to his relief he was thrown over a shoulder and he hear Seymour's voice which made him sigh. "Deal." He mumbled as he looked over his shoulder seeing the knife that was still lodged into his shoulder blade. "Oh... Look at that I'm been impaled..." He said before chuckling a bit only to groan in slight pain from the small bit of laughing. "You know... This is a record. You and Jethro wanting to beat me and sort of doing it..... I'm improving."

He knew he was probably taking this situation lightly, but honestly he wasn't going to take back his insult and the only way for him to keep his levelheadness (something he admit he lost earlier) he felt like he had to say small jokes and be sarcastic. Because gods! Getting impaled by a punch of knives and forks was not fun in the least! Not to mention these clothes were ruined! Sure he had more but the fact is...he liked these clothes so it was depressing to see them go.


Cassie Hugh

Location: Cabins | Scenario: Miss Popular | With: Callie @ShurikenPhoenix, Stefan @Yuuki Kuran, AJ @munchkincora, & Jethro @ModernRanger

"Callie, Cassie, how are my two favorite girls today?" Cassie looked up to see Stefan, son of Aphrodite, making his way through the clustered group of campers. She laughed as the boy threw his arms around herself and Callie. Then, the daughter of Athena looked around Stefan at the daughter of Apollo. "I think we should. After all, too much sanity can't be a healthy thing." Cassie smiled, but her attention was drawn away again by yet another voice.

She saw AJ wiping away an imaginary tear. "You guys stole my newbies. How cruel." Cassie placed a hand on her hip as she glanced back over at Callie. "Well aren't we popular today? I feel so loved." The daughter of Athena placed a moved her hand to her heart and looked away dramatically just in time to see Jethro quite literally storm into his cabin out of the corner of her eye. Cassie raised an eyebrow at Callie, silently asking if the blonde would like to go check on him.

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Location: Cabins | Scenario: Sibling Search and Fresh Meat Introduction | With: Cassie, Callie and AJ (@ShurikenPhoenix and @munchkincora)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_lgiutsCmDi1qh78ido1_400.jpg.bd93353fe237f2713d4a7d84c9cad015.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_lgiutsCmDi1qh78ido1_400.jpg.bd93353fe237f2713d4a7d84c9cad015.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ah, yes, Queen Hera's cabin...Stefan would have to inform these wannabe heroes on a thing or two about one of the worst goddesses in history. But, first, the tour guides thought it would be a lovely idea to give him some attitude. Stefan decided to tease them both for a little bit. "Callie Fernandez, I am shocked! I don't call every girl my favorite." Stefan snorted, obviously lying as he pat both of them on the shoulder, then released them both. "Ah, yes, my brilliant introduction speech. You see, children," Stefan turned around to face Hera's cabin. "This goddess and my mother work hand in hand. She..." here he waved repeatedly at the door, "would not have any power or a job until my mother did her own job. You all remember that cheesy rhyme from your childhood, right? First comes love, then comes marriage?" Stefan chuckled as he thought about that before continuing with his rant. "That's one hundred percent on the nose, boys and girls." He was rather disappointed to see the many different faces. None of them appeared to be his siblings. "I am Stefan Blake. Not Steven. Stefan. I am one of Aphrodite's little boys." Stefan winked at Cassie here and pointed down the line of cabins to his mother's. "That pink cabin down the line of goddess and Dionysus cabins to your right is my castle. Say anything negative and you just might wake up in the Pegasus stables wearing hair curlers and five pounds of makeup." Stefan rolled up his camp t shirt sleeve and showed them all the dove on his right shoulder. "The same threat goes if you say anything about this tattoo on my shoulder." He warned, eyes changing to a dark brown. Finishing his speech, Stefan chuckled at Cassie's response. "That's our job, babe. We Aphrodite boys are just too hot to handle, and are actually even more rare than the 'Big Three' children. Another fun fact about my mother is that she is the eldest of all the gods, born to Ouranos, the ruler of the skies prior to Zeus." He kissed her cheek. "You girls busy tonight?" At this point, he had noticed his favorite person in the camp coming toward them. If there was anyone that could truly control Stefan, it was his brother, Ajax Hyles. "AJ!" Without waiting for an answer from either girl, he kissed them both on the cheek and sprinted forward, aiming to throw his brother off his feet. "Big Brother!" Stefan hollered, though in reality, he and AJ were the exact same age. "Don't be sad!" Slamming into AJ, Stefan squeezed his neck. "I missed you! Why didn't you wait for me this morning? I woke up and you were gone!" Just as he did pretty much every time the two boys came into contact, Stefan planted a kiss on AJ's smooth cheek. "Callie and Cassie said I could help with the newbies. Bad news is none of them look like us." Stefan pouted in disappointment, his muscles tensing around his brother's neck. "I didn't see you at breakfast either, and I waited forever. I finally had to eat or my pancakes would have gotten soggy."



