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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

"Do you see where my arm is starts bending? I am going to put that on the edge of the table, and I need you to push down with all of your strength, no matter how much I may scream. Can you do that?" Aki said with a serious expression, making sure that Mikuru was up for the task.

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Elisa & Adrian

Adrian smirked slightly, "Go ahead, I've had worse than that... Trust me..." He said the last part quietly, he saw the person at the corner listening on their conversation but kept quiet. Elisa quietly laughed at Adrians reply before she broke into a smile, "Um, well last thing i remember was taking the route i use to get home quicker then black... I think the book and work i had was in the room..." She said quietly before sighing, "Guess it doesn't matter now..." She said the last bit quietly as Adrian yawned slightly, "So, may i ask where is the place food appears? Because i think the last thing i ate was a four star meal at a restaurant, nothing too filling if i may add..." He said before he gave a short laugh and yawned again, Elisa looked around the hallway, only the four of them... What now? Food? Guess so... She thought to herself, a small conversation as her eyes flashed red and gold for a few moments before resting on a gold and red mixture. 

(( Praise be to me for getting you guys a reply, hopefully this makes up for me having problems... Sorry again about that... ))

(( @Camilton Have they been left to wollow in self loneliness? -;-__-;- ))

Elisa & Adrian

Adrian smirked slightly, "Go ahead, I've had worse than that... Trust me..." He said the last part quietly, he saw the person at the corner listening on their conversation but kept quiet. Elisa quietly laughed at Adrians reply before she broke into a smile, "Um, well last thing i remember was taking the route i use to get home quicker then black... I think the book and work i had was in the room..." She said quietly before sighing, "Guess it doesn't matter now..." She said the last bit quietly as Adrian yawned slightly, "So, may i ask where is the place food appears? Because i think the last thing i ate was a four star meal at a restaurant, nothing too filling if i may add..." He said before he gave a short laugh and yawned again, Elisa looked around the hallway, only the four of them... What now? Food? Guess so... She thought to herself, a small conversation as her eyes flashed red and gold for a few moments before resting on a gold and red mixture. 

(( Praise be to me for getting you guys a reply, hopefully this makes up for me having problems... Sorry again about that... ))

(( @Camilton Have they been left to wollow in self loneliness? -;-__-;- ))

Elisa & Adrian

Adrian smirked slightly, "Go ahead, I've had worse than that... Trust me..." He said the last part quietly, he saw the person at the corner listening on their conversation but kept quiet. Elisa quietly laughed at Adrians reply before she broke into a smile, "Um, well last thing i remember was taking the route i use to get home quicker then black... I think the book and work i had was in the room..." She said quietly before sighing, "Guess it doesn't matter now..." She said the last bit quietly as Adrian yawned slightly, "So, may i ask where is the place food appears? Because i think the last thing i ate was a four star meal at a restaurant, nothing too filling if i may add..." He said before he gave a short laugh and yawned again, Elisa looked around the hallway, only the four of them... What now? Food? Guess so... She thought to herself, a small conversation as her eyes flashed red and gold for a few moments before resting on a gold and red mixture. 

(( Praise be to me for getting you guys a reply, hopefully this makes up for me having problems... Sorry again about that... ))

(( @Camilton Have they been left to wollow in self loneliness? -;-__-;- ))
"Ugh..." A boy slowly sits up in a gray cot and rubs his eyes. "I'm up okay? Calm down will you?" The boy stretches and opens his eyes to look around the room. "Um... Where are we?" He stands up from the cot and walks toward the room's door, passing by a familiar looking guitar leaning on the door. Reaching the door, he looks outside a kind of window on it, only to see a long corridor with a few uniformed men scattered about. "Okay then... Now I can see why you were all worked up. You don't have any idea where we are, do you?" He pauses for a moment. "Alright then. Maybe one of them might know." The knocks loudly on the door and calls out to one of the men in the hall. "Excuse me? Could any one of you tell us where we are? I think we're lost."

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa decided to leave the person to their own accord, she walked down the hallway, sighing silently as another guard passed her, she kept her gaze to the ground as she held her left arm against her right, the small wound on her right arm pooling blood, none falling and none staining the shirt, it was merely floating and letting blood pass under her midways long sleeves, she gave another sigh before she looked up, a second to late before she walked into someone, only now hearing their voice, she must have zoned out, as they collided, they both fell backwards. She yelped in pain when her head hit the floor, she felt blood run down her neck as she groaned in pain, not moving except for her hand, which moved to the wound.


@RunicFollower Sorry if shit!
[Namin' this guard "Yuri" 'cause I don't want to have to keep referring to him as 'guard']

I wonder what the boss-man would say if I asked him for a raise?

Yuri's eyes slowly sweeped over the new students, his attention focusing on on particular student.

"Excuse me? Could any one of you tell us where we are? I think we're lost."

Yuri replied efficiently in a thick Russian accent, "Starlight Academy, thousands of meters below Atlantic ocean." but his expression loosened just a little as he added quietly, "You may be confused, but we are good guys - you will learn soon enough. Still, the headmaster says is okay for you to come through now, follow this hallway to reach canteen." Yuri jerked a thumb towards the hallway next to him before resuming his stance.


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Ano was swaying his head looking into the long and far hallway before running into someone and falling back , he quickly got up and notice that she was bleeding. " Oh I'm so sorry, wait your that girl from before, Elisa right, please let me help you." Ano quickly brought his hand over the wound before she covered it and focused as a white Qi emanated from his hand and started to slowly heal her wound. " It's been a long time since I have done this so it may be take a little longer than we would like, where did that other guy go , Adrian was it ? ." Ano said to her seeing if she could respond to his question.

