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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Aki shrugged because who knows what is going on. Then Aki started thinking "Mikuru? Can you please do me a little favor?" Aki prayed for Mikuru to say yes.

"Yea..? What's up?" Mikuru asked, tilting her head. She was a little scared to say yes, then again Aki was her friend, so she shouldn't of been worried, Right..? Right?
Aki said with a simple smile "Can you grab my knives? There in row 7 at the range... I'm not fast enough to get them. You don't know how thankful I'll be." Aki starts tearing up. "They represent my family... their dead" Aki starts crying softy trying toget it together "Sorry... I also made those..." Aki starts to come down still slightly hiccuping "If you want I can do something else for you. Just please help me get my knives back"

"Alright, settle down." Mr Jackson knocked the teachers podium with his fist, rattling the room.

Aaron raised his hand.

"Yes, Alex?"

Aaron's eye twitched but he didn't bother correcting him. "Are these.. loaded?" Aaron gestured to the pistols spread out on every desk.

"Of course! What use would they be if they weren't?"

"But.. couldn't we like- hurt someone?"

Mr Jackson let out a hearty laugh. "With those peashooters? You can't even sever limbs with that caliber! You'd need one of these to do some real damage!"

Aaron's eyes widened as Mr Jackson pulled out a minigun from the teacher's podium and let it loose at a target on the shooting range. After a few deafening seconds, the target was rubble on the floor. Noticing Aaron's look, the teacher reassured him. "Don't worry, you won't be using one these at least until next week."

Aaron was about to protest, but decided that maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all.

"Now," Mr Jackson crammed the minigun back into the podium and held his hands behind his back. "I want all of you to try your hand at the shooting range with these handguns. I will come around and offer any required assistance as well as assess your performance. Should I see any horseplay with these weapons, well.." He gestured to the contents of the teacher's podium. "Let's just say the punishment will tear on you."






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Mikuru nodded, "You don't need to do anything.. I'll do it." She smiled and patted Aki on the back. "I'll be right back." She said and ran off and came back in a matter of moments, holding the multiple knifes. She handed them to Aki, and cut her palm handing her the last one, "Ow.. Ow.. Ow.." She mumbled. "It hurts.. It-" She just watched the blood roll down her palm, she was in tears. Then she looked back down, the cut was gone. The blood was still there, from not wiping it off. "A-Aki..W-What.. Just.." She said nervously. She turned her head and listened to the teacher to pretend as if she was listening. I want to see him try to hit me.. 





@Caffeine Freak
Mhianann grabbed the handgun and inspected it carefully. She had never even been within 50 meters of a gun before and now she's supposed to shoot one? Sure she's seen it on the tely but that doesn't mean she want to use one "This had better bloody be a pea shooter. If someone loses their eye... It's not my fault." she said out loud as she was looking for what to do and press to fire the handgun without actually firing it or pointing it at her face.






@Caffeine Freak
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Tenueto slowly rose from his desk, clasping his hand around the grip of the pistol.  He ambled up to his firing spot, holding the gun out in front of him with one hand and clicking of the safety.  8 shots rang out across the firing range in almost immediate succession, followed by a 'click' or two.  Tenueto set the gun at the firing range, and fell back at his desk, removing his flute from its holster.  5 shots hit the target, a two, a three, two sixes, and one eight.
Aki cheering up a little tackle hugs Mikuru nuzzling Mikuru cheeks "Thank You!! Thank You!!" Aki immediately what's the knives into their sheaves, kiss them And tucks them in there normal places. "If you ever need anything from me, and it is in my power, let me know and I'll be there!!!" Aki said with a determined grin.

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"EEP!"She let out a little scream escape her as Aki hugged her. "Y-Your welcome., don't worry about it though.. I help friends, and your a friend." She said. Mikuru shook her head, "You don't have to Aki, but I won't stop you.." She said, I just hope I don't get tackled and hugged again.. She thought.
"Child's play." Aaron sneered, leveling the handgun at the target. He'd never actually used a gun before, but he was pretty good at video games - so that had to count as something.


He opened one eye, observing the result. The target was completely untouched, bordered by bullet holes in the wall behind it.

Mr Jackson let loose a roar of laughter, Aaron's expression soured. "My gun must be miscalibrated, I had the target in the sight the whole time!"