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Son of Zeus


Location:His cabin//Scenario:I will not be a figurehead to the ungrateful//With: Ariella @crucialstar , Kimba @Quiet Is Violent //Mentions:

Despite the two that had entered his cabin, Jethro sat in his desk chair, staring at the wall. He did not even respond when Ariella signed to him directly. He just continued thinking about everything he had done. Trying to help people, training campers from the first rays of dawn to the darkest of nights. He was done caring though. Done watching those he trained be slaughtered without any mercy.


Scenario: Jethro, I understand Location: Cabins With Ariella

@crucialstar and Jethro @ModernRanger

Kimba stood at the doorway, watching the camps leader carefully. He looks tired. "Jethro." She said very slowly, walking up to him. "I understand. They are ungrateful, rude, and immature." Kimba sits on the floor next to him. "They deserve to be left to the wolves, don't they? To be abandoned?" Kimba waited for his response expectantly.
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Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


Location: Zeus' cabin | Scenario: "You're not alone."

With: Jethro @ModernRanger and Kimba @Quiet Is Violent

Ariella sighed when she noticed that although Jethro had taken sight of her signing to him directly, it didn't seem he was paying attention, listening, or reading. Ruffling her her, she pouted slightly, but nevertheless, just stood there for a while, staring at her now silent friend. Soon, Kimba decided to sit on the ground next to him as she slowly spoke of the others deserving to be abandoned to the wolves and how ungrateful they are. Ariella's face contorted into a thoughtful expression though there wasn't any judgment there, she didn't quite agree with the younger girl and Jethro, if he agrees as well. She had to admit, they were ungrateful and not understanding of what Jethro had to go through and take care of to keep the camp running and the others from harm. However, she didn't think it was fair to just send them to the wolves and fend for themselves. But, then again, this may be wishful thinking since she literally only arrive a few hours ago to this camp. Nevetheless, she just hoped Jethro didn't throw away his caring heart and leadership. How can she make Jethro and the others understand that they need to work together and to understand each other to get things done? Her heart ached remembering about the deaths Jethro had to find and read about. She could never comprehend the expectations and role he had to take on to the point others called him: Nazi. Right now, all Ariella wished for was a voice, so that Jethro could hear her speak, because right now, Jethro wouldn't even look or see her if she didn't do or say anything like Kimba had. Looking around Jethro's cabin, Ariella spotted some pencil and pens and a white sheet of paper. Carefully walking over to the equipment, Ariella grabbed the tools and the paper as she managed to sit down on the table that was next to Jethro and begin drawing something. Pencil scratching and erasing could be heard through the room as she continued on making an image with the pencil she had in her hand. If words won't do, then why not symbols and images? Ariella could only hope that Kimba was able to get Jethro to talk or at least acknowledge that they weren't going to leave anytime soon, not until he knows that he isn't alone.


