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Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

Are you ready for the bell to ring that signals to start heading to class? (Majority wins)

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • I'm fine either way

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Kat watched Chris head to the table just to make sure he got to the right one. Kat saw he made it so she started walking towards Duke. When she got there she saw he was sketching something but she wasn't sure of what. Out of curiosity she decided to asked him "Duke what are you drawing?"


Duke Mason

Duke looked up and grinned at Kat, "Hey" He tilted his sketchbook so that she could see it "Just this room, I tried drawing the people but it failed so I got rid of them." Duke chuckled slightly when he realised that sounded way better in his head, "So you okay? You did freak out slightly in art" Admittedly their art teacher was a bit creepy, and took mood swings to a whole new level but no one else decided to hide under their desk. Duke was nervous for the last lesson of the day powers he didn't really like using his and he didn't really regard it as a power.

Lena Finch

Lena sighed as she waited in the queue, she didn't even know what the food was. She bought herself a soda and an apple, she took a seat on a table by herself and nibbled on her apple. She had her PE stuff in her backpack, Lena was looking forward to PE she was actually quite good at it/ Although she wasn't looking forward to powers, she didn't know what to say was her power. She could always fake sick and get to the nurses office.
Moon walks to the cafeteria, with her disguise on even though she knew she won't be hunted and they knew her identity. She hoped they will keep it secret. She went there and bought some pasta and sat down at an empty spot.


Kat chuckled a bit with his response. "Yeah sometimes I wish I have the power to freeze time so I could just sketch without any movement." Kat listened to his question with her answer. "Well honestly I was afraid of her other form and playing fire dodge ball." Kat was about to continue talking but then realized she probably should ask him about the lunch table since that is why she came over here. "So I came over here to actually ask if you'd like to come over to sit at a table with the girl, Chris and I?"

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Duke Mason

Duke sighed and reluctantly mumbled "Yeah sure" he grabbed his sketchbook and his bag. He wasn't exactly in a very social mood, this day hadn't been as good as he hoped it would be. "So you looking forward to powers" he rolled his eyes, he seriously wasn't looking forward to it. Yes he came here because he was sick of hiding but that didn't mean he was happy to do it in front of everyone like some sideshow attraction. Slinging his bag over his back he motioned for Kat to head to the table and he would just follow her.


Kat saw Duke motion for her to lead the way so she nodded and started walking towards the table. On the way she answered Duke's q
uestion, "Well I'm kind of curious what it's going to be like because not everyone has the same powers or even same types of powers." When she got there she sat next to Chris and the one open seat for Duke. Kat saw Chris holding onto some carrot cake but ignored it because she wasn't certain if it would be best for her to have a slice of the cake with PE and powers next period. Kat decided it would be best if she introduced Duke to er.. the girl. "So this is Duke and you are..." she said while motioning for the girl to say her name.

@Kimi, @Kiel Farren))=-=-
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Duke Mason

Duke replied to her before continuing to follow her "Yeah I suppose but I didn't come here to become a show. Yes I came here because I didn't want to hide but it doesn't mean I want to put myself on show for all to see." he looked at the group with interest, he could see Chris who he had already met. Along with a girl who he didn't know and Kat didn't seem to know them either. He nodded at them both in a friendly fashion, "Hello" he grinned when Kat told them his name, so I guess I don't need to introduce myself. He put his sketchpad onto the table and continued to draw, although he tried to not come across as anti-social but Duke hated not finishing a drawing.
"Wake up." a voice ringed inside of his head which made his eyes open. Darkness. That was all that was around him at the moment. And a oxygen shortage it seemed. "Dammit!" He used his powers to take out a crowbar to break the wood of the.. Coffin.. He was in. Once he broke out the weapon disappeared and returned as a shovel to dig upwards. "Why.. Can't.. People just understand.. That I can.. Come back from the dead!" he shouted underneath the dirt frustrated before finally reaching out of said dirt like a cliche zombie movie. He scratched at the grass until he found a grip to pull himself up.

Once he dusted himself off he proceeded to walk away from the graveyards. "And people say it's grave robbers who keep digging up those graves. Ok. This life I can't make friends. Cause they just end up putting me in a hole in the ground." His mask's eye sockets moved like they were his real eyes. But nothing was moving when he spoke.

"OK.. So before I died I remember I was going to that School.." He rubbed his chin and made his way like his brain was a map toward the School he applied for unintentionally. Once he was there still thinking of where it could be he read the sign outside of the gates leading into the school. "Well then.." He thought and face palmed. With a few steps he was through the gates and heading toward the front door/ main office to sign into.

