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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

(Sorry for not RPing I have been busy) Aki was confused, one minute she was on a platform, the next she's on the a roof of a building in the desert. To disoriented she was paralyzed looking around. It looked like Aki was in a small sand village or more accuratelythe market of one. Jumping on another roof she looked around and saw Aaron a bit away from the entrance deciding to aim for the leg so it wouldn't hurt as much. Taking aim, she fired hoping that it wouldn't hurt as badly as a real bullet know that it would make its target. She yelled sorry at Aaron after she fired.

@Caffeine Freak
Hardt decided to wander out of the small room. They walked out to find a dark hallway with what seemed like hundreds of other rooms just like theirs. They decided to call out for someone one last time.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"
Tenueto lay against the sand dunes, holstering his flute.  "I will wait until it is truly useful."  he whispered to himself, taking the gun from the sand beside him.  He began to fall into thought, formulating a plan.  The best he could think of was to stay out of the fray until all but one was defeated.  It would be easy then to sneak up on them.  

He sat against the corner-facing dune, waiting for some audio cue to signify a first casualty, or maybe a visitor for him to shoot himself.
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Aka saw that Lucas wasn't there, and his roommate wasn't either. She'd spent too long looking for them both and eventually gave up and went to class. She was fed up with this academy. Aka was far past the lines of frustration, social problems, or even anger. Which was bad, considering she had fire powers. She walked like a zombie towards class, not really knowing where she was going. She felt her limbs stiffen up, and an odd energy flow through her. And then, out of the blue, she set on fire. Aka's clothes were the first to go, like kindling, but her whole body was engulfed in fire, so it was hard to see anything. Instead of breathing with her mouth, her fire took oxygen from the air and fed it to her lungs. When Aka was in this state, it was when she was feeling bad. The real problem was, the fire converted all those emotions to rage. (However there is a warning for any attack: Aka's eyes will glow blue/purple) It was hard to see anyone in the ball of fire, but anyone watching could've faintly seen her raise her arms and send sparks into the air. Not campfire sparks either. Full-sized. However this time, Aka just wandered the hallways, mindlessly sending sparks.

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(Sorry I didn't see it!!!!)

Mikuru sat, not moving, she was scared at Aaron or anything at all would come up and just shoot her, she held her gun tightly, Why did I try to shoot at Aaron..That was stupid. She ignored the music but heard a sorry. Mikuru stood up and looked around, thinking that it was Aki. "Hello?!?" She shouted, and then covered her mouth and slapped herself. What are you doing?! The point of hiding is not to shout and say, "HEY I'M RIGHT HERE!" Mikuru covered her mouth again. OR DO THAT. Mikuru groaned and sat back down, waiting for someone to find her, which probably end well. 

@Caffeine Freak


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Elisa groaned in pain when she brought her hand up to her head, she heard a low buzz and her eyes shot open, she looked around the strange room, the last thing she remembered was the comforting buildings... and a man... and then black, she sat up, moving to stand and opened the door, it whizzed before it opened, she took a deep breathe and exited the room, "H-hello?" She spoke out wondering if their was anyone else here.



Adrian sighed as he sat on the bed, "Shit..." He cursed out before he stood up, moving towards the door, it whizzed open again and he pocked his head out, "Empty..." He said lowly as he stepped out into the hallway, he looked out the glass and into the ocean, "What the..." He said before sighing and shaking his head.
[@VenomSlayer some characters are in the arena right now, once the segments over, there'll be more players to interact with. Until then, there's some players who are out the arena]

Aaron gasped and collapsed in the sand. A bullet had struck his leg, and he was bleeding heavily. It's not real. It's not real. He thought quickly, clutching his injured limb. Aaron knew that the blood pooling from his leg was just a mind trick, but the pain was indistinguishable from a real sensation. Despite himself, he grinned, his teeth gritted.

"That's all it took.. huh? One strike and I'm out. heh- heh." But his careless grin vanished, determination suddenly surging through his veins. "..No. I'm not out yet." He used his gun to prop up his upper body, squirming to his feet. "One strike and I'm out? No. I am the striker! I will tear this Arena into-"


The pain flew to the back of Aaron's mind for a moment, replaced with confusion. "Was that.. Mikuru?" He muttered, looking around. "Nah.... surely she wouldn't just-"


Aaron's confusion was replaced with more confusion. Why would she..

It hit him.

She was taunting him. Why else would she be giving away her location for no reason? "So that's how this is going to play out, huh?" Aaron cocked his gun, hobbling in the direction of where he heard her.