Son of Zeus


Location:The Zeus Cabin//Scenario:I can't anymore//With:Ariella @crucialstar and Kimba @Quiet Is Violent //Mentions:

Jethro's eyes cast to the two in the cabin with him. Settling on Ariella the longest, he turned to her. Motioning to his lips, telling her to read them because he didn't have the energy to sign his words.

"It was just a simple prank, I understand that. I lost my temper and I should not have, especially over something so small as another prank. You just have to understand something. From the time I was a child I was brought here and expected to lead an entire camp. Expected to be the leader and inspiration to a bunch of strangers. A role I did not ask for but had to take because of who my father was. However, despite the unfairness of the situation I still took on the role. I did the job for years, training to become the best leader possible. Training others to reach the highest level of their potentials so they would not be killed. I knew the campers were not fond of my strict ways but it kept them alive. I guess I expected in the very least that they would have some level of respect for me. Finding out that they hated both me as a leader and as a person. Everyone has a limit, originally I would have dealt with people hating me. However, with Chiron being gone and everything coming down on me all at once, I can't keep doing this. I can't keep running myself in the ground just to be hated. It is far to much for any person to handle. Too much even for a demigod. Maybe I sound weak and because of that perhaps I should not be leader of this camp. It'll take someone far stronger then me to lead this place."



Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


With: Jethro @ModernRanger and Kimba @Quiet Is Violent

Mentions: Elijah @Peaceswore and Odette @Bubbly Brandi

Location: Zeus' cabin | Scenario: "Let's try a different plan&find a solution for everyone."

Ariella had been using the pencil thoroughly, sketching out the image in her mind as she let the pencil guide her, allowing the image to flow freely onto the paper. It was something she always had done when she was stumped, it helped broaden her mind, especially whenever she was frustrated. She took out her anger, frustration, and confusion onto the paper as a picture would form, sometimes it was nonobjective, abstract, sometimes it was symbolic, other times it depicted everything she meant to say. Ariella remembered Ophelia had told her that because all of them were demi-gods, some had trouble reading and it was better for her to draw pictures and symbols, to not cause headaches and confusion. She could relate to that, remembering how hard and how much trouble it took for her to actually learn how to read and write, but nevertheless, she excelled wanting to help her mother and to prove to the bullies that she could overcome this trial and be "normal". But, she was never meant to be "normal".

Feeling a gaze on her, Ariella stopped drawing as she lifted up her head, looking at Jethro. Seeing him signal to his mouth, Ariella understood as she gazed up intently, eyeing his lips as Jethro began mouthing to her. If she had to be honest, she was more than thrilled, she was relieved, knowing he was opening up again, talking to someone, talking to her. Reading his lips fluently, Ariella nodded every so often, getting the idea and reason for Jethro's disappointment, discouragement, and hurt. Reaching out, Ariella placed a gentle hand on Jethro's shoulder, rubbing his shoulders gently, slightly massaging the tenseness in his shoulders. After a while, she stopped as she patted his shoulders to look up at her, giving him the same signal, wanting him to read her mouth.
"You're not weak and you were picked because Chiron knew you can do this, but not with just yourself. Everyone needs to put their input too, right? You don't have to do this alone, you can ask someone to help you, Jethro. Who can help you take a hold of camp? I'm sure you know someone who can step to the plate, doesn't everyone have a role? Don't be afraid for help, isn't this working together? Everyone needs a secretary, a second-in-command, it helps build trust doesn't it?" She mouthed, asking him, before continuing again, "You're not hated, you got into an argument with a fellow member of camp. But this time, this argument or fight was out of proportions, tens folded. However, that doesn't mean your relationship with them is strained, it takes courage and being the bigger person to be the first one to step up and take initiation. Yes, you may be hard on them for a reason but they may not realize that all you do . . is for them. Just as they don't understand you, you'll have to understand them too. Talk, communicate with them. At least try for a compromise." Ariella mouthed, trying to get him to understand on another level, especially trying to talk in terms that maybe Jethro would understand. "Pranks. . don't they require stealth, quick-thinking, team effort, and manipulation? Perhaps. . turning these pranks into some sort of training for everyone to enjoy. It isn't just fun and harmless pranks, but also to train everyone by being steathily, catching enemies off guard by setting up traps, team work, and manipulation. Wouldn't the real world require those qualities and technique? Perhaps with Elijah's help, you can teach the campers all of the different ways to defend and fight off others, without directly combating them." She offered the suggestion, hoping that made sense. Ariella knew little to nothing but could pick up on things rather quickly, hopefully, what she mentioned were the right terms.