"Um hello?" He called to one of the people working inside of the office. "I'm Delirious." "Well then you should see a docto-" "No no no.. My name is Delirious. I applied here a few days back?" "Ah.. Well let me find you and tell you what room you will be staying in for the time being." "Thanks."

He was singing a few songs in his head whilst bouncing his head to the side and then the other a tiny bit. Once the person who was speaking to him returned he received a key and a small piece of paper stating what room he would be staying in. "Thank you." He said before entering the dorm area."Room 2.. Roooom 2.. I walked passed it." He said turning back around and found his room after a small search. He twisted the key to his room and opened the door seeing a couple of beds and a few items around. "I wonder who my roommate is." He scratched his head and sat on what looked like his bed. Looking around he just realized he didn't know what class it was. Soon after he made his way into the hallway to explore "Maybe it's lunch. I saw a few people walking around so maybe."
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Annalise walked out of the cafeteria and looked at the wall as she walked around . She eventually bumped into someone and looked at them. "Sorry I'm so clumsy. I should've looked where I was going." @Dear Diary
He felt something bump into him which automatically caused him to turn around to face the source of what ever had bumped into him. Once the person spoke he replied "Oh don't worry don't worry. It's alright It happens you know." He replied scratching the back of his head. @Ayuna Kusado
"Really it's fine I don't mind at all. You don't need to apologize to me." He patted her head twice in reassurance before making his way down the hall. "Be careful though you could bump into someone that is less forgiving." He called back to her a little concerned what would happen if she bumped into a bully or someone as bad as that. @Ayuna Kusado
[QUOTE="Dear Diary]"Really it's fine I don't mind at all. You don't need to apologize to me." He patted her head twice in reassurance before making his way down the hall. "Be careful though you could bump into someone that is less forgiving." He called back to her a little concerned what would happen if she bumped into a bully or someone as bad as that. @Ayuna Kusado

The red smoke of the principal followed Delirious down the hall for a few steps before he emerged walking beside the new student.

"I trust the entrance staff did not give you any trouble, Mr Delirious? No? Good..." Answering his own question before the student could reply, the principal noticed a few dirt and grass stains upon Delirious's clothes.

"If you will choose to have a tumble in the grass, try to wear dirty clothes and then change into clean ones for school. There's a good...being."

The principal's eyes glowed red as he viewed the face of his new student, it puzzled him so.

"You'll find that Calixto and his twin Jason Sanchez, the teacher of a...subject, for the life of me I'm not even sure he's bothered to work... Anyway, you'll find those two too be quite bothersome. But do enjoy, school moral and all that gumph... Nonsense, it really is..."

His words trailed off as he lost his thought pattern.

@Dear Inspector
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After introducing herself, Selene went away and thought of something to do. "I know! I can be a little naughty. She went to the school field and looked at the bugs there. She picked them up and went to a random class and put them inside a random water bottle. She looked at the owner's books and saw that the owner's name was Annalise. @Ayuna Kusado
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The Bell rings to signal you have 4 minutes left to get to PE.


Kat felt the awkwardness of the table growing after she threw away the plate that held her lunch earlier. The bell then rang. With a sigh of relief Kat got up and started walking to PE (obviously after rummaging through her work plan to find the page of the
map again). When Kat walked in she immediately saw some really scary unfamiliar faces (well to her at least).With seeing that Kat immediately let out a little shriek and just walked to the wall closest to her. She then took out her sketchbook and started to sketch all the different hairstyles she saw (without any faces though).

-=-=((Sorry for me not posting anything in a long time I've just been really tired recently))=-=-

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Lena Finch

Sighing Lena grabbed her bag and threw her empty bottle into the bin, checking her schedule she headed towards PE awkwardly reading the map as she ran through the corridors trying to navigate her way to PE. She kept herself practically pressed against the wall so she didn't attract attention or annoy anyone. She didn't hate PE, at her old school she was a member of the netball team and she enjoyed track. But up against people with powers Lena felt like she didn't really stand a chance, if people decided to not exactly play fairly. After all she knew that at least one person would have some sort of agility based ability.

Duke Mason

Duke groaned and headed towards the sports hall, he had spotted it earlier on so he didn't really have to consult his map. This is going to be fun. Duke hadn't really like PE that much at his old school, it was all team games and he had tended to keep to himself there. He checked his bag and he had kit for PE, he looked around to see if he could spot anyone hanging around. Duke liked most of the people at the school, he couldn't say the same about the teachers. Especially Principal Psycho.

Selene runs towards the PE classroom and enters it, hoping nobody will notice her deed.

Moon Dancer

She hears the bell and tells her plants to transport her to the PE classroom.

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