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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

"Holy sh#$@! where am I?!" The first thing Aurelion Huang Ani saw when he opened his eyes was him being not inside his usual, shabby apartment where he had always taking sleeps, but a dark, dark place. A little bit cramped, maybe a room?

Frowning with his fingers on his forehead, he tried to remember exactly what happened. A recollection of images floated within his mind.

"Okay, let's think this through, Ani. So... you went home after a fight. You bought some magazines then headed straight back to your place. You picked up a few drinks for God-know-how-much, and then you went to sleep... But how the f*#@ did I end up here?!!" He exclaimed as if this was a comedy show.
"Asking would have been a better resolve then kidnapping *sigh* at least your energy and enthusiasm hasn't wavered, so Miku what is there to do around here ?" Ano asked 

( it's fine I remember those days they blew good luck on your tests ) 


(Good luck!!)

Mikuru pondered that for abit, "Well we are supposed to go eat.. Oh we can go eat! I can introduce you to some of my friends!" She said and grabbed Ano's arm and started running, to her it was normal, to Ano, he would of seen the hall sand people go by in a burr, she stopped when she saw Aaron. "Hey Aaron! This is Ano." She said and smiled.



@Caffeine Freak
Ano felt sick as he was watching the hallways become one blur , he had always wondered what it was like to meet someone who could do extraordinary things and he had mixed feelings about being here but he knew in due time all would come. Ano came to a sudden stop and saw the man Miku said his name was Aaron. Ano took a moment to collect himself. " Thank you Miku for the tour , the really fast tour, hello Aaron it's nice to meet you." Ano said
"Yo." Aaron said reflexively, biting down his hatred of that single word, and managed a pleasant smile.

" Thank you Miku for the tour , the really fast tour, hello Aaron it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Aaron tipped his head as if he was actually wearing a hat, it quickly occurred to him that he was not.

Carefully concealing his frustration for being being terrible at social gatherings, Aaron changed the subject of introductions.

Leaning over the table, he whispered. "I've been formulating a plan to get us out of here. So far I've got one ingredient that I need, but all I require now is-"

"Mister Wright."

Headmaster Mason.

Aaron spun round. "..Uhh- yeah?"

The man studied Aaron for a minute, then smiled. An eerie expression.

"I have observed your shenanigans in the arena, and while my head of security Mr Jackson might not have been impressed, I think your adaptability is something to be commended. Congratulations."

"..Cool.. what do I get?"

"A personal visit from me, right now. Surely there is no greater honor."

Aaron hid his irritation, but somehow he could see a hint of humorous recognition in Mason's eyes.

The headmaster turned to the other two behind Aaron, offering them the same smile.

"Mr Null, Miss Kelly." He acknowledged them with a nod, striding past them - then pausing. "Actually-" He mused, turning back around. "I have been taking note of your particular... skills in the arena as well, Miss Kelly. Stop by my office later - my staff will give you the directions - I have a proposal to be made." And with that, he strode off, flanked by two guards.

Aaron made sure the distant figure disappeared before opening his mouth. "Jeez, that slimy creep just pops up whenever he wants, huh?"



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Ano looked at the HeadMaster walk away and turn back at Aaron . " What was he talking about an Arena and who just was that man , how did he know my name , wait before any of that you are getting out of here, how do you propose we do that?" Ano said still confused about all the events that just transpired


@Caffeine Freak
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"Ow... Mikuru, I need some help!" Aki shouted when her head stoped spinning. Aki gets up and takes a look at her arm noticingthat it has set wrong and need to be rebroken. Aki starts looking for anyone since she was alone in the dark room, not knowing where people are.

@Caffeine Freak


Mikuru shivered, a proposal.. What.. What did I do..? Mikuru looked at the two she was sitting with, "He's really creepy.. So.. Aaron it's obvious why he wanted you to go but why me..? What did I do..?" She asked and then turned to Ano, "That is the headmaster, and Aaron and I along with some other students were in a simulation, Aaron can explain-" She cut herself off, "Oh I have someone else for you to meet!" She said and ran off and reached the classroom in a few seconds, she walked in, "Aki?!!!" She asked.