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Son of Zeus


Location:Zeus Cabin//Scenario:Not anymore//With:Ariella @crucialstar //Mentions:

"It's not that simple. It's not just that I don't want to lead. I just don't have the energy anymore. I am unfit to lead and I'll let the camp decide their own future." Jethro replied simply.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Pavilion- Zeus Cabin//Scenario: Intervention//With: Formerly: Cassie @PsychoDrummerA Stefan @Yuuki Kuran and Ajax @munchkincora, Currently: Jethro @ModernRanger Ariella @crucialstar and Kimba @Quiet Is Violent //Mentions:

Callie had long since decided to abandon the idea of leading new campers on a tour, especially since Stefan was doing a fine job of it himself. Besides, something had caught her attention in the near distance; a loud commotion of which she only caught the tail end when a few of her siblings were taking Elijah from Hades cabin toward the infirmary. After asking them what was wrong, she discovered that he and Jethro had had one argument too many. Frowning, she turned to Stefan, Ajax and Cassie and excused herself.

If she knew Jethro as well as she thought she did, he would be on the roof of his cabin oozing static electricity right now. Sh knew that she did not have to get involved, but for some reason she could always get him to stop sulking eventually. This time she was not going to pull any punches though. He needed to figure out how to keep calm whenever Elijah was around, it was obvious, at least to her, that Elijah messed with him because he knew he could.

When she got to Zeus cabin and found that he was not on the roof, her immediate thought was simply to walk in. In honesty she had never actually entered the cabin before. When she opened the door she found not only Jethro, but two unfamiliar girls too. She was momentarily taken aback, but her brain was working at a mile a minute and so she didn't process too much.

"Jethro I need to talk to you," was all she said, her eyes fixed on him in an unusually steely way.




Bolt wast really sure what had just happened. One moment he was sitting with his sister and the Hades and Hephaestus cabins and then... Poof. Elijah was running, Jethro was looking ready to smite someone, and then his sister and Seymour were moving before his sugar addled brain could make sense of why. He sighed, deciding to look for his sister first, and got up from the table eventually finding his way to the cabins where he overheard Jethro's I'm-giving-up-speech and decided to be nosy. It wasn't long before he got the point and interjected his option as he stood awkwardly satisfied to linger in the door way... See, Bolt had a habit of sticking his foot in his mouth and the less he did to anger the gods, the better. So, he decided a long time ago to only enter the cabin assigned to him.

"Aw, you can't quit now, Jay. You're just getting to be one of the hot girls at camp! In fact you're the hottest girl." He said with as much heartfelt convection as he could muster. "I swear. Girl Scouts promise.... Look, no one likes authority figures. Not the good ones anyway. Sure the fun guys are alright, but they make shitty leaders. If your one thing... It's not a shitty leader. We are lucky to have you." All seriousness aside Bolt wasn't lying, Jethro was the best leader-aside from Chiron- that the camp has had since he's been here... And the larger boy was also very good looking. Sure Bolt had called him a Nazi a number of times and no doubt a few times to his face but it was always in good fun. Just a term of endearment.

And if Bolt was right, he-himself-has been here just as long as Jethro has and was just as qualified to take the lead at camp... And nobody would want to see the outcome of that.

@ModernRanger @crucialstar
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Ariella Storm

Daughter of Poseidon


With: Jethro @ShurikenPhoenix . and Kimba @Quiet Is Violent

Location: Zeus' Cabin | Scenario: "That took a lot of effort. More people?"