Mikuru kept on slapping herself with one hand, the other her gun. STUPID STUPID STUPID WHAT WERE YOU DOING!! Mikuru eventually stopped, one side of her face completely red. She grabbed the gun and waited, she was actually scared that she get shot or something of the sort, even if it was a simulation the question was, who would be coming.,

@Caffeine Freak

(( Correct me if i am wrong in this post Plz ))

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa moved forward, the throbbing in her head not stopping, "Where the hell am i?" She asked no-one in particular as she moved forward she saw someone ahead and walked towards them, "S-s'cuse me? Where exactly am i?" She asked the person dressed in some weird suit, they simply looked at her and walked away, she stood their gob smacked as she looked into the small window, there was some type of box like shape, she didn't know what was in it but saw people in the room, she stood there for a couple seconds deciding what to do.

Adrian Maxwell

Adrian moved down the hall and saw someone dressed in this weird black armour. Must be a worker, let me guess, guard? He thought to himself as he walked over to him, "Hey, can i know where exactly i am?" He asked the guy before he simply looked at him and walked away, "Prick," He said lowly before he gave a sigh, "Adventuring it is," He said in a sad tone.
There was no doubt that who Aaron was hunting down was right over this dune.

"End of the line, Mikuru." Aaron muttered, vaulting the dune and leveling his weapon at-


Aaron's aim loosened a little. "Huh. Well, not quite who I was expecting, but I still kinda have to kill you." Aaron re-leveled his weapon.

"Sorry." He added quickly, his finger slightly hesitant on the trigger.


Tenueto moved to be facing Aaron, too close for him to fire off a shot.  "I accept the apology."  He pushed Aaron's gun weilding arm to the side, firing at it somewhat blindly (Please choose if it hits you or not. I want to not be OP, but my character was kinda waiting for this.)

He attempted to turn Aaron, pushing him back across the dune and out into the relative open.

Name: Courtney Clarenbelle

Age: 15

Looks: Long platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, pale (ish) skin

Biography: Courtney might be what you call perfect. Good grades, pretty, nice. But that's Courtney on the outside. Courtney was abandoned by her parents when she was born. Someone found Courtney crying in the middle of the woods, all alone. That someone was Hank Clarenbelle, a famous criminal in Courtney's town. Courtney took the last name Clarenbelle and lived a happy life in Hank's small and dirty apartment in the big city, far away from the town where she was abandoned in. But one day, the cops came to the Clarenbelle's apartment. They were there to take Hank. "Kid, whatcha doin' here?" The cop asked 6 year old Courtney. "That's my daddy." Courtney replied, pointing to Hank. "Sorry, kid, your daddy's going to have to leave you for a while. What is your name, shortie?" The cop asked. "I'm Courtney.. but

where are you taking my daddy?" Courtney questioned. "Jail, honey buns." The cop answered. Then, that was the moment Courtney's powers were given to her. She didn't know it yet, though. The cop gave Courtney to the adoption center. She stayed for 5 years, but then, rage took over her soul. She realized that she'd been sweet, kind and clueless. She realized that the world isn't all friendly. She escaped the center, and lived alone in the woods in a self-built treehouse.

Power: Reading minds, and can control weak enough minds.

you can't see this line of white.

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(Sorry for not RPing I have been busy with prison *cough cough* I mean school it was a slip of the tongue I swear) Aki kept track of Mikuru's location knowing she still owed Mikuru a few favors. Then when Mikuru yelled out Aki slapped her head thinking 'Are to stupid or are you actually planning something that is worth while. That looks stupid Mikuru?!' Then Aki pondered it, then thought 'if she can lead them to an open spots then I can take them out!' Aki says in a harsh whisper when she thinks this "Mikuru, your a genius!" Aki turned her head as she heard commotion coming from her left. Seeing Tenueto and Aaron well what looked like the perfect alignment taking aim Aki fired twice, one Aaron's back and the other in Tenueto's leg yelling "Sorry for that!" Hoping that Tenueto would do the same as Aaron did before.


@Caffeine Freak

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(Prison! I mean schoool? Yea me too xD)

Mikuru started moving again hearing the three shots, she again wasn't sure where she was going only that she wanted to move far. Guns Guns Guns.. Mikuru stopped not to far of where she was, the heat was to much, then she saw it, Aki, Aaron, Tenueto, All my friends.. Lined up like ducks.. I don't want to shoot them, but I'm going to have too.. UGHHH.. No no.. Don't Mikuru aimed her gun at the three, moving the targets, aimed at Aki, then at Aaron, then at Tenueto, she repeated this and just fired a random number of shots, and hoped she didn't hit anyone, even if it was a simulation she didn't want to shoot her friends, she started backing away unsure of what would happen next.