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Ano was swaying his head looking into the long and far hallway before running into someone and falling back , he quickly got up and notice that she was bleeding. " Oh I'm so sorry, wait your that girl from before, Elisa right, please let me help you." Ano quickly brought his hand over the wound before she covered it and focused as a white Qi emanated from his hand and started to slowly heal her wound. " It's been a long time since I have done this so it may be take a little longer than we would like, where did that other guy go , Adrian was it ? ." Ano said to her seeing if she could respond to his question.


Elisa Darthwell

Elisa hissed from the hand on her head before she shook her head, "I'm fine... I can heal myself easily..." She said quietly as a small blush crept onto her cheeks, she gave a small sigh to his question, "Y-Yeah, he's still watching what i can best describe as a murder rally..." She said the last part quietly, she quickly used her powers, a bright flash of red crossing her eyes before the wound was totally healed, she controlled it even further to the point to where she made the blood where it had cut to the structure of bone.
Aaron sidestepped as the figure careened past him into Ano before toppling to the ground. "Yo watch-"

Aaron stopped, the person on the floor was clearly injured.


"Oh I'm so sorry, wait your that girl from before, Elisa right, please let me help you."

Aaron watched as the boy simply waved his hand and the wound began to fold in on itself. "You gotta teach me how to do that someday." He remarked, his attention turning back to the girl. Elisa. That girl in the hallway earlier. 

"Where did that other guy go , Adrian was it?." Aaron vaguely recalled hearing those two names, but from the boy - Adrian.

While he was thinking, the girl whispered, "I'm fine... I can heal myself easily..." I'm beginning to feel left out of this 'heal yourself' club. He thought, envious.

Clearly though, the girl tending to her own wounds seemed to work much faster than Ano's hand-thing.

"How'd you get that wound? I didn't think Ano was that hard of a crashmat."


"Um... Okay then." He opens the door and begins to head in the direction that the seemingly Russian person had pointed him. Once he seemed to be away from the earshot of the person he begins to talk to Alexander. "You don't remember coming here do you? Right yeah. I think we'd remember coming to a place like this. Anyway, I should probably eat something once we get to the mess hall they have."

The boy finally enters a very large room with tons of benches and a line for food near a side of the room. He heads over to the line and waits his turn to find some food. "Do you know what time even is? I didn't see any clocks or anything." As the line slowly moves forward, the boy inches forward. Once he finally gets some food he goes to eat it at a lone table and then heads out of the mess hall to roam the halls to try to find his bearings. "Hey Alex. Let me know if you see anything interesting. Maybe we can find out more about what exactly this place is."
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Ano got up and watched as Elisa healed herself with such speed, he smiled and extended his hand out to Elisa to help her up. " At least let me help you get up, I do have a single question , why happened I agree with Aaron our collision wasn't that strong to make you bleed so heavily did someone or something hurt you." Ano said with concern.
Ano got up and watched as Elisa healed herself with such speed, he smiled and extended his hand out to Elisa to help her up. " At least let me help you get up, I do have a single question , why happened I agree with Aaron our collision wasn't that strong to make you bleed so heavily did someone or something hurt you." Ano said with concern.

((SORRY! RPN AND IT'S STUPID SYSTEM! Also, use the quote function, sends me a notification instantly... ))

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa accepted the hand up but instantly turned her head down at the sudden question, "O... Old wounds don't heal so well..." She said quietly as she used her spare arm over he small wound on her arm, she conjured the blood to shoot forward making a wall of blood, it didn't affect her as she turned and quickly ran around a corner, the blood evaporated into thin air, nothing but a bit of red smoke and a couple small droplets leading towards where she was. She pushed her self forward and walked down the hallway before she hissed in annoyance. It seems we have another annoyance Elisa... How should i torture him? Please? Oh pretty please? The voice sang in her mind, she knew it was that alter ego of hers, a demon as she described herself, "Shut up..." She said through clenched teeth lowly. Don't get angry at me... Remember... I was only protecting you... The voice kept singing as she hissed again.
Tommy-Lee had played dead for a few minutes  watching the boy as he exited the room. 'So they kidnapped us... They're the good guys right? This must be jail.' Tommy-lee thought. He moved up quietly from his laying position in the cot, stretching his arms wide he looked to the Russian guard, moving slightly so he couldn't see him. 'Just follow that one kid... Easy enough.' He thought. He zoomed out of the room, knocking the cots in his area to the side as well as sending a gust of wind to the guard, Yuri. He skid to a stop as he looked into the cafeteria, leaning by the door. "Odd place to eat huh?" He said aloud, directed to the other boy in the room. It just seemed as if Tommy-lee appeared there like a teleporter, the soles of his shoes smoking as he stood. 
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((I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but is this role-play open for more members?))
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Ano watched as Elisa left the blood turning into smoke and saw the small blood droplets left on the ground , he looked at his fingers and saw a little smear of blood was left behind on it he looked up and saw that she had disappeared around the corner he sighed. " Well now that is two new people I have met that are gone but she at least left a trace. " Maybe we should follow her , she seems to be hurt still but our Miku is still no where to be found , this place doesn't put my heart at ease but no the less we should see if she is doing ok and then find out missing friend." Ano said following the trail of blood droplets around the corner


@Caffeine Freak

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