@Caffeine Freak

"So freaking dark in here..." Ani's eyes soon adapted to the darkness within the room. 

A plain room, with nothing really special about it but a camera watching Ani's movements 24/7.

"Huh?" Ani tried to move, but something prevented him from doing so. He felt his arm, his leg and his tail all chained up on the walls. 

The dragon growled in anger. Whoever put these things on him, they were obviously asking for death.

Ani clenched his fists tightly, and started marching forward. Those chains were supposed to be broken right away, but things did not go that well. It took him minutes to try and get out, dragging the chains with him.

"I feel weak..." He muttered. His starry tail was flickering.

He got to the door and decided not to kick it open like he would usually do, but rather turned the handle.

A bunch of guns were being aimed at him as he walked out of the room.   

"Weapons are for the weak..." He said and prepared to engage in a fight. 
"He's really creepy.. So.. Aaron it's obvious why he wanted you to go but why me..? What did I do..?"

"Don't ask me, I'm not a sociopath who kidnaps kids and sends them to the bottom of the ocean." He replied, although the question bugged him as well. But.. why?

Maybe he was reading too much into it, the guy was probably just crazy.

"You are getting out of here, how do you propose we do that?"

The question vanished from his mind, his confused expression replaced by a sly grin. "It's genius, really, the plan is-"

"Oh I have someone else for you to meet!" Mikuru blurted, dashing off in the direction she just came from.

Aaron's attention diverted for that brief second, but as he came back to what he was about to say, he instead shook his head.

"Nevermind, this isn't the place to discuss it anyway. Hell, it's more of a idea than a plan.." His words drifted off, and he decided to change the subject.

"So how come you're in this place? Apparently everyone here is a 'gifted youngster'."




He stood trying to respond to before Miku dashed away . " Ok I'll see you around ." Ano's attention then shifted to Aaron who was changing the subject . " Before we go into your idea somewhere at some other time I'm still trying to process all of this , this is a school underwater , with kidnapped people as its students being forced to fight and adapt that just doesn't seem right , I mean we all have families , friends and it was just ripped out like that, if working with you gets everyone home safe and sound then count me in ." Ano said with confidence and resolve 

@Caffeine Freak

"Oh. Kidnapping." She answered. "See, I don't know if you woke up in your dorms in these pods, but me and some of the others that I know woke up in some pods.. Turns out we've been frozen for about year, for whatever reason and we only found this out yesterday." She said, rolling her eyes. "It's basically a school, but instead of enrolling you get kidnapped!" She said, with fake enthusiasm. Mikuru turned to Adrian, "Man you sound bored, maybe a run would get your energy back, or a slap to the face." she joked and spun once before looking at the three in front of her.

"It's you don't need to hurt yourself " Ano replied . "He looked at Elisa and Adrian ." So blood munipulation and Mana the essence of life itself interesting , do y'all know how y'all got here? 



( sorry about the late post work has a weird schedule )

Elisa & Adrian

Adrian smirked slightly, "Go ahead, I've had worse than that... Trust me..." He said the last part quietly, he saw the person at the corner listening on their conversation but kept quiet. Elisa quietly laughed at Adrians reply before she broke into a smile, "Um, well last thing i remember was taking the route i use to get home quicker then black... I think the book and work i had was in the room..." She said quietly before sighing, "Guess it doesn't matter now..." She said the last bit quietly as Adrian yawned slightly, "So, may i ask where is the place food appears? Because i think the last thing i ate was a four star meal at a restaurant, nothing too filling if i may add..." He said before he gave a short laugh and yawned again, Elisa looked around the hallway, only the four of them... What now? Food? Guess so... She thought to herself, a small conversation as her eyes flashed red and gold for a few moments before resting on a gold and red mixture. 

(( Praise be to me for getting you guys a reply, hopefully this makes up for me having problems... Sorry again about that... ))
Siting on a desk Aki looks up and smiles like nothing was wrong when she see Mikuru "Hey Mikuru, I was just looking of you. What's up?" Aki was still trying to figure out how to reset her noticeably crooked arm. 

