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Fandom Chaos in Hoenn

[QUOTE="Jose Prime]I would imagine if you try to land in a city.....some damage is bound to happen

If I tried to land Wailord in a city he'd just be on top of a building. Like a big blimp.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]I would imagine if you try to land in a city.....some damage is bound to happen

Tell me when you're done posting for the night, by the way, whenever that is. Just a heads up.
You could put him in the body of water near Mount Pyre or Lilycove. Lilycove has a beach right? It does have cove in the name...
900 ish pounds distributed over an even area is actually pretty light. It's only when Wailord exerts force does it hurt. Like he could give you a great big ole hug :D though you might suffocate in his blubber :x
Airagog said:
If I tried to land Wailord in a city he'd just be on top of a building. Like a big blimp.
I feel like that would make some people nervous, but if that's how you character rolls then...

fuck it.
Assailant said:
Tell me when you're done posting for the night, by the way, whenever that is. Just a heads up.
I'm sorry I keep taking a while to reply. I don't want my posts to keep coming out short, so I'm trying to come up with as much as possible. I don't know why it's so hard for me to think tonight...
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]I'm sorry I keep taking a while to reply. I don't want my posts to keep coming out short, so I'm trying to come up with as much as possible. I don't know why it's so hard for me to think tonight...

Don't worry. I don't give a crap (I don't remember if there's a rule about it.) As long as you give me something to reply to, I don't mind how long it is.
Assailant said:
Don't worry. I don't give a crap (I don't remember if there's a rule about it.) As long as you give me something to reply to, I don't mind how long it is.
But if you need to get off for the night, feel free to. I don't want to keep you if you gotta go
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]But if you need to get off for the night, feel free to. I don't want to keep you if you gotta go

No, no, I just wanna know ahead of time.
Meant to have this up sooner, the second of my War Stories. (other one is on page 6 if you want to find it, regarding the Five Kings)

>>Video Access: The Fall of Two Kings

A man appeared on the screen, he had on a military helmet with the chinstrap unhooked so he could talk, bandages wrapped around his forehead as he spoke into a microphone. "Hello again to all of you at home! Adrian Cronauer here, your ace war correspondent on the frontlines bringing you the war as it happens." He managed a weak smile, even as all hell was breaking loose behind him. Such was the dangerous work of being a war correspondent. At the very least, they weren't targeted.

"As you know I.. I can't tell you where we are, but things are going to hell here as you can see behind me. Team Rocket has released a new weapon against the Allied Armies... Ladies and Gentlemen, in all of my years as a report and investigative journalist, I have never seen anything like it... All I have been able to find out is it's name. Mewtwo. I... I wish I could bring you good news, but it has already killed two of the Five Kings. This may just be our darkest hour since Team Rocket first launched their offensive. If Mewtwo is not stopped, I'm not sure the Allied Lines will hold"

The camera zoomed in on some figures in the background, moving towards a creature wearing high tech armor that could only be assumed to be Mewtwo. "The hell is that?!" The cameraman could be heard saying as he zoomed in. "I know that Doublade anywhere! It's the Demon King! Dante's going after Mewtwo! And... It can't be! No... it is! The Swords of Justice are with him!!" The excitement couldn't be lost in the reporter's voice.

Sure enough, mingled in with the Untouchable Demons were four new figures, Pokemon of legends themselves. Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, and Keldeo; The Swords of Justice. In old times, they would fight humans when they threatened pokemon territories, and given the threat Team Rocket posed, it was little surprise that they would show themselves.

As they approached Mewtwo, they scattered in all directions, Zora's eyes glowed as illusions disguised their movements and the attack began. From all sides, they converged upon Mewtwo, but the controlled pokemon deftly dodged each of them before knocking them away like flies...

"They... they can't handle it! We're doomed! If Dante dies here too..." the despair was evident in the reporter's voice. Just as Mewtwo moved forward towards Dante to finish him off, a pink orb collided with Mewtwo, sending him back away. "What was that?! Get a shot of that!!! what was it?!"

The camera zoomed in on the pink orb, with a Mew inside, colliding against the blue aura that surrounded Mewtwo. The two battled like this, streaking across the sky in an apparent deadlock. Only, after a few moments it was evident that Mewtwo was gaining the upper hand. Dante gathered his team and the Swords of Justice around him. What was said, the camera could not pick up, but Zora and Luca seemed particularly agitated.

Mew was knocked to the ground, the orb flickering and about to fade as Mewtwo advanced on its prey. All at once, the group charged in a tight orb. Mewtwo turned towards them, holding up a hand as psychic blasts flew towards the group. With each shot, one of the group jumped forward and intercepted the orb with their own attack, even if it did knock them back. As they grew closer, Mewtwo fired faster, but the result was the same. The group kept moving even as each one got knocked back despite blocking the actual hit. Zora, Luca and Dante were the last three charging. Mewtwo held up both hands, firing two shots at once. Zora and Luca both blocked the hits as Dante launched skyward, spinning towards Mewtwo with Gemini in hand.

That's when it happened....

Mewtwo held both hands back, charging up something far more powerful than any psychic blast.. No... this was Hyper Beam, at point blank range... Just as Mewtwo released the blast, Dante threw Gemini, the two pokemon spinning around the blast and crashing into mewtwo's helmet, splitting it in two as the Hyper Beam hit Dante full in the chest, his body flying off like a rocket through the air before landing with a massive splash in a nearby lake...

Mewtwo's eyes were wide now that they were exposed. IT looked down at its body and gave a roar, the metal flying off of it as it turned its sights on team rocket, its eyes livid with rage as it let loose its fury upon those that had enslaved it.