"You had your eyes shut the whole time." Mr Jackson remarked, shaking his head. "Don't worry, I'll make an assassin of you yet. Here," Mr Jackson took the pistol, loaded it, demonstrated the correct position, which Aaron mirrored, and handed the gun back to him. "Try now!"


The target remained unscathed. "We'll call it a work in progress." Mr Jackson shook his head, turning to the other students. "Excellent start, Timothy!" Mr Jackson gave a warm gesture to Tenueto. It was Aaron's turn to shake his head as he eventually reloaded his weapon and leveled it back at the target.







@Anyone else who's there
Full Name: Unknown (Alias is Accelerator)

Age: 20

Appearance: Accelerator appears as a skinny teenager and has pale skin, moppy white hair and red eyes. This is caused by her ability, as it blocks ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing her body from producing melanin. Her ability also reduces the outside influence so much that it causes a loss of balance in her hormones, giving her what she calls an "androgynous appearance," although there is definite evidence stated that she is a girl. She is shown to have a slim, androgynous body, an occasion when bathing depicted her as large-chested and obviously female.She also seems to have an affinity for black and white-themed clothing. She changes her initial clothing from a black shirt with white striped patterns to a white shirt with V patterns.

Power/Skill: Vector transformation: Accelerator's ability creates a thin field around her allowing her to be able to change the vector values of anything, by touch. Her ability is also automatic, so things like bullets and explosives have no affect on her as they will be redirected, even if she is unaware of their presence. It is because of this ability that she had an albino appearance, as her power blocks ultraviolet radiation from the sun thereby preventing her skin from manufacturing melanin. 

Bio: Much of her past is unknown, but Accelerator mentions that she once had a "normal name" which has yet to be revealed, and most likely never will, as Accelerator herself forgot it. Ever since taking the Power Curriculum Program, and realizing her powers, Accelerator was sent to a "special class", most likely, the Special Ability Institute, and spent much of her childhood there until age nine, before being moved into another special class. Both of these had her as the only student. It can be presumed that this occurred before the incident involving the military. Accelerator as a child couldn't fit in with the other children due to her powers, harming those that tried to get close to her. Around age ten, a particular incident with children escalated with Academy City being deployed against her, and she later "gave up", and was sent to a special class. This has made her something of a loner and distrustful towards other people. After some time, Accelerator was discovered by Kihara Amata, who trained her in how to control her powers and influenced her enough for Accelerator to adopt his personality. It can be assumed that the Dark May Project started after Accelerator acquired the cool personality she now has from Amata. Accelerator's ability made her the subject of an experiment attempting to create the first Level 6 psychic; according to the city's best supercomputer, Tree Diagram, this feat could only be achieved by killing the number 2 most powerful Esper, second to herself, 128 times. However, because it was impossible to create 128 of Her, due to the 'Mass Production Plan' only being capable of producing a substandard clone, a substitute plan was arranged where Accelerator would have to kill 20,000 clones in a variety of methods. She willingly joins the experiment to gain a reputation as the most powerful and feared Esper so that no one would be foolish enough to challenge her ever again. Accelerator had already killed the first 10030 Clones, and then kills clone 10031 before the experiment is ultimately stopped. Later it is revealed she originally wanted this reputation simply so that no one would ever get hurt trying to attack her, resulting in their own destruction, though as she went deeper into Academy City's dark side her goals slowly became more and more twisted.

Theme Song: 

white invisible text
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(I am so sorry for not being around yesterday, I was so busy and this morning I was visiting a relative. You guys also post while I'm asleep xD)

Aida was glad to finally be out of that hallway, although she wasn't sure that she enjoyed the class much more. It can't be that bad, right? That's what she thought, at least until she found out they were firing guns. She took up the handgun before her and stood herself in front of a target. Taking a deep breath, she bought the handgun up level with her eyes. Holding it in both hands with her left index finger on the trigger, she lined it up with the centre of the target before firing off the loaded round. It took everything she had to concentrate and not flinch with the recoil. Taking a look at the target, she felt herself swell with pride. At least I hit the target several times.  She was proud for hitting the target, and only missing a few. 
Mikuru took the handgun, and walked up to the target, she took a sigh and started shooting. She hated how the recoil felt but she did hit the target once. She looked at Aaron's lane saw no hit on the target, she took out her tongue at Aaron.