(Sorry if I spelt that wrong)

As soon as the bullets left the guns, Ani twisted his body and dodged them all as they crossed his face and his purplish hair. His eyes were fast enough to catch glimpses of those bullets. They were not that lethal, but would still definitely hurt as heck if they managed to hit. Ani's prehensile tail then swiped the floor and knocked the guards off their feet. The dragon child proceeded to run across the facility, and encountered more of the guards on his way.

Jumping from the ground, Ani landed on a guard's face and leaped from his face to another guard behind. Soon enough, the child was lifted by an invisible gravitational field that defied the gravity and sent him flying at great speed. His tail glowed and emitted stardust, creating a trail behind him and made him look like a celestial comet afterward. 

A flash of bright light flashed through the guards' mortal eyes as Ani bashed through the final door to make his way out of the hall. 
"If working with you gets everyone home safe and sound then count me in."

Aaron observed the older boy for a moment. There was genuine determination behind those words, and a part of him respected that.

The moment ended, and Aaron simply replied with "Yeah, there's that of course. If we don't get killed in the process anyway." His attention swayed towards the path Mikuru had taken. You'd think someone that fast would have dragged Aki back by now. His gaze drifted further. Hope nothing's wrong.

The feeling felt awkward. Before being snagged down to the bottom of the ocean, Aaron never had anyone to worry about. Now he suddenly had all these different people who actually meant something to him. The juxtaposition made him nauseous.

Aaron blinked, realizing he had been staring into space. "Oh- uh, sorry about that." He shook his head and turned back to Ano. "..Truth be told I don't even have the equipment I need for my 'great plan', there's no telling if any of it is in the Academy." He hung his head. "We might be doomed before we even start."

Aaron quickly sat back up. "Jeez, I'm rambling - it'll all make sense once I've got what I need, just gotta stay focused until then." He tried his best to inject determination into his voice.




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(( Wait just a second here... You said and i quote: "You can't beat the guards" Not being picky or anything... But aren't you just throwing the rule out the window? Again, not being picky... ))

(You can't beat the guards, that is correct. But I did not recall anything saying that you CAN'T HIT the guard or KNOCK THEM OFF THEIR FEET. The fight, as I said, hasn't ended yet so the guards aren't really 'beaten'. You should have seen my first idea for rule-breaking, though.)
(You can't beat the guards, that is correct. But I did not recall anything saying that you CAN'T HIT the guard or KNOCK THEM OFF THEIR FEET. The fight, as I said, hasn't ended yet so the guards aren't really 'beaten'. You should have seen my first idea for rule-breaking, though.)

(( Oh, oops, sorry ;-; ))
Crashing through the door, Ani suddenly fell as the cream-colored stardust around him dispersed. He had his head hitting the edge of a metallic bridge hanging across the ceiling before kissing the ground. That had to be hurt. 

"Ouch..." He groaned in pain as he kept a hand on his head, to soothe the pain. Did not know why that happened...

The door was opened again, and Ani realized he was quickly surrounded. He rushed for a cover nearby behind a wall when a bullet crossed his line of sight.

"Those sons of a..." He grumbled.

A guard sneaked up on him somehow, before kicking him right in his head and threw him out of the cover he was taking, and ultimately received a sedative dart to his neck. 

"Damn it..." Ani could barely keep his senses working. His conscious faded as he succumbed to a sleep. 
He looked down the hallway ." Alright Aaron just know I am onboard with this decision as hard as it may be for you to prepare don't worry we shall find a way to make it work patience is something we have as well as time but I do wonder why our speedy friend is taking so long I can feel some worry in you too , we can talk about his matter again when you are ready but right now we should check up on her ." Ano said as he started walking down the hallway and waved his hand for Aaron to follow 

@Caffeine Freak

"Falling off the platform over there" Aki said simply, while pointing at said platform. "Anyway, I need some help rebraking my arm, and for this headache to go away and I am good!" Aki said with a slight smile that looked more like a grimace. 


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