Dante's team, along with the Swords of Justice, meanwhile, left mewtwo to handle team rocket as they rushed to the lake. Shino and Keldeo wasted no time diving right into the frigid water.

"I... I don't know what to say Ladies and Gentlemen..... Dante seems to have gotten Mewtwo to fight against Team Rocket, but his fate... It does not look good..." An explosion went off nearby the camera. "And ours doesn't look good either. Come on! let's get moving before Mewtwo thinks we're with those bastards from Team Rocket!" The camera shook as the cameraman and the reporter obviously ran towards the lake. No doubt it was safer to be around Demons than Mewtwo.

As they arrived, Shino and Keldeo could be seen pulling a lifeless Dante from the water. His chest was split open badly, with blood pouring out even as Shino desperately tried to stop the bleeding. They lay him on the shore, Luca holding her paws over him as they glowed. She was using her heal pulse to try and stop the bleeding, but it was slow going. Her whole body was shaking as she fought back tears. Zora wasn't much better, pacing behind her as her own eyes threatened to set free tears.

Mew floated down from the top of the camera shot, Luca's eyes snapped up to Mew, betraying her desperation. "Please... you have to save him... he can't die like this.. He can't die... He can't!" her voice cracked as mew looked from her to him. Mew slowly let its tail out from its protective sphere, the tip of its tail touching his chest, causing it to glow as the terrible wound healed and scarred over. It was a terrible looking scar.... starting right in the center of his chest and branching out like a spider's web... With the wound healed, Mew stared at him for a moment before slapping him across the face with its tail, the shock causing him to jolt awake, coughing up water as he looked around in a daze... "Don't... don't ever let me do something like that again..." Dante cracked a weak smile before he found himself practically gang tackled by his entire team, with Kiba piling on the top to make it a real dog pile.

"Ahem..." a cold voice spoke up, causing the camera to jump sideways before it shook. Mewtwo was in focus, arms crossed as the camera backed away. "It seems you survived my attack...Not many can say they survived an all out attack from me..." Mewtwo mused as it floated towards them. His whole team jumped in front of him, forming a line to prevent Mewtwo from getting too close.

Mewtwo just rolled his eyes. "Relax.. If I really wanted to kill him, I wouldn't have made my presence known before doing it, fools... I came to inform him that since he freed me from my enslavement, I will spare his miserable life. Do not think for a second, however, I will take part in this war of yours. When you find Giovanni, I will come to take his head. Until then, you're on your own." He remarked, turning away before flying off into the sky and vanishing.

Mew sighed, speaking like all pokemon do, as Luca translated. "Mew says that's about as close to a Thank you as you can expect from him.. He's too proud to actually say he's in your debt" Mew nodded, speaking once more for Luca to translate. "Mew doesn't like fighting, so she's going into hiding, as far as she's concerned, we've got things covered here" Mew nodded before flying off in the same direction as Mewtwo.

"I don't think anyone is going to believe this.." the cameraman could be heard saying.

"I'm not even sure I believe it myself... At least we've got the video..."
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]Do we have any people playing as team rocket members left?

To be honest, I don't know. I know some people signed up as some, but I think some of them haven't even posted in a good while
You know, I wonder how Zak and Max would react to that war footage..... No doubt there's someone showing the old newsreels after the festivities...
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]You know, I wonder how Zak and Max would react to that war footage..... No doubt there's someone showing the old newsreels after the festivities...

I wonder too. Despite his age, I think I've made Zak a rather innocent teen
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]I wonder too. Despite his age, I think I've made Zak a rather innocent teen

We're making this a thing.. Zak's going to see the war footage because I want to know how he'd react to seeing the guy he talked to fight like that. xD Since Dante would have been 16-20 at the time, so close to Zak's age.

That and I kinda wanna see Max flip shit over Mew xD
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]I might make a team rocket character...

I believe DM was going to wipe the character list, not sure if he did it yet or not. It's a shame we couldn't get everyone to participate.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]I believe DM was going to wipe the character list, not sure if he did it yet or not. It's a shame we couldn't get everyone to participate.

[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]We're making this a thing.. Zak's going to see the war footage because I want to know how he'd react to seeing the guy he talked to fight like that

Oh boy. I think he would be horrified by all the death and chaos that was shown, perhaps so much that he would wouldn't be able to finish watching
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]We're making this a thing.. Zak's going to see the war footage because I want to know how he'd react to seeing the guy he talked to fight like that. xD Since Dante would have been 16-20 at the time, so close to Zak's age.
That and I kinda wanna see Max flip shit over Mew xD

What's this war footage? I'm sorry, no matter how hard I try I lose track of things.

Mew haunts Max's dreams. No, literally. He's seen those who died in war, heard tragic recounting of their gruesome deaths, witnessed the great losses they've endured... and Mew still haunts his dreams.
[QUOTE="Jose Prime]Oh boy. I think he would be horrified by all the death and chaos that was shown, perhaps so much that he would wouldn't be able to finish watching

This particular video doesn't show as much of the death. It's mostly a fuckton of explosions going on behind the cameraman, but no one really dies on screen. IT mostly focuses on the Mewtwo part, so really it's almost all that fight.
Assailant said:
What's this war footage? I'm sorry, no matter how hard I try I lose track of things.
Mew haunts Max's dreams. No, literally. He's seen those who died in war, heard tragic recounting of their gruesome deaths, witnessed the great losses they've endured... and Mew still haunts his dreams.
IT's not IC, it's up above, that massive wall of text I posted. It's stuff from the war, described from the view of a camera. It's something that would likely be displayed for the festival.

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