@Caffeine Freak

Anyone really.
Aki picked up her gun, sat down with her back to the target and said "I'm going to shoot the heart twice and the head 3 times" then pulled the trigger. Once Aki fired 5 times got up put the gun down on the desk next to her and turned to the target. Sure enough the head was shot 3 times and where the heart would have been had 2 bullet points. Aki then turnedto see how the others were doing. "Good job Mikuru! Was this your first time with a gun?" Aki said smiling. "Well done, if that was a real person that would have been the kidney!"

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"Yea it was.. I can't believe I even hit it once.." Mikuru said and just stared at the target, "It feels weird, but kinda awesome at the same time." She smiled. Mikuru looked over at Aki's target, "You called it. Alright, shoot it through if the holes!" Mikuru said and smiled. 

Tenueto's arm looked quite red.  He hadn't counted on the recoil to be as heavy as it was, for such a small caliber handgun.  He continued to tune his flute, trying to allude the pain in his arm.  He glanced up at the other targets, smiling in his being one of the better scores in the class.  "I suppose I could have done worse..." He said to no one in particular.
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The gun felt foreign, uncanny as he held it on his hands, as the memories of holding one seemed so very far... Quon took a deep breath, allowing his body to relax, focus entirely on the target ahead. Shot after shot, the familiarity began to loosen his grip, as the act itself began to feel natural, more mechanical. Hit, miss, it was done, the object was emptied sooner or later. And for some reason, it all felt...easier somehow.
[@Ras I'd like you to elaborate on your character's ability, if you don't mind. Once you're done, just reply to this post.

@Kaera You guys all post while I'm asleep too, so nobody's winning here.]

Aaron noticed Mikuru sticking out her tongue at him and shot back an annoyed look. He tried to confide in the fact that if this was a videogame, he would be top of the class right now - but somehow the thought didn't bring much comfort.

After his third attempt, the target remained clean as a whistle, yet the wall behind it was completely decimated. "I guess if I ever need to shoot up a wall behind a solid object, I can rest easy knowing I'll get the job done." Aaron tried to cheer himself up through sarcasm, but was unable to fend off the frustration that was tarnishing him from the edges.

Attention drifting, he noticed the dark haired student on the range next to him spraying rounds at the target in an unusually precise pattern.

"You're getting the hang of this, huh?" Aaron remarked idly, pointing his pistol at the target again.

This time though he had a plan.

If he missed every single shot while he was trying to hit the target, then...

Aaron aimed at the wall underneath the target - when he squeezed the trigger, the bullet went clean through the bullseye.

"I'm.. not even going to try and question that."

"Alright, enough warming up." Mr Jackson declared. "Today, you'll be the first students to test out the new virtual reality firing range."

"Link start." Aaron mused

Adjacent to this classroom is a large room, you'll be given jumpsuits to wear over your clothes and electronic pistols. For example.." Mr Jackson tossed Aaron a jumpsuit. "Put it on."

Aaron hesitated a little but slid on the jumpsuit and zipped it up. It radiated a faint blue and was snaked in wires. "Now," Mr Jackson pulled out the prior mentioned electronic pistol, pointed it at Aaron and clicked the trigger.

Pain surged through Aaron's body as he felt a searing heat rip though his chest. He cried out in pain and dropped to the floor, on which the pain suddenly disappeared as if it was never there. "Wha.. what the hell just happened?"

"Each jumpsuit triggers the nerves that a electronic gun shoots, tricking the mind into thinking the body's actually been shot, when in fact there's no damage whatsoever."

The health and safety standards are just through the roof here.

"Now, all of you suit up and grab a E-gun, then follow me into the next room." He tossed Aaron the gun and walked out the door.

Following him, Aaron was greeted by a room the size of a football stadium, the walls pulsed a vibrant blue and the floor was a strange hexagon pattern. "This is the Amphitheater, where you'll spend most of your training. Once I start the sim, it will take the form of a random environment. The objective for you all is to 'kill' eachother until I can declare a single victor. As a reward, the victor in question gets to feel the pride of not getting shot."

"Great." Aaron mumbled under his breath.

"Right now, the suits are powered down. When you're all ready, find a space in the arena. You'll know when the sim starts."







(Sorry. I'm leaving this RP. My character just doesn't seem like she is doing anything. I don't think I joined the RP early enough because once the RP starts, role players get into their own little groups.)
Aki grabbed Mikuru and ran as fast as she could avoiding the obstacles in her way and to lose people who tried to follow, to a wall next to some platform that was barely visible, dragging Mikuru along the way since she wasn't expecting it. Aki let go of Mikuru's arm once Mikuru was behind the wall. Aki ran faster and used the 3 walls to get on the platform. Aki waved at Mikuru and went to a different part of the platform where Aki cut the knotted ropes to get on it.