@Caffeine Freak

A sharp pain ran through Tenueto's leg.  He fell back against the ground.  Tenueto grit his teeth, loosing his flute and rolling to relative cover.  "Very amusing!"  He yelled at no one in particular, playing a three-note melody.  Anyone lucky enough to hear it would feel the pain rush from their body.  The wounds would still leave them unable to properly walk, but gave Tenueto enough energy to aim his gun back up at Aki.  (though not enough to fire)

@Caffeine Freak



Elisa Darthwell & Adrian Maxwell

Elisa looked around a bit more before she found a small screen hanging from the roof, she saw people fighting with guns... and using their powers? What is this place? She thought to herself as she looked up at the screen, she saw another person walking towards her and she gave a small sigh to at least know she wasn't the only person not in their, the person gave another relieved sigh before standing next to her, "Geez, fighting? This place seems like hell..." He said quietly before he moved to a wall, still looking up at the screen, "Wonder where they are..." He said quietly as he looked around.
[Finally got time to write an RP post!]

Pain spiked through Aaron's back as he fell forward, swearing he could feel the bullet puncture his kidney and fly out the other side.

"There. Is. No. Bullet." Aaron reminded himself, propped up on his knees and han ds.

In that instant, a short melody rang out - the sound somehow numbing his pain. Aaron didn't question the sensation, he scrambled forward, grabbed his gun, aimed it at Mr Jackson, and-

Wait, Mr Jackson?

"Allen," He spoke sternly. "is that firearm modified?" The teacher asked with a narrowed look, folding those tree trunk arms.

"Just a little." Aaron pointed his pistol at the sky and fired, hundreds of bullets burst out the barrel.

Mr Jackson sighed. "Cut the simulation."

The numb pain in Aaron's leg and back vanished, the sand began to sink through the floor, the blue sky faded. Soon enough, the room was just cold metal once again.

"In real life you don't get to cheat - I suggest you remember that." Mr Jackson reprimanded before turning and striding back to the door.

Despite being forced to battle his friends just a few seconds earlier, Aaron felt kind of guilty.

"Class is over for today. All of you head back to the cafeteria for lunch." The firearms teacher called over his shoulder.

Aaron tossed his weapon aside and stepped out of his jumpsuit. "No hard feelings, right guys?" Aaron wasn't so sure of the feelings he felt himself.




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Ano wakes up in a dorm , he looks around and smells saltwater. " Where am I." he said looking down on the floor and seeing the book he had when he left the library. " That's right I was leaving the library and then everything went dark, how did I end up here , wherever here is." He said getting up from the bed and watching it sink into the floor. " Must be for sanitization purposes, there must be other people outside maybe I can find somone." Ano said leaving the dorm and walking down the empty dark hallway.
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Mikuru looked up to see Mr.Jackson to Aaron, she sighed and stepped out of the jumpsuit and threw down the gun, and immediately superspeeded out of there, once she was in the hallway she sighed, and waited for everyone else, she looked over to her left and saw people watching the screen she walked over to them, "Hi~ What are you two doing?" She asked and looked up at the screen, she the room where the simulation was, she frowned. "Oh.. I answered my own question." Mikuru mumbled, she turned back to the two. "What are you two's names?" She turned back to make sure everyone was leaving the class, still unsure about how to feel. 

@Caffeine Freak



Mikuru looked up to see Mr.Jackson to Aaron, she sighed and stepped out of the jumpsuit and threw down the gun, and immediately superspeeded out of there, once she was in the hallway she sighed, and waited for everyone else, she looked over to her left and saw people watching the screen she walked over to them, "Hi~ What are you two doing?" She asked and looked up at the screen, she the room where the simulation was, she frowned. "Oh.. I answered my own question." Mikuru mumbled, she turned back to the two. "What are you two's names?" She turned back to make sure everyone was leaving the class, still unsure about how to feel. 

@Caffeine Freak




Elisa & Adrian

Elisa quickly turned around, glad to see a bit more people in this place, Adrian merely looked to the left before he shrugged, "Don't know her name, but the names Adrian Maxwell," He said before he looked back up at the screen, Elisa quickly nodded her head, a habit of hers from being around a lot of rich people, "E-Elisa Darthwell... Nice to meet you misses?" She said quickly as she turned her head to the left slightly.

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