Sighing inaudibly at Jethro's response, Ariella slipped a finger through her hair as she looked backed down at her drawing, biting her lip as she reached out to grab the pencil once more. However, feeling quite parched after well . . mouthing so much, she felt the need to be near water, or rather, drink some sort of liquid to avoid the dryness in her throat. But, before she could move from her spot, Ariella turned towards a familiar voice as her head whipped around quickly, almost giving herself a potential hair whip-lash. Regardless, Ariella's mood brightened up, as her eyes lit up, seeing her brother standing in the doorway as she smiled towards him. She would have gone up and greeted him but he began speaking directly towards Jethro. Hearing her brother's teasing and jokes at first, Ariella managed to let out a light inaudible laugh as she shook her head in amusement.
The hottest girl? As if he's on fire from the lightning he made before? If anything, perhaps Balthy can lighten the atmosphere in the room, seeing that Jethro looked well . . defeated and about ready to not care and give up. She frowned at the thought, staring at Jethro for a moment before glancing back towards her brother. Hearing his words of praise and encouragement to Jethro, Ariella nodded in response, believing in her brother's every word as she listened intently. They were definitely lucky to have Jethro, especially since he's been nothing but kind and a friend to her, of course she'd want to help cheer him up a bit. It seemed. . her brother was here for awhile like most of the campers, since it seemed they all knew each other. Nevertheless, she just hoped her brother accepted her or rather, hoped they get along.

On the other hand, perhaps. . during this time, Jethro could experience a little bit of fun from another perspective and the other campers will learn what it's like with all the responsibiltiies. Tapping her chin lightly, Ariella pondered on those thoughts, imagining what would happen. There was a saying that before you know about someone else's life, step in their shoes, right? Perhaps. . this is the perfect opportunity. Biting her lips, she just hoped it didn't take a turn for the worse and Jethro would jump right back into his rightful place if things got awry. Ariella decided to sit back for a while, letting others speak up their voice. If only she had a voice. . . However, speaking of voice, another voice had enter the fray as Ariella looked up, turning towards the feminine voice that entered the cabin. Looking over towards the girl she hadn't seen before, Ariella felt some sort of vibrant aura radiating off of the girl who reminded her of the sun. Perhaps she was the daughter of the sun God, Apollo? Tilting her head, even more, Ariella looked between both her and Jethro as she heard her tone that left no room to argue feeling that she directly wanted to speak to Jethro. Moving away from the fray, Ariella slowly maneuvered herself far from Jethro's side as she went to next to her brother, feeling as if she should keep her distance just in case things they wanted more privacy? Or so? Looking over at Kimba, Ariella waved at her slightly, wondering how she was feeling and thinking. Soon enough, Ariella tugged on her brother's shirt, waving at him, wanting him to know she was glad to see him.


Scenario: get yourself together, Jethro Location: Cabins With: Jethro

@ModernRanger Arielle @crucialstar

Kimba sighed. "People don't like you so you are throwing in the towel?" She inquires, looking at Jethro with an unimpressed smirk. "That's just pathetic. If you are leading to get people to like you, you're doing it wrong. Your job is to keep us alive, not to be the most liked!" Kimba laughs sarcastically and crosses her arms. "You think that Caesar cared if people liked him? Or Ghandi? No! They didn't care if people liked them because it was much more important for them to do their job! Get yourself together, Jethro!"

@ShurikenPhoenix //Mentions:[/color][/size][/font]

Jethro listened as each person said their piece. Balthazar's humor was of no help to him and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Kimba's words served no better purpose. One and all they could say want they wanted but it didn't matter, they did not understand. How could they? None of them were leaders of the camp. It wasn't about being liked in the first place so that made Kimba's words even more pointless. His attention was caught by Callie though. Sighing at her request, he replied,

"Very well."

Then stepping around the others, he went outside the cabin and out of earshot.


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