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Tenueto moved into his suit, sitting in an out of the way corner of the amphitheater and setting his pistol in his lap.  Tenueto held his flute in both hands.  He began to hum a short tune, waiting for the game to begin.
The words disturbed him for but a moment, for a lack of a better term. Glancing over Aaron, Quon parted his lips as he reloaded his weapon. "...Yeah." I guess you could say that. Such a comment could apply to variations of an assumption, couldn't it? The exchange was short but he liked to think it was better that way. He had never been one of many words...

The feat he would end up executing seemed to dispel such a notion for nothing short of brief. But the stiffled chuckle was there. Not out of mockery or any such thing, mind you. He found it amusing, perhaps even somewhat nostalgic to see anything like it.

As the next assignment came along, all appeared to become more and more intricate, further driving the male into a state of silent anxiety. The explanation, the sight of the suits, the act of wrapping his body inside them...it was far too real yet uncanny. A very strange sensation. Not wasting any time, Quon headed towards an empty space in the arena, claiming it if unknowingly.

@Caffeine Freak
Full Name: Judeau (he doesn't have a last or middle name, he was just given the name Judeau)

Age: 16


Power/Skill: well spoken and agile. Can speak with animals. Can use any weapon given to him. Can read minds and emotions just by looking at the person's face

Bio: (What your character's life was like before being captured, can include how they were captured) he was part of a group of traveling performers up until he was 13, then he decided to travel on his own for awhile


Theme Song: Forces

Misc details: he has a strange birthmark on his left hand

mudkips are bae
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[@Ras I'd like you to elaborate on your character's ability, if you don't mind. Once you're done, just reply to this post.

@Kaera You guys all post while I'm asleep too, so nobody's winning here.]

Aaron noticed Mikuru sticking out her tongue at him and shot back an annoyed look. He tried to confide in the fact that if this was a videogame, he would be top of the class right now - but somehow the thought didn't bring much comfort.

After his third attempt, the target remained clean as a whistle, yet the wall behind it was completely decimated. "I guess if I ever need to shoot up a wall behind a solid object, I can rest easy knowing I'll get the job done." Aaron tried to cheer himself up through sarcasm, but was unable to fend off the frustration that was tarnishing him from the edges.

Attention drifting, he noticed the dark haired student on the range next to him spraying rounds at the target in an unusually precise pattern.

"You're getting the hang of this, huh?" Aaron remarked idly, pointing his pistol at the target again.

This time though he had a plan.

If he missed every single shot while he was trying to hit the target, then...

Aaron aimed at the wall underneath the target - when he squeezed the trigger, the bullet went clean through the bullseye.

"I'm.. not even going to try and question that."

"Alright, enough warming up." Mr Jackson declared. "Today, you'll be the first students to test out the new virtual reality firing range."

"Link start." Aaron mused

Adjacent to this classroom is a large room, you'll be given jumpsuits to wear over your clothes and electronic pistols. For example.." Mr Jackson tossed Aaron a jumpsuit. "Put it on."

Aaron hesitated a little but slid on the jumpsuit and zipped it up. It radiated a faint blue and was snaked in wires. "Now," Mr Jackson pulled out the prior mentioned electronic pistol, pointed it at Aaron and clicked the trigger.

Pain surged through Aaron's body as he felt a searing heat rip though his chest. He cried out in pain and dropped to the floor, on which the pain suddenly disappeared as if it was never there. "Wha.. what the hell just happened?"

"Each jumpsuit triggers the nerves that a electronic gun shoots, tricking the mind into thinking the body's actually been shot, when in fact there's no damage whatsoever."

The health and safety standards are just through the roof here.

"Now, all of you suit up and grab a E-gun, then follow me into the next room." He tossed Aaron the gun and walked out the door.

Following him, Aaron was greeted by a room the size of a football stadium, the walls pulsed a vibrant blue and the floor was a strange hexagon pattern. "This is the Amphitheater, where you'll spend most of your training. Once I start the sim, it will take the form of a random environment. The objective for you all is to 'kill' eachother until I can declare a single victor. As a reward, the victor in question gets to feel the pride of not getting shot."

"Great." Aaron mumbled under his breath.

"Right now, the suits are powered down. When you're all ready, find a space in the arena. You'll know when the sim starts."









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