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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Elisa & Adrian

Elisa quickly turned around, glad to see a bit more people in this place, Adrian merely looked to the left before he shrugged, "Don't know her name, but the names Adrian Maxwell," He said before he looked back up at the screen, Elisa quickly nodded her head, a habit of hers from being around a lot of rich people, "E-Elisa Darthwell... Nice to meet you misses?" She said quickly as she turned her head to the left slightly.

"Mikuru Kelly, you can call me Miku." She repiled and gave a soft smile. She studied the two, not sure what to take in but they were two types of quiet. Adrian was the I'll speak when I want to quiet, while Elisa was the shy quiet. "So.. Um.. I assume you both have powers or a lot of skill in something." She said, sounding a bit shaky.
"Mikuru Kelly, you can call me Miku." She repiled and gave a soft smile. She studied the two, not sure what to take in but they were two types of quiet. Adrian was the I'll speak when I want to quiet, while Elisa was the shy quiet. "So.. Um.. I assume you both have powers or a lot of skill in something." She said, sounding a bit shaky.

Elisa & Adrian

Elisa looked up and her eyes flashed a small amount of red, Adrian simply smiled and laughed, "Sure... My main abilities is to physically manifest mana, as far as i know it's supposed to be "Magic" or something..." He said as looked over at Mikuru, Elisa merely shrugged, "I don't know necessarily how to explain it, but i can control my blood down to it's molecules... I think that was what they said..." She said the last part quietly as she seemed to go into deep thought, Adrian piqued up and looked over at Mikuru, "Can i ask what's happening right now?" He asked referring to the screen and people fighting.

Elisa & Adrian

Elisa looked up and her eyes flashed a small amount of red, Adrian simply smiled and laughed, "Sure... My main abilities is to physically manifest mana, as far as i know it's supposed to be "Magic" or something..." He said as looked over at Mikuru, Elisa merely shrugged, "I don't know necessarily how to explain it, but i can control my blood down to it's molecules... I think that was what they said..." She said the last part quietly as she seemed to go into deep thought, Adrian piqued up and looked over at Mikuru, "Can i ask what's happening right now?" He asked referring to the screen and people fighting.

Mikuru nodded and looked at the screen, "That.. oh it was a simulation.. it wasn't fun., All of are friends, so shooting at each other.." she trailed, her voice was shaky again, she looked down and shivered, she sniffled and looked back up. "Sorry.. just rather not talk about it."
Mikuru nodded and looked at the screen, "That.. oh it was a simulation.. it wasn't fun., All of are friends, so shooting at each other.." she trailed, her voice was shaky again, she looked down and shivered, she sniffled and looked back up. "Sorry.. just rather not talk about it."

Elisa & Adrian

Adrian shrugged, "Still doesn't explain what it is... Sorry for asking," He said the last part in a regretful tone as he looked back up at the screen, Elisa merely gave a small sigh before smiling, "If i may, what is this place?" She asked in a polite but shy tone, her smile bright and large, enough to make her squint.
(But I don't think senpai would notice me tho ;_;)

(School kinda prevents him, so PM be best.)

Elisa & Adrian

Adrian shrugged, "Still doesn't explain what it is... Sorry for asking," He said the last part in a regretful tone as he looked back up at the screen, Elisa merely gave a small sigh before smiling, "If i may, what is this place?" She asked in a polite but shy tone, her smile bright and large, enough to make her squint.

Mikuru looked back up, "It's Starlight.. it's some academy.. People that have powers and skills go here.. Or are rather taken.." she sighed, "To answer your question, it was a simulation, we got fake guns and had to fight each other." 
Ano walked out of the hallway and found a group of people standing around a large screen. He walked towards them waving his hand as a friendly gesture. "Hello there, could you possible help and tell me where I am and what this place is." Ano said as he walked towards the group


Ano walked out of the hallway and found a group of people standing around a large screen. He walked towards them waving his hand as a friendly gesture. "Hello there, could you possible help and tell me where I am and what this place is." Ano said as he walked towards the group



Mikuru turned to see another person, More people! Are they just now waking up..? She thought and waved to the other person. "This is Starlight, as the head Master explains." She paused and mimicked the headmaster, "To make sure you younglings can make good use of your powers or something like that," her voice went back to normal, "I wouldn't buy it."
Ano looked at them and gave a slight confused look. "So this is a school, what a weird enrollment program to kidnap others and did you say our powers , you mean that y'all have powers too , I thought I would never meet others like me , what can y'all do if y'all don't mind me asking." Ano said eager to learn more from his newly found friends. " Oh and I'm Ano by the way."

Ano looked at them and gave a slight confused look. "So this is a school, what a weird enrollment program to kidnap others and did you say our powers , you mean that y'all have powers too , I thought I would never meet others like me , what can y'all do if y'all don't mind me asking." Ano said eager to learn more from his newly found friends. " Oh and I'm Ano by the way."


"I have super speed, and a small healing factor~" She repiled and started spinning, she was back to her normal self. "I'm Mikuru, you can call me Miku, or whatever you want to call me!!" Then she started talking inaudibly, she was going to fast and slapped herself. "Sorry about that.."
Startled as hell Aki took two steps back when she realized that she was on the edge of the platform, not really paying attention to the fact that she was going to fall off the other side. Aki yelped as she fell down from the platform on to the wall causing a snap from her arm followed by several cracks in her back. "Ow" Aki closed her eyes as she was about to land on the floor.

Tenueto moved to his feet, finishing in his attempt to calm himself down.  He blinked a few times, glancing around the stage, before hearing a loud *crack*.  

Tenueto raised an eyebrow "Who might that have been?"  He chuckled towards whoever it was who fell from the stage.
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Mikuru turned to see another person, More people! Are they just now waking up..? She thought and waved to the other person. "This is Starlight, as the head Master explains." She paused and mimicked the headmaster, "To make sure you younglings can make good use of your powers or something like that," her voice went back to normal, "I wouldn't buy it."

Ano looked at them and gave a slight confused look. "So this is a school, what a weird enrollment program to kidnap others and did you say our powers , you mean that y'all have powers too , I thought I would never meet others like me , what can y'all do if y'all don't mind me asking." Ano said eager to learn more from his newly found friends. " Oh and I'm Ano by the way."


Elisa & Adrian

Elisa looked to the new person. More people? Exactly how big is this place... She thought to herself as Adrian seemed to tense up and sigh, "Great... Try so hard not to use my powers and i am now forced too..." He said trailing off at the end as his eyes seemed to emit a like blue smoke, Elisa gave a small sigh before putting her hand across her heart, "Elisa Darthwell, my power is to simply control my blood down to it's molecules, and my blood production is, i think it was, five-hundred times faster than the normal blood production? Or something like that..." She said quietly before Adrian sighed, "Adrian Maxwell, powers include to physically manifest mana into a pure form in which i can use," He said boredly like he has said it a million times.
"It's you don't need to hurt yourself " Ano replied . "He looked at Elisa and Adrian ." So blood munipulation and Mana the essence of life itself interesting , do y'all know how y'all got here? 



( sorry about the late post work has a weird schedule )
"It's you don't need to hurt yourself " Ano replied . "He looked at Elisa and Adrian ." So blood munipulation and Mana the essence of life itself interesting , do y'all know how y'all got here? 



( sorry about the late post work has a weird schedule )

Elisa & Adrian

Elisa looked to the new person. More people? Exactly how big is this place... She thought to herself as Adrian seemed to tense up and sigh, "Great... Try so hard not to use my powers and i am now forced too..." He said trailing off at the end as his eyes seemed to emit a like blue smoke, Elisa gave a small sigh before putting her hand across her heart, "Elisa Darthwell, my power is to simply control my blood down to it's molecules, and my blood production is, i think it was, five-hundred times faster than the normal blood production? Or something like that..." She said quietly before Adrian sighed, "Adrian Maxwell, powers include to physically manifest mana into a pure form in which i can use," He said boredly like he has said it a million times.

"Oh. Kidnapping." She answered. "See, I don't know if you woke up in your dorms in these pods, but me and some of the others that I know woke up in some pods.. Turns out we've been frozen for about year, for whatever reason and we only found this out yesterday." She said, rolling her eyes. "It's basically a school, but instead of enrolling you get kidnapped!" She said, with fake enthusiasm. Mikuru turned to Adrian, "Man you sound bored, maybe a run would get your energy back, or a slap to the face." she joked and spun once before looking at the three in front of her.
"Oh. Kidnapping." She answered. "See, I don't know if you woke up in your dorms in these pods, but me and some of the others that I know woke up in some pods.. Turns out we've been frozen for about year, for whatever reason and we only found this out yesterday." She said, rolling her eyes. "It's basically a school, but instead of enrolling you get kidnapped!" She said, with fake enthusiasm. Mikuru turned to Adrian, "Man you sound bored, maybe a run would get your energy back, or a slap to the face." she joked and spun once before looking at the three in front of her.

(( I will reply once i feel better, i am having multiple tests n shiz and have to study, so very sorry about the inconvenience @RunicFollower ))
"It's you don't need to hurt yourself " Ano replied . "He looked at Elisa and Adrian ." So blood munipulation and Mana the essence of life itself interesting , do y'all know how y'all got here?

( sorry about the late post work has a weird schedule )

[Don't sweat it, yo]

Aaron strode out of the amphitheater. "Jeez, the first day and they're already trying to get us to kill eachother." He muttered, turning his low hanging head upright as he overheard the conversation around the corner.

"What are you two's names?" Oh he recognized this voice, all right. It was the two that followed that struck him anew.

"Don't know her name, but the names Adrian Maxwell,"

"E-Elisa Darthwell... Nice to meet you misses?"

Aaron made a mental note of the two names and turned to one of the guards, asking for the way back to the cafeteria.

Memorizing the labyrinth directions he was given, Aaron eventually made it back past the dorm-city and into the central square where the canteen was located. So far, he couldn't spot anyone he recognized, so he simply pulled up at an empty one of the hundreds of tables and braced his arms on the smooth surface. Despite his borderline exhaustion, he couldn't work up an appetite, maybe talking with someone would get his mind off things.



"Asking would have been a better resolve then kidnapping *sigh* at least your energy and enthusiasm hasn't wavered, so Miku what is there to do around here ?" Ano asked 

( it's fine I remember those days they blew good luck on your tests